995 resultados para McCauley, Jim


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Actas de las sextas Jornadas celebradas en Murcia sobre educaci??n social organizadas por la Asociaci??n de Educadores Sociales de la Regi??n de Murcia, como celebraci??n de la constituci??n de su asociaci??n profesional, aprobada por la Asamblea Regional en marzo de 2004. Los temas abordados fueron: la educaci??n social en la Regi??n de Murcia, la educaci??n social como proyecto c??vico, presentaci??n del portal de la Asociaci??n, la profesionalizaci??n de los educadores sociales; los colegios profesionales en Espa??a, la diplomatura de educaci??n social en la Regi??n de Murcia y experiencias.


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Gu??a del estudiante de ESO y Bachillerato elaborada como herramienta de consulta que pretende motivar al estudiante para realizar el esfuerzo as?? como ofrecerle orientaciones y t??cnicas para la realizaci??n de las tareas: aprovechar el tiempo, organizar el trabajo, aprender a subrayar, esquematizar y resumir, confeccionar cuadernos, usar el diccionario, resolver problemas, comentar textos, hacer trabajos y preparar ex??menes.


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Incluye el libro de salidas de campo: Geolog??a de Alicante


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Texto de base y ayuda para la impartici??n del m??dulo de an??lisis y dise??o de aplicaciones inform??ticas de gesti??n del ciclo formativo de grado superior de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Inform??ticas. En primer lugar, analiza las distintas t??cnicas siguiendo una gradaci??n pedag??gica, los modelos de ciclo de vida y una secuenciaci??n de t??cnicas.


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Publicaci??n que conmemora el IV aniversario de la primera edici??n de El Quijote y que ha reunido a un grupo de profesores de ??reas distintas (biolog??a, compensatoria, ingl??s, educaci??n f??sica, historia, integraci??n, lat??n y lengua) del IES Manuel T??rrega Escribano de la Regi??n de Murcia. Se trata de un proyecto literario y creativo que tras la lectura de El Quijote se propone a los alumnos para que inventasen relatos breves en los que se jugar?? con la mentira, la ficci??n o la paradoja. En casi todos los relatos hay predominio del tema amoroso. El acercamiento al lenguaje barroco les ha llevado a recrear el estilo cervantino y a utilizar los recursos literarios de la ??poca. Al juntar el Quijote a Sabina se ha avivado la creaci??n y excitado la imaginaci??n desencadanada por la canci??n de ??ste ??ltimo titulada 'Es mentira'.


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El IV Congresos de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas celebrado en Murcia en abril de 2005 bajo el lema: Diversidad, Cultura y Did??ctica de las Lenguas refleja las preocupaciones e inquietudes de un profesorado que se mueve entre la innovaci??n did??ctica, la tradicional relaci??n de los idiomas con la cultura, y los cambios derivados de la implantaci??n de los nuevos curr??culos de las ense??anzas y del creciente uso de las tecnolog??as de la informaci??n y comunicaci??n en las aulas..


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La educaci??n de personas mayores se hace necesaria en base a potenciar el intelecto de estas y trabajar por la continuidad y desarrollo de sus capacidades mentales. Se trata de poner en pr??ctica una intervenci??n socioeducativa centrada en la animaci??n sociocultural, motivaci??n por el aprendizaje y el desarrollo personal, detectando necesidades y aportando recursos que las satisfagan de la forma m??s ??ptima posible para lo que se precisa la definici??n de un marco pedag??gico espec??fico..


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La escuela es el lugar id??neo para la socializaci??n, sin embargo, como instituci??n que agrupa a gran n??mero de sujetos con roles bien definidos, resulta ser un escenario propicio para el conflicto. El presente trabajo es fruto de una investigaci??n que tiene como objetivos: conocer la opini??n en materia de convivencia escolar, de padres, profesores, directivos y orientadores de centros de educaci??n infantil y primaria y centros de educaci??n secundaria de la Regi??n de Murcia; analizar la participaci??n de las familias en los Planes de Convivencia Escolar; constatar el conocimiento de la normativa vigente, valorar el estado actual de la convivencia en los centros y elaborar propuestas de actuaci??n para la mejora del clima escolar. El an??lisis realizado se fundamenta en la normativa sobre convivencia escolar dictada por la Consejer??a de Educaci??n de la Regi??n de Murcia, as?? como las instrucciones en relaci??n con situaciones de acoso escolar en los centros docentes.


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We design and implement a system that recommends musicians to listeners. The basic idea is to keep track of what artists a user listens to, to find other users with similar tastes, and to recommend other artists that these similar listeners enjoy. The system utilizes a client-server architecture, a web-based interface, and an SQL database to store and process information. We describe Audiomomma-0.3, a proof-of-concept implementation of the above ideas.


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“What is value in product development?” is the key question of this paper. The answer is critical to the creation of lean in product development. By knowing how much value is added by product development (PD) activities, decisions can be more rationally made about how to allocate resources, such as time and money.


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Much effort has been devoted to the synthesis of gold nanoparticles with different shapes, including the zero-dimensional nanospheres, one dimensional nanorods, and two-dimensional nanoplates. Compared to zero or one dimensional nanostructures, the synthesis of two-dimensional nanostructures in high yield has always been more involved, often requiring complex and time-consuming steps such as morphology transformation from the nanospheres, or the seeded growth process. Herein we report a high yield method for gold nanoplate synthesis using the extract of unicellular green alga Chlorella vulgaris, which can be carried out under ambient conditions. More than 90% of the total nanoparticle population is of the platelet morphology, surpassing the previously reported value of 45%. The control of the anisotropic growth of different planes; as well as the lateral size, has also been partially optimized.


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We have discovered that the current protocols to assemble Au nanoparticles based on DNA hybridization do not work well with the small metal nanoparticles (e.g. 5 nm Au, 3.6 nm Pt and 3.2 nm Ru particles). Further investigations revealed the presence of strong interaction between the oligonucleotide backbone and the surface of the small metal nanoparticles. The oligonucleotides in this case are recumbent on the particle surface and are therefore not optimally oriented for hybridization. The nonspecific adsorption of oligonucleotides on small metal nanoparticles must be overcome before DNA hybridization can be accepted as a general assembly method. Two methods have been suggested as possible solutions to this problem. One is based on the use of stabilizer molecules which compete with the oligonucleotides for adsorption on the metal nanoparticle surface. Unfortunately, the reported success of this approach in small Au nanoparticles (using K₂BSPP) and Au films (using 6-mercapto-1-hexanol) could not be extended to the assembly of Pt and Ru nanoparticles by DNA hybridization. The second approach is to simply use larger metal particles. Indeed most reports on the DNA hybridization induced assembly of Au nanoparticles have made use of relatively large particles (>10 nm), hinting at a weaker non-specific interaction between the oligonucleotides and large Au nanoparticles. However, most current methods of nanoparticle synthesis are optimized to produce metal nanoparticles only within a narrow size range. We find that core-shell nanoparticles formed by the seeded growth method may be used to artificially enlarge the size of the metal particles to reduce the nonspecific binding of oligonucleotides. We demonstrate herein a core-shell assisted growth method to assemble Pt and Ru nanoparticles by DNA hybridization. This method involves firstly synthesizing approximately 16 nm core-shell Ag-Pt and 21 nm core-shell Au-Ru nanoparticles from 9.6 nm Ag seeds and 17.2 nm Au seeds respectively by the seed-mediated growth method. The core-shell nanoparticles were then functionalized by complementary thiolated oligonucleotides followed by aging in 0.2 M PBS buffer for 6 hours. The DNA hybridization induced bimetallic assembly of Pt and Ru nanoparticles could then be carried out in 0.3 M PBS buffer for 10 hours.


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Fueled by ever-growing genomic information and rapid developments of proteomics–the large scale analysis of proteins and mapping its functional role has become one of the most important disciplines for characterizing complex cell function. For building functional linkages between the biomolecules, and for providing insight into the mechanisms of biological processes, last decade witnessed the exploration of combinatorial and chip technology for the detection of bimolecules in a high throughput and spatially addressable fashion. Among the various techniques developed, the protein chip technology has been rapid. Recently we demonstrated a new platform called “Spacially addressable protein array” (SAPA) to profile the ligand receptor interactions. To optimize the platform, the present study investigated various parameters such as the surface chemistry and role of additives for achieving high density and high-throughput detection with minimal nonspecific protein adsorption. In summary the present poster will address some of the critical challenges in protein micro array technology and the process of fine tuning to achieve the optimum system for solving real biological problems.


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While protein microarray technology has been successful in demonstrating its usefulness for large scale high-throughput proteome profiling, performance of antibody/antigen microarrays has been only moderately productive. Immobilization of either the capture antibodies or the protein samples on solid supports has severe drawbacks. Denaturation of the immobilized proteins as well as inconsistent orientation of antibodies/ligands on the arrays can lead to erroneous results. This has prompted a number of studies to address these challenges by immobilizing proteins on biocompatible surfaces, which has met with limited success. Our strategy relates to a multiplexed, sensitive and high-throughput method for the screening quantification of intracellular signalling proteins from a complex mixture of proteins. Each signalling protein to be monitored has its capture moiety linked to a specific oligo ‘tag’. The array involves the oligonucleotide hybridization-directed localization and identification of different signalling proteins simultaneously, in a rapid and easy manner. Antibodies have been used as the capture moieties for specific identification of each signaling protein. The method involves covalently partnering each antibody/protein molecule with a unique DNA or DNA derivatives oligonucleotide tag that directs the antibody to a unique site on the microarray due to specific hybridization with a complementary tag-probe on the array. Particular surface modifications and optimal conditions allowed high signal to noise ratio which is essential to the success of this approach.


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Porous tin oxide nanotubes were obtained by vacuum infiltration of tin oxide nanoparticles into porous aluminum oxide membranes, followed by calcination. The porous tin oxide nanotube arrays so prepared were characterized by FE-SEM, TEM, HRTEM, and XRD. The nanotubes are open-ended, highly ordered with uniform cross-sections, diameters and wall thickness. The tin oxide nanotubes were evaluated as a substitute anode material for the lithium ion batteries. The tin oxide nanotube anode could be charged and discharged repeatedly, retaining a specific capacity of 525 mAh/g after 80 cycles. This capacity is significantly higher than the theoretical capacity of commercial graphite anode (372 mAh/g) and the cyclability is outstanding for a tin based electrode. The cyclability and capacities of the tin oxide nanotubes were also higher than their building blocks of solid tin oxide nanoparticles. A few factors accounting for the good cycling performance and high capacity of tin oxide nanotubes are suggested.