921 resultados para May family.


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Professionals of Family Health Strategy (FHS) work in communities where there are complex medical social problems. These contexts may lead them to psychological suffering, jeopardizing their care for the users, and creating yet another obstacle to the consolidation of FHS as the primary health care model in Brazil. The study investigated the difficulties and coping strategies reported by health professionals of the FHS teams when they face medical social needs of the communities where they work. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were carried out with 68 professionals of three primary care units in the city of Sao Paulo (Southeastern Brazil). Drug dealing and abuse, alcoholism, depression and domestic violence are the most relevant problems mentioned by the study group. Professionals reported lack of adequate training, work overload, poor working conditions with feelings of professional impotence and frustration. To overcome these difficulties, professionals reported collective strategies, particularly experience sharing during team meetings and matrix support groups. The results indicate that the difficulties may put the professionals in a vulnerable state, similar to the patients they care for. The promotion of specialized and long term support should be reinforced, as well as the interaction with the local network of services and communities leaders. That may help professionals to deal with occupational stress related to medical and social needs present in their routine work; in the end, it may as well contribute to the strengthening of FHS.


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This qualitative study examines the social relationships between the Community Health Agents (CHAs) and the Family Health team (FH), highlighting cooperative interventions and interactions among workers. A total of 23 participant observations and 11 semi-structured interviews were conducted with an FH team in a city in the interior of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The results revealed that CHAs function as a link in the development of operational actions to expedite teamwork. These professionals, while creating bonds, articulate connections of teamwork and interact with other workers, developing common care plans and bringing the team and community together, as well as adapting care interventions to meet the real needs of people. In communication practice, when talking about themselves they talk about the community itself because they are the community's representatives and spokespersons on the team. The conclusion is that the CHA may be a strategic worker if his/her actions include more political and social dimensions of work in healthcare.


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Most patients with Kabuki syndrome (KS) are the only person in their family with the condition. However, familial cases of KS have been described showing evidence that this syndrome can be inherited as a dominant trait with variable expressivity. We report on two related individuals with facial findings characteristic of KS. The proposita had arched eyebrows, long and upward slanting palpebral fissures, cleft lip and palate, retromicrognathia, brachydactyly of hands and feet, stubby fingers, nail hypoplasia, and prominent finger pads. Her mother had eyebrows with dispersed lateral half, long and upward slanting palpebral fissures, retrognathia, abnormal and posteriorly rotated ears, prominent finger pads, brachydactyly of feet, learning difficulties, and psychomotor development delay. DNA sequencing revealed a novel missense mutation in the MLL2 gene in both the proposita and her mother. The mutation (p.R5432Q) was found in the exon 51, within the SET domain of the gene, which confers methyltransferase activity on the protein. Therefore, the epigenetic and transcriptional regulatory properties of this protein may be altered and this suggests that the mutation is the cause of phenotype observed in both the patient and her mother. The clinical signs and the molecular evidence in this family further support the notion that KS is an autosomal dominant condition with variable expressivity. To our knowledge this is the first report of a Brazilian family with recurrence of this syndrome. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Noonan syndrome (NS) and Noonan-related disorders [cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC), Costello, Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines (NS-ML), and neurofibromatosis-Noonan syndromes (NFNS)] are a group of developmental disorders caused by mutations in genes of the RAS/MAPK pathway. Mutations in the KRAS gene account for only a small proportion of affected Noonan and CFC syndrome patients that present an intermediate phenotype between these two syndromes, with more frequent and severe intellectual disability in NS and less ectodermal involvement in CFC syndrome, as well as atypical clinical findings such as craniosynostosis. Recently, the first familial case with a novel KRAS mutation was described. We report on a second vertical transmission (a mother and two siblings) with a novel mutation (p.M72L), in which the proband has trigonocephaly and the affected mother and sister, prominent ectodermal involvement. Metopic suture involvement has not been described before, expanding the main different cranial sutures which can be affected in NS and KRAS gene mutations. The gene alteration found in the studied family is in close proximity to the one reported in the other familial case (close to the switch II region of the G-domain), suggesting that this specific region of the gene could have less severe effects on intellectual ability than the other KRAS gene mutations found in NS patients and be less likely to hamper reproductive fitness. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Hirschsprung disease is a congenital form of aganglionic megacolon that results from cristopathy. Hirschsprung disease usually occurs as a sporadic disease, although it may be associated with several inherited conditions, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. The rearranged during transfection (RET) proto-oncogene is the major susceptibility gene for Hirschsprung disease, and germline mutations in RET have been reported in up to 50% of the inherited forms of Hirschsprung disease and in 15-20% of sporadic cases of Hirschsprung disease. The prevalence of Hirschsprung disease in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 cases was recently determined to be 7.5% and the cooccurrence of Hirschsprung disease and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 has been reported in at least 22 families so far. It was initially thought that Hirschsprung disease could be due to disturbances in apoptosis or due to a tendency of the mutated RET receptor to be retained in the Golgi apparatus. Presently, there is strong evidence favoring the hypothesis that specific inactivating haplotypes play a key role in the fetal development of congenital megacolon/Hirschsprung disease. In the present study, we report the genetic findings in a novel family with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2: a specific RET haplotype was documented in patients with Hirschsprung disease associated with medullary thyroid carcinoma, but it was absent in patients with only medullary thyroid carcinoma. Despite the limited number of cases, the present data favor the hypothesis that specific haplotypes not linked to RET germline mutations are the genetic causes of Hirschsprung disease.


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Over the last decade, molecular phylogenetics has called into question some fundamental aspects of coral systematics. Within the Scleractinia, most families composed exclusively by zooxanthellate species are polyphyletic on the basis of molecular data, and the second most speciose coral family, the Caryophylliidae (most members of which are azooxanthellate), is an unnatural grouping. As part of the process of resolving taxonomic affinities of caryophylliids', here a new Robust' scleractinian family (Deltocyathiidae fam. n.) is proposed on the basis of combined molecular (CO1 and 28S rDNA) and morphological data, accommodating the early-diverging clade of traditional caryophylliids (represented today by the genus Deltocyathus). Whereas this family captures the full morphological diversity of the genus Deltocyathus, one species, Deltocyathus magnificus, is an outlier in terms of molecular data, and groups with the Complex coral family Turbinoliidae. Ultrastructural data, however, place D.magnificus within Deltocyathiidae fam. nov. Unfortunately, limited ultrastructural data are as yet available for turbinoliids, but D.magnificus may represent the first documented case of morphological convergence at the microstructural level among scleractinian corals. Marcelo V.Kitahara, Centro de Biologia Marinha, Universidade de SAo Paulo, SAo SebastiAo, S.P. 11600-000, Brazil. E-mail:kitahara@usp.br


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This thesis contains four different studies on the dynamics of gender in households and workplaces. The relationship between family life and work life is in focus, particularly in the paper on labour market outcomes after divorce. In the introductory chapter, the Swedish context is briefly described. The description focuses on gender differences in the labour market and in the home. Theories concerning the division of work in the household are discussed, as are two theories on labour market discrimination, viz. taste discrimination and statistical discrimination. The theory part is concluded with a discussion of social closure processes and gendered organizational structures. The Reproduction of Gender. Housework and Attitudes Towards Gender Equality in the Home Among Swedish Boys and Girls. The housework boys and girls age 10 to 18 do, and their attitudes towards gender equality in the home are studied. One aim is to see whether the work children do is gendered and if so, whether they follow their parents’, often gendered, pattern in housework. A second aim is to see whether parents’ division of work is related to the children’s attitude towards gender equality in the home. The data used are taken from the Swedish Child Level of Living Survey (Child-LNU) 2000. Results indicate that girls and boys in two-parent families are more prone to engage in gender-atypical work the more their parent of the same sex engages in this kind of work. The fact that girls still do more housework than boys indicates that housework is gendered work also among children. No relation between parents’ division of work and the child’s attitude towards gender equality in the home was found. Dependence within Families and the Household Division of Labor – A Comparison between Sweden and the United States. This paper assesses the relative explanatory value of the resource-bargaining perspective and the doing-gender approach in analysing the division of housework in the United States and Sweden from the mid-1970s to 2000. Data from the Swedish Level of Living Survey (LNU) and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) were used. Overall results indicate that housework is truly gendered work in both countries during the entire period. Even so, the results also indicate that gender deviance neutralization is more pronounced in the United States than in Sweden. Unlike Swedish women, American women seem to increase their time spent in housework when their husbands are to some extent economically dependent on them, as if to neutralize the presumed gender deviance. Divorce and Labour Market Outcomes. Do Women Suffer or Gain? In this paper, the interconnected nature of work and family is studied by looking at labour market outcomes after divorce. The data used are retrospective work and family histories collected in LNU 1991. A hazard regression model with competing risks reveals that women’s chances of improving their occupational prestige appear to be better after divorce compared to before. Increased working hours and perhaps also increased energy invested in the job may pay off in better occupational opportunities. Worth noting, however, is that the outcome among women with a less firm labour market attachment is more often to a job of lower prestige than one of higher prestige. Hence, the labour market outcome for women after divorce is to some extent conditioned by their labour market attachment at the time of divorce. Men, on the other hand, in most cases seem to suffer occupationally from divorce. For separated men the risk of negative changes in occupational prestige is greater than for cohabiting men. Formal On-the-job Training. A Gender-Typed Experience and Wage- Related Advantage? Formal on-the-job training (FOJT) can have a positive impact on wages and on promotion opportunities. According to theory and earlier research, a two-step model of gender inequality in FOJT is predicted: First, women are less likely than men to take part in FOJT and, second, once women do get the more remunerative training, they are not rewarded for their new skills to the same extent as men are. Pooled cross-sectional data from the Swedish Survey of Living Conditions (ULF) in the mid-nineties were used. Results show that women are significantly less likely than men to take part in FOJT. Among those who do receive training, women are more likely to take part in industry-specific training, whereas men are more likely to participate in general training and training that increases promotion opportunities. The two latter forms of training significantly raise a man’s annual earnings but not a woman’s. Hence, the theoretical model is supported and it is argued that this gender inequality is partly due to employers’ discriminatory practices.


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CYP3A verstoffwechselt mehr als 50% aller gegenwärtig in der Therapie eingesetzten Wirkstoffe, die häufig an klinisch relevanten Arzneimitttel-Wechselwirkungen beteiligt sind. Das Verständnis über die Bedeutung und die Regulation von einzelnen CYP3A Genen in der Pharmakologie und Physiologie ist unvollständig. Wir untersuchten die Evolution des CYP3 Genlokus über einen Zeitraum von 450 Millionen Jahre mittels genomischer Sequenzen von 16 Tierarten. Neue CYP3 Unterfamilien (CYP3B, C und D) entstanden über eine beschleunigte Evolution aus CYP3A Vorstufen von Clupeocephala Spezies. Ausgeprägte funktionelle Unterschiede traten zwischen CYP3A in Säugern und Clupeocephala CYP3 auf. Alle amnioten CYP3A Gene entwickelten sich aus zwei CYP3A Urgenen. Aufgrund der Entstehung von Säugern mit Plazenta ging eines von ihnen verloren während das andere eine neue genomische Umgebung infolge einer Translokation erlangte. In Primaten unterzog sich CYP3A mit mehreren Genduplikationen, Deletionen, Pseudogenisierung und Genkonversionen einer raschen evolutionären Veränderung. Die Entwicklung von CYP3A in Schmalnasenaffen (Alte Welt Affen, große Menschenaffen und Menschen) unterschieden sich wesentlich von Neue Welt Primaten (z.B. gewöhnlichen Krallenaffen) und Feuchtnasenaffen (z.B. Galago). Stellvertretend für die CYP3A Protein-codierende Sequenz entdeckten wir zwei frühe Episoden von besonders starker positiver Selektion: (1) auf CYP3A7 in der frühen hominoiden Evolution, welche im fetalen Zeitraum von einer Einschränkung der hepatischen Expression begleitet war, und (2) auf humanes CYP3A4 im Anschluss an die Teilung der Abstammungslinie in Schimpansen und Mensch. In Übereinstimmung mit diesen Befunden beeinflussen drei von vier positiv ausgewählten Aminosäuren, die in früheren biochemischen CYP3A Studien untersucht wurden, die Aktivität und Regioselektivität. Es ist somit naheliegend, dass CYP3A7 und CYP3A4 katalytische Funktionen erworben haben können, die besonders wichtig waren für die Evolution von Hominoiden und Menschen. Die Charakterisierung von CYP3A Promotoren in Primaten zeigte eine Anreicherung von ER6 Elementen in CYP3A Promotoren von Primaten und einen Trend in Richtung Erhöhung der ER6 Enstehung entlang den Abstammungslinien, die zu humanen und Schimpansen CYP3A4 führten. Die steigende Anzahl an ER6 Elementen kann durch die ausgeprägte CYP3A4 Induzierbarkeit und Expressionsvariabilität im Menschen verursacht sein.


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Objective: Significant others are central to patients' experience and management of their cancer illness. Building on our validation of the Distress Thermometer (DT) for family members, this investigation examines individual and collective distress in a sample of cancer patients and their matched partners, accounting for the aspects of gender and role. Method: Questionnaires including the DT were completed by a heterogeneous sample of 224 couples taking part in a multisite study. Results: Our investigation showed that male patients (34.2%), female patients (31.9%), and male partners (29.1%) exhibited very similar levels of distress, while female partners (50.5%) exhibited much higher levels of distress according to the DT. At the dyad level just over half the total sample contained at least one individual reporting significant levels of distress. Among dyads with at least one distressed person, the proportion of dyads where both individuals reported distress was greatest (23.6%). Gender and role analyses revealed that males and females were not equally distributed among the four categories of dyads (i.e. dyads with no distress; dyads where solely the patient or dyads where solely the partner is distressed; dyads where both are distressed). Conclusion: A remarkable number of dyads reported distress in one or both partners. Diverse patterns of distress within dyads suggest varying risks of psychosocial strain. Screening patients' partners in addition to patients themselves may enable earlier identification of risk settings. The support offered to either member of such dyads should account for their role- and gender-specific needs. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley ; Sons, Ltd.


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BOK/MTD was discovered as a protein that binds to the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member MCL-1 and shares extensive amino-acid sequence similarity to BAX and BAK, which are essential for the effector phase of apoptosis. Therefore, and on the basis of its reported expression pattern, BOK is thought to function in a BAX/BAK-like pro-apoptotic manner in female reproductive tissues. In order to determine the function of BOK, we examined its expression in diverse tissues and investigated the consequences of its loss in Bok(-/-) mice. We confirmed that Bok mRNA is prominently expressed in the ovaries and uterus, but also observed that it is present at readily detectable levels in several other tissues such as the brain and myeloid cells. Bok(-/-) mice were produced at the expected Mendelian ratio, appeared outwardly normal and proved fertile. Histological examination revealed that major organs in Bok(-/-) mice displayed no morphological aberrations. Although several human cancers have somatically acquired copy number loss of the Bok gene and BOK is expressed in B lymphoid cells, we found that its deficiency did not accelerate lymphoma development in Eμ-Myc transgenic mice. Collectively, these results indicate that Bok may have a role that largely overlaps with that of other members of the Bcl-2 family, or may have a function restricted to specific stress stimuli and/or tissues.


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Two patterns are among the most important considerations in planning services for the elderly of the future: (1) the current role of family members in supporting older adults and (2) the present high rate of divorce. Thus far, these patterns may not have significantly affected each other. However, if forecasts of increasing service demands by older adults are correct, service planners must consider what resources will be available to the elderly of the future. In this article, literature from a variety of areas is reviewed focusing on one question: How will the currently high rate of divorce affect the family support system of older adults in the future? Current divorce and remarriage patterns could undermine this support system of the elderly. Possible short-and long-term effects of the demands and emotional consequences of divorce are discussed within this context, and implications for public policy are suggested.


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In Western societies the increase in female employment (especially among married women) is seen as having brought about the crisis of the traditional model of the family, reinforcing the position of the "modern" model - the egalitarian family with two working spouses and a "dual-career" family. In contrast, the transitional situation in the post-communist countries during the 1990s is producing a crisis of the family with two working spouses (the basic type of the communist period) and leading to new power relations within the family. While the growth of dual-earner households in this century has implied modification of family models towards greater symmetry of responsibility for breadwinning and homemaking, there is considerable evidence that women's increased employment does not necessarily lead to a more egalitarian approach to gender roles within the family. The group set out to investigate the economic situation of families and economic power within the fame as a crucial factor in the transformation of families with two working spouses in order to reveal the specific patterns of gender contracts and power relations within the family that are emerging in response to the current political and economic transformation. They opted for a comparative approach, selecting the Czech Republic as a country where the very similar tendencies of a few years ago (almost 100% of women employed and the family as a realm of considerable private freedom where both women's and men's gender identities and the traditional distribution of family responsibilities were largely preserved) are combined with a very different experience in terms of economic inequalities during the 1990s to that of Russia. In the first stage of the study they surveyed 300 married couples (150 in each country) on the question of breadwinning. They then carried out in-depth interviews with 10 couples from each country (selected from among the educated layers of the population), focusing on the process of the social construction of gender, using breadwinning and homemaking as gender boundaries which distinguish men from women. By analysing changes in social position and the type of interpersonal interaction of spouses they distinguished two main types of family contracts: the neo-traditional "communal sharing" (with male breadwinner, traditional distribution of family chores and negotiated family power) and the modern one based on negotiated agreement. The most important pre-conditions of husband-wife agreement about breadwinning seemed to imply their overall gender ideology rather than the economic and/or family circumstances. In general, wives were more likely to express egalitarian views, supporting the blurring or even elimination of many gender boundaries. Husbands, on the other hand, more often gave responses calling for the continued maintenance of gender boundaries. The analysis showed that breadwinning is still an important gender boundary in these cultures, one that is assumed unless it is explicitly questioned and that is seen as part of what makes a man a "real man". The majority of respondents seemed to be committed to egalitarian ideology on gender roles and the distribution of family tasks, including decision making, but this is contradicted by the persistent idea of the husband as the breadwinner. This contradiction is more characteristic of the Russian situation than of the Czech. The quantitative study showed a difference in prevailing family models between the two countries, with a clearer shift towards the traditional family contract in the Russian case. The Czechs were more likely to consider their partnerships as based on negotiated agreement, while the Russians saw theirs as based on egalitarian contract, in both cases seeing this as the norm. The majority of couples said they felt satisfied with their marriage, although in both countries wives seemed to be less satisfied. There was however a difference in the issues that aroused dissatisfaction, with Czech women being more sensitive to issues such as self-realisation, personal independence, understanding and recognition in the family, and Russians to issues of love, understanding and recognition. The most disputed area for the majority of families was chores in the home, presumably because in many families both husband and wife were working hard outside the home and because a number of partners had differing views as to the ideal distribution of chores within the family. The distribution of power in the family seems to be linked to the level of well being. The analysis showed that in the dominant democratic model there is still an inverse connection between family leadership and well being: the more prominent the wife's position as head of the family is, the lower the level of family income. This may reflect both the husband's refusal to play the leading role in the family and even his rejection of any involvement in family issues in such a family. The qualitative research revealed that both men and women see the breadwinning role to be an essential part of masculine identity, a role which the female partner would take on temporarily to assist the male but not permanently since this would threaten the gender boundaries and the man's identity. At the same time, few breadwinners expressed a sense of job satisfaction and all considered their choice as imposed on them by the circumstances (i.e. having a family in difficult times). The group feel that family orientation and some loss of personal involvement in their profession is partly reflected in the fact that many of the men felt more comfortable and self-confident at home than at work. Women's work, on the other hand, was largely seen as a source of personal and self-realisation and social life. Eight out of ten of the Russian women interviewed were employed, although only two on a full-time basis, but none saw their jobs as adding substantially to the family budget. Both partners see the most important factor as the wife's wish to work or stay at home, and do not think it wise for the wife to work at the expense of her part of the "family contract", although husbands from the "egalitarian" relationships expressed more willingness to compromise. The analysis showed clearly that wives and husbands did not construct gender boundaries in isolation, with the interviews providing clear evidence of negotiation. At the same time, husbands' interpretations of their wives' employment were less susceptible to the influence of negotiation than were their gender attitudes and norms about breadwinning. One of the most interesting aspects of the spouses' negotiations was the extent to which they disagreed about what they seemed to have agreed upon. Most disagreements about the breadwinning boundaries, however, were over norms and were settled by changes in norms rather than in behavioural interpretation. Changes in norms were often a form of peace offering or were in response in changes in circumstances. The study did show, however, that many of the efforts at cooperation and compensation were more symbolic than real and the group found the plasticity of expressed gender ideology to be one of the most striking findings of their work. They conclude that the shift towards more traditional gednder distributions of incomes and domestic chores does not automatically mean the reestablishment of a patriarchal model of family power. On the contrary, it seems to be a compromise formation, relatively unstable, temporary and containing self-defeating forces as the split between the personal and professional value of work and its social value expressed in a money equivalent cannot be maintained for generations.


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The regulation of cell death is a key element in building up and maintaining both innate and adaptive immunity. A critical role in this process plays the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)/nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor family of death receptors. Recent work suggests that sialic acid binding immunoglobulin (Ig) -like lectins (Siglecs) are also empowered to transmit death signals, at least into myeloid cells. Strikingly, death induction by Siglecs is enhanced when cells are exposed to proinflammatory survival cytokines. Based on these recent insights, we hypothesize that at least some members of the Siglec family regulate immune responses via the activation of caspase-dependent and caspase-independent cell death pathways.


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Mansonella perstans is rarely pathogenic. The rare reports of symptomatic cases, however, include severe complications. Three cases of symptomatic hypereosinophilia with multi-organ involvement are described in a missionary family returning from tropical Africa. Pathogenicity may be related to the induction of hypereosinophilia rather than direct host-parasite interactions.


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The white sponge naevus is a rare benign, hereditary autosomal dominant disorder of the mucosa. The oral mucosa is most often affected, but vaginal and anal mucosal surfaces may also be involved. Clinically, a whitish-grey, ragged, and folded surface that has no clear demarcation and appears sponge-like is characteristic, often creating problems in differential diagnosis. A potential risk for malignant transformation of white sponge naevus lesions has not been reported. The therapy for this benign hereditary disorder is unknown, however does not appear to be necessary. In the present report of a family with known white sponge naevus in three different generations, clinical, histopathologic, cytopathologic, DNA-cytomertric, and genetic aspects are described and discussed.