993 resultados para María Cristina , Reina consorte de Fernando VII, Rey de España, 1806-1878
We describe a female patient with a midline syndrome. The patient presents agenesis of the corpus callosum, encephalocele, iris coloboma, hypertelorism, submucosal cleft palate and dental anomalies. Despite being very characteristic, her phenotypical traits do not coincide exactly with those reported to date in the literature. The karyotype and the molecular cytogenetic study do not show mutations. We identify the presence of dental anomalies in the mother and other family members, not being identified MSX1 and PAX9 mutations that could the related with their etiology. Despite the fact that dental agenesis has been related to a large number of other malformation syndromes and congenital conditions, dental anomalies have only rarely been mentioned when reporting midline syndromes. These dental phenotypical traits, present in the patient and her family, could be considered part of the midline syndrome in carriers as well as in the patients.
Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of dental agenesis and its possible association with other developmental dental anomalies and systemic entities. Setting and Sample Population: Descriptive transversal study, for which 1518 clinical records, of patients visited by the Odontological Service of the Primary Health Centre of Cassà de la Selva (Girona-Spain) between December 2002 and February 2006 were reviewed. The data were recorded in relation to the oral and dental anomalies and the associated systemic entities, between the ones referred as concomitant in literature. Results: Values of 9.48% (7.25% excluding the third molars) for dental agenesis and 0.39% for oligodontia were obtained. The presence of dental agenesis concomitant with some other forms of oral and dental anomalies was observed. Attention must be drawn to the fact that a greater number of concomitant systemic entities were observed in those patients that presented a severe phenotypical pattern of dental agenesis. Conclusions: The results of the present study do not differ from the ones reported in studies of similar characteristics among Occidental and Spanish populations. The relationship observed between certain systemic entities and developmental dental anomalies suggest a possible common genetic etiology
Se determina la relevancia y la modalidad de trabajo (Presencial, semipresencial o no presencial) del conjunto de las tres sub-competencias (Capacidad crítica – Capa-cidad autocrítica - Actuar con ética profesional), ligadas a la competencia transversal Compromiso ético, en los estudios de grado de Ciencias de la Salud de la UB y URL.
Se determina la relevancia y la modalidad de trabajo (Presencial, semipresencial o no presencial) del conjunto de las tres sub-competencias (Capacidad crítica – Capa-cidad autocrítica - Actuar con ética profesional), ligadas a la competencia transversal Compromiso ético, en los estudios de grado de Ciencias de la Salud de la UB y URL.
Se determina la relevancia y la modalidad de trabajo (Presencial, semipresencial o no presencial) del conjunto de las tres sub-competencias (Capacidad crítica – Capa-cidad autocrítica - Actuar con ética profesional), ligadas a la competencia transversal Compromiso ético, en los estudios de grado de Ciencias de la Salud de la UB y URL.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da adubação com fósforo e potássio na produção e na qualidade de sementes de soja. Foram realizados experimentos em dois anos agrícolas, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 5x3, com cinco doses de fósforo (0, 40, 80, 120 e 160 kg ha‑1 de P2O5 como superfosfato triplo), três de potássio (0, 50 e 100 kg ha‑1 de K2O como cloreto de potássio) e quatro repetições. Foram avaliados: produtividade, número de sementes por planta, número de vagens por planta, peso de mil sementes, germinação, vigor (envelhecimento acelerado, condutividade elétrica e lixiviação de potássio), e teores de P e K na folha e na semente. A produtividade, o peso de mil sementes e a produção de vagens e de grãos por planta aumentaram linearmente com a adubação fosfatada. O aumento na produtividade foi de 17,6%, no primeiro ano, e de 39,7% no segundo. As doses de P, no entanto, não interferiram na germinação e no vigor das sementes. A adubação potássica não altera a produtividade nem a concentração de K nas sementes, mas pode melhorar a germinação, sem interferir no vigor.
O resíduo da indústria processadora de goiabas vem sendo aplicado em algumas áreas, entretanto não é conhecido o seu efeito na fertilidade do solo. Foi realizado experimento em casa de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da aplicação do resíduo da indústria processadora de goiabas na fertilidade do solo, tendo como planta-teste o milho. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5x2, com quatro repetições, combinando-se cinco doses do resíduo da indústria processadora de goiabas (0; 20; 40; 60 e 80 t ha-1) na presença e ausência de adubação mineral. A adição de resíduo da indústria processadora de goiabas propiciou aumento nos teores de P e K do solo. O resíduo da indústria processadora de goiabas é uma fonte de liberação lenta de N e P para as plantas.
Growth factors seem to be part of a complex cellular signalling language, in which individual growth factors are the equivalents of the letters that compose words. According to this analogy, informational content lies, not in an individual growth factor, but in the entire set of growth factors and others signals to which a cell is exposed. The ways in which growth factors exert their combinatorial effects are becoming clearer as the molecular mechanisms of growth factors actions are being investigated. A number of related extracellular signalling molecules that play widespread roles in regulating development in both invertebrates and vertebrates constitute the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) and type beta Transforming Growth Factor ((TGF beta). The latest research literature about the role and fate of these Growth factors and their influence in the craniofacial bone growth ad development is reviewed
Growth factors seem to be part of a complex cellular signalling language, in which individual growth factors are the equivalents of the letters that compose words. According to this analogy, informational content lies, not in an individual growth factor, but in the entire set of growth factors and others signals to which a cell is exposed. The ways in which growth factors exert their combinatorial effects are becoming clearer as the molecular mechanisms of growth factors actions are being investigated. A number of related extracellular signalling molecules that play widespread roles in regulating development in both invertebrates and vertebrates constitute the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) and type beta Transforming Growth Factor ((TGF beta). The latest research literature about the role and fate of these Growth factors and their influence in the craniofacial bone growth ad development is reviewed
The improvement of the reliability of the contact between the osseous tissues and the implant materials has been tested by recovering the metallic implants with ceramic materials, usually calcium phosphates. In our study, the calcium phosphate recovering layers were deposited by means of a pulsed-laser deposition technique. Our aim was to to evaluate the tissue interactions established between cortical bone and titanium implants covered by five different layers, ranging from amorphous calcium phosphate to crystalline hydroxyapatite, obtained by altering the parameters of the laser ablation process. The surgical protocol of the study consisted in the simultaneous implantation of the five types of implants in both the tibial dyaphisis of three Beagle dogs, sacrificed respectively one, two and three months after the last surgical procedures. After the sacrifice, the samples were submitted to a scheduled procedure of embedding in plastic polymers without prior decalcification, in order to perform the ultrastructural studies: scanning microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons (BS-SEM). Our observations show that both in terms of the calcified tissues appearing as a response to the presence of the different coatings and of time of recovering, the implants coated with crystalline calcium phosphate layers by laser ablation present a better result than the amorphous-calcium-phosphate-coated implants. Moreover, the constant presence of chondroid tissue, related with the mechanical induction by forces applied on the recovering area, strongly suggests that the mechanisms implied in osteointegration are related to endomembranous, rather than endochondral ossification processes
The improvement of the reliability of the contact between the osseous tissues and the implant materials has been tested by recovering the metallic implants with ceramic materials, usually calcium phosphates. In our study, the calcium phosphate recovering layers were deposited by means of a pulsed-laser deposition technique. Our aim was to to evaluate the tissue interactions established between cortical bone and titanium implants covered by five different layers, ranging from amorphous calcium phosphate to crystalline hydroxyapatite, obtained by altering the parameters of the laser ablation process. The surgical protocol of the study consisted in the simultaneous implantation of the five types of implants in both the tibial dyaphisis of three Beagle dogs, sacrificed respectively one, two and three months after the last surgical procedures. After the sacrifice, the samples were submitted to a scheduled procedure of embedding in plastic polymers without prior decalcification, in order to perform the ultrastructural studies: scanning microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons (BS-SEM). Our observations show that both in terms of the calcified tissues appearing as a response to the presence of the different coatings and of time of recovering, the implants coated with crystalline calcium phosphate layers by laser ablation present a better result than the amorphous-calcium-phosphate-coated implants. Moreover, the constant presence of chondroid tissue, related with the mechanical induction by forces applied on the recovering area, strongly suggests that the mechanisms implied in osteointegration are related to endomembranous, rather than endochondral ossification processes
The improvement of the reliability of the contact between the osseous tissues and the implant materials has been tested by recovering the metallic implants with ceramic materials, usually calcium phosphates. In our study, the calcium phosphate recovering layers were deposited by means of a pulsed-laser deposition technique. Our aim was to to evaluate the tissue interactions established between cortical bone and titanium implants covered by five different layers, ranging from amorphous calcium phosphate to crystalline hydroxyapatite, obtained by altering the parameters of the laser ablation process. The surgical protocol of the study consisted in the simultaneous implantation of the five types of implants in both the tibial dyaphisis of three Beagle dogs, sacrificed respectively one, two and three months after the last surgical procedures. After the sacrifice, the samples were submitted to a scheduled procedure of embedding in plastic polymers without prior decalcification, in order to perform the ultrastructural studies: scanning microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons (BS-SEM). Our observations show that both in terms of the calcified tissues appearing as a response to the presence of the different coatings and of time of recovering, the implants coated with crystalline calcium phosphate layers by laser ablation present a better result than the amorphous-calcium-phosphate-coated implants. Moreover, the constant presence of chondroid tissue, related with the mechanical induction by forces applied on the recovering area, strongly suggests that the mechanisms implied in osteointegration are related to endomembranous, rather than endochondral ossification processes
Procedemos a uma revisão de 95 casos de microadenomas hipofisários, evidenciados por ressonância magnética, nas instituições: Hospital Santa Cruz/Beneficência Portuguesa de Niterói e Clínica X-Labs/Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo foi verificar o tipo principal, incidência, proximidade à haste hipofisária, correlacionando-os com dados clínico-laboratoriais. Os equipamentos utilizados foram de 0,5 Tesla (Gyroscan T5 III da Philips e Vectra da GE) e 1,0 Tesla (Signa da GE), sendo realizadas seqüências rápidas, antes e após administração venosa do meio de contraste paramagnético (gadolínio). Predominaram pacientes do sexo feminino, com prolactinomas, sendo as queixas mais freqüentes: galactorréia, amenorréia e hiperprolactinemia. Em contraste à literatura corrente, observamos que mais freqüentemente a haste hipofisária encontrava-se centrada. Na detecção dos microadenomas é fundamental a injeção venosa do gadolínio o mais próximo possível da aquisição das imagens, sendo recomendável utilizar metade da dose do meio de contraste.
Objective: Independently of total caloric intake, a better quality of the diet (for example, conformity to the Mediterranean diet) is associated with lower obesity risk. It is unclear whether a brief dietary assessment tool, instead of full-length comprehensive methods, can also capture this association. In addition to reduced costs, a brief tool has the interesting advantage of allowing immediate feedback to participants in interventional studies. Another relevant question is which individual items of such a brief tool are responsible for this association. We examined these associations using a 14-item tool of adherence to the Mediterranean diet as exposure and body mass index, waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) as outcomes. Design: Cross-sectional assessment of all participants in the"PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea" (PREDIMED) trial. Subjects: 7,447 participants (55-80 years, 57% women) free of cardiovascular disease, but with either type 2 diabetes or $3 cardiovascular risk factors. Trained dietitians used both a validated 14-item questionnaire and a full-length validated 137-item food frequency questionnaire to assess dietary habits. Trained nurses measured weight, height and waist circumference. Results: Strong inverse linear associations between the 14-item tool and all adiposity indexes were found. For a two-point increment in the 14-item score, the multivariable-adjusted differences in WHtR were 20.0066 (95% confidence interval,- 0.0088 to 20.0049) for women and-0.0059 (-0.0079 to-0.0038) for men. The multivariable-adjusted odds ratio for a WHtR.0.6 in participants scoring $10 points versus #7 points was 0.68 (0.57 to 0.80) for women and 0.66 (0.54 to 0.80) for men. High consumption of nuts and low consumption of sweetened/carbonated beverages presented the strongest inverse associations with abdominal obesity. Conclusions: A brief 14-item tool was able to capture a strong monotonic inverse association between adherence to a good quality dietary pattern (Mediterranean diet) and obesity indexes in a population of adults at high cardiovascular risk.
Antecedentes: La exóstosis digital es una patología común que se presenta con frecuencia en las consultas de podología. A pesar del alto grado de incidencia es una entidad clínica muy poco estudiada. En la actualidad, los tratamientos propuestos para resolver esta patología son el tratamiento conservador mediante ortesis de silicona y el tratamiento quirúrgico consistente en la resección de la exostosis. Consideramos necesario otra alternativa de tratamiento como la infiltración de un gel de Poliacrilamida (PAAG) que presente mayores beneficios y menos inconvenientes a los pacientes que los tratamientos propuestos hasta el momento. Material y Métodos: Estudio realizado durante los meses de octubre de 2006 y febrero de 2009, sobre 54 pacientes (2 varones y 52 mujeres) de edades comprendidas entre 43 y 85 años afectados de exostosis digital. Se procede a la infiltración de un gel biocompatible en la zona de la exostosis para aislar la misma y evitar presiones según técnica de infiltración descrita. Todos los pacientes firman el documento de consentimiento informado. Los datos fueron recogidos de forma objetiva y subjetivamente en cada uno de los pacientes. La posterior evaluación de los datos y su tratamiento estadístico se llevó a cabo de forma disociada y anónima. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el paquete estadístico SPSS-PC 17.0. Resultados: El heloma interdigital en 4º espacio y 5º dedo se presentó en el 35,2% de los casos; el heloma en dorso del 5º dedo en el 29,6%; el heloma en dorso de dedo central en el 11,1% de los casos; heloma interdigital en 4º espacio y 4º dedo en el 9,3%; y el resto de lesiones primarias en un 14,9% del total de los casos. De cada uno de los casos se observó: tratamientos previos, cantidad de fármaco infiltrada, reacción al fármaco, controles y satisfacción del paciente al tratamiento. A un 57,4% de los pacientes no se les había realizado ningún tratamiento previo, mientras que a un 33,3% se le había realizado una ortesis de silicona. Analizando la cantidad de PAAG infiltrado en cada caso nos resultó una media de 0,542 cc con una desviación típica de 0,2237 cc. La cantidad mínima fue de 0,20 cc, hasta un máximo de 1,50 cc. La reacción observada al fármaco a las 24 y 48 horas de la infiltración fue prácticamente la misma que la del periodo inicial, observándose el habón en ambos tiempos de valoración. Se practicaron cuatro controles posinfiltración a la semana, al mes, a los tres meses y a los seis meses, en los que a seis meses pudimos concluir que en la mayoría de los casos ? 45 de 54 - persistió el habón de PAAG del inicio. La satisfacción se valora a la semana, al mes, a los tres meses y a los seis meses siendo a los 6 meses el grado de satisfacción de los pacientes del 98%. Conclusiones: El tratamiento del heloma provocado por exostosis digital mediante infiltración de gel de poliacrilamida según la técnica protocolizada en este estudio clínico es factible, reproductible y eficaz. Alcanzando el producto un alto nivel de tolerancia y adaptación a las estructuras anatómicas y disminuyendo los efectos secundarios, lo que nos hace afirmar que es una técnica segura con la que hemos obtenido óptimos resultados en lo que se refiere a efectividad del tratamiento y disminución del dolor. Podemos concluir que la infiltración de gel de poliacrilamida se convierte una nueva opción de tratamiento en el caso de exostosis digitales.