922 resultados para Mammary papilla
Trinta e duas papilas mamárias de vacas da raça Holandesa, em período seco, foram submetidas a telotomia lateral que produziu defeito linear na mucosa da parte papilar do seio lactífero (PPSL). Houve excisão de um retângulo de mucosa de tamanho padronizado que provocou um defeito retangular na mucosa do PPSL, oposto à telotomia. Todas as telotomias foram suturadas e, aleatoriamente, em 16 delas foram introduzidas sondas de Foley de 2,7mm de diâmetro, formando o grupo de papilas com dilatador. A distensão dos balonetes das sondas de Foley provocou a dilatação da PPSL o que forçou a manutenção das sondas, por sete dias, na papila mamária. As 16 papilas restantes formaram o grupo de papilas sem dilatador. Foram realizadas videoteloscopias antes (dia 0) e após as telotomias (dia 8, após a retirada das sondas de Foley e dia 15). As avaliações morfológica e histológica do processo de cicatrização dos defeitos lineares e retangulares evidenciaram que o uso de dilatador na PPSL auxiliou na orientação cicatricial, mantendo a patência do seio lactífero em um maior número de papilas, quando os dois grupos foram comparados. A dilatação da PPSL interferiu na cicatrização das telotomias, e provocou maior número de alterações no epitélio de revestimento do seio lactífero.
Uma técnica empregando fluoresceína sódica 5% e luz ultravioleta foi desenvolvida para a identificação dos trajetos dos vasos linfáticos superficiais das glândulas mamárias em dez cadelas. A fluoresceína foi injetada por via intradérmica ao redor da base de cada mamilo e cada mama foi observada após 5, 15, 30 e 60 minutos. em cada animal, primeiramente, foram avaliadas as mamas torácica cranial, abdominal cranial e inguinal das cadeias direita e esquerda e 48 horas após as mamas torácica caudal e abdominal caudal das cadeias direita e esquerda. de um total de 97 mamas injetadas, em 8 a fluoresceína não foi captada pelos linfáticos. O tempo de 30 minutos foi o mais adequado para a visualização total dos trajetos. Mostrou ser um método simples, rápido e inócuo de verificação in vivo de vasos linfáticos.
As neoplasias mamarias constituem aproximadamente 50% dos tumores diagnosticados em cadelas. Apesar dosharmónios sexuais femininos desempenharem papel fundamental no desenvolvimento desses tumores em mamíferos, o valor da supressão hormonal pela ovário-histerectomia como auxiliar no tratamento do tumor de mama em caninos permanece controverso. Discute-se ainda se a realização da ovário-histerectomia após o diagnóstico influencia ou não o crescimento e progressão do tumor na glândula afetada ou em outras glândulas mamarias. O objetivo desta revisão é discutir alguns aspectos relacionados à influência hormonal na etiologia de tumores mamarias em cadelas, assim como o valor terapêutico da castração, quando realizada no momento da mastectomia.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo de fatores de risco associados à mastite bovina causada por Prototheca zopfii. Foram analisadas 13 propriedades leiteiras dos Estados do Paraná e de São Paulo, segundo os seguintes critérios de seleção: confirmação prévia de casos de mastite por Prototheca spp., triagem pela pesquisa de Prototheca spp. em tanques de expansão e latões e rebanhos com contagem de células somáticas acima de 5x105cel mL-1. As amostras coletadas consistiram de: leite, água, solo, fezes e swab de teteiras. Prototheca spp. foi isolada de amostras de leite dos quartos mamários com mastite clínica ou subclínica em uma propriedade e de amostras de leite e do ambiente em quatro propriedades, nas quais foi isolada em amostras de: água de bebedouro, abastecimento, esgoto, empoçada no piso de estábulo e sala de ordenha, solo de piquete e pasto, teteiras, fezes de bezerros e suínos. do total de 383 vacas examinadas, Prototheca spp. foi isolada em 20 (5,2%) vacas, sendo caracterizada como P. zopfii em 18. Os fatores de risco associados à mastite causada por P. zopfii foram: criação das vacas a pasto, alimentação dos animais com pasto e silagem, realização de ordenha mecânica em estábulo, permanência das vacas após ordenha em piquete sem alimento, criação de suínos próxima às instalações dos bovinos, existência de cães, gatos e roedores, falta de higienização dos tetos com água, pré-imersão dos tetos em aplicador com retorno e sem a troca do anti-séptico, alimentação dos bezerros com leite de vacas com mastite clínica e serem as vacas da raça holandesa.
A linfadenectomia laparoscópica é realizada de forma rotineira na medicina, contudo é pouco utilizada na veterinária. Neste relato, um canino fêmea apresentando tumores na cadeia mamária esquerda (M4 e M5), foi submetido à aplicação intradérmica do azul de metileno estéril, ao redor do maior tumor (M5), buscando-se demarcação dos vasos linfáticos e linfonodos regionais. Após 15 minutos, iniciou-se a linfadenectomia abdominal videolaparoscópica na região inguinal esquerda, seguida da ovário-histerectomia (OVH) lapararoscópica com três portais. Realizou-se ainda mastectomia total unilateral esquerda. Pela histologia, obtiveram-se dois linfonodos abdominais livres de células tumorais. A paciente não apresentou recidiva em 60 dias.
Estudaram-se os resultados obtidos no exame clínico da glândula mamária de 3.191 vacas mestiças e no "California Mastitis Test" (CMT) em 12.764 amostras de leite colhidas destes animais, relacionando-os com o estádio de lactação, o número de partos e a localização das afecções. O exame clínico revelou que 50 quartos apresentavam mastite e 231 mostravam-se atrofiados ou afuncionais. A aplicação do CMT indicou alterações de secreção em 1.741 quartos. A localização das afecções nos quartos foi estatisticamente semelhante, o mesmo ocorrendo com a incidência de mastite clínica com relação ao estádio de lactação. Quanto ao número de partos, não houve diferença significativa em relação à incidência de mastite clínica, porém a ocorrência de casos subclínicos foi estatisticamente superior em animais de uma a seis crias. O percentual de quartos afuncionais foi significativamente maior nos animais, acima de quatro partos.
Objective-To evaluate the isoflurane-sparing effects of lidocaine and fentanyl administered by constant rate infusion (CRI) during surgery in dogs.Design-Randomized prospective study.Animals-24 female dogs undergoing unilateral mastectomy because of mammary neoplasia.Procedures-After premedication with acepromazine and morphine and anesthetic induction with ketamine and diazepam, anesthesia in dogs (n = 8/group) was maintained with isoflurane combined with either saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (control), liclocaine (1.5 mg/kg [0.68 mg/lb], IV bolus, followed by 250 mu g/kg/min [113 mu g/lb/min], CRI), or fentanyl (5 mu g/kg [2.27 mu g/lb], IV bolus, followed by 0.5 mu g/kg/min [0.23 mu g/lb/min], CRI). Positive-pressure ventilation was used to maintain eucapnia. An anesthetist unaware of treatment, endtidal isoflurane (ETiso) concentration, and vaporizer concentrations adjusted a nonprecision vaporizer to maintain surgical depth of anesthesia. Cardiopulmonary variables and ETiso values were monitored before and after beginning surgery.Results-Heart rate was lower in the fentanyl group. Mean arterial pressure did not differ among groups after surgery commenced. In the control group, mean +/- SD ETiso values ranged from 1.16 +/- 0.35% to 1.94 +/- 0.96%. Fentanyl significantly reduced isoflurane requirements during surgical stimulation by 54% to 66%, whereas the reduction in ETiso concentration (34% to 44%) observed in the lidocaine group was not significant.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Administration of fentanyl resulted in greater isoflurane sparing effect than did liclocaine. However, it appeared that the low heart rate induced by fentanyl may partially offset the improvement in mean arterial pressure that would be expected with reduced isoflurane requirements.
This research aimed to report the occurrence of subclinical mastitis in a buffalo from a study carried out with 548 milk samples of 137 Murrah and Mediterranean buffalos from seven milk properties, located in the cities of Jau, Botucatu and Sorocaba, State of São Paulo. The animals of the study were submitted to a clinical examination of the mammary gland by the inspection and to the diagnosis of clinical and subclinical mastitis by California Mastitis Test (CMT), being the milk samples later directed to the laboratory for microbiological studies and also to the test of Whiteside Modified (WSM). The isolated agents were identified by the morphological characteristics of its colonies and through microcultive staining with blue cotton. Two (02) pure fungi samples were isolated representing 2.86% of the total isolated microorganism, corresponding to two mammary rooms in one animal, and were classified as pertaining to the Aspergillus fumigatus specie. The animal in question showed reaction of ++ to the CMT in both affected rooms and negative reaction to the WSM. In this way it is concluded that the Aspergillus fumigatus participates in a discrete way as a determinant agent of bubaline subclinical mastitis, however it is important because the affected animals can act as potential reservoirs and may be able to generate the infection in human beings.
Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLAs) comprise a family of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid. The main form of CLA, cis-9, trans-11-C18:2 show positive effects in cancer prevention and treatment. The major dietary sources of these fatty acids are derived from ruminant animals, in particular dairy products. In these animals, the endogenous synthesis mainly occurs in mammary gland by the action of enzyme Stearoyl CoA Desaturase (SCD). Different levels of expression and activity of SCD in mammary gland can explain partially the variation of CLA levels in fat milk. Considering a great fat concentration in bubaline milk and the benefit of a high and positive correlation between fat milk and CLA production, this study was carried on with the intention of sequencing and characterizing part of the gene that codifies SCD in buffaloes. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples of lactating bubaline which begins to the breed Murrah. After the (acho que nao precisa desse the) extractions, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) reactions were made by using primers Z (sic) (sic) D1 and E1 (sic) (sic) F1. The fragments obtained in PCR were cloned into T vectors and transformed in competent cells DH10B line. After this, three samples of each fragment were sequenced from 5' and 3' extremities using a BigDye kit in an automatic sequencer. Sequences were edited in a consensus of each fragment and were submitted to BLAST-n / NCBI for similarity comparisions among other species. The sequence obtained with Z (sic) (sic) D1 primers shows 938 bp enclosing exons 1 and 2 and intron 1. The primers E1 (sic) (sic) F1 show 70 bp corresponding to exon 3 of bubaline SCD gene. Similarities were obtained between 85% and 97% among bubaline sequences and sequences of SCD gene described in human, mouse, rat, swine, bovine, caprine and ovine species. This study has permitted the identification and partial characterization of SCD codifing region in Bubalus bubalis specie.
The milk is an important food because it contents Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CIA). These fatty acids are synthesized in mammary gland under action of the enzyme Stearoyl CoA-Desaturase (SCD) and have showed some positive effects in human disease prevention and treatments. A variation of CLA in milk fat exists and can be partially explained by the different levels of expression of SCD. The aim was to study part of the encoding regions of SCD's gene using PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism). Genomic DNA was extracted from lactating Murrah females. After this, PCR reactions were made by using primers Z (sic) (sic) D1 that encloses exon I, II and intron I. The fragments amplified are composed by 938 pb. Then, RFLP techniques were applied in the fragments using the restriction enzymes Pst I and Sma I. The enzyme Pst I has generated fragments of 788pb and 150bp and the Sma I has generated fragments of 693pb and 245pb. All the animals showed the same migration standard for both enzymes, characterizing a genetic monomorphism for this region of SCD gene. The analysis determined that there aren't genetic differences between these animals in the studied regions by using Pst I and Sma I enzymes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
PurposeUltrasonographic evaluation of the eye is a relatively recent addition to routine ophthalmic diagnostics in small animal ophthalmology. Some parameters for ophthalmic biometry have been established. There are few studies in clinical avian ophthalmology that describe ultrasound images of eye in some nocturnal avian species and in other birds that do not belong to the Brazilian fauna, but the psittacine family is not represented. The purpose of this study was to describe the following measurements: the distances between cornea and anterior lens capsule (D1) between the anterior and posterior lens capsule (D2), between posterior lens capsule and optic papilla (D3) and the axial length.MethodSixty four transpalpebral ocular ultrasound examinations were performed on 32 Blue fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva) with no history of previous ophthalmic disease.Result and DiscussionThe measurements were taken in sagital planes using a 10 MHz linear probe without a standoff pad. The mean values for the left eye were; D1 0.17 +/- 0.03 cm, D2 0.35 +/- 0.02 cm, D3 0.73 +/- 0.04 cm and the axial length 1.26 +/- 0.06 cm. In the right eye D1 0.17 +/- 0.02 cm, D2 0.34 +/- 0.02 cm, D3 0.74 +/- 0.03 cm and the axial length 1.25 +/- 0.05 cm. No significant statistical difference was observed among the birds or between the left and right eye. The description of these parameters will allow the veterinary practitioner to evaluate the structural changes that specific diseases may cause in these animals.
Biofilm formation is considered an advantage for Staphylococcus aureus mastitis isolates, facilitating bacterial persistence in the udder. It requires attachment to mammary epithelium, proliferation and accumulation of cells in multilayers and enclosing in a polymeric matrix known as exopolysaccharide. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine subclinical mastitis for formation of biofilms. A total of 94 Staphylococcus aureus strains obtained from milk samples of cows suffering from subclinical mastitis in dairy herds on two properties in the state of São Paulo were evaluated. These strains were characterized by in vitro biofilm formation, and by the presence of icaA and icaD genes which are responsible for intercellular adhesion. The results revealed that 98.9% of the isolates produced biofilm in vitro by adherence in sterile 96-well "U" bottom polystyrene tissue culture plates; 95.7% of the isolates possessed the icaA and icaD genes. These bacterial isolates biofilm producers may impair eradication of chronic mastitis, rendering antibiotherapy less effective. The detection of biofilm forming ability in mastitis isolates may provide useful information for more adequate therapeutic regimen and for preventive actions in the control of those bacterial isolates in bovine herds.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The seminiferous tubules of Prochilodus scrofa present a coiled morphological arrangement with intertubular anastomoses and unrestricted spermatogonial distribution. The structural pattern of the seminiferous tubules is cystic, with cysts formed by cytoplasmic prolongations of Sertoli cells. Inside the cysts are observed different types of germ cells. The seminiferous tubules open individually on the ventral surface of the main testicular duct present in each testis. Each main testicular duct prolongs as a spermatic duct, fusing with the spermatic duct of the opposite side to form the common spermatic duct which opens into the urogenital papilla. The mature sperm cysts break and extravasate their content into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules from which the seminal fluid and the spermatozoa penetrate the main testicular duct, the spermatic duct and the common spermatic duct for semen ejaculation.