1000 resultados para Malus domestica Bork
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
In this paper we present the results of a coherent narrow-band search for continuous gravitational-wave signals from the Crab and Vela pulsars conducted on Virgo VSR4 data. In order to take into account a possible small mismatch between the gravitational-wave frequency and two times the star rotation frequency, inferred from measurement of the electromagnetic pulse rate, a range of 0.02 Hz around two times the star rotational frequency has been searched for both the pulsars. No evidence for a signal has been found and 95% confidence level upper limits have been computed assuming both that polarization parameters are completely unknown and that they are known with some uncertainty, as derived from x-ray observations of the pulsar wind torii. For Vela the upper limits are comparable to the spin-down limit, computed assuming that all the observed spin-down is due to the emission of gravitational waves. For Crab the upper limits are about a factor of 2 below the spin-down limit, and represent a significant improvement with respect to past analysis. This is the first time the spin-down limit is significantly overcome in a narrow-band search.
We present results of a search for continuously emitted gravitational radiation, directed at the brightest low-mass x-ray binary, Scorpius X-1. Our semicoherent analysis covers 10 days of LIGO S5 data ranging from 50-550 Hz, and performs an incoherent sum of coherent F-statistic power distributed amongst frequency-modulated orbital sidebands. All candidates not removed at the veto stage were found to be consistent with noise at a 1% false alarm rate. We present Bayesian 95% confidence upper limits on gravitational-wave strain amplitude using two different prior distributions: a standard one, with no a priori assumptions about the orientation of Scorpius X-1; and an angle-restricted one, using a prior derived from electromagnetic observations. Median strain upper limits of 1.3 x 10(-24) and 8 x 10(-25) are reported at 150 Hz for the standard and angle-restricted searches respectively. This proof-of-principle analysis was limited to a short observation time by unknown effects of accretion on the intrinsic spin frequency of the neutron star, but improves upon previous upper limits by factors of similar to 1.4 for the standard, and 2.3 for the angle-restricted search at the sensitive region of the detector.
The Advanced LIGO gravitational wave detectors are second-generation instruments designed and built for the two LIGO observatories in Hanford, WA and Livingston, LA, USA. The two instruments are identical in design, and are specialized versions of a Michelson interferometer with 4 km long arms. As in Initial LIGO, Fabry-Perot cavities are used in the arms to increase the interaction time with a gravitational wave, and power recycling is used to increase the effective laser power. Signal recycling has been added in Advanced LIGO to improve the frequency response. In the most sensitive frequency region around 100 Hz, the design strain sensitivity is a factor of 10 better than Initial LIGO. In addition, the low frequency end of the sensitivity band is moved from 40 Hz down to 10 Hz. All interferometer components have been replaced with improved technologies to achieve this sensitivity gain. Much better seismic isolation and test mass suspensions are responsible for the gains at lower frequencies. Higher laser power, larger test masses and improved mirror coatings lead to the improved sensitivity at mid and high frequencies. Data collecting runs with these new instruments are planned to begin in mid-2015.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
De larvas e pupas de Musca domestica, Chrysomya albiceps, Cochliomyia homivorax, Stomoxys calcitrans e Syntesiomyia nudiseta coletadas em diversos ambiente, em São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul e Minas Gerais, foram obtidas dez espécies de microhimenópteros parasitóides da supermamília Chalcidoidea, algumas assinaladas pela primeira vez no Brasil.
Several studies have shown that apple (Malus sp.) has many components able to exert chemopreventive activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemopreventive potential of apple extract following medium-term oral carcinogenesis assay induced by 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO) by means of histopathological analysis and gene expression of antioxidant enzymes, such as CuZnSOD, MnSOD and catalase. A total of 30 male Wistar rats were distributed into five groups, as follows (n = 6 per group): Group 1 - negative control group (non-treated group); Group 2 - received 4NQO during 8 weeks in drinking water and treated with apple extract by gavage between the 1st and 4th weeks daily (initiation phase); Group 3 - received 4NQO for 8 weeks in drinking water and treated with apple extract by gavage between the 5th and 8th weeks daily (promotion phase); Group 4 - received apple extract by gavage for eight consecutive weeks only; and Group 5 - received 4NQO for 8 weeks in drinking water daily. Histopathological analysis revealed that apple extract protect oral lesions induced by 4NQO at initiation or promotion phase. Higher gene expression of CuZnSOD and MnSOD enzymes were noticed in groups treated with apple extract as well. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the apple extract is able to modulate medium-term oral carcinogenesis assay as a result of antioxidant activity.
The search for predictions of species diversity across environmental gradients has challenged ecologists for decades. The humped-back model (HBM) suggests that plant diversity peaks at intermediate productivity; at low productivity few species can tolerate the environmental stresses, and at high productivity a few highly competitive species dominate. Over time the HBM has become increasingly controversial, and recent studies claim to have refuted it. Here, by using data from coordinated surveys conducted throughout grasslands worldwide and comprising a wide range of site productivities, we provide evidence in support of the HBM pattern at both global and regional extents. The relationships described here provide a foundation for further research into the local, landscape, and historical factors that maintain biodiversity.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study reports the implementation of GMPs in a mozzarella cheese processing plant. The mozzarella cheese manufacturing unit is located in the Southwestern region of the state of Parana, Brazil, and processes 20,000 L of milk daily. The implementation of GMP took place with the creation of a multi-disciplinary team and it was carried out in four steps: diagnosis, report of the diagnosis and road map, corrective measures and follow-up of GMP implementation. The effectiveness of actions taken and GMP implementation was compared by the total percentages of non-conformities and conformities before and after implementation of GMR Microbiological indicators were also used to assess the implementation of GMP in the mozzarella cheese processing facility. Results showed that the average percentage of conformity after the implementation of GMP was significant increased to 66%, while before it was 32% (p < 0.05). The populations of aerobic microorganisms and total coliforms in equipment were significantly reduced (p < 0.05) after the implementation of GMP, as well as the populations of total coliforms in the hands of food handlers (p < 0.05). In conclusion, GMP implementation changed the overall organization of the cheese processing unity, as well as managers and food handlers' behavior and knowledge on the quality and safety of products manufactured. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVOS: Analisar a reincidência de violência infantil no Município de Curitiba - Paraná e compreender o fenômeno com base na perspectiva de gênero. MÉTODOS: Estudo de abordagem quantitativa do tipo descritivo exploratório. Dentre as 338 notificações de violência contra crianças de zero a 9 anos de idade junto à Rede de Proteção à Criança e ao Adolescente dessa cidade com última notificação em 2009 foram analisados 300 casos por serem reincidentes. RESULTADOS: A totalidade dos casos foi de violência intrafamiliar e a reincidência mais frequente foi a negligência, tendo com principal agressora a mãe. A violência sexual apareceu mais entre as meninas, com casos reincidentes no mesmo tipo ou com a negligência antecedendo. A manifestação da violência reincidente contra crianças apresentou-se sobreposta, recorrente, com tendência a agravar-se com a evolução dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: A violência contra as crianças é determinada por relações de poder determinadas pelas categorias gênero e geração, que produzem iniquidades potencializadoras da vulnerabilidade familiar em relação à violência. O olhar crítico sobre essa questão pode indicar medidas de superação no tocante à assistência e à prevenção de sua ocorrência e reincidência tanto do setor saúde como de outros setores.
Oltre un miliardo di persone non ha oggi accesso all’acqua potabile; più di due miliardi è il numero di coloro che vivono in condizioni igienico-sanitarie realmente proibitive. Sono 80 i paesi nel mondo (con il 40% della popolazione totale) in cui si riscontra difficoltà di approvvigionamento e presenza di risorse idriche che mancano dei requisiti che dovrebbero essere assicurati per la tutela della salute: quotidianamente e sistematicamente il diritto di accesso all’acqua, che nessun individuo dovrebbe vedersi negato, viene violato. Scarsità di acqua e non omogenea distribuzione sulla superficie terrestre sono fattori che concorrono alla crisi della risorsa, cui contribuiscono processsi di natura ambientale (cambiamenti climatici, desertificazione), di natura economica (le sorti dell’industria agroalimentare, la globalizzazione degli scambi, il bisogno crescente di energia), di natura sociale (migrazioni, urbanizzazione, crescita demografica, epidemie), di natura culturale (passaggio dal rurale all’urbano, dall’agricoltura di sussistenza a quella di profitto). Nell’ottica di uno sviluppo sostenibile un aumento indiscriminato dell’offerta non può costituire soluzione al continuo incremento della domanda di acqua. Si rende pertanto necessaria la definizione di politiche e strumenti di cambiamento nei modelli di consumo e nella pianificazione che consentano una riduzione degli squilibri nella distribuzione e nella gestione della risorsa a livello domestico e civile, industriale, agricolo. L’uso efficiente, e quindi sostenibile, dell’acqua è da perseguirsi secondo le modalità: • Risparmio, inteso come minore consumo di acqua all’inizio del ciclo. • Riciclo dell’acqua in circuito chiuso, inteso come riuso dell’acqua di scarico, o uso multiplo dell’acqua. Una idonea utilizzazione dipende da una idonea progettazione, che abbia come finalità: • La destinazione in via prioritaria delle fonti e delle risorse di più elevata qualità agli usi idropotabili, con una graduale sostituzione del consumo per altri usi con risorse di minore pregio. • La regolamentazione dell’uso delle acque sotterranee, mediante la limitazione del ricorso all’impiego di pozzi solo in mancanza di forniture alternative per uso civile, industriale, agricolo. • L’incentivazione ad un uso razionale della risorsa, anche mediante l’attuazione di idonee politiche tariffarie. • L’aumento dell’efficienza delle reti di adduzione e distribuzione, sia civili che irrigue. • La promozione di uso efficiente, riciclo e recupero di acqua nell’industria. • Il miglioramento dell’efficienza ed efficacia delle tecniche di irrigazione. • La promozione del riutilizzo delle acque nei vari settori. • La diffusione nella pratica domestica di apparati e tecnologie progettati per la riduzione degli sprechi e dei consumi di acqua. In ambito agricolo la necessità di un uso parsimonioso della risorsa impone il miglioramento dell’efficienza irrigua, pari appena al 40%. La regione Emilia Romagna a livello locale, Israele a livello internazionale, forniscono ottimi esempi in termini di efficacia dei sistemi di trasporto e di distribuzione, di buona manutenzione delle strutture. Possibili soluzioni verso le quali orientare la ricerca a livello mondiale per arginare la progressiva riduzione delle riserve idriche sono: • Revisione dei costi idrici. • Recupero delle riserve idriche. • Raccolta dell’acqua piovana. • Miglioramento degli impianti di distribuzione idrica. • Scelta di metodi di coltivazione idonei alle caratteristiche locali. • Scelta di colture a basso fabbisogno idrico. • Conservazione della risorsa attraverso un sistema di irrigazione efficiente. • Opere di desalinizzazione. • Trasferimento idrico su vasta scala da un’area all’altra. Si tratta di tecniche la cui attuazione può incrementare la disponibilità media pro capite di acqua, in particolare di coloro i quali non ne posseggono in quantità sufficiente per bere o sono privi di sistemi igienico-sanitari sufficienti.
Im Wassereinzugsgebiet der Aar zwischen Taunuskamm und Limburger Becken wurden 242 Erosionsschluchten, so genannte Runsen kartiert. Die vorgefundenen geomorphologischen Formen sind zum Teil mehr als 15 Meter tief, kerben- oder kastenförmig. Einige führen ein zeitweise oder ständig fließendes Gerinne. Die Untersuchung acht verschiedener Einzelbeispiele mit geomorphologischen, bodenkundlichen und kulturhistorischen Methoden ergab, dass die Erosionsschluchten in geschichtlicher Zeit entstanden sind. Damit wurden die Ergebnisse von BORK 1988, 1985, BORK et al. 1998, BAUER 1995, 1993, SEMMEL 1963, HEMPEL 1954, 1954 und HARD 1970 weitgehend bestätigt. Die Runsen an der Aar und ihrer Nebenbäche sind das Ergebnis exzessiver Erosionsprozesse, die in Folge einer erheblichen Übernutzung der Landschaft durch Köhlerei, Eisenerzverhüttung und Landwirtschaft hauptsächlich im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert ausgelöst wurden. Dabei kommt der seit 1656 betriebenen Michelbacher Hütte als landesherrliches Eisenwerk eine besondere Rolle zu. Ein weiterer Einfluss geht auf die spezifische Geofaktorenkonstellation im Untertaunus zurück. Die dort verbreiteten stark tonig verwitterten Schiefer und erodierten Parabraunerden fördern den Oberflächenabfluss, der während zeitweise auftretender Starkregenereignisse an den Hängen zum Einreißen von Erosionsschluchten führen kann . Zur Untersuchung des Phänomens wurden sowohl geomorphologische und bodenkundliche als auch historisch-kulturlandschaftgenetische Methoden herangezogen. Neben der bodenkundlichen Beprobung zahlreicher Aufschlüsse wurden auch Analysen mittels der Radiokarbonmethode, Schwermineralanalysen, Kohlholzspektren historischer Meilerplätze und die Auswertung von Archivunterlagen als Methoden herangezogen. Als grundlegendes Ergebnis liefert die vorliegende Arbeit einen umfassenden Abriss der Nutzungsgeschichte im Wassereinzugsgebiet der Aar von vorgeschichtlicher Zeit bis zum heutigen Tage. Zudem werden die naturräumlichen Einflussfaktoren, die die Entstehung von Erosionsschluchten erst ermöglichen, auf umfassende Weise dargestellt. Zwei Exkurse behandeln die Bedeutung der spätmittelalterlichen Landwehr bei Hennethal, die während der Geländearbeiten entdeckt wurde sowie die Entstehung und zeitliche Einordnung der Auelehme im Aartal.
The horizontal and vertical system neurons (HS and VS cells) are part of a conserved set of lobula plate giant neurons (LPGNs) in the optic lobes of the adult brain. Structure and physiology of these cells are well known, predominantly from studies in larger Dipteran flies. Our knowledge about the ontogeny of these cells is limited and stems predominantly from laser ablation studies in larvae of the house fly Musca domestica. These studies suggested that the HS and VS cells stem from a single precursor, which, at least in Musca, has not yet divided in the second larval instar. A regulatory mutation (In(1)omb[H31]) in the Drosophila gene optomotor-blind (omb) leads to the selective loss of the adult HS and VS cells. This mutation causes a transient reduction in omb expression in what appears to be the entire optic lobe anlage (OLA) late in embryogenesis. Here, I have reinitiated the laser approach with the goal of identifying the presumptive embryonic HS/VS precursor cell in Drosophila. The usefulness of the laser ablation approach which has not been applied, so far, to cells lying deep within the Drosophila embryo, was first tested on two well defined embryonic sensory structures, the olfactory antenno-maxillary complex (AMC) and the light-sensitive Bolwing´s organ (BO). In the case of the AMC, the efficiency of the ablation procedure was demonstrated with a behavioral assay. When both AMCs were ablated, the response to an attractive odour (n-butanol) was clearly reduced. Interestingly, the larvae were not completely unresponsive but had a delayed response kinetics, indicating the existence of a second odour system. BO will be a useful test system for the selectivity of laser ablation when used at higher spatial resolution. An omb-Gal4 enhancer trap line was used to visualize the embryonic OLA by GFP fluorescence. This fluorescence allowed to guide the laser beam to the relevant structure within the embryo. The success of the ablations was monitored in the adult brain via the enhancer trap insertion A122 which selectively visualizes the HS and VS cell bodies. Due to their tight clustering, individual cells could not be identified in the embryonic OLA by conventional fluorescence microscopy. Nonetheless, systematic ablation of subdomains of the OLA allowed to localize the presumptive HS/VS precursor to a small area within the OLA, encompassing around 10 cells. Future studies at higher resolution should be able to identify the precursor as (an) individual cell(s). Most known lethal omb alleles do not complement the HS/VS phenotype of the In(1)omb[H31] allele. This is the expected behaviour of null alleles. Two lethal omb alleles that had been isolated previously by non-complementation of the omb hypomorphic allele bifid, have been reported, however, to complement In(1)omb[H31]. This report was based on low resolution paraffin histology of adult heads. Four mutations from this mutagenesis were characterized here in more detail (l(1)omb[11], l(1)omb[12], l(1)omb[13], and l(1)omb[15]). Using A122 as marker for the adult HS and VS cells, I could show, that only l(1)omb[11] can partly complement the HS/VS cell phenotype of In(1)omb[H31]. In order to identify the molecular lesions in these mutants, the exons and exon/intron junctions were sequenced in PCR-amplified material from heterozygous flies. Only in two mutants could the molecular cause for loss of omb function be identified: in l(1)omb[13]), a missense mutation causes the exchange of a highly conserved residue within the DNA-binding T-domain; in l(1)omb[15]), a nonsense mutation causes a C-terminal truncation. In the other two mutants apparently regulatory regions or not yet identified alternative exons are affected. To see whether mutant OMB protein in the missense mutant l(1)omb[13] is affected in DNA binding, electrophoretic shift assays on wildtype and mutant T-domains were performed. They revealed that the mutant no longer is able to bind the consensus palindromic T-box element.