984 resultados para Luigi
The UPSCALE (UK on PRACE: weather-resolving Simulations of Climate for globAL Environmental risk) project, using PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) resources, constructed and ran an ensemble of atmosphere-only global climate model simulations, using the Met Office Unified Model GA3 configuration. Each simulation is 27 years in length for both the present climate and an end-of-century future climate, at resolutions of N96 (130 km), N216 (60 km) and N512 (25 km), in order to study the impact of model resolution on high impact climate features such as tropical cyclones. Increased model resolution is found to improve the simulated frequency of explicitly tracked tropical cyclones, and correlations of interannual variability in the North Atlantic and North West Pacific lie between 0.6 and 0.75. Improvements in the deficit of genesis in the eastern North Atlantic as resolution increases appear to be related to the representation of African Easterly Waves and the African Easterly Jet. However, the intensity of the modelled tropical cyclones as measured by 10 m wind speed remain weak, and there is no indication of convergence over this range of resolutions. In the future climate ensemble, there is a reduction of 50% in the frequency of Southern Hemisphere tropical cyclones, while in the Northern Hemisphere there is a reduction in the North Atlantic, and a shift in the Pacific with peak intensities becoming more common in the Central Pacific. There is also a change in tropical cyclone intensities, with the future climate having fewer weak storms and proportionally more stronger storms
The global characteristics of tropical cyclones (TCs) simulated by several climate models are analyzed and compared with observations. The global climate models were forced by the same sea surface temperature (SST) fields in two types of experiments, using climatological SST and interannually varying SST. TC tracks and intensities are derived from each model's output fields by the group who ran that model, using their own preferred tracking scheme; the study considers the combination of model and tracking scheme as a single modeling system, and compares the properties derived from the different systems. Overall, the observed geographic distribution of global TC frequency was reasonably well reproduced. As expected, with the exception of one model, intensities of the simulated TC were lower than in observations, to a degree that varies considerably across models.
While a quantitative climate theory of tropical cyclone formation remains elusive, considerable progress has been made recently in our ability to simulate tropical cyclone climatologies and understand the relationship between climate and tropical cyclone formation. Climate models are now able to simulate a realistic rate of global tropical cyclone formation, although simulation of the Atlantic tropical cyclone climatology remains challenging unless horizontal resolutions finer than 50 km are employed. This article summarizes published research from the idealized experiments of the Hurricane Working Group of U.S. CLIVAR (CLImate VARiability and predictability of the ocean-atmosphere system). This work, combined with results from other model simulations, has strengthened relationships between tropical cyclone formation rates and climate variables such as mid-tropospheric vertical velocity, with decreased climatological vertical velocities leading to decreased tropical cyclone formation. Systematic differences are shown between experiments in which only sea surface temperature is increased versus experiments where only atmospheric carbon dioxide is increased, with the carbon dioxide experiments more likely to demonstrate the decrease in tropical cyclone numbers previously shown to be a common response of climate models in a warmer climate. Experiments where the two effects are combined also show decreases in numbers, but these tend to be less for models that demonstrate a strong tropical cyclone response to increased sea surface temperatures. Further experiments are proposed that may improve our understanding of the relationship between climate and tropical cyclone formation, including experiments with two-way interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere and variations in atmospheric aerosols.
The South Asian monsoon is one of the most significant manifestations of the seasonal cycle. It directly impacts nearly one third of the world’s population and also has substantial global influence. Using 27-year integrations of a high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model (Met Office Unified Model), we study changes in South Asian monsoon precipitation and circulation when horizontal resolution is increased from approximately 200 to 40 km at the equator (N96 to N512, 1.9 to 0.35◦). The high resolution, integration length and ensemble size of the dataset make this the most extensive dataset used to evaluate the resolution sensitivity of the South Asian monsoon to date. We find a consistent pattern of JJAS precipitation and circulation changes as resolution increases, which include a slight increase in precipitation over peninsular India, changes in Indian and Indochinese orographic rain bands, increasing wind speeds in the Somali Jet, increasing precipitation over the Maritime Continent islands and decreasing precipitation over the northern Maritime Continent seas. To diagnose which resolution related processes cause these changes we compare them to published sensitivity experiments that change regional orography and coastlines. Our analysis indicates that improved resolution of the East African Highlands results in the improved representation of the Somali Jet and further suggests that improved resolution of orography over Indochina and the Maritime Continent results in more precipitation over the Maritime Continent islands at the expense of reduced precipitation further north. We also evaluate the resolution sensitivity of monsoon depressions and lows, which contribute more precipitation over northeast India at higher resolution. We conclude that while increasing resolution at these scales does not solve the many monsoon biases that exist in GCMs, it has a number of small, beneficial impacts.
Two methods are developed to estimate net surface energy fluxes based upon satellite-based reconstructions of radiative fluxes at the top of atmosphere and the atmospheric energy tendencies and transports from the ERA-Interim reanalysis. Method 1 applies the mass adjusted energy divergence from ERA-Interim while method 2 estimates energy divergence based upon the net energy difference at the top of atmosphere and the surface from ERA-Interim. To optimise the surface flux and its variability over ocean, the divergences over land are constrained to match the monthly area mean surface net energy flux variability derived from a simple relationship between the surface net energy flux and the surface temperature change. The energy divergences over the oceans are then adjusted to remove an unphysical residual global mean atmospheric energy divergence. The estimated net surface energy fluxes are compared with other data sets from reanalysis and atmospheric model simulations. The spatial correlation coefficients of multi-annual means between the estimations made here and other data sets are all around 0.9. There are good agreements in area mean anomaly variability over the global ocean, but discrepancies in the trend over the eastern Pacific are apparent.
We propose a geoadditive negative binomial model (Geo-NB-GAM) for regional count data that allows us to address simultaneously some important methodological issues, such as spatial clustering, nonlinearities, and overdispersion. This model is applied to the study of location determinants of inward greenfield investments that occurred during 2003–2007 in 249 European regions. After presenting the data set and showing the presence of overdispersion and spatial clustering, we review the theoretical framework that motivates the choice of the location determinants included in the empirical model, and we highlight some reasons why the relationship between some of the covariates and the dependent variable might be nonlinear. The subsequent section first describes the solutions proposed by previous literature to tackle spatial clustering, nonlinearities, and overdispersion, and then presents the Geo-NB-GAM. The empirical analysis shows the good performance of Geo-NB-GAM. Notably, the inclusion of a geoadditive component (a smooth spatial trend surface) permits us to control for spatial unobserved heterogeneity that induces spatial clustering. Allowing for nonlinearities reveals, in keeping with theoretical predictions, that the positive effect of agglomeration economies fades as the density of economic activities reaches some threshold value. However, no matter how dense the economic activity becomes, our results suggest that congestion costs never overcome positive agglomeration externalities.
Medicanes or “Mediterranean hurricanes” represent a rare and physically unique type of Mediterranean mesoscale cyclone. There are similarities with tropical cyclones with regard to their development (based on the thermodynamical disequilibrium between the warm sea and the overlying troposphere) and their kinematic and thermodynamical properties (medicanes are intense vortices with a warm core and even a cloud-free eye). Although medicanes are smaller and their wind speeds are lower than in tropical cyclones, the severity of their winds can cause substantial damage to islands and coastal areas. Concern about how human-induced climate change will affect extreme events is increasing. This includes the future impacts on medicanes due to the warming of the Mediterranean waters and the projected changes in regional atmospheric circulation. However, most global climate models do not have high enough spatial resolution to adequately represent small features such as medicanes. In this study, a cyclone tracking algorithm is applied to high resolution global climate model data with a horizontal grid resolution of approximately 25 km over the Mediterranean region. After a validation of the climatology of general Mediterranean mesoscale cyclones, changes in medicanes are determined using climate model experiments with present and future forcing. The magnitude of the changes in the winds, frequency and location of medicanes is assessed. While no significant changes in the total number of Mediterranean mesoscale cyclones are found, medicanes tend to decrease in number but increase in intensity. The model simulation suggests that medicanes tend to form more frequently in the Gulf of Lion–Genoa and South of Sicily.
Substantial low-frequency rainfall fluctuations occurred in the Sahel throughout the twentieth century, causing devastating drought. Modeling these low-frequency rainfall fluctuations has remained problematic for climate models for many years. Here we show using a combination of state-of-the-art rainfall observations and high-resolution global climate models that changes in organized heavy rainfall events carry most of the rainfall variability in the Sahel at multiannual to decadal time scales. Ability to produce intense, organized convection allows climate models to correctly simulate the magnitude of late-twentieth century rainfall change, underlining the importance of model resolution. Increasing model resolution allows a better coupling between large-scale circulation changes and regional rainfall processes over the Sahel. These results provide a strong basis for developing more reliable and skilful long-term predictions of rainfall (seasons to years) which could benefit many sectors in the region by allowing early adaptation to impending extremes.
In order to exploit the passive energy potential of the building envelope, it is important to provide a right combination of insulation thickness, heat capacity and night-time ventilation. In this paper, this issue will be tackled with reference to an historic building in Catania (Southern Italy). The building was built at the end of the XIX century, and its opaque envelope is entirely made with lava stones, which is typical of traditional architecture in this area. Starting from the current configuration of the building, many hypotheses for refurbishment are considered, combined with different strategies for passive cooling, such as night-time ventilation, use of shading devices and adoption of highly-reflective coatings. The effectiveness of each solution in terms of summer thermal comfort is evaluated through dynamic thermal simulations carried out with EnergyPlus. The results show the synergic effect of these strategies, as well as their individual impact, and allow to draw some general conclusions about the behaviour of heavyweight buildings under moderately hot weather conditions.
Roofs are severely hit by solar radiation in summer; hence the use of cool materials on the finishing layer provides a significant reduction in the heat flow entering the building, with sensible attenuation in the building cooling load. In this paper, a case study is presented, based on the dynamic simulation of an existing office building in Catania (southern Italy). Here, a part of the roof has been recently treated with a commercial cool paint, with the aim of improving thermal comfort in summer. Hence, the simulations represent a preliminary study that will allow assessing the expected effectiveness of the intervention. More in detail, the results of the simulations will be discussed in terms of both thermal comfort and energy savings, through the evaluation of parameters such as the roof surface temperature, the operative temperature and the cooling load for both conditions, i.e. with and without the cool paint. The paper also discusses the potential increase in the energy needs for winter heating, and looks at the overall annual balance in terms of primary energy; this is made by considering different climatic conditions and envelope characteristics. These aspects are usually not well highlighted in the current scientific literature.
Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para a geração automática de ASICs, em VHDL, a partir da linguagem de entrada Java. Como linguagem de especificação adotou-se a Linguagem Java por esta possuir características desejáveis para especificação a nível de sistema, como: orientação a objetos, portabilidade e segurança. O sistema é especificamente projetado para suportar síntese de ASICs a partir dos modelos de computação Máquina de Estados Finita e Pipeline. Neste trabalho, adotou-se estes modelos de computação por serem mais usados em sistemas embarcados As principais características exploradas são a disponibilização da geração de ASICs para a ferramenta SASHIMI, o alto nível de abstração com que o projetista pode contar em seu projeto, as otimizações de escalonamento realizadas automaticamente, e o sistema ser capaz de abstrair diferentes modelos de computação para uma descrição em VHDL. Portanto, o ambiente permite a redução do tempo de projeto e, consequentemente, dos custos agregados, diminuindo a probabilidade de erros na elaboração do projeto, portabilidade e reuso de código – através da orientação a objetos de Java – podendo-se proteger os investimentos prévios em desenvolvimento de software. A validação desses conceitos foi realizada mediante estudos de casos, utilizando-se algumas aplicações e analisando os resultados obtidos com a geração dos ASICs.
Baseado na tecnologia de interligação de redes, este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de conexão de dois sistemas com processamento próprio com o intuito de troca de informações, utilizando a pilha de protocolos TCP/IP. Este sistema será empregado em ambientes de controle industrial, permitindo o envio de informações do servidor de dados para o cliente. Os dados são constituídos de leituras feitas em equipamentos de campo, apresentando ao cliente remoto, medições dos mais diversos tipos. Por outro lado, o cliente poderá enviar comandos aos equipamentos de campo visando o telecontrole. Como ponto de partida para a elaboração do trabalho prático, foi utilizado o ambiente de controle do sistema de potência da companhia energética do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (CEEE). Um microcomputador com um browser acessa, através de uma rede local, os equipamentos controlados, que poderão ser qualquer tipo de equipamento de campo empregado em subestações de energia elétrica, como disjuntores, transformadores ou chaves. Para permitir o acesso remoto de tais equipamentos, foi elaborado um servidor de dados constituído de um controlador de rede do tipo Ethernet e um microcontrolador de aplicação específica que se encarrega do processamento da pilha de protocolos. O controlador Ethernet utilizado é um circuito integrado dedicado comercial, que executa o tratamento dos sinais de nível físico e de enlace de dados conforme o padrão IEEE 802.2. O processador TCP/IP, enfoque principal deste trabalho, foi elaborado através da linguagem de programação C, e a seguir traduzido para o Java, que é o ponto de partida para a ferramenta SASHIMI, de geração da descrição em VHDL do microcontrolador de aplicação específica utilizado. O processador TCP/IP encarrega-se da aquisição de dados do equipamento de campo, do processamento da pilha de protocolos TCP/IP, e do gerenciamento do controlador Ethernet. A partir desta descrição VHDL, foi sintetizado o hardware do microcontrolador em um FPGA, que juntamente com o software aplicativo, também fornecido pela ferramenta utilizada, desempenha o papel de processador TCP/IP para o sistema proposto. Neste ambiente, então, o cliente localizado no centro de operação, acessa através de um browser o equipamento de campo, visando obter suas medições, bem como enviar comandos, destacando o aspecto bidirecional para a troca de dados e a facilidade de conexão de dois sistemas heterogêneos. Este sistema pretende apresentar baixo custo de aquisição e de instalação, facilidade de interconexão local ou remota e transparência ao usuário final.
Seja por motivos de saúde, estéticos ou de desempenho físico, cada vez mais há interesse em conhecer o próprio percentual de gordura corporal (%GC). Métodos cada vez menos invasivos e menos intrusivos vem sendo pesquisados para obter tal medida com o mínimo de desconforto para o paciente. Infelizmente, equipamentos de medição do %GC que apresentem operação simples, baixo custo e que possibilitem que o próprio paciente realize a medição não são encontrados no mercado nacional. O objetivo maior deste trabalho consiste, por isso, em propor um medidor com estas características. Para isso, verifica-se a possibilidade de utilizar um método com ultra-som de baixa freqüência para obter as espessuras de tecido adiposo subcutâneo e a partir disto, o %GC. Devido à elevada sensibilidade ao posicionamento do corpo de prova verificada, o que ocasiona total falta de repetibilidade das medidas, o uso de tal método é descartado. Como alternativa, propõe-se o uso do método de bioimpedância para o medidor. Os detalhes de projeto de tal equipamento são discutidos e um protótipo de suas partes críticas é implementado para mostrar sua viabilidade. A análise do protótipo construído demonstra que o equipamento devidamente acabado, quando operado em modo de bioimpedância total, apresentará precisão, exatidão, facilidade de operação e custo adequados ao uso proposto. Na operação em modo de bioimpedância segmental, todavia, a exatidão das medidas obtidas deixa a desejar, devido à provável inadequação das equações de predição usadas.
Na era de sistemas embarcados complexos, a interface direta de dispositivos e sistemas integrados para o mundo real demanda o uso de sensores e seus circuitos analógicos de suporte. Desde que a maioria das características físicas de um sensor requer algum tipo de calibração, este trabalho compara e discute quatro técnicas digitais de calibração adaptadas para aplicação em sistemas embarcados. Para fins de comparação, estes métodos de calibração foram implementados em Matlab5.3, e em um DSP (Digital Signal Processor) . Através das medidas realizadas durante a operação em regime do DSP, pode-se determinar parâmetros importantes de projeto, como potência dissipada e tempo de processamento. Outros critérios de comparação, como área consumida, tempo de processamento, facilidade de automação e taxa de crescimento do custo área e do custo velocidade com o aumento de resolução também foram analisados. Os resultados das implementações são apresentados e discutidos com o objetivo de descobrir qual o melhor método de calibração para aplicações em sistemas embarcados.
Esta dissertação tem como foco a política baiana, na primeira metade dos anos 1930. Centrando a análise na figura de Juracy Magalhães, que ocupou a interventoria do estado da Bahia de agosto de 1931 a outubro de 1934, quando foi eleito, de forma indireta, para governador do estado. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é identificar quais estratégias de Juracy Magalhães permitiram que, em um curto espaço de tempo, o tenente cearense assumisse o controle político da Bahia. Ou seja, entender como o militar cearense, considerado um forasteiro na Bahia, consegue se transformar numa das mais importantes lideranças políticas do estado. Enfim, estudaremos o período de 1931 a 1934, que corresponde aos anos em que Juracy Magalhães edificou sua forma de atuação na política baiana.