904 resultados para Long Distance Anaphora


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We experimentally investigate a long-distance, high-bit-rate transmission system which combines optical-phase-conjugation with quasi-lossless amplification. Comparison with a conventional system configuration demonstrates the possibility of obtaining both dispersion compensation and improved nonlinear tolerance using proposed scheme.


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A major focus of stem cell research is the generation of neurons that may then be implanted to treat neurodegenerative diseases. However, a picture is emerging where astrocytes are partners to neurons in sustaining and modulating brain function. We therefore investigated the functional properties of NT2 derived astrocytes and neurons using electrophysiological and calcium imaging approaches. NT2 neurons (NT2Ns) expressed sodium dependent action potentials, as well as responses to depolarisation and the neurotransmitter glutamate. NT2Ns exhibited spontaneous and coordinated calcium elevations in clusters and in extended processes, indicating local and long distance signalling. Tetrodotoxin sensitive network activity could also be evoked by electrical stimulation. Similarly, NT2 astrocytes (NT2As) exhibited morphology and functional properties consistent with this glial cell type. NT2As responded to neuronal activity and to exogenously applied neurotransmitters with calcium elevations, and in contrast to neurons, also exhibited spontaneous rhythmic calcium oscillations. NT2As also generated propagating calcium waves that were gap junction and purinergic signalling dependent. Our results show that NT2 derived astrocytes exhibit appropriate functionality and that NT2N networks interact with NT2A networks in co-culture. These findings underline the utility of such cultures to investigate human brain cell type signalling under controlled conditions. Furthermore, since stem cell derived neuron function and survival is of great importance therapeutically, our findings suggest that the presence of complementary astrocytes may be valuable in supporting stem cell derived neuronal networks. Indeed, this also supports the intriguing possibility of selective therapeutic replacement of astrocytes in diseases where these cells are either lost or lose functionality.


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Future high capacity optical links will have to make use of frequent signal regeneration to enable long distance transmission. In this respect, the role of all-optical signal processing becomes increasingly important because of its potential to mitigate signal impairments at low cost and power consumption. More substantial benefits are expected if regeneration is achieved simultaneously on a multiple signal band. Until recently, this had been achieved only for on-off keying modulation formats. However, as in future transmission links the information will be encoded also in the phase for enhancing the spectral efficiency, novel subsystem concepts will be needed for multichannel processing of such advanced signal formats. In this paper we show that phase sensitive amplifiers can be an ideal technology platform for developing such regenerators and we discuss our recent demonstration of the first multi-channel regenerator for phase encoded signals.


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We experimentally investigate a long-distance, high-bit-rate transmission system which combines optical-phase-conjugation with quasi-lossless amplification. Comparison with a conventional system configuration demonstrates the possibility of obtaining both dispersion compensation and improved nonlinear tolerance using proposed scheme.


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The world is connected by a core network of long-haul optical communication systems that link countries and continents, enabling long-distance phone calls, data-center communications, and the Internet. The demands on information rates have been constantly driven up by applications such as online gaming, high-definition video, and cloud computing. All over the world, end-user connection speeds are being increased by replacing conventional digital subscriber line (DSL) and asymmetric DSL (ADSL) with fiber to the home. Clearly, the capacity of the core network must also increase proportionally. © 1991-2012 IEEE.


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A key technology for future long-distance, high-capacity terrestrial optical communication links, distributed Raman amplification can increase system performance and expand the range of operating wavelengths.


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A simplified (without phase modulator) scheme of a black box optical regenerator is proposed, where an appropriate nonlinear propagation is used to enhance regeneration. Applying semi-theoretical models the authors optimise and demonstrate feasibility of error-free long distance transmission at 40 Gbit/s.


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We study the dynamics of a growing crystalline facet where the growth mechanism is controlled by the geometry of the local curvature. A continuum model, in (2+1) dimensions, is developed in analogy with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model is considered for the purpose. Following standard coarse graining procedures, it is shown that in the large time, long distance limit, the continuum model predicts a curvature independent KPZ phase, thereby suppressing all explicit effects of curvature and local pinning in the system, in the "perturbative" limit. A direct numerical integration of this growth equation, in 1+1 dimensions, supports this observation below a critical parametric range, above which generic instabilities, in the form of isolated pillared structures lead to deviations from standard scaling behaviour. Possibilities of controlling this instability by introducing statistically "irrelevant" (in the sense of renormalisation groups) higher ordered nonlinearities have also been discussed.


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Future high capacity optical links will have to make use of frequent signal regeneration to enable long distance transmission. In this respect, the role of all-optical signal processing becomes increasingly important because of its potential to mitigate signal impairments at low cost and power consumption. More substantial benefits are expected if regeneration is achieved simultaneously on a multiple signal band. Until recently, this had been achieved only for on-off keying modulation formats. However, as in future transmission links the information will be encoded also in the phase for enhancing the spectral efficiency, novel subsystem concepts will be needed for multichannel processing of such advanced signal formats. In this paper we show that phase sensitive amplifiers can be an ideal technology platform for developing such regenerators and we discuss our recent demonstration of the first multi-channel regenerator for phase encoded signals.


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There is currently great scientific and medical interest in the potential of tissue grown from stem cells. These cells present opportunities for generating model systems for drug screening and toxicological testing which would be expected to be more relevant to human outcomes than animal based tissue preparations. Newly realised astrocytic roles in the brain have fundamental implications within the context of stem cell derived neuronal networks. If the aim of stem cell neuroscience is to generate functional neuronal networks that behave as networks do in the brain, then it becomes clear that we must include and understand all the cellular components that comprise that network, and which are important to support synaptic integrity and cell to cell signalling. We have shown that stem cell derived neurons exhibit spontaneous and coordinated calcium elevations in clusters and in extended processes, indicating local and long distance signalling (1). Tetrodotoxin sensitive network activity could also be evoked by electrical stimulation. Similarly, astrocytes exhibit morphology and functional properties consistent with this glial cell type. Astrocytes also respond to neuronal activity and to exogenously applied neurotransmitters with calcium elevations, and in contrast to neurons, also exhibited spontaneous rhythmic calcium oscillations. Astroctyes also generate propagating calcium waves that are gap junction and purinergic signalling dependent. Our results show that stem cell derived astrocytes exhibit appropriate functionality and that stem cell neuronal networks interact with astrocytic networks in co-culture. Using mixed cultures of stem cell derived neurons and astrocytes, we have also shown both cell types also modulate their glucose uptake, glycogen turnover and lactate production in response to glutamate as well as increased neuronal activity (2). This finding is consistent with their neuron-astrocyte metabolic coupling thus demonstrating a tractable human model, which will facilitate the study of the metabolic coupling between neurons and astrocytes and its relationship with CNS functional issues ranging from plasticity to neurodegeneration. Indeed, cultures treated with oligomers of amyloid beta 1-42 (Aβ1-42) also display a clear hypometabolism, particularly with regard to utilization of substrates such as glucose (3). Both co-cultures of neurons and astrocytes and purified cultures of astrocytes showed a significant decrease in glucose uptake after treatment with 2 and 0.2 μmol/L Aβ at all time points investigated (p <0.01). In addition, a significant increase in the glycogen content of cells was also measured. Mixed neuron and astrocyte co-cultures as well as pure astrocyte cultures showed an initial decrease in glycogen levels at 6 hours compared with control at 0.2 μmol/L and 2 μmol/L P <0.01. These changes were accompanied by changes in NAD+/NADH (P<0.05), ATP (P<0.05), and glutathione levels (P<0.05), suggesting a disruption in the energy-redox axis within these cultures. The high energy demands associated with neuronal functions such as memory formation and protection from oxidative stress put these cells at particular risk from Aβ-induced hypometabolism. As numerous cell types interact in the brain it is important that any in vitro model developed reflects this arrangement. Our findings indicate that stem cell derived neuron and astrocyte networks can communicate, and so have the potential to interact in a tripartite manner as is seen in vivo. This study therefore lays the foundation for further development of stem cell derived neurons and astrocytes into therapeutic cell replacement and human toxicology/disease models. More recently our data provides evidence for a detrimental effect of Aβ on carbohydrate metabolism in both neurons and astrocytes. As a purely in vitro system, human stem cell models can be readily manipulated and maintained in culture for a period of months without the use of animals. In our laboratory cultures can be maintained in culture for up to 12 months months thus providing the opportunity to study the consequences of these changes over extended periods of time relevant to aspects of the disease progression time frame in vivo. In addition, their human origin provides a more realistic in vitro model as well as informing other human in vitro models such as patient-derived iPSC.


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In this talk we will review some of the key enabling technologies of optical communications and potential future bottlenecks. Single mode fibre (SMF) has long been the preferred waveguide for long distance communication. This is largely due to low loss, low cost and relative linearity over a wide bandwidth. As capacity demands have grown SMF has largely been able to keep pace with demand. Several groups have been identifying the possibility of exhausting the bandwidth provided by SMF [1,2,3]. This so called “capacity-crunch” has potentially vast economic and social consequences and will be discussed in detail. As demand grows optical power launched into the fibre has the potential to cause nonlinearities that can be detrimental to transmission. There has been considerable work done on identifying this nonlinear limit [4, 5] with a strong re- search interest currently on the topic of nonlinear compensation [6, 7]. Embracing and compensating for nonlinear transmission is one potential solution that may extend the lifetime of the current waveguide technology. However, at sufficiently high powers the waveguide will fail due to heat-induced mechanical failure. Moving forward it be- comes necessary to address the waveguide itself with several promising contenders discussed, including few-mode fibre and multi-core fibre.


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Az innovatív vállalati kapcsolatokkal foglalkozó vizsgálatok sokasága az innovációs folyamatok „kettősségéről” ad számot. Egyrészt felértékelődött a térbeli közelség szerepe, emiatt az innovatív vállalkozások, intézmények térben koncentrálódnak, főleg a nagyvárosokban. Másrészt szerteágazó hálózatok jöttek létre a különböző országokban működő innovatív vállalatok, intézetek között, amelyek többsége a nagy távolságok ellenére is sikeres. Mindezen megfigyelések arra utalnak, hogy pontosítani kell a közelség és távolság üzleti szerepéről vallott ismereteket a változó globalizációs feltételekhez igazítva. A szerzők tanulmányukban áttekintik a térbeli közelség szerepének főbb jellemzőit az innovatív tevékenységeken alapuló vállalati együttműködések kialakulásában és fenntartásában. A hagyományos felfogások rövid ismertetése után a „hálózati közelség”, másképpen „kapcsolati közelség” (relational proximity) egyes típusait elemzik. Részletesen kitérnek a regionális klaszterek és a lokális innovatív miliő főbb jellemzőire, amelyek a térbeli és a kapcsolati közelségekből eredő előnyöket egyaránt hasznosítják. Ezek a mérvadó nemzetközi tapasztalatok itthon is alkalmazhatók az egyetemi és vállalati együttműködések, illetve a helyi gazdaságfejlesztési és vállalkozásfejlesztési programok kidolgozásakor. ________ Multiple studies of innovative business relations give an account about „the double character” of innovative processes. On the one hand, the role of proximity has been appreciated, for this reason, the innovative companies, institutes are concentrated in space, especially in big cities. On the other hand extensive networks have been established among innovative companies, institutes operating in the different countries, most of which are successful in spite of the long distance. All these observations suggest there is a need to clarify business skills on the role of proximity and distance, tailored to the changing conditions of globalization. In their study the authors review the role of the main features of spatial proximity in formation and maintenace of corporate cooperation based on innovative activities. After a brief description of traditional concepts certain types of „network proximity” otherwise relational proximity are analyzed. They cover main features of regional clusters and the local innovative environment which utilize advantages coming both from spatial and relational proximities. This leading international experience are applicable at home as well when elaborating academic and corporate cooperation resp. local development programs for the economy and corporations.


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The Kara Sea is an area uniquely suitable for studying processes in the river-sea system. This is a shallow sea, into which two great Siberian rivers, Yenisei and Ob, flow. From 1995 to 2003, the sea was studied by six international expeditions onboard the R/V Akademik Boris Petrov. This publication summarizes the results obtained, within the framework of this project, at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences. Various hydrogeochemical parameters, concentrations and isotopic composition of organic and carbonate carbon of the sediments, plankton, particulate organic matter, hydrocarbons, and dissolved CO2 were examined throughout the whole sea area at more than 200 sites. The d13C varies from -22 and -24 per mil where Atlantic waters enter the Kara Sea and in the north-eastern part of the water area to -27 per mil in the Yenisei and Ob estuaries. The value of d13C of the plankton is only weakly correlated with the d13C of the organic matter from the sediments and is lower by as much as 3-4 per mil. The paper presents the results obtained from a number of meridional river-sea profiles. It was determined from the relations between the isotopic compositions of plankton and particulate matter that the river waters carry material consisting of 70% detrital-humus matter and 30% planktonogenic material in the river part, and the material contained in the offshore waters consists of 30% terrigenous components, with the contribution of bioproducers amounting to 70%. The carbon isotopic composition of the plankton ranges from -29 to -35 per mil in the riverine part, from -28 to -27 per mil in the estuaries, and from -27.0 to -25 per mil in the marine part. The relative lightness of the carbon isotopic composition of plankton in Arctic waters is explained by the temperature effect, elevated CO2 concentrations, and long-distance CO2 supply to the sea with river waters. The data obtained on the isotopic composition of CO2 in the surface waters of the Kara Sea were used to map the distribution of d13C. The complex of hydrocarbon gases extracted from the waters included methane, C2-C5, and unsaturated C2=-C4= hydrocarbons, for which variations in the concentrations in the waters were studied along river-estuary-sea profiles. The geochemistry of hydrocarbon gases in surface fresh waters is characterized by comparable concentrations of methane (0.3-5 µl/l) and heavier hydrocarbons, including unsaturated ones. Microbiological methane with d13C from -105 to -90 per mil first occurs in the sediments at depths of 40-200 cm. The sediments practically everywhere display traces of methane oxidation in the form of a shift of the d13C of methane toward higher values and the occurrence of autogenic carbonate material, including ikaite, enriched in the light isotope. Ikaite (d13C from -25 to -60 per mil) was found and examined in several profiles. The redox conditions in the sediments varied from normal in the southern part of the sea to highly oxidized along the Novaya Zemlya Trough. Vertical sections through the sediments of the latter exemplify the complete suppression of the biochemical activity of microorganisms. Our data provide insight into the biogeochemistry of the Kara Sea and make it possible to specify the background values needed for ecological control during the future exploration operations and extraction of hydrocarbons in the Kara Sea.


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Nature is challenged to move charge efficiently over many length scales. From sub-nm to μm distances, electron-transfer proteins orchestrate energy conversion, storage, and release both inside and outside the cell. Uncovering the detailed mechanisms of biological electron-transfer reactions, which are often coupled to bond-breaking and bond-making events, is essential to designing durable, artificial energy conversion systems that mimic the specificity and efficiency of their natural counterparts. Here, we use theoretical modeling of long-distance charge hopping (Chapter 3), synthetic donor-bridge-acceptor molecules (Chapters 4, 5, and 6), and de novo protein design (Chapters 5 and 6) to investigate general principles that govern light-driven and electrochemically driven electron-transfer reactions in biology. We show that fast, μm-distance charge hopping along bacterial nanowires requires closely packed charge carriers with low reorganization energies (Chapter 3); singlet excited-state electronic polarization of supermolecular electron donors can attenuate intersystem crossing yields to lower-energy, oppositely polarized, donor triplet states (Chapter 4); the effective static dielectric constant of a small (~100 residue) de novo designed 4-helical protein bundle can change upon phototriggering an electron transfer event in the protein interior, providing a means to slow the charge-recombination reaction (Chapter 5); and a tightly-packed de novo designed 4-helix protein bundle can drastically alter charge-transfer driving forces of photo-induced amino acid radical formation in the bundle interior, effectively turning off a light-driven oxidation reaction that occurs in organic solvent (Chapter 6). This work leverages unique insights gleaned from proteins designed from scratch that bind synthetic donor-bridge-acceptor molecules that can also be studied in organic solvents, opening new avenues of exploration into the factors critical for protein control of charge flow in biology.


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Le genre Angraecum est un groupe d’orchidées tropicales qui compte environ 221 espèces réparties en Afrique subsaharienne, dans l’ouest de l’Océan Indien, et au Sri Lanka. Plus de la moitié des espèces se trouvent à Madagascar, dont au moins 90% sont endémiques à l’île. L’étude systématique et taxonomique du genre Angraecum a toujours été problématique à cause de sa grande diversité morphologique. Pour faciliter la classification, des sections ont été établies dont la plus connue est celle de Garay (1973), qui regroupe les espèces sous 19 sections. Plusieurs analyses phylogénétiques avaient montré que le genre Angraecum et les sections de Garay ne sont pas monophylétiques. Cependant, aucune révision systématique n’a été apportée à cause du faible échantillonnage dans ces analyses. En incorporant un plus grand nombre d'espèces et en ajoutant d’autres caractères morphologiques dans l’analyse, nous avons apporté une plus grande résolution à la reconstruction phylogénétique du groupe. Cette résolution concerne surtout les nœuds plus profonds qui représentent les différents clades à l’intérieur d'Angraecum, qui correspondent à des sections naturelles. A partir de ces clades, nous avons redéfini 14 sections monophylétiques toute en reconnaissant cinq nouvelles. Grâce à cette nouvelle phylogénie d'Angraecum, nous avons pu étudier la diversification du genre et de la sous-tribu Angraecinae en utilisant des méthodes macroévolutives, notamment les roles joués par les traits floraux dans la spéciation, tout en l'interprétant grâce aux histoires géologique et paléoclimatique. Le modèle de diversification chez les Angraecinae semble avoir été celui communément rencontré dans les forêts tropicales humides, c’est-à-dire une diversification par accumulation graduelle d’espèces à travers le temps et non pas une radiation adaptative rapide, comme souvent observée chez des lignées animales malgaches. Plusieurs caractères morphologiques jouent un rôle important dans la diversification des espèces d'Angraecum. Le début de la diversification d'Angraecum à Madagascar coïncide avec le mouvement progressif de l’île vers le nord, l’établissement de la mousson dans la partie nord de l’île durant le Miocène, et l’expansion de la forêt tropicale malgache pendant cette période. Notre étude de l’histoire biogéographique des Angraecinae suggère une origine malgache de la sous-tribu et du genre Angraecum. On observe de la dispersion à longue distance à partir de Madagascar vers le reste du monde dans le genre Angraecum. La forêt tropicale humide du Nord Est de Madagascar est le point de départ de la diversification des espèces d'Angraecum. Le premier événement de dispersion a débuté à l’intérieur de l’île vers la fin du Miocène. Cet évènement est marqué par une migration du Nord Est vers le centre de Madagascar. Par ailleurs, la majorité des événements de dispersion à longue distance se sont produits durant le Pliocène-Pléistocène à partir soit du centre, soit du Nord Est de l'île. On assiste à des migrations indépendantes vers l’Afrique de l’est et les Comores d’une part, et vers les Mascareignes d’autre part. Un seul événement fondateur ayant conduit à l’apparition de la section Hadrangis est observé dans les Mascareignes. La saison cyclonique joue un rôle significatif dans la dispersion à longue distance des graines d’orchidées, comparée aux vents dominants qui soufflent dans la région ouest de l’Océan Indien, notamment l’alizé et la mousson. La similarité des niches écologiques a facilité l’expansion des espèces d'Angraecum dans les Comores et les Mascareignes.