966 resultados para Local likelihood function


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Studies in which ACTH was administrated in heifers after the occurrence of luteolysis showed a delay in the onset of estrus and the estrus duration was shortened. This study evaluated the effect of acute stress by road transportation on estrous behavior and ovulation, monitored by serum progesterone and cortisol concentrations in cows at the periovulatory period, using a crossover design. Eleven crossbred cows, divided into Control and Transport groups had their estrus cycle synchronized with GnRH, an intravaginal progesterone device, and cloprostenol. Thirty hours after withdrawal of the device, the animals of the Transport group were transported for 60 min by truck and those from the Control group remained at pasture. Ovarian ultrasound examination was performed every 12 h from device withdrawal until ovulation in every cow. From the day after removal of the device until ovulation estrous behavior was monitored 24 h a day. Blood samples for serum cortisol and progesterone concentrations were taken at -90, -60, 0, 30, 60 and 180 min in relation to the end of transportation. Transportation during the estrous period induced stress in cows as reflected by changes in serum concentrations of progesterone and cortisol. However, we did not detect impairment in estrus expression, estrus duration or ovulation (P>0.05). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We introduce the log-beta Weibull regression model based on the beta Weibull distribution (Famoye et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2007). We derive expansions for the moment generating function which do not depend on complicated functions. The new regression model represents a parametric family of models that includes as sub-models several widely known regression models that can be applied to censored survival data. We employ a frequentist analysis, a jackknife estimator, and a parametric bootstrap for the parameters of the proposed model. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influences on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some ways to assess global influences. Further, for different parameter settings, sample sizes, and censoring percentages, several simulations are performed. In addition, the empirical distribution of some modified residuals are displayed and compared with the standard normal distribution. These studies suggest that the residual analysis usually performed in normal linear regression models can be extended to a modified deviance residual in the proposed regression model applied to censored data. We define martingale and deviance residuals to evaluate the model assumptions. The extended regression model is very useful for the analysis of real data and could give more realistic fits than other special regression models.


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Nutrition in bean plants and anthracnose intensity in function of silicon and copper application. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of calcium silicate and copper sulfate on anthracnose intensity and nutrition of bean plants. The experiment was conducted using an experimental design in randomized blocks following a 4 x 4 factorial arrangement , (four levels of calcium silicate and four levels of copper sulfate) and two additional treatments (plants without inoculation and plants sprinkled with Benomyl). Four evaluations of the incidence and severity of anthracnose were done, in addition to measuring, total leaf area. At the end of the evaluations, incidence: and data were integrated over time, obtaining the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC). Contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Si and lignin were determined in the aerial Part. A linear decrease of the intensity AUDPC was observed with the increase of the doses of calcium silicate. The severity AUDPC was influenced by the doses of copper, obtaining a reduction of 35% on the higher dosage. The supply of silicon and copper altered the content of the K, mg, S, Zn, Ca and Si in the aerial part of the bean plants.


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The Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) of the Amazon region is consumed worldwide. It is rich in both monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids and is known for its high selenium content. This study tested the hypothesis whether the consumption of this nut could affect the plasma lipids and apolipoproteins and some functional properties of the antiatherogenic high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Fifteen normolipidemic subjects aged 27.3 +/- 3.9 years and with body mass index of 23.8 +/- 2.8 kg/m(2) consumed 45 g of Brazil nuts per day during a 15-day period. On days 0 and 15, blood was collected for biochemical analysis, determination of HDL particle size, paraoxonase 1 activity, and lipid transfer from a lipoprotein-like nanoparticle to the HDL fraction. Brazil nut ingestion did not alter HDL, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triacylglycerols, apolipoprotein A-1, or apolipoprotein B concentrations. HDL particle diameter and the activity of antioxidative paraoxonase 1, mostly found in the HDL fraction, Were also unaffected. Supplementation increased the reception of cholesteryl esters (P <.05) by the HDL yet did not alter the reception of phospholipids, free cholesterol, or triacylglycerols. As expected, plasma selenium was significantly increased. However, the consumption of Brazil nuts for short duration by normolipidemic subjects in comparable amounts to those tested for other nuts did not alter serum lipid profile. The only alteration in HDL function was the increase in cholesteryl ester transfer. This latter finding may be beneficial because it would improve the nonatherogenic reverse cholesterol transport pathway. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background Et aims: To investigate the effect that early weaning associated with the ingestion of either a glutamine-free or supplemented diet has on the functioning of peritoneal. macrophages, hematopoiesis and nutritional status of mice. Methods: Swiss Webster mice were early weaned on their 14th day of life and distributed to two groups, being fed either a glutamine-free diet (-GLN) or a glutamine-supplemented diet (+GLN). Animals belonging to a control group (CON) were weaned on their 21st day of life. Results: The -GLN and +GLN groups had a lower lean body mass, carcass protein and ash content, plasma glutamine concentration and lymphocyte counts both in the peripheral blood and bone marrow when compared to the CON group (P < 0.05). Dietary supplementation with glutamine reversed both the lower concentrations of protein and DNA in the muscle and liver, as well. as the reduced capacity of spreading and synthesizing nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide, TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and IL-6 in cultures of peritoneal. macrophages obtained from the -GLN group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: These data indicate that the ingestion of glutamine modulates the function of peritoneal macrophages in early weaned mice. However, a glutamine-supplemented diet cannot substitute maternal milk in respect to immunological and metabolic parameters. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.


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Objective: Glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in maternal milk, and its concentration increases throughout lactation. Because glutamine is essential for macrophage functionality, it is hereby suggested that early weaning in conjunction with the absence of glutamine consumption impairs the functioning of macrophages, which could in turn be reversed with an in vitro supplementation with glutamine. Methods: Swiss Webster mice were early weaned at 14 d of age (EW group) or at 21 d of age (control group, n = 8 per group). The EW group was fed a glutamine-free diet from days 14 to 21 of life. Results: Mice in the EW group presented a significant decrease in plasma and muscle concentrations of glutamine and an increase in the activity of glutamine synthetase in the muscle. Peritoneal macrophages obtained from animals in the EW group presented a significant increase in the production of interleukin (IL)-10 and a significant decrease in the synthesis of IL-1 beta, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-a, nitric oxide, and hydrogen peroxide and in their ability to adhere, spread, phagocytize, and kill fungi. Glutamine in vitro supplementation reversed the decrease in IL-6, nitric oxide, and hydrogen peroxide synthesis and the decrease in the capacity to adhere, spread, and phagocytize in animals of the EW group. Conclusion: These new. data may imply that a lack of glutamine intake in early weaned mice hampers the functioning of peritoneal macrophages. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This report focuses on the effects of cholesterol on the expression and function of the ATP-binding cassette (ABCB1, ABCG2 and ABCC2) and solute-linked carrier (SLCO1B1 and SLCO2B1) drug transporters with a particular focus on the potential impact of cholesterol on lipid-lowering drug disposition. Statins are the most active agents in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. However, considerable interindividual variation exists in the response to statin therapy. Therefore, it would be huge progress if factors were identified that reliably differentiate between responders and nonresponders. Many studies have suggested that plasma lipid concentrations can affect drug disposition of compounds, such as ciclosporin and amphotericin B. Both compounds are able to affect the expression and function of ABC transporters. Although still speculative, these effects might be owing to the regulation of drug transporters by plasma cholesterol levels. Studies with normo- and hyper-cholesterolemic individuals, before and after atorvastatin treatment, have demonstrated that plasma cholesterol levels are correlated with drug transporter expression, as well as being related to atorvastatin`s cholesterol-lowering effect. The mechanism influencing the correlation between cholesterol levels and the expression and function of drug transporters remains unclear. Some studies provide strong evidence that nuclear receptors, such as the pregnane X receptor and the constitutive androstane receptor, mediate this effect. In the near future, pharmacogenomic studies with individuals in a pathological state should be performed in order to identify whether high plasma cholesterol levels might be a factor contributing to interindividual oral drug bioavailability.


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Differences between the respiratory chain of the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and its mammalian host are reported. Respiration, membrane potential, and oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria from P. brasiliensis spheroplasts were evaluated in situ, and the presence of a complete (Complex I-V) functional respiratory chain was demonstrated. In succinate-energized mitochondria, ADP induced a transition from resting to phosphorylating respiration. The presence of an alternative NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase was indicated by: (i) the ability to oxidize exogenous NADH and (ii) the lack of sensitivity to rotenone and presence of sensitivity to flavone. Malate/NAD(+)-supported respiration suggested the presence of either a mitochondrial pyridine transporter or a glyoxylate pathway contributing to NADH and/or succinate production. Partial sensitivity of NADH/succinate-supported respiration to antimycin A and cyanide, as well as sensitivity to benzohydroxamic acids, suggested the presence of an alternative oxidase in the yeast form of the fungus. An increase in activity and gene expression of the alternative NADH dehydrogenase throughout the yeast`s exponential growth phase was observed. This increase was coupled with a decrease in Complex I activity and gene expression of its subunit 6. These results support the existence of alternative respiratory chain pathways in addition to Complex I, as well as the utilization of NADH-linked substrates by P. brasiliensis. These specific components of the respiratory chain could be useful for further research and development of pharmacological agents against the fungus.


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Homocysteine is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease, as well as for cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular diseases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) on vascular reactivity within carotid artery segments isolated from ovariectomized female rats. Treatment with dl-Hcy thiolactone (1 g/kg body weight per day) reduced the phenylephrine-induced contraction of denuded rings. However, the treatment did not alter KCl-induced contractions, or relaxations induced by sodium nitroprusside or acetylcholine. We report elevated expressions of iNOS, eNOS, and nitrotyrosine in homocysteine-treated rat artery sections. Moreover, the inhibition of NOS by l-NAME, 1,400 W, or l-NNA restored phenylephrine-induced vasoconstriction in carotid artery segments from Hcy-treated rats. In conclusion, our findings show that severe HHCy can promote an acute decrease in the endothelium-independent contractile responses of carotid arteries to adrenergic agonists. This effect was restored by nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, which further supports the involvement of nitric oxide in HHcy-derived vascular dysfunction.


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The starting point of this thesis was a desire to explain the rapid demise in the popularity which the Communist Party enjoyed in Queensland during the second world war. Wartime Queensland gave the Australian Communist Party its highest state vote and six years later Queensland again gave the Communist Party its highest state vote - this time however, to ban the Party. From this I was led into exploring the changing policies, beliefs and strategies of the Party, as well as the many sub-groups on its periphery, and the shifts in public response to these. In 1939 Townsville elected Australia's first Communist alderman. Five years later, Bowen elected not only Australia's first but also the British Empire's first, Communist state government member. Of the five electorates the Australian Communist Party contested in the 1944 Queensland State elections, in none did the Party's candidate receive less than twenty per-cent of the formal vote. Not only was the Party seemingly enjoying considerable popular support but this was occurring in a State which, but for the Depression years (May 1929 - June 1932) had elected a Labor State Government at every state election since 1915. In the September 1951 Constitution Alteration Referendum, 'Powers To Deal With Communists and Communism', Queensland regist¬ered the nation's highest "Yes" majority - 55.76% of the valid vote. Only two other states registered a majority in favour of the referendum's proposals, Western Australia and Tasmania. As this research was undertaken it became evident that while various trends exhibited at the time, anti-Communism, the work of the Industrial Groups, Labor opportunism, local area feelings, ideological shifts of the Party, tactics of Communist-led unions, etc., were present throughout the entire period, they were best seen when divided into three chronological phases of the Party's history and popularity. The first period covers the consolidation of the Party's post-Depression popularity during the war years as it benefited from the Soviet Union's colossal contribution to the Allied war efforts, and this support continued for some six months or so after the war. Throughout the period Communist strength within the trade union movement greatly increased as did total Party membership. The second period was marked by a rapid series of events starting in March 1946, with Winston Churchill's "Official Opening" of the Cold War by his sweeping attack on Communism and Russia, at Fulton. Several days later the first of a series of long and bitter strikes in Communist-led unions occurred, as the Party mobil¬ized for what it believed would be a series of attacks on the working class from a ruling class, defending a capitalist system on the verge of an economic collapse. It was a period when the Party believed this ruling class was using Labor reformism as a last desperate 'carrot' to get workers to accept their lot within a capitalist economic framework. Out of the Meat Strike emerged the Industrial Groups, who waged not only a determined war against Communist trade union leadership but also encouraged the A.W.U.-influenced State Labor apparatus to even greater anti-Communist antagonisms. The Communist Party's increasing militancy and Labor's resistance to it, ended finally in the collapse of the Chifley Labor government. Characteristically the third period opens with the Communist Party making an another about-face, desperately trying to form an alliance with the Labor Party and curbing its former adventurist industrial policy, as it prepared for Menzies' direct assault. The Communist Party's activities were greatly reduced, a function of both a declining member-ship and, furthermore, a membership reluctant to confront an increasingly hostile society. In examining the changing policies, beliefs and strategies of the Party and the shifts in public response to these, I have tried to distinguish between general trends occurring within Australia and the national party, and trends peculiar to Queensland and the Queensland branch of the Party, The Communist Party suffered a decline in support and membership right across Australia throughout this period as a result of the national policies of the Party, and the changing nature of world politics. There were particular features of this decline that were peculiar to Queensland. I have, however, singled out three features of particular importance throughout the period for a short but more specifically detailed analysis, than would be possible in a purely chronological study: i.e. the Party's structure, the Party's ideological subservience to Moscow, and the general effect upon it of the Cold War.


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Abstract: Among the vertebrates, crocodilians have the most complex anatomy of the heart and outflow channels. Their cardiovascular anatomy may also be the most func­tionally sophisticated, combining as it does the best features of both reptilian and mammalian (and avian) systems. The puzzlingly complex "plumbing" of crocodilians has fascinated ana­tomists and physiologists for a very long time, the first paper being that by Panizza (1833). Gradually, with the application of successive techniques of investigation as they became available, its functional significance has become reasonably clear, and the complexity is now revealed as a cardiovascular system of considerable elegance. In this paper I will review the main anatomical features of the heart and outflow channels, discuss what is known about the way they work, and speculate about the probable functional significance.


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Few marine hybrid zones have been studied extensively, the major exception being the hybrid zone between the mussels Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis in southwestern Europe. Here, we focus on two less studied hybrid zones that also involve Mytilus spp.; M. edulis and M. trossulus are sympatric and hybridize on both western and eastern coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. We review the dynamics of hybridization in these two hybrid zones and evaluate the role of local adaptation for maintaining species boundaries. In Scandinavia, hybridization and gene introgression is so extensive that no individuals with pure M. trossulus genotypes have been found. However, M. trossulus alleles are maintained at high frequencies in the extremely low salinity Baltic Sea for some allozyme genes. A synthesis of reciprocal transplantation experiments between different salinity regimes shows that unlinked Gpi and Pgm alleles change frequency following transplantation, such that post-transplantation allelic composition resembles native populations found in the same salinity. These experiments provide strong evidence for salinity adaptation at Gpi and Pgm (or genes linked to them). In the Canadian Maritimes, pure M. edulis and M. trossulus individuals are abundant, and limited data suggest that M. edulis predominates in low salinity and sheltered conditions, whereas M. trossulus are more abundant on the wave-exposed open coasts. We suggest that these conflicting patterns of species segregation are, in part, caused by local adaptation of Scandinavian M. trossulus to the extremely low salinity Baltic Sea environment.


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We show that quantum mechanics predicts a contradiction with local hidden variable theories for photon number measurements which have limited resolving power, to the point of imposing an uncertainty in the photon number result which is macroscopic in absolute terms. We show how this can be interpreted as a failure of a new premise, macroscopic local realism.


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The Extended Weighted Residuals Method (EWRM) is applied to investigate the effects of viscous dissipation on the thermal development of forced convection in a porous-saturated duct of rectangular cross-section with isothermal boundary condition. The Brinkman flow model is employed for determination of the velocity field. The temperature in the flow field was computed by utilizing the Green’s function solution based on the EWRM. Following the computation of the temperature field, expressions are presented for the local Nusselt number and the bulk temperature as a function of the dimensionless longitudinal coordinate. In addition to the aspect ratio, the other parameters included in this computation are the Darcy number, viscosity ratio, and the Brinkman number.


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Extracting human postural information from video sequences has proved a difficult research question. The most successful approaches to date have been based on particle filtering, whereby the underlying probability distribution is approximated by a set of particles. The shape of the underlying observational probability distribution plays a significant role in determining the success, both accuracy and efficiency, of any visual tracker. In this paper we compare approaches used by other authors and present a cost path approach which is commonly used in image segmentation problems, however is currently not widely used in tracking applications.