997 resultados para Lieutenant governors
The Office of the Drug Policy Coordinator is established in Chapter 80E of the Code of Iowa. The Coordinator directs the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy; coordinates and monitors all statewide counter-drug efforts, substance abuse treatment grants and programs, and substance abuse prevention and education programs; and engages in other related activities involving the Departments of public safety, corrections, education, public health, and human services. The coordinator assists in the development of local and community strategies to fight substance abuse, including local law enforcement, education, and treatment activities. The Drug Policy Coordinator serves as chairperson to the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The council includes the directors of the departments of corrections, education, public health, public safety, human services, division of criminal and juvenile justice planning, and human rights. The Council also consists of a prosecuting attorney, substance abuse treatment specialist, substance abuse prevention specialist, substance abuse treatment program director, judge, and one representative each from the Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police and Peace Officers, the Iowa State Police Association, and the Iowa State Sheriff’s and Deputies’ Association. Council members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The council makes policy recommendations related to substance abuse education, prevention, and treatment, and drug enforcement. The Council and the Coordinator oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive State of Iowa Drug Control Strategy. The Office of Drug Control Policy administers federal grant programs to improve the criminal justice system by supporting drug enforcement, substance abuse prevention and offender treatment programs across the state. The ODCP prepares and submits the Iowa Drug and Violent Crime Control Strategy to the U.S. Department of Justice, with recommendations from the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The ODCP also provides program and fiscal technical assistance to state and local agencies, as well as program evaluation and grants management.
The Governor’s Office of Drug Policy Control offers the 2014 Drug Control Strategy pursuant to Iowa Code §80E.1. The purpose of the strategy is to describe the activities of the office and other state departments related to drug enforcement, substance abuse treatment and prevention. This report also highlights trends in respect to substance abuse within the state and sets out innovative approaches to reduce drug abuse and its associated damage to society. Finally, the Strategy shows the state funding levels for the various agencies working in this area, as divided among the three areas of emphasis: prevention, treatment and enforcement.
Contient : 1 « Testament de GUILLAUME LE HONGRE, chevalier de la ville de Metz... Ceste devise fust faitte devant feste S. Luc euvangeliste, quant il out a millair M.CCC.LIX ans » ; 2 « Testamentum GALESII DE BALMA, domini VALAFINI,... Actum et datum apud Montem Revellum, in castro nostro dicti loci, duodecima mensis augusti, hora meridiei, anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo sexagesimo secundo ». En latin ; 3 « Codicillus GALESII DE BALMA, domini VALAFINI ». Même date. En latin ; 4 « Testament de JEAN DE SAULZ, escuyer, seigneur DE COURTIVRON, chancelier de Bourgongne... Le mardy vint cinquiesme jour du mois de janvier, l'an de grace courant mille trois cent soixante et dix neuf » ; 5 « Testament de CATHERINE D'ESTRABONE, dame D'AUMONT ». Après 1456 ; 6 « Testament de Jean d'Arsonvalle, evesque de Chaalon. Tiré des registres du parlement de Paris ». 23 et 24 août 1416. En latin ; 7 « Testament de messire JEHAN DE CHALLON, prince D'ORENGE et seigneur D'ARLAY,... Faict et donné en mon chastel de Lyons le Saulnyer... le 21 d'octobre 1417... Extraict des registres de l'officialité de l'arcevesché de Bezançon » ; 8 Testament de « CLAUDE DE MONTAGU, chevalier, Sr DE COULCHES, DE LONGVY et D'ESPOISSE,... Le cinquiesme jour de... l'an mil IIII.C. cinquante et trois » ; 9 Extrait du testament de Pierre Berland, archevêque de Bordeaux. Samedi 5 février 1457. En latin ; 10 « Testamentum illustris comitis Troyae, Joannis Cossa, domini de Grimaldo et de Marignana, magni Provinciae senescalli ». Dimanche 15 septembre 1476. En latin ; 11 « Testament d'Olivier, seigneur de La Marche, conseiller et premier maistre d'hostel de Mr l'archiduc d'Austriche ». Bruxelles, 8 octobre 1501 ; 12 « Testament de PHILIPPE DE MONTAGU, comtesse DE JOIGNY » ; 13 « Testament de... Loys, Sr de Graville, admiral de France... Au chasteau de Marcoussys, l'an 1516, le jeudi 26 juing » ; 14 « Testamentum Claudii de Seyssel, archiepiscopi Taurinensis ». Turin, dimanche 27 mai 1520. En latin ; 15 Testament de « GUILLAUME BUDE, conseiller du roy, maistre des requestes ordinaire de son hostel, et maistre de sa librairie... 23 juin 1536 » ; 16 Testament de « Guillaume Du Bellay, seigneur de Langey et Glatigny,... lieutenant general en Italye... Turin, le 13 novembre 1542 » ; 17 « Testament de Michel Nostradamus,... docteur en medecine et astrophile de la ville de Salon... 17 juin 1566 » ; 18 « Testament de Caesar de Nostredame, gentilhomme ordinaire de la chambre du roy... Salon, 23 janvier 1630 » ; 19 Testament d'« ODINET GODRAN, baron D'ANTILLY, president au parlement de Bourgoigne ». 3 février 1581 ; 20 « Testament de JACQUELINE DE ROHAN, marquise DE ROTHELIN ». Décédée en 1586 ; 21 Testament de FRANÇOIS, duc D'ALENÇON, fils de Henri II, roi de France. Château-Thierry, 8 juin 1584 ; 22 Testament de « JEANNOT PATOILLET, protonotaire du S. Siege... demeurant à S. Ligier ». 22 juillet 1585 ; 23 Lettres de légitimation accordées par HENRI III, roi de France, à « Lune Patouillet, fille naturelle de Jeannot Patouillet et Jeanne Sailliot, du village d'Estrevaut, bailliage de Dijon... Donné à Dijon, au mois de febvrier, l'an 1575 » ; 24 à 26 Épitaphes d'«Odet Patoillet, d'Estrevaux », Richard Patoillet, et Jeannot Patoillet, le protonotaire. 1543, 1546, 1585. La première est en français, les deux autres sont en latin ; 27 Testament de « JAQUES DE GERMIGNY, Sr DE GERMOLLES, chevalier de l'ordre du roy, conseiller et maistre d'hostel ordinaire de sa maison, et cy devant ambassadeur pour S. M. en Levant », et de « JEHANNE BORLETTE, femme dud. Sr de Germigny,... Novembre 1585, en [la] ville de Chalon » ; 28 « Advis de conseil au proces de Mrs [Henri] de Vienne », baron de Chevreau, et François de Vienne, chevalier de Malte, « contre [Claude de La Baume], archevesque de Besançon ». Avant 1582. Commence par un extrait du testament de « dame JEHANNE DE MONBELIARD, [femme de] Loys de Chalon, prince d'Oranges et Sr d'Arlay » ; 29 Testament de « François, filz de feu Henry de Vienne, baron de Chevreaul,... Mostier, 25 octobre 1596 » ; 30 « Testamentum ROBERTI, cardinalis BELLARMINI,... Die 23 januarii, anno 1611 ». En latin ; 31 « Testament de FRANÇOIS PITHOU,... 20 novembre 1617 » ; 32 « Testament de PHILIPPE-GUILLAUME, prince D'ORANGE,... Faict à Bruxelles, le 20 de febvrier 1618 » ; 33 « Testament de messire GUILLAUME DU VAIR, evesque de Lizieux et garde des sceaux de France ». Du 10 juin au 5 juillet 1620 ; 34 « Testament de messire ANTHOINE FAVRE, baron de Peroges, de Domessin,... premier president au senat de Savoye... Faict à Chambery... ce 15 febvrier 1624 » ; 35 « Testamento di Leonor de Semeur, sigr de Tremon,... governatore per il re christianissimo di Francia della citta et paese di Macon di Bergongna... Nel... monasterio di molto reverendi padri capucini... sito sopra le fini d'Asti ». 14 juillet 1625. En italien ; 36 « Testament de Gabriel de Ste Marie, archevesque de Reims... Reims, 27 septembre 1628 » ; 37 « Exemplar testamenti cardinalis LUDOVISII ». Bologne, 10 avril 1629. En latin ; 38 « Testament de Nicolas Claude Fabri, seigneur de Peiresc, seigneur et abbé de Guistres, baron de Rians, conseiller du roy en sa cour de parlement de Provence... Aix, 22 juin 1637 » ; 39 Pièce imprimée, de 16 pages, contenant le « Testament de Mr le cardinal DE RICHELIEU ». Narbonne, 23 mai 1642 ; 40 « Testament d'ANNE DE MONTAFIE, comtesse DE SOISSONS,... Faict en mon chasteau de Creil, le 30 octobre 1642 » ; 41 « Premier testament de Gabriel de Syon,... prestre, docteur on theologie... et professeur royal... es langues orientales... Ligny le Chastel, 8 juin 1648 » ; 42 « Second Testament » du même. « Fontaine en Duesmois, 29 juin 1648 » ; 43 « Testament de CLAUDE DE SAUMAISE, chevalier de l'ordre du roy et conseiller en ses conseils d'Estat et privé... Spa, le 30 aoust 1653 » ; 44 Testament de « JEAN QUENAULT, conseiller du roy en ses conseils, et cy devant secretaire des commandemens de la feue reine Marie de Medicis,... Paris, 4 febvrier 1655 » ; 45 « Testament et codicille de Pierre Gassendi, prestre, prevost de Digne et professeur royal aux mathematiques à Paris ». 17 et 18 septembre 1655 ; 46 « Testament de Jules, cardinal Mazarin, duc de Nivernois et Donziois, pair de France ». Vincennes, 3 à 7 mars 1661 ; 47 « Testament d'Anne d'Autriche, royne de France et de Navarre... S. Germain en Laye, 13 aoust 1665 » ; 48 Pièce imprimée, de 6 pages, contenant le testament de « LOUIS DE LA RIVIERE, evesque de Langres... Petit Bourg, 22 may 1669 » ; 49 « Testamentum THEOPHILI VIAUT,... Datum in aula burgundica ». 1626. En latin ; 50 « Ejusdem epitaphium ». En latin ; 51 « Testamentum christianum cardinalis RICHELII ». En latin ; 52 « Testamentum politicum ». En latin ; 53 « Testamento della citta di Candia. Copia tratta da Pasquino, notaro publico ». En italien ; 54 « Testamento del Ruyseñor de Sa Eminencia ». En espagnol ; 55 « Epitaphio del Ruyseñor ». En espagnol
The Department of Corrections has been actively engaged in strategic planning since 2004. This plan reflects the Department’s effort to align its activities and operations with the Governor’s Leadership Agenda and the principles of Accountable Government.
The Department of Corrections has been actively engaged in strategic planning since 2004. This plan reflects the Department’s effort to align its activities and operations with the Governor’s Leadership Agenda and the principles of Accountable Government.
A section of US 52 between Dubuque and Luxemburg, Iowa, was listed in the top 5% of Iowa highways for severe crashes involving impaired drivers and single vehicle run-off-road crashes during 2001–2005, and several crashes have occurred on this roadway near the towns of Luxemburg, Holy Cross, and Rickardsville, Iowa, many on curves. Staff and officials from the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Center for Transportation Research and Education Dubuque County, and a retired fire chief met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to U.S. Highway 52. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this US 52 corridor and explains several mitigation strategies that the Iowa DOT District 6 Office has selected.
Approximately 13.2 miles of US 6 in eastern Iowa extends from the east corporate limits of Iowa City, Iowa, to the west corporate limits of West Liberty, Iowa. This segment of US 6 is a service level B primary highway, with an annual daily traffic volume varying from 3,480 vehicles per day (vpd) to 5,700 vpd. According to 2001–2007 crash density data from the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), the corridor is currently listed among the top 5% of non-freeway Iowa DOT roads in several crash categories, including crashes involving excessive speed, impaired drivers, single-vehicle run-off-road, and multiple-vehicle crossed centerline. A road safety audit of this corridor was deemed appropriate by the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Traffic and Safety. Staff and officials from the Iowa DOT, Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Center for Transportation Research and Education, and several local law enforcement and transportation agencies met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of US 6. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this US 6 corridor and explains several selected mitigation strategies.
U.S. Highway 61 between Muscatine and Davenport, Iowa, is a four-lane divided section of road approximately 21 miles in length. This section was found to be among the top 5% of Iowa roadways for single-vehicle run-off-road, impaired driver, unbelted driver, and speed-related crashes for the period of 2001 through 2005. A road safety audit of this corridor was deemed appropriate by the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Traffic and Safety. Staff and officials from the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Center for Transportation Research and Education, and several local law enforcement and transportation agencies met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to US 61. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this US 61 corridor and explains several selected mitigation strategies.
A road safety audit was conducted for a 7.75 mile section of County Road X-37 in Louisa County, Iowa. In 2006, the average annual daily traffic on this roadway was found to be 680 vehicles per day. Using crash data from 2001 to 2007, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has identified this roadway as being in the highest 5% of local rural roads in Iowa for single-vehicle runoff- road crashes. Considering these safety data, the Louisa County Engineer requested that a road safety audit be conducted to identify areas of safety concerns and recommend low-cost mitigation to address those concerns. Staff and officials from the Iowa DOT, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Transportation, and local law enforcement and transportation agencies met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of X-37. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this X-37 corridor and explain several selected mitigation strategies.
A road safety audit was conducted for a seven-mile section of County Road W-55 in Washington County, Iowa. In 2006, the average annual daily traffic on this roadway was found to be 1,290 vehicles per day. Using crash data from 2001 to 2007, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has identified this roadway as being in the top 5% of Iowa secondary rural roads with the highest density of serious (fatal and major injury) crashes for single-vehicle run-off-road incidents. Considering these safety data, the Washington County Engineer requested that a road safety audit be conducted to identify areas with safety concerns and to recommend low-cost mitigation to address those concerns. Staff and officials from the Iowa DOT, Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Transportation, and local law enforcement and transportation agencies met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of W-55. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this W-55 corridor and explain several selected mitigation strategies.
The present article proposes Heathcliff and Sarah Woodruff as monstrous beings who reclaim their desire to be agent subjects in a society and a narrative which deny such a possibility. It would be possible to argue, however, that their monstrosity might be that of the unique specimen, the potential first stage towards the improvement of species through natural selection as theorized by Charles Darwin in 1859. The multiple references to Darwin’s study in the novel by JohnFowles demonstrate that such a theory could clarify what Sarah represents in the novel. In a retroactive manner, Darwinian theory might be used to understand what Heathcliff is, who Heathcliff is, and why he is the object of general animosity. It might be concluded that what is really monstrous about these twocharacters is that both are new specimens, avant la lèttre, and they occupy a space to which language has no access.
Over the last five years there have been significant changes in higher education in Brazil as well as in research funding. As a contribution to the development of Science and Technology, and aiming to portray Chemistry today in Brazil, in the context of last year´s elections for President, State Governors, National Congress and Legislative Chamber, the Directors and Consulting Council of the Brazilian Chemical Society, SBQ, initiated in 2002 a series of activities to produce a document entitled Mobilizing Axes in Chemistry. This discusses undergraduate and graduate teaching in Chemistry, a new model for research funding, and the overall state of the art, and future perspectives. Six mobilizing axes have been identified and discussed to date: 1. Training of highly qualified personnel; 2. Decentralization, and discouragement of institutional in-breeding; 3. Stimulation of entrepreneurship and interdisciplinarity; 4. A guaranteed budget for Science and Technology; 5. Proactive interaction of academics with economic activity; and 6. Removal of institutional bottle-necks of all sorts. The Brazilian Chemical Society hopes that the new administration will in the near future begin the task of improving the national education system and increase funding for Science and Technology.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan