607 resultados para Leitores
Some esthetical particularities of Luiz Fernando Carvalho’s micro-series reveal, in the nineteenth century Brazil, the capacity of the literary and audiovisual discourse to represent some singularities of the Brazilian social life from the past, as well as pointing to existential problems of the class representative that leads the plot, instigating reflections in the present. The treatment offered to the class struggle by the Machadian narrative and by the Rede Globo’s adaptation, just as the way in which the existential drama is expounded, disclose a kind of reception among readers/viewers which is capable of reviewing the historical past in times that ask for such a revision, even though the television series bets on the non-conventional. Machado presented the tension between representation and truth (as well as between emotion production and reflection) with the transfiguration of the tragic pathos and the mobilization of the patriarchal figure to the melodramatic bias. Although increased by the irony orchestrated by the scenic elements, in the audiovisual version such Machadian solutions would be apt to lose their strength to unmask the social subjects; on the other side, the intensification of the melodrama can make evident what Machado disguised with less obvious narrative intentions.
The oral records, deprived of great rhetoric elaboration, mark the family accounts and the testimonies about remarkable and apparently minor particularities of grand conflicts, like the World War II. The oral memory fulfilled an important function of historical transmission, especially in handing on to written record the organization of testimonies, revealing personal memories in the form of letters, diaries and narratives, besides of integrating itself to several works of fiction. In the present work we present the value of former partigiani’s testimonies collected in the volume Io sono l’ultimo (I am the last one) as evocation and transmission of personal remembrances strongly linked to the conflict and as manifestations in the literary field as well. The valuing by descendants and fellow countrymen of a tradition of memory communication make the testimony of men and women that fought for the liberation of many Italian locations much more than fragmented reports when the interested reader in the memory of those that survived, integrated to the micro-history of the events, perceive its expressive logic. We explore both the meaning of witness adopted by Giorgio Agamben and the esthetical value of the traumatized voice in the perspective of Márcio Seligman-Silva.
This article presents a study about the reading/formation of readers in the public school of São Paulo. To make this study the most present material in the school and the activities proposed in them are analized. What it is intended is to show that, many times, the difficulties of reading presented by the students in the external evaluations may be resulting from the kind of reading practiced in the scholar institution.
This text aims to elucidate the textual processing strategies that give meaning to chronicle "The miracle of the leaves", of Clarice Lispector (1920-1977). Therefore, it starts from the basic postulate that the meaning is not in the fabric or verbal imagery, but the meanings constructed from the elements of language that are there to meet with the reader (BRONCKART, 2009, p. 257). Justified this reading strategy, since the chronic Lispector reveals multiple meanings endowed with a language and dialogue. The text processing is discussed in terms of an audience potentially youthful element that assigns characteristics relevant to the understanding of the functioning of this type of text in relation to younger readers. To achieve the goal, we start from the assumption that chronic, being a literary text endowed with aesthetic validity, not only conveys a content, but recreates it, adding to it new meanings.
This work aims at understanding the intergenerational relationships between grandparents and grandchildren in contemporary society. To this end, we analyze two works of Children's Literature as a form of manifestation of the importance of symbolic exchanges between generations. Selected Menina Nina: duas razões para não chorar, Ziraldo (2002) and A menina, o cofrinho e a vovó by Cora Coralina (2009). We adopt a psychoanalytic reading as a reference for analysis, since it excels in psychic construction of the individual, his unconscious design and its interaction with the socio-cultural environment , which allows to explore and reflect on the links between generations , thus serving as a research method and interpretation of relationships within the family . We confirm our hypothesis with writers - grandparents, here represented by Ziraldo and Cora Coralina, which produced works that highlight the experience with their grandchildren. Thus, grandparents, grandchildren and readers are active in recovery and symbolic transmission characters.
Dans cet article, nous présentons l'analyse des erreurs commises par rapport à l'épistémologie génétique et la psychologie de Jean Piaget. Nous nous appuyons sur un essai publié dans un périodique brésilien concernant la constitution du sujet d’enfance et la théorie de Piaget. Nous avons comme but d’aider à reprendre la «vraie» théorie de Piaget et de donner un aperçu aux lecteurs à fin de ne pas reproduire de telles erreurs ou être confrontés à de différents sens donnés à la même théorie. En ce qui concerne l'analyse, les auteurs du rapport disent que l'homme est le résultat de différents stades de développement et de ses phases. Cependant, en cherchant à expliquer comment les structures logiques deviennent nécessaires, Piaget a affirmé de ne pas rien avoir inventé. Il a conclu que la constitution des structures opératoires est le résultat de l'interaction du sujet avec le milieu, à condition qu'il dispose de certaines conditions prealables et qu’il soit capable d' établir ses rapports De cette manière, s'il a identifié des moments de la psychogenèse cognitive, il l’a fait grace à la constatation de que les sujets, dans cette interaction avec le milieu, finissaient par construire des manières qualitativement différentes de comprendre et gérer la réalité. Ainsi, Piaget n'a pas cherché de mettre les individus dans des phases ou périodes, artificiellement. Une autre erreur est celui de considérer que Piaget soit adepte de la dicotomie normalité/ anormalité. Ses préoccupations sont de nature épistémologique, et s'il est parvenu à formuler une psychologie, cela avait comme but de donner une base scientifique à sa théorie de la connaissance. Encore une autre confusion a lieu quand on affirme que Piaget a identifié les enfants aux peuples primitifs. Il a seulement dit que la nécessité d’entrer en relation avec le milieu est égale pour l'homme primitif comme pour celui d'aujourd'hui; par conséquent, le fonctionnement est le seul élément biologique considéré par Piaget, vu que tous les êtres vivants cherchent à s’adapter à la réalité. D’après cet angle, on constate que, de la même manière que l’homme primitif a été un enfant - comme ceux d’aujourd'hui - il a cherché à interagir avec le milieu à fin d'assurer sa survie. Il arrive que ses demandes étaient élémentaires du point de vue logico-mathématique, contrairement à nos jours. Une autre erreur consiste à dire qu'il a soupçonné ou admis que les processus de pensée reconnaissaient une organisation logique. Il ne s’agit pas de soupçon ni d'admission, mais d´une nécéssité. Faute de cette fondation, tout le bâtiment piagétien s’effondrerait. Nous concluons que le concept de progrès et l'état de l'intelligence sous-entendent la critique des auteurs. Malgré cela, et même pas sans admettre les explications formulées par Piaget, c’est le fait de que les censeurs doivent faire face à une vérité: indépendamment de la culture ou du moment historique, les enfants agissent toujours de la même manière, en cherchant à donner un sens à la réalité. Nous pouvons donc être d’accord ou en désaccord avec l'explication de Piaget. Cependant, il y a quelque chose qui ne doit pas être ignorée: la contribution apportée par Piaget vers la compréhension de la logique du fonctionnement mental.
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Semana Ilustrada, o Moleque e o Dr. Semana: imprensa, cidade e humor no Rio de Janeiro do 2º Reinado
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
This project aims to use concepts of innovation and obsolescence in products, to analyze and test the technological product FingerByte, a blend glove and joystick that needs to be appropriate for specific audiences. For this adjustment, this project uses a qualitative opinion survey, known as focus group in order to obtain data during product testing with certain audiences. Another purpose of the paper is to serve as a guide to readers in similar situations where you wish to use focus groups to develop products that have not been put on the market. The experiment uses the knowledge of public relations, both in research and in data analysis. The main results of the research are described in this monograph, in order to demonstrate what are the possible types of data being collected, helping the reader to approach the experience of qualitative research
From a bibliographical study, the objective is the study of children's literature and its contributions in the lives of pre-readers, especially from zero to three years. This course of completion of work includes Children's Literature and Visual Arts, addressing the relationship between the illustration and children's books, indicating the importance of their contact from the first years of life, and how much contribute to the emotional, cognitive and child's learning, also helping to solve problems they will face throughout life, awakening the imagination and creativity, necessary factors in the child's education. By reading the stories, by adults, children are immersed in an imaginary world which stimulates the drawing, the music, to leave, thinking, imagining, playing, seeing the book and write, so the allies books Early Childhood Education will help the child, making it capable person, critical and interested in learning. In addition to attracting and marvel children, illustrations and graphic design aroused the interest in books and reading, inspiring the imagination and creation, therefore, the books submitted for babies should be made of materials that are suitable for their age group therefore more resistant and attractive, containing attributes for the development of motor and sensory skills of babies and children
Este estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar os vários leitores presentes no clássico Pinóquio do escritor italiano Collodi. Do leitor que apenas consegue aprender o código da escrita e a sintaxe que comanda esse código, ou no dizer de Manguel (2009,p.41) - o processo mecânico de aprender o código da escrita na qual está codificada a memória de uma sociedade - ao leitor que consegue entender sua identidade e a sociedade que o cerca, ou também no dizer de Manguel (2009,p.41) - o aprendizado de como as inscrições nesse código servem para conhecer de maneira profunda, imaginativa e prática nossa identidade e a do mundo que nos cerca, onde encaixar o tipo de leitor que Collodi cria para seu personagem?. É válido, ainda, indagar quais são os outros leitores na obra Pinóquio e o que representariam? Tecer a leitura e a releitura de uma obra permite essas reflexões sobre a educação e o processo humanizador da literatura (Cândido,1989,p.112), proporcionando assim uma viagem de introspecção (auto-conhecimento),e a exploração e leitura do mundo, fatores estes fundamentais na formação da subjetividade e da autonomia de pensamento do sujeito
Recognizing the importance of developing the information and media literacy in contemporary society, this article discusses the scenario of hybrid languages born on cyberspace, hypertext and the new types of readers who interact with information, now disseminated by digital media. As theoretical references authors such as Lucia Santaella, we develop arguments that present the headquarters of language and thought within a semiotic support. Matrices help to understand the phenomenon of hybrid language in hypertext. Therefore, we emphasize that the development of skills associated with the new reading environments propitiated by the virtual environment requires the understanding of language, which is one of the concepts used within the media and information literacy (MIL) proposal of Unesco, which combines the two concepts and skills of information and media literacy. It is hoped that this article motivate scholars and practitioners of education and information to take responsibility to educate for information environments that arise with new media and technologies, emphasizing the issue of reading and language.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS