987 resultados para LIMA-BEAN LEAVES


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Plantas de feijão-vagem do cultivar Novirex apresentando mosaico e enrolamento de vagens, sem deformação foliar evidente, foram coletadas em 2002 em Cordisburgo, MG. Estudos preliminares identificaram o vírus como um isolado do Bean rugose mosaic virus (BRMV). Este trabalho relata a caracterização do isolado, por meio de produção e avaliação de anti-soro, determinação da gama de hospedeiros, estudo da transmissão do vírus por besouros crisomelídeos e estimativa de perdas em feijoeiro como resultado de infecção isolada ou em conjunto com o Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV). O roteiro adotado para purificação possibilitou a obtenção de vírus purificado em rendimento satisfatório para a produção de anti-soro. A titulação dos anti-soros foi realizada por ELISA indireto, obtendo-se reações positivas com a diluição máxima testada (1:70.000). Das 22 espécies vegetais utilizadas na gama de hospedeiros, foram infectadas plantas de Chenopodium quinoa e alguns cultivares de feijão e soja, conforme esperado para o BRMV. O isolado de BRMV foi transmitido pelo besouro crisomelídeo Cerotoma arcuata a uma taxa de 33,3%. A infecção simples de feijão 'Ouro Negro' e de feijão-vagem 'Novirex' levou a uma redução do peso das vagens por planta de 3,4% e 84,9%, respectivamente. Infecção mista do BRMV com o BCMV levou a uma redução do peso de vagens por planta de até 70,1% para 'Novirex' e de até 90,8% para 'Ouro Negro'.


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Five flavanones and three chalcones were isolated from Campomanesia adamantium Berg. (Myrtaceae) leaves. The contents of these compounds were determined by HPLC. The phenolic contents were also determined. The monitoring of the antioxidant activity was carried out by inhibition of peroxidation using the linoleic acid system and radical-scavenging (DPPH). The plants were collected from 4 distinct cities of the Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The different samples exhibited a range of 4.67-232.35 mg/g chalcones and 15.62-50.71 mg/g flavanones and phenolic contents of the 7.24-21.19 mg/g gallic acid. All extracts showed high antioxidant activity with a wide range of the radical-scavenging (DPPH) from 52.0 to 92.2 % and inhibition oxidation of linoleic acid from 14.6 to 94.2%.


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The current study aims to verify the best method for a rapid and efficient extraction of flavonoids from Alpinia zerumbet. Dried leaves were extracted using distillated water and ethanol 70% by extraction methods of shaking maceration, ultrasonic, microwave and stirring. By the application of TLC and reversed-phase HPLC techniques the rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide were detected. Ethanol 70% was more efficient for flavonoids extraction than water. No significant yielding variation was verified for ultrasonic, microwave and stirring methods using ethanol 70% (11 to 14%). The relative concentration of rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide, respectively, was higher by ultrasonic (1.5 and 5.62 mg g-1 dried leaves, respectively) and by microwave (1.0 and 6.64 mg g-1 dried leaves) methods using ethanol. Rapid and simplified extraction proceeding optimize phytochemical work and acquisition of secondary metabolites.


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Flow injection (FI) methodology, using diffuse reflectance in the visible region of the spectrum, for the analysis of total sulfur in the form of sulfate, precipitated in the form of barium sulfate, is presented. The method was applied to biodiesel, to plant leaves and to natural waters analysis. The analytical signal (S) correlates linearly with sulfate concentration (C) between 20 and 120 ppm, through the equation S=-1.138+0.0934 C (r = 0.9993). The experimentally observed limit of detection is about 10 ppm. The mean R.S.D. is about 3.0 %. Real samples containing sulfate were analyzed and the results obtained by the FI and by the reference batch turbidimetric method using the statistical Student's t-test and F-test were compared.


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The current study aims to verify the best method for a rapid and efficient extraction of flavonoids from Alpinia zerumbet. Dried leaves were extracted using distillated water and ethanol 70% by extraction methods of shaking maceration, ultrasonic, microwave and stirring. By the application of TLC and reversed-phase HPLC techniques the rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide were detected. Ethanol 70% was more efficient for flavonoids extraction than water. No significant yielding variation was verified for ultrasonic, microwave and stirring methods using ethanol 70% (11 to 14%). Relative concentration of rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide, respectively, was higher by ultrasonic (1.5 and 5.62 mg g-1 dried leaves) and by microwave (1.0 and 6.64 mg g-1 dried leaves) methods using 70% ethanol. Rapid and simplified extraction proceeding optimize phytochemical work and acquisition of secondary metabolites.


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The present paper reports results of the effect of Potato virus X (PVX) on the contents of total phenols and alkaloids in leaves of Datura stramonium. A significant decrease in the contents of phenols and alkaloids was observed in leaves inoculated with PVX (X-I). However, there was an increase in the percentage of phenols in leaves rubbed with phosphate buffer (C1-I) and in leaves from the nodes immediately above, possibly induced by mechanical injury. Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy revealed amounts of scopolamine in samples submitted to all treatments, except X-I, in which the amount of this alkaloid was low. High amounts of an unidentified compound (molecular ion m/z 302 and a prominent peak at m/z 129) were noted in extracts from leaves X-I, C1-I and leaves from the nodes immediately above the leaves inoculated with PVX. It is suggested that the synthesis and accumulation of the unidentified compound is a result of stress from mechanical injury and virus inoculation.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of integrated managements on white mold control on common bean. Initially, in vitro testing was made to assess the antagonism of 11 Trichoderma isolates against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and to investigate fungicides (fluazinam and procymidone) inhibitory effects on those fungi. In two field experiments the following combinations were tested: irrigation frequencies (seven or 14 days), plant densities (six or 12 plants per meter), and three disease controls (untreated control, fungicide or Trichoderma spp.). In a third experiment plant densities were replaced by grass mulching treatments (with or without mulching). Fluazinam was applied at 45 and 55 days after emergence (DAE). The antagonists T. harzianum (experiments 1 and 3) and T. stromatica (experiment 2) were applied through sprinkler irrigation at 10 and 25 DAE, respectively. Most of the Trichoderma spp. were effective against the pathogen in vitro. Fluazinam was more toxic than procymidone to both the pathogen and the antagonist. Fungicide applications increased yield between 32 % and 41 %. In field one application of Trichoderma spp. did not reduce disease intensity and did not increase yield. The reduction from 12 to six plants per meter did not decrease yield, and disease severity diminished in one of the two experiments. It is concluded that of the strategies for white mold control just reduction of plant density and applications of fungicide were efficient.


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We studied the susceptibility of species used as green manure in common bean fields to root rot (Rhizoctonia solani) and southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii). Seeds of Crotalaria breviflora, Canavalia ensiformis, Cajanus cajan, Dolichos lablab, Stizolobium cinereum, S. aterrimum, and the bean cvs. "Pérola", "Valente" and "Carnaval" were sown in soil infested by either R. solani AG-4 or S. rolfsii in greenhouse. The emergence of D. lablab seedlings in soil infested by R. solani dropped to 62%. C. breviflora, C. ensiformis and cv. "Valente" presented the lowest root rot severity. The pathogen S. rolfsii drastically reduced seedling emergence in all species; no C. cajan and S. cinereum seedling emerged. All plant species presented high southern blight severity. We conclude that leguminous crops are not suitable as green manure for areas of bean cultivation with high R. solani and S. rolfsii populations.


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Data available in the literature were used to develop a warning system for bean angular leaf spot and anthracnose, caused by Phaeoisariopsis griseola and Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, respectively. The model is based on favorable environmental conditions for the infectious process such as continuous leaf wetness duration and mean air temperature during this subphase of the pathogen-host relationship cycle. Equations published by DALLA PRIA (1977) showing the interactions of those two factors on the disease severity were used. Excell spreadsheet was used to calculate the leaf wetness period needed to cause different infection probabilities at different temperature ranges. These data were employed to elaborate critical period tables used to program a computerized electronic device that records leaf wetness duration and mean temperature and automatically shows the daily disease severity value (DDSV) for each disease. The model should be validated in field experiments under natural infection for which the daily disease severity sum (DDSS) should be identified as a criterion to indicate the beginning and the interval of fungicide applications to control both diseases.


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The effectiveness of six Trichoderma-based commercial products (TCP) in controlling Fusarium root rot (FRR) in common bean was assessed under field conditions. Three TCP, used for seed treatment or applied in the furrow, increased seedling emergence as much as the fungicide fludioxonil. FRR incidence was not affected, but all TCP and fludioxonil reduced the disease severity, compared to control. Application of Trichoderma-based products was as effective as that of fludioxonil in FRR management.


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Techniques that result in increased pathogen infection rates by employing reduced quantities of fungal spores with sparse sporulation have been developed. Experiments under controlled environment conditions were conducted to evaluate the effect of the density of Bipolaris sorokiniana conidia on the intensity of wheat helminthosporiosis. Using a selected inoculum density, the concentration of the tensoactive (Tween 20) that promoted maximum infection by the causal agent of the disease was determined. The density of lesions and the estimated severity of the disease were quantified. The selected inoculum density was 1.5 x 10(4) spores.mL-1 plus 480 µL tensoactive.L-1 water, resulting in a disease severity that allows selecting wheat cultivars resistant to B. sorokiniana.


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The method of preserving detached wheat leaves in Petri dish was used for the inoculation and development of the fungus Puccinia triticina, the causal agent of wheat leaf rust. The reaction of 26 wheat cultivars was compared by using seedlings cultivated in pots (in vivo) and detached leaves (in vitro) inoculated with four physiological races of the pathogen. After inoculation, the material was kept in a growth chamber for 15 days. The reaction was evaluated on the 15th day after inoculation. Results for each race in the evaluated genotypes confirmed the efficiency of the detached leaf method in assessing the reaction of wheat cultivars.


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ABSTRACTAlthough poorly studied, the bacterial halo blight is an important disease in the major coffee-producing states of Brazil. External damage and anatomical changes on leaves were measured in seedlings of Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo, susceptible to Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae, by using histological sections obtained at 10 and 20 days after inoculation (DAI). The changes on the epidermis were smaller than the lesions measured in the mesophyll, irrespective of the evaluated colonization period, showing that the internal damage caused by the bacterium represent twice the damage observed externally. From the inoculation site, lysis occurred on the epidermal cells and on the palisade and spongy parenchyma cells, with strong staining of their cellular contents, as well as abnormal intercellular spaces in the palisade parenchyma, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of mesophyll cells and partial destruction of chloroplasts. Additionally, this study revealed the presence of inclusion bodies in epidermal and mesophyll cells. Bacterial masses were found in the apoplast between and within mesophyll cells. Bacteria were also observed in the bundle sheath and vascular bundles and were more pronounced at 20 DAI, not only near the inoculation site but also in distant areas, suggesting displacement through the vascular system. These results can be useful to understand this plant-pathogen interaction.


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Foram identificados, mapeados e caracterizados os geoambientes do Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca (PEI), Minas Gerais, com o objetivo de subsidiar o manejo ecológico da área. Para este fim, realizaram-se coletas de solos, em pontos georreferenciados por GPS (Global Positioning System), fotointerpretações a partir de ortofotos e uso de mapas planialtimétricos, além de intenso reconhecimento de solos no campo. Oito geoambientes foram identificados e caracterizados: (1) Patamares com Espodossolos, 2) Cristas Ravinadas, 3) Escarpas, 4) Grotas, 5) Mata Baixa com Candeia, 6) Mata Alta sobre Xisto, 7) Topos Aplainados e 8) Rampas com Vegetação Aberta. Em cada ambiente a vegetação associada é fortemente condicionada pela profundidade do solo e pelo tempo de permanência de água no sistema. Os ambientes de mata, tanto sobre xistos quanto sobre quartzitos, sofrem menor estresse hídrico, seja por melhores condições físicas do solo e maior retenção de água, seja pela presença de ambiente mais ombrófilo e úmido, como nas Grotas. Os geoambientes florestados possuem concentrações de P e K mais elevadas do que nos ambientes campestres abertos. No geoambiente de Mata Baixa com Candeia, a pobreza química do substrato parece ser o impedimento à ocorrência de uma floresta mais densa. Os Campos de Altitude ocorrem nas altitudes mais elevadas no PEI, sendo desenvolvidos sobre solos mais profundos do que sob campos rupestres, onde há freqüente exposição da rocha ou solos muito rasos.


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A expansão da atividade madeireira e a elevada taxa de desmatamento na Amazônia têm intensificado a necessidade de estudos sobre as técnicas mais adequadas para a produção de mudas que possam ser usadas em atividades de reflorestamento e de plantio em florestas. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar: a) se a taxa de germinação de sementes de Pseudopiptadenia psilostachya difere entre sementes colhidas na copa e coletadas no chão da floresta; e b) qual o efeito do grau de sombreamento no viveiro sobre a germinação de sementes e o desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas dessa espécie. Seis repetições de 10 sementes colhidas na copa e coletadas no chão foram colocadas em germinador. A taxa de germinação não diferiu entre os dois métodos de obtenção de sementes, sendo recomendada a coleta de frutos no chão. No viveiro, quatro repetições de 25 sementes foram colocadas para germinar a pleno sol e em 30, 50 e 70% de sombra. Em cada tratamento de luz, 40 plântulas foram sorteadas, e sua "performance" foi avaliada quatro meses após a semeadura. Tanto a germinação das sementes quanto o crescimento em diâmetro e acúmulo de biomassa das plântulas foram superiores em 30 e 50% de sombreamento, em comparação com pleno sol. Os resultados indicaram que o crescimento de plântulas de P. psilostachya é favorecido em condições relativamente altas de iluminação, embora algum sombreamento seja necessário, e que a produção de mudas dessa espécie é de fácil execução, ao menos nos estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento das plântulas.