967 resultados para LH and prepubertal fillies
Single light-harvesting complexes LH-2 from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila were immobilized on various charged surfaces under physiological conditions. Polarized light experiments showed that the complexes were situated on the surface as nearly upright cylinders. Their fluorescence lifetimes and photobleaching properties were obtained by using a confocal fluorescence microscope with picosecond time resolution. Initially all molecules fluoresced with a lifetime of 1 ± 0.2 ns, similar to the bulk value. The photobleaching of one bacteriochlorophyll molecule from the 18-member assembly caused the fluorescence to switch off completely, because of trapping of the mobile excitations by energy transfer. This process was linear in light intensity. On continued irradiation the fluorescence often reappeared, but all molecules did not show the same behavior. Some LH-2 complexes displayed a variation of their quantum yields that was attributed to photoinduced confinement of the excited states and thereby a diminution of the superradiance. Others showed much shorter lifetimes caused by excitation energy traps that are only ≈3% efficient. On repeated excitation some molecules entered a noisy state where the fluorescence switched on and off with a correlation time of ≈0.1 s. About 490 molecules were examined.
An obligatory role for estrogen in growth, development, and functions of the mammary gland is well established, but the roles of the two estrogen receptors remain unclear. With the use of specific antibodies, it was found that both estrogen receptors, ERα and ERβ, are expressed in the rat mammary gland but the presence and cellular distribution of the two receptors are distinct. In prepubertal rats, ERα was detected in 40% of the epithelial cell nuclei. This decreased to 30% at puberty and continued to decrease throughout pregnancy to a low of 5% at day 14. During lactation there was a large induction of ERα with up to 70% of the nuclei positive at day 21. Approximately 60–70% of epithelial cells expressed ERβ at all stages of breast development. Cells coexpressing ERα and ERβ were rare during pregnancy, a proliferative phase, but they represented up to 60% of the epithelial cells during lactation, a postproliferative phase. Western blot analysis and sucrose gradient centrifugation confirmed this pattern of expression. During pregnancy, the proliferating cell nuclear antigen was not expressed in ERα-positive cells but was observed in 3–7% of ERβ-containing cells. Because more than 90% of ERβ-bearing cells do not proliferate, and 55–70% of the dividing cells have neither ERα nor ERβ, it is clear that the presence of these receptors in epithelial cells is not a prerequisite for estrogen-mediated proliferation.
The mechanisms through which LH-RH antagonists suppress gonadotroph functions and LH-RH receptor (LH-RH-R) production are incompletely understood. To elucidate these mechanisms, we investigated the effects of Cetrorelix on the mRNA expression of pituitary LH-RH-R and luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in three experimental systems with different pituitary LH-RH environments. Ovariectomy induced 3.61-fold and 6.34-fold increases in the mRNA expression of pituitary LH-RH-R in rats after 11 and 21 days, respectively. After (5 h) a single injection of 100 μg Cetrorelix, no significant decrease occurred in the mRNA levels of pituitary LH-RH-R in ovariectomized (OVX) rats with high pituitary exposure to LH-RH, but there was a significant 23.2% reduction in cycling rats with normal hypophysial LH-RH environment. Prolonged treatment for 10 days with a Cetrorelix depot formulation releasing 100 μg/day decreased the concentration of mRNA for pituitary LH-RH-R by 72.6% in OVX rats, but only by 32.9% in normal rats. The decline in serum LH was 98.7% in OVX rats and 63.2% in normal rats, resulting in a minimal 0.1–0.2 ng/ml LH concentration in both groups. A continuous exposure of pituitary cells to 100 nM Cetrorelix in the superfusion system, which is devoid of LH-RH, did not cause any significant changes in LH-RH-R mRNA level. These studies demonstrate that prolonged exposure to Cetrorelix in vivo, but not in vitro, down-regulates the mRNA expression of the pituitary receptors for LH-RH. Our findings indicate that LH-RH antagonists exert their inhibitory effects on the gene expression of pituitary LH-RH-R by counteracting the stimulatory effect of endogenous LH-RH.
Release of luteinizing hormone (LH)-releasing hormone (LHRH), the hypothalamic peptide that controls release of LH from the adenohypophysis, is controlled by NO. There is a rich plexus of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-containing neurons and fibers in the lateral median eminence, intermingled with terminals of the LHRH neurons. To study relations between NOS and LHRH in this brain region, we measured NOS activity in incubated medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). NOS converts [14C]arginine to equimolar quantities of [14C]citrulline plus NO, which rapidly decomposes. The [14C]citrulline serves as an index of the NO produced. NOS basal activity was suppressed by incubation of the tissue with an inhibitor of NOS, nitroarginine methyl ester (NAME) (10(-5) M). Furthermore, incubation of MBH explants for 30 min with norepinephrine (NE) increased NOS activity and the increase was prevented by prazosine (10(-5) M), an alpha 1-adrenergic receptor blocker; however, direct addition of NE to the tissue homogenate or to a preparation of MBH synaptosomes did not alter enzyme activity, which suggested that NE increased the content of NOS during incubation with the tissue. After purification of NOS, the increase in enzyme content induced by NE was still measurable. This indicates that within 30 min NE increased the synthesis of NOS in vitro. Incubation of MBH or the MBH homogenate with various concentrations of sodium nitroprusside (NP), a releaser of NO, reduced NOS activity at high concentrations (> or = 0.9 mM), which were associated with either a reduction of stimulation or a plateau of LHRH release. Finally, incubation of either MBH or the homogenate with cGMP, a major mediatior of NO action, at concentrations that increased LHRH release also reduced NOS activity. These results indicate that NO at high concentrations can inactivate NOS and that cGMP can also inhibit the enzyme directly. Therefore, the increased NOS activity induced by activation of alpha 1 receptors by NE is inhibited by NO itself and a principal product of its activity, cGMP, providing negative feedback on NOS. In central nervous system (CNS) infections with high concentrations of inducible NOS produced by glial elements, the high concentrations of NO and cGMP produced may suppress LHRH release, resulting in decreased gonadotropin and gonadal steroid release.
Previous research indicates that norepinephrine and dopamine stimulate release of luteinizing hormone (LH)-releasing hormone (LHRH), which then reaches the adenohypophysis via the hypophyseal portal vessels to release LH. Norepinephrine exerts its effect via alpha 1-adrenergic receptors, which stimulate the release of nitric oxide (NO) from nitricoxidergic (NOergic) neurons in the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). The NO activates guanylate cyclase and cyclooxygenase, thereby inducing release of LHRH into the hypophyseal portal vessels. We tested the hypothesis that these two catecholamines modulate NO release by local feedback. MBH explants were incubated in the presence of sodium nitroprusside (NP), a releaser of NO, and the effect on release of catecholamines was determined. NP inhibited release of norepinephrine. Basal release was increased by incubation of the tissue with the NO scavenger hemoglobin (20 micrograms/ml). Hemoglobin also blocked the inhibitory effect of NP. In the presence of high-potassium (40 mM) medium to depolarize cell membranes, norepinephrine release was increased by a factor of 3, and this was significantly inhibited by NP. Hemoglobin again produced a further increase in norepinephrine release and also blocked the action of NP. When constitutive NO synthase was inhibited by the competitive inhibitor NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (NMMA) at 300 microM, basal release of norepinephrine was increased, as was potassium-evoked release, and this was associated in the latter instance with a decrease in tissue concentration, presumably because synthesis did not keep up with the increased release in the presence of NMMA. The results were very similar with dopamine, except that reduction of potassium-evoked dopamine release by NP was not significant. However, the increase following incubation with hemoglobin was significant, and hemoglobin, when incubated with NP, caused a significant elevation in dopamine release above that with NP alone. In this case, NP increased tissue concentration of dopamine along with inhibiting release, suggesting that synthesis continued, thereby raising the tissue concentration in the face of diminished release. When the tissue was incubated with NP plus hemoglobin, which caused an increase in release above that obtained with NP alone, the tissue concentration decreased significantly compared with that in the absence of hemoglobin, indicating that, with increased release, release exceeded synthesis, causing a fall in tissue concentration. When NO synthase was blocked by NMMA, the release of dopamine, under either basal or potassium-evoked conditions, was increased. Again, in the latter instance the tissue concentration declined significantly, presumably because synthesis did not match release. Therefore, the results were very similar with both catecholamines and indicate that NO acts to suppress release of both amines. Since both catecholamines activate the release of LHRH, the inhibition of their release by NO serves as an ultra-short-loop negative feedback by which NO inhibits the release of the catecholamines, thereby reducing the activation of the NOergic neurons and decreasing the release of LHRH. This may be an important means for terminating the pulses of release of LHRH, which generate the pulsatile release of LH that stimulates gonadal function in both male and female mammals.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar a língua portuguesa nativa e de herança sobreviventes em território fronteiriço de língua oficial espanhola. Como locus de pesquisa selecionamos Olivença, uma cidade da Espanha em que a língua portuguesa se faz em situações específicas de uso. A relevância desta pesquisa traduz-se no fato de que espaços fronteiriços mantêm sobrepostas em espaços geográficos contíguos algumas realidades que se sobrepõem: a realidade da oficialidade linguística e a realidade do sentimento de pertença sociolinguística. Nesta tese, partimos da identificação, em trabalho de campo, da presença da língua portuguesa no território atualmente espanhol (mas historicamente português) e na constatação de que há uma flutuação de identificação-identidade linguística. No espaço geográfico em que fizemos incursão científica, duas cidades sobrepõem-se historicamente e duas geografias políticas, por outro lado, avizinham-se e roçam-se continuamente. Ao tomar contato com essa cidade, hipotetizamos que o sentimento de pertença linguística estaria presente entre os falantes mais velhos, que manteriam a herança de traços lusitanos em sua comunicação, mesmo ao falar o espanhol. A justificativa é que, logo de chegada, já avistáramos recintos comerciais com nomes portugueses e, contrariamente, não ouvíamos o som lusitano nas ruas. Sabemos que o domínio espanhol numa cidade outrora portuguesa tenderia a apagar vestígios portugueses. No entanto, em grupos íntimos pressupúnhamos o português como língua corrente. Durante o trabalho de campo, identificamos fortes valores culturais sendo empunhados como armas de resistência entre descendentes de portugueses, fazendo correr numa velocidade acentuada a reorganização dos valores lusitanos em redutos da cidade espanhola. Essa força e essa velocidade pareciam ser as molas propulsoras de uma mudança linguística muito sorrateira, que impactava o sentimento de unidade de um segmento social da comunidade sociolinguística. Isso nos inspirou a dar um passo investigativo seguinte em direção aos mais jovens, que tinham o espanhol como língua materna, mas tinham o português como língua de herança. À pergunta central sobre a força do português como língua de herança buscamos respostas por meio de duas outras questões mais indiretas feitas aos sujeitos entrevistados: será que os mais jovens percebiam-se como portugueses? será que os elementos culturais lusitanos presentes nas ruas eram reconhecidos como vinculados à língua de herança? Foi assim que passamos a recolher pistas sobre os traços de resiliência do português como língua incrustada na região espanhola de Olivença.
We have obtained a detailed carbon-isotope stratigraphy of the Paleocene sections recovered from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Holes 577 and 577A. This 13C record is useful in stratigraphically correlating the two holes and in interpreting the magnetostratigraphic data. Comparison with the published data for Site 527 (Southeast Atlantic Ocean) shows that 13C stratigraphy is also valuable for long-distance correlation.
Extension of the 10Be geochronology for deep-sea sediments beyond the limit of late Pliocene age found in published works has been attempted. The results obtained on sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 576 and 578 of Leg 86 suggest the feasibility of dating sediments as old as 12 to 15 m.y. At both sites, there have been large changes in sedimentation rate, with the Pleistocene sediments accumulating several times faster than those of the Pliocene, which in turn were deposited several times more rapidly than the late Miocene sediments. The Pleistocene-Pliocene section is considerably thicker in Hole 578 than in Hole 576B: the respective depths for the 7 m.y. time boundary in the two holes are about 125 and about 25 m. These 10Be-based age estimates are in agreement with the paleomagnetic stratigraphies established for the two sites. The suggested enhancement in the oceanic deposition of 10Be before 7 to 9 m.y. ago, as noticed in manganese crusts, has found tentative support from the present sedimentary records. A preliminary search for 10Be production variation during a geomagnetic field reversal has been conducted. In Hole 578, an enhanced 10Be concentration is found in a sample close to the Brunhes/Matuyama reversal boundary. More detailed and systematic measurements are required to confirm this observation, which bears on the detailed behavior of the geomagnetic field during the reversal.
The mass-accumulation rate and grain size of the total eolian component of North Pacific pelagic clays at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 576 and 578 have been used to evaluate changes in eolian sedimentation and the intensity of atmospheric circulation that have occurred during the past 70 m.y. Eolian deposition, an indicator of source area aridity, was low in the Paleocene, Eocene, and Oligocene, apparently reflecting the humid environments of that time as well as the lack of glacial erosion products. A general increase in eoiian accumulation in the Miocene apparently reflects the relative increase in global aridity during the latter part of the Cenozoic. A dramatic increase in eolian accumulation rates in the Pliocene reflects the increased aridity and availability of glacial erosion products associated with Northern Hemisphere glaciation 2.5 m.y. ago. Eolian grain size, an indicator of wind intensity, suggests that Late Cretaceous wind strength was comparable to present-day wind strength. A sharp decrease in eolian grain size across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary is not readily interpreted, but may indicate a significant reduction in the intensity of atmospheric circulation at that time. Fine eolian grain size and low accumulation rates in the Eocene and early Oligocene are in agreement with low early Tertiary thermal gradients and less vigorous atmospheric circulation. Large increases in grain size during the Oligocene, mid-to-late Miocene, and Pliocene appear to be a response to steepening thermal gradients resulting from increasing polar isolation.
We present three new benthic foraminiferal delta13C, delta18O, and total organic carbon time series from the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean between 41°S and 47°S. The measured glacial delta13C values belong to the lowest hitherto reported. We demonstrate a coincidence between depleted late Holocene (LH) delta13C values and positions of sites relative to ocean surface productivity. A correction of +0.3 to +0.4 [per mil VPDB] for a productivity-induced depletion of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) benthic delta13C values of these cores is suggested. The new data are compiled with published data from 13 sediment cores from the eastern Atlantic Ocean between 19°S and 47°S, and the regional deep and bottom water circulation is reconstructed for LH (4-0 ka) and LGM (22-16 ka) times. This extends earlier eastern Atlantic-wide synoptic reconstructions which suffered from the lack of data south of 20°S. A conceptual model of LGM deep-water circulation is discussed that, after correction of southernmost cores below the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) for a productivity-induced artifact, suggests a reduced formation of both North Atlantic Deep Water in the northern Atlantic and bottom water in the southwestern Weddell Sea. This reduction was compensated for by the formation of deep water in the zone of extended winter sea-ice coverage at the northern rim of the Weddell Sea, where air-sea gas exchange was reduced. This shift from LGM deep-water formation in the region south of the ACC to Holocene bottom water formation in the southwestern Weddell Sea, can explain lower preformed d13CDIC values of glacial circumantarctic deep water of approximately 0.3 per mil to 0.4 per mil. Our reconstruction brings Atlantic and Southern Ocean d13C and Cd/Ca data into better agreement, but is in conflict, however, with a scenario of an essentially unchanged thermohaline deep circulation on a global scale. Benthic delta18O-derived LGM bottom water temperatures, by 1.9°C and 0.3°C lower than during the LH at deepest southern and shallowest northern sites, respectively, agree with the here proposed reconstruction of deep-water circulation in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean.
Using a new temperature recording instrument recently developed at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, downhole temperature measurements were made at five sites during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 86. The instrument, which can be installed in the shoe of the hydraulic piston corer, allows measurements of sediment temperature to be made simultaneously with the collection of sediment cores. A numerical procedure was applied to correct the temperature disturbance caused by the corer's friction with the sediment. Detailed temperature profiles constructed from the data were combined with the measurement of thermal conductivity to calculate heat flow. Heat flow values were generally low at all sites of Leg 86, consistent with the age of the lithosphere (>100 m.y.) in the Northwestern Pacific Basin.
At head of title: Exposition universelle internationale de 1900.
Cf. Richmond, M.L.H. Shaker lit., 21.
Imprint from Richmond, M.L.H. Shaker lit.
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