971 resultados para LC-APCI-MS


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Blooms of the brevetoxin-producing dinoflagellate Karenia brevis have been linked to high mortality of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus on Florida’s Gulf of Mexico coast. A clear understanding of trophic transfer of brevetoxin from its algal source up the food web to top predators is needed to assess exposure of affected dolphin populations. Prey fish constitute a means of accumulating and transferring brevetoxins and are potential vectors of brevetoxin to dolphins frequently exposed to K. brevis blooms. Here we report results of brevetoxin analyses of the primary fish species consumed by long-term resident bottlenose dolphins inhabiting Sarasota Bay, Florida. Fish collected during K. brevis blooms in 2003 to 2006 were analyzed by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and had brevetoxin concentrations ranging from 4 to 10844 ng PbTx-3 eq g–1 tissue. Receptor binding assay (RBA) and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis confirmed toxicity and the presence of parent brevetoxins and known metabolites. Fish collected in the absence of K. brevis blooms tested positive for brevetoxin by ELISA and RBA, with concentrations up to 1500 ng PbTx-3 eq g–1 tissue. These findings implicate prey fish exposed to K. brevis blooms as brevetoxin vectors for their dolphin predators and provide a critical analysis of persistent brevetoxin loads in the food web of dolphins repeatedly exposed to Florida red tides.


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麻疯树(Jatropha curcas L.)属大戟科麻疯树属多年生亚乔木,耐干旱、高温和贫瘠等,具很强的抗逆性,在干热河谷等边际土地上生长良好。其种子富含油脂,是制备生物柴油的理想材料,为重要的能源植物之一。油体(oil body)是种子细胞中重要的细胞器, 脂肪酸以三脂酰甘油(triacylglyeerols,TAG)的形式储存其内,是种子萌发和幼苗生长时所需碳骨架和能量的主要来源。种子萌发为生命萌动并构建成自养个体的过程,是高等植物生长发育中的重要事件。 本论文运用高通量的蛋白质组学研究手段,结合电镜技术和生理学分析,对麻疯树种子油体以及种子萌发过程中蛋白质表达、生理学响应和细胞结构变化进行了研究。 从麻疯树种子胚乳中分离油体,再从油体中提取蛋白,经双向凝胶电泳后,得到油体蛋白质组的二维表达谱,这些蛋白质主要分布在等电点5 ~ 10、分子量12 ~ 66 kDa的范围内;图像分析表明,油体蛋白质组至少有141个蛋白点,其中酸性蛋白74个,碱性蛋白67个,表达丰度较高的多为低分子量碱性蛋白。对其中36个重要蛋白点进行LC-MS/MS质谱分析,得到鉴定的蛋白分别为30个基因的表达产物,主要包括油体重要的结构蛋白油质蛋白(oleosin)和caleosin,麻疯树种子毒蛋白curcin,以及新鉴定得到的另一种可能的麻疯树种子毒蛋白,人体过敏反应蛋白橡胶延伸因子(REF)。还有四个与脂肪酸代谢相关的酶,其中3-羟酰-酰基载体蛋白(ACP)脱水/催化酶和醇酰基转移酶与脂肪酸合成有关,而脂氧合酶和磷脂酶D在脂肪酸降解中发挥作用,显示部分脂肪酸代谢相关的酶在油体储存状态就已附着在油体上,为种子萌发时动员油脂做好了准备。 麻疯树种子胚乳发达,在32℃湿润土壤中很快就会萌动,胚轴伸长露出胚根,长出新根,约4天后形成出土子叶幼苗。种子萌发过程中胚乳主要成分含量测定表明,含水量在前24小时迅速上升,至48小时增加缓慢,此后开始较快上升,可分为三个阶段,呈现“S”型的变化;粗脂肪和粗蛋白在前两个阶段变化不大,进入第三阶段后其含量迅速下降,前者先于后者,分别在萌发后72小时和96小时后开始明显减少,说明被大量降解、转化,供萌发生长利用,其中主要组分亚油酸最为明显。细胞超微结构观察发现,排列整齐充满整个胚乳细胞的油体和嵌合在油体中的蛋白储存泡在种子萌发过程中,随着线粒体、乙醛酸循环体和液泡的出现增多或增大而被逐渐解体、减少或消失;同时,发现脂肪酸主要在乙醛酸循环体、蛋白颗粒主要在液泡中被降解或转化。 蛋白质组学分析表明,麻疯树种子在萌发72小时过程中变化量在两倍以上的差异蛋白点共有141个,所有的差异蛋白均通过LC-MS/MS分析和NCBI蛋白数据库搜索得到鉴定。其中包括多个参与降解储藏油脂的酶,如乙醛酸循环途径中的顺乌头酸酶,异柠檬酸裂解酶和苹果酸脱氢酶等,均从种子萌发48小时开始表达量明显上升;葡糖异生途径中的酶在种子萌发中的积累略晚于乙醛酸循环途径,如烯醇酶,磷酸甘油酸变位酶,磷酸甘油酸激酶,磷酸丙糖异构酶和醛缩酶大多在萌发约60小时后表达量开始上调。分析结果表明,乙醛酸循环途径在种子萌发48小时后被激活,与电镜观察胚乳细胞发现油脂在萌发48小时时开始被动员相一致,因而大规模的油脂动员开始于种子萌发的第三阶段。 同时,蛋白质组学的分析结果也得到了种子胚乳组分变化分析及电镜观察结果的印证。超微细胞结构观察显示种子储藏蛋白降解在萌发第二阶段启动,主要在液泡中进行降解。粗脂肪的含量在72小时时显著降低,而电镜观察显示此时胚乳细胞中出现中央大液泡,出现大量的线粒体和乙醛酸循环体,细胞结构发生重大变化,萌发96小时后仅有少量油体残留于胚乳细胞中,这些都为储藏油脂在麻疯树种子萌发过程中的降解方式提供了重要证据。许多其他的功能蛋白在种子萌发过程中也发生了变化,表明种子萌发过程中不仅发生储藏物质的动员,也发生抗逆反应以及植物形态的构建等众多其他生理生化反应。 本研究首次对麻疯树种子油体进行了蛋白组成分析,并结合电镜技术及生理分析深入探讨了种子储藏物质在萌发中的降解方式,为更好的理解油体结构、木本油料种子的萌发机制和对麻疯树进行品种的改良提供了参考。


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Se analiza la necesidad de conservación de los ecosistemas oceánicos mundiales, y la urgencia de crear áreas protegidas en mar abierto. Los siete mares inspiran imágenes de vastedad, de grandiosa expansión, de variedad y tolerancia casi infinitas. Siempre en el marco de la metáfora, este trabajo se aparta de la visión de los siete mares para apoyar a la de 'un solo océano'. En lenguaje más formal, el objetivo es promover el pensamiento ecosistémico integrado, difundir el mensaje de que el océano es uno, agotable, e incapaz de resisitir el abuso ambiental sostenido. El artículo incluye definiciones, información sobre el primer Ärea Marina Protegida (AMP) en Mar abierto en el Atlántico sudoccidental, Naumuncurá, Banco Burdwood y finaliza con otras lecturas sugeridas.


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The excitation as well as relaxation dynamics of dye-doped nematic liquid crystal cells has been explored both experimentally and theoretically. Overshoots in the build up of the probe signal diffracted from gratings written onto dye-doped liquid crystal systems have often been observed. The overshoot behaviour makes the accurate measurement of nonlinear optical (NLO) response magnitude difficult and ambiguous. Moreover, it complicates the understanding of the dynamics and the physics of the NLO processes. On the basis of the system with trans-cis isomerisation as a mechanism of the NLO effect the quantitative model has been built to describe the experimental results which we observe. The two unknown material parameters: diffusion coefficient and cis species lifetime are calculated from the relaxation data. A quantitative model of the signal build-up uses these parameters. The calculated dynamic behaviour based on this model correlates very well with the experimental data. The model is used to predict the performance of the system with various dopant diffusion properties.


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Aim: To study the pharmacokinetics of sifuvirtide, a novel anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) peptide, in monkeys and to compare the inhibitory concentrations of sifuvirtide and enfuvirtide on HIV-1-infected-cell fusion. Methods: Monkeys received 1.2 mg/kg iv or sc of sifuvirtide. An on-line solid-phase extraction procedure combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (SPELC/MS/MS) was established and applied to determine the concentration of sifuvirtide in monkey plasma. A four-I-127 iodinated peptide was used as an internal standard. Fifty percent inhibitory concentration (IC50) of sifuvirtide on cell fusion was determined by co-cultivation assay. Results: The assay was validated with good precision and accuracy. The calibration curve for sifuvirtide in plasma was linear over a range of 4.88-5000 mu g/L, with correlation coefficients above 0.9923. After iv or sc administration, the observed peak concentrations of sifuvirtide were 10626 +/- 2886 mu g/L and 528 +/- 191 mu g/L, and the terminal elimination half-lives (T,12) were 6.3 +/- 0.9 h and 5.5 +/- 1.0 h, respectively. After sc, T-max was 0.25-2 h, and the absolute bioavailability was 49% +/- 13%. Sifuvirtide inhibited the syncytium formation between HIV-1 chronically infected cells and uninfected cells with an IC50 of 0.33 mu g/L. Conclusion: An on-line SPE-LC/MS/MS approach was established for peptide pharmacokinetic studies. Sifuvirtide was rapidly absorbed subcutaneously into the blood circulation. The T-1/2 of sifuvirtide was remarkably longer than that of its analog, enfuvirtide, reported in healthy monkeys and it conferred a long-term plasma concentration level which was higher than its IC50 in vitro.


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An experiment was undertaken in order to determine an adequate anaesthetic and optimum concentrations for use in the handling of fingerling milkfish (Chanos chanos). The compounds 2-phenoxy ethanol and MS-222 were investigated. Results show the latter to be adequate with optimum concentrations between 100 and 200 ppm.


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利用水蒸气蒸馏法从湖北栀子花鲜花中提取栀子花挥发油。通过 DB 5弹性石英毛细管柱 GC MS分析所得栀子花挥发油 ,共鉴定了 4 0个化合物并测定了其相对含量。湖北栀子花挥发油的主要成分为芳樟醇 ( 1 7 92 %)、茉莉内酯 ( 9 1 1 %)和惕各酸顺 3 己烯酯( 6 5 4 %)