995 resultados para Línguas Estudo e ensino Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
Existem poucas pesquisas que abordam estudos epidemiolgicos de mortes em cavalos de corrida de uma forma ampla. A maioria restringe-se a uma afeco ou procedimento especfico. O Brasil no possui um programa de monitoramento de mortes institudo. Atravs de um estudo descritivo em associao a metodologia multivariada de anlise, realizou-se um estudo epidemiolgico de causa mortis relacionadas com afeces musculosquelticas (MS), gastrointestinais (GI), sistema respiratrio (RES), neurolgico (NEU) e mortes sbitas (SD) durante os anos de 2002 a 2008 no Hospital Octavio Dupont, Rio de Janeiro. Os machos representaram o sexo mais afetado e a causa mortis relacionada com a taxa geral de mortalidade por grandes grupos de causas determinadas apresentou a seguinte ordem decrescentemente: MS>GI>SD>NEU>RES. A maioria dos bitos registrados foi de cavalos na faixa etria de quatro a cinco anos (ID4-ID5). Seguidamente, observaram-se as seguintes relaes de correspondncia: (Trinio = SM-ID>5-SD; ID>5-GI; ID4-5-MS; SF-ID<4-RES/NEU); (Quatrinio = SM - ID>5 - GI; SF - ID<4 - NEU; ID4-5 - MS; GI - ID>5). O presente estudo aponta a importncia e necessidade de estudos epidemiolgicos sobre leses em cavalos atletas, objetivando o diagnostico, reconhecimento de fatores predisponentes e preveno.
The current study analyses the relation between commitment (focusing on organization, career and syndicate) and the meaning of the work for 123 employees from a bank of mixed economy, crowed in agencies located in the Northeast capitals and also in four capitals out of this region: Belo Horizonte-MG, Braslia-DF, Rio de Janeiro-RJ and So Paulo-SP. It explores the commitment variability in the work of participants, as well as the score combination in foci, generating the commitment patterns, having used as an instrument a questionnaire consisting: a reduced version of OCQ Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (09 items), which measures the organizational commitment; the reduced Gordon s Scale (10 items), which measures the syndicate commitment; and the Blau s Scale, which measures the commitment to the career/occupation. It speculates, likewise, the meaning of work variability to the sample, seeking for the value attributes (what work should be), descriptive attributes (what work is) and its hierarchy, for which the ISMT-Inventrio do Significado e Motivao no Trabalho has been applied; the work centrality, for which two specific inquires were used. The answers were registered in data at SPSS-Statically Package for Social for Windows, and from this point the statistical analyses were accomplished. Eight commitments to work patterns and six from the meaning of work were identified (Cluster analyses). The relation between both constructs was confirmed, corroborating other studies
This project refers to a study somewhat controversial , as in focusing less recognized and valued hand, although the dynamics of tourism pass to take another view , you can not beforehand consider favorable or unfavorable . Analyzes the phenomenon related to conception or perception of poverty from tourism residents and non residents of the Favela of Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro tourist guides . It is a subject to an object of research somewhat controversial , but about which there is already an academic and scientific concern and deserves an investigator look. Fits as a qualitative study whose methodological procedure based on interviews and participant observation , and the geographic divisions chosen the Rocinha slum , for its expressiveness and for being a pioneer in this type of tourism , had to conducting fieldwork lasting six months, which was accompanied by at least four hours walking work of sixteen tour guides, eight residents and eight non- residents in the community, working for different travel agencies and tourism. End of each tour, all tour guides answered a semi-structured questionnaire, containing nineteen questions. Most respondents tour guides authorized record interview, which has made it possible to analyze the speech through spoken language. In tourism, foreign tourists are the main target, although rarely also count with the participation of domestic tourists. Notes that the relationship between poverty and slums, from the perceptions of tourist guides residents better reflects the reality of favela residents compared with non residents guides, since they fully know all the intricacies and better the difficulties they have endured and still go, when it comes to the issue of stigmatization respect, by which has suffered by Brazilian society, in relation to live in slums, and have your dwelling place as a tourist attraction. While presenting the social reality of Rocinha consistently during his work, the non residents guides worry about being as natural as possible with tourists as much as the locals show slum, in the same way they avoid authorize tourists to take compromising photos and that will expose the intimacy of community residents . Concludes that, while recognizing the importance of elevation to the rank of tourist attraction and its promising prospects, requires attention and priority, given the greater precariousness of the human condition in relation to the prime areas in which it operates tourism should be a vector of development, not a masking of reality
A histria poltica do Museu do ndio, criado em 1953, no Rio de Janeiro, sob a orientao institucional do antroplogo Darcy Ribeiro, permite conhecer algumas relaes sociais estabelecidas em torno de elementos da natureza no Brasil. O estudo do momento inicial na constituio deste patrimnio cultural, de sua histria e das disputas que gerou, inclusive na memria, realizado a partir da noo de coerncia ilusria de uma gerao de etnlogos, militares e intelectuais e da ao do Estado nacional brasileiro na dcada de 1950. As fontes e documentao consultadas so de natureza arquivstica, jornalstica e bibliogrfica.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho dar uma contribuio ao estudo das condies climticas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, visando a uma melhor Classificao Climtica por meio da identificao de regies homogneas em precipitao. Para isto foram utilizadas mdias mensais da precipitao de 48 estaes meteorolgicas, em um perodo de 30 anos (1971-2000). A anlise hierrquica de agrupamento, a orografia e a proximidade do mar, mostraram que o Estado do Rio de Janeiro pode ser dividido, quanto precipitao, em seis regies pluviometricamente homogneas o que possibilitou classificar as estaes meteorolgicas pelo mtodo de classificao no hierrquica k-means. A regio norte do Estado, com precipitaes anuais em torno de 870 mm a mais seca, e a regio da encosta sul da Serra do Mar, com 2020 mm, a mais chuvosa. Mas, em ambas as regies, os valores da precipitao da estao chuvosa representam em torno de 70% dos totais anuais.
The objective of this work was to carry a descriptive analysis in the monthly precipitation of rainfall stations from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, using data of position and dispersion and graphical analyses, and to verify the presence of seasonality and trend in these data, with a study about the application of models of time series. The descriptive statistics was to characterize the general behavior of the series in three stations selected which present consistent historical series. The methodology of analysis of variance in randomized blocks and the determination of models of multiple linear regression, considering years and months as predictors variables, disclosed the presence of seasonality, what allowed to infer on the occurrence of repetitive natural phenomena throughout the time and absence of trend in the data. It was applied the methodology of multiple linear regression to removal the seasonality of these time series. The original data had been deducted from the estimates made by the adjusted model and the analysis of variance in randomized blocks for the residues of regression was preceded again. With the results obtained it was possible to conclude that the monthly rainfall present seasonality and they don't present trend, the analysis of multiple regression was efficient in the removal of the seasonality, and the rainfall can be studied by means of time series.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Estudos Lingusticos - IBILCE
Ps-graduao em Msica - IA
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Geocincias e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
A revista Fon-Fon!, peridico que circulou na primeira metade do sculo XX, um importante documento no que concerne ao registro da vida socio-cultural do Brasil durante a Belle poque. A opo por esse semanrio deve-se considervel insero de estrangeirismos franceses nas suas colunas que, por meio de um equilbrio razovel entre literatura, mundanismo e atualidades, desvelava o carter francfilo e francfono da sociedade carioca. Nesse sentido, esse estudo visa mostrar, do ponto de vista lingstico, a importncia que esse peridico ocupa na representao do portugus brasileiro nas primeiras dcadas daquele sculo, por meio do emprego de unidades lexicais francesas em seus artigos, revelando, assim, a significativa influncia da cultura francesa no Brasil.