989 resultados para Knauss Marine Policy
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Oceans are a vast source of natural substances. In them, we find various compounds with wide biotechnological and biomedical applicabilities. The exploitation of the sea as a renewable source of biocompounds can have a positive impact on the development of new systems and devices for biomedical applications. Marine polysaccharides are among the most abundant materials in the seas, which contributes to a decrease of the extraction costs, besides their solubility behavior in aqueous solvents and extraction media, and their interaction with other biocompounds. Polysaccharides such as alginate, carrageenan and fucoidan can be extracted from algae, whereas chitosan and hyaluronan can be obtained from animal sources. Most marine polysaccharides have important biological properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, and anti-inflammatory activity, as well as adhesive and antimicrobial actions. Moreover, they can be modified in order to allow processing them into various shapes and sizes and may exhibit response dependence to external stimuli, such as pH and temperature. Due to these properties, these biomaterials have been studied as raw material for the construction of carrier devices for drugs, including particles, capsules and hydrogels. The devices are designed to achieve a controlled release of therapeutic agents in an attempt to fight against serious diseases, and to be used in advanced therapies, such as gene delivery or regenerative medicine.
Publicado em "Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Vol. 8, suppl. s1 (2014)
Despite the vast investigation and the large amount of products already available in the market to treat the different bone defects there is still a growing need to develop more advanced and complex therapeutic strategies. In this context, a mixture of Marine Hydroxyapatite-Fluorapatite:Collagen (HA-FP:ASC) seems to be a promising solution to overcome these bone defects, specifically, dental defects. HA-FP particles (20–63 μm) were obtained through pyrolysis (950°C, 12 h) of shark teeth (Isurus oxyrinchus, P. glauca), and Type I collagen was isolated from Prionace glauca skin as previously described (1). After the steps of purification, collagen was solubilized in 0.5 M acetic acid and HA-FP added producing three different formulations: were produced, 30:70, 50:50 and 70:30 of HA-FP:ASC, respectively. EDC/NHS and HMDI binding agents were used to stabilize the produced scaffolds. Mechanical properties were evaluated by compression tests. SEM analysis allowed observing the mineral deposition, after immersion in simulated body fluid and also permitted to evaluate how homogenous was the distribution of HA-FP in the different scaffold formulations, also confirmed by μ-CT assay. It was readily visible by Cytotoxicity and life/dead CLSM assays that cells were able to adhere and proliferate in the produced scaffolds. Scaffolds crosslinked with EDC/NHS showed lower cytotoxicity, being the ones chosen for further cellular evaluation.
This article offers a review of research and policy on climate change in Portugal and is organized into three main themes: scientific knowledge and assessment of climate change; policy analysis and evaluation; and public engagement. Modern scientific research on meteorology and climatology started in Portugal in the 1950s and a strong community of researchers in climate science, vulnerabilities, impacts, and adaptation has since developed, particularly in the last decade. Nevertheless, there are still many gaps in research, especially regarding the economic costs of climate change in Portugal and costs and benefits of adaptation. Governmental policies with a strong emphasis on mitigation were introduced at the end of the 1990s. As greenhouse gas emissions continued to rise beyond its Kyoto target for 2012, the country had to resort to the Kyoto Flexibility Mechanisms in order to comply. Climate change adaptation policies were introduced in 2010 but are far from being fully implemented. Regarding public engagement with climate change, high levels of concern contrast with limited understanding and rather weak behavioral dispositions to address climate change. Citizens display a heavy reliance on the media as sources of information, which are dominated by a techno-managerial discourse mainly focused on the global level. The final part of the article identifies research gaps and outlines a research agenda. Connections between policy and research are also discussed
The development of products from marine bioresources is gaining importance in the biotechnology sector. The global market for Marine Biotechnology products and processes was, in 2010, estimated at 2.8 billion with a cumulative annual growth rate of 510% (Børresen et al., Marine biotechnology: a new vision and strategy for Europe. Marine Board Position Paper 15. Beernem: Marine Board-ESF, 2010). Marine Biotechnology has the potential to make significant contributions towards the sustainable supply of food and energy, the solution of climate change and environmental degradation issues, and the human health. Besides the creation of jobs and wealth, it will contribute to the development of a greener economy. Thus, huge expectations anticipate the global development of marine biotechnology. The marine environment represents more than 70% of the Earths surface and includes the largest ranges of temperature, light and pressure encountered by life. These diverse marine environments still remain largely unexplored, in comparison with terrestrial habitats. Notwithstanding, efforts are being done by the scientific community to widespread the knowledge on oceans microbial life. For example, the J. Craig Venter Institute, in collaboration with the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), and Scripps Institution of Oceanography have built a state-of-the-art computational resource along with software tools to catalogue and interpret microbial life in the worlds oceans. The potential application of the marine biotechnology in the bioenergy sector is wide and, certainly, will evolve far beyond the current interest in marine algae. This chapter revises the current knowledge on marine anaerobic bacteria and archaea with a role in bio-hydrogen production, syngas fermentation and bio-electrochemical processes, three examples of bioenergy production routes.
Dissertação de mestrado em Molecular Genetics
Mestrado em Economia Monetária e Financeira
Este trabajo parte de la inquietud de cómo organizar y articular los recursos diplomáticos, económicos, tecnológicos y culturales que cuenta la Argentina en África, para incentivar e incrementar las vinculaciones entre ambas regiones. Teniendo en cuenta los nuevos escenarios emergentes del espacio africano y los lineamientos de política exterior ensayados por nuestro país en los últimos años, nuestro período de análisis se concentrará entre los años 2002 y 2007. Sostenemos que el desarrollo de una estrategia articulada y permanente hacia el África requiere un aprovechamiento más eficaz y eficiente de los recursos humanos, financieros y tecnológicos existentes. De esto modo, la Argentina podría posicionarse como un socio relevante en la agenda de los países africanos, proveyendo productos, tecnología y servicios a mercados complementarios y en expansión. El objetivo general del proyecto es reconocer las transformaciones recientes del diseño exterior argentino hacia los mercados emergentes, en particular hacia África.El abordaje de esta investigación tiene características tanto cualitativas como cuantitativas, al tiempo que pretende alcanzar un nivel de explicación debido al tipo de propuesta. Nuestras unidades de observación son aquellas instituciones y personalidades vinculadas a la elaboración e implementación de la política exterior de Argentina hacia los estados africanos en su conjunto (tanto de África Subsahariana como de África del Norte). En cuanto a las técnicas aplicadas se pueden reconocer diversas fases. En primera instancia se llevará adelante una exploración documental en la Cancillería argentina destinada a cubrir los principales lineamientos respecto al tema. Luego se revisarán documentos producidos por organismos privados y por investigadores científicos. Al mismo tiempo se realizarán entrevistas semiestructuradas a los actores claves que participaron en el proceso de toma de decisiones.Con este trabajo nos proponemos concretar un manual que contenga de forma sistemática las normativas y las prácticas que ejercen cada uno de los actores, tanto públicos como privados, en torno a las vinculaciones entre Argentina y los países de África. Este ordenamiento nos permitirá ofrecer a los responsables de tomas de decisiones un marco articulado, accesible y didáctico para el diseño y la ejecución de futuras políticas hacia la región. Actualmente, los lazos políticos, culturales y de cooperación entre los países de ambas regiones manifiestan un creciente dinamismo, poniendo en juego nuevos terrenos de colaboración como las Cumbres América del Sur-África, las reuniones inter-ministeriales, la firma de acuerdos de comercio entre el Mercosur y algunos estados africanos, entre otros. Sin embargo a pesar de estas señales auspiciosas, los mercados africanos no han sido explorados con la suficiente constancia y profundidad. El desarrollo de este proyecto permitirá, en primer lugar, constituir un corpus de información sobre las normativas y las prácticas en torno los vínculos argentino-africanos. Por otro lado, será una herramienta indispensable para la planificación y concreción de futuras políticas en torno al área. Cabe aclarar que no se limita a organismos del Estado sino también involucraría a actores privados implicados o interesados con los mercados emergentes africanos.