577 resultados para KPA


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Die unspezifische Provokation mit Methacholin ist die am weitesten verbreitete und akzeptierte Methode zur Diagnose bzw. zum Ausschluss der bronchialen Hyperreagibilität bei Patienten mit Verdacht auf ein Asthma bronchiale und zu dessen Therapiekontrolle. Um die Sicherheit und die Genauigkeit der Methode weiter zu verbessern, wurde daher ein Dosimeterprotokoll entwickelt, das die inhalierte Methacholin-Dosis anstatt durch die Erhöhung, d.h. in der Regel Verdoppelung, der Methacholinkonzentrationen nur durch Erhöhung der Anzahl der Inhalationen bei konstanter, niedriger Konzentration der Methacholinlösung steigert. Dieses neue Protokoll wurde verglichen mit anderen weit verbreiteten Methacholin-Provokationsprotokollen. Die Methacholinchlorid-Lösung (1,75 mg/ml) wurde mit Hilfe des Dosimetersystems ZAN 200 ProvAir II sowie des Verneblertopfes DeVilbiss 646 vernebelt. 15 Asthmapatienten mit einer vor der Provokation normalen Lungenfunktion (FEV1 98 +/- 9 % PN) und 18 Lungengesunde (FEV1 110 +/- 12 % PN) nahmen an der Testreihe teil. Begonnen wurde mit einer Dosis von 20 μg Methacholinchlorid (= eine Inhalation); beendet wurde der Versuch bei einer Kumulativdosis von 2000 μg Methacholinchlorid, wenn nicht vorher ein Kriterium für einen positiven Test und damit für einen Versuchsabbruch erfüllt wurde. Abbruchkriterien waren entweder ein Abfall der FEV1 um 20 % des Ausgangswertes oder ein Anstieg des totalen Atemwegswiderstandes auf ≥ 0,5 kPa*s/l. Mittels linearer Regression wurden die Provokationsdosen PD 20 FEV1 und PD Rtot ≥ 0,5 berechnet. Im Vergleich mit anderen Protokollen zeigte sich, dass auch das neue Protokoll zuverlässig und sicher zwischen gesund und krank unterscheidet. Der Median der PD 20 FEV1 liegt in der Gruppe der Asthmatiker bei 222 μg, bei den Lungengesunden bei 2000 μg; daraus ergibt sich ein p-Wert von < 0,001. In Bezug auf die PD Rtot ≥ 0,5 liegt der Median bei den Asthmatikern bei 122 μg, in der Gruppe der Lungengesunden bei 2000 μg; hieraus errechnet sich ebenfalls ein p-Wert von < 0,001. Sensitivität und Spezifität der Methode wurden mittels ROC-Kurven untersucht. Basierend auf der PD 20 FEV1 liefert die Methode für die Diagnose einer bronchialen Hyperreagibilität bei einer Enddosis von 1000 μg Methacholinchlorid eine Sensitivität von über 93 % und eine Spezifität von 83 %; basierend auf der PD Rtot ≥ 0,5 liegt die Sensitivität bei einer Dosis von 1000 μg bei 90 %, die Spezifität bei 89 %. Für die gemeinsame Betrachtung der parameterspezifischen Provokationsdosen PD 20 FEV1 und PD Rtot ≥ 0,5, der PD Minimal, bei 1000 μg liegt die Sensitivität bei über 93 % und die Spezifität bei 83 %. Daher können 1000 μg als Schwellendosis für den Ausschluss einer bronchialen Hyperreagibilität zum Untersuchungszeitpunkt angesehen werden, und der Test darf an diesem Punkt abgebrochen werden. Grundsätzlich ist festzustellen, dass die Diagnostik der bronchialen Hyperreagibilität sicher und genau mit Hilfe eines Dosimeterprotokolls erfolgen kann, das die Methacholin-Dosis nur durch die Steigerung der Inhalationen bei gleichbleibender Konzentration der Methacholinlösung erhöht. Die Schwellendosis zwischen normaler und pathologischer bronchialer Reaktion, Sensitivität und Spezifität sowie die Trennschärfe der Methode sind sehr gut vergleichbar mit anderen bisher etablierten Protokollen.


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L'intervento di connessione cavo-polmonare totale (TCPC) nei pazienti portatori di cuore univentricolare, a causa della particolare condizione emodinamica, determina un risentimento a carico di numerosi parenchimi. Scopo della ricerca è di valutare l'entità di questo danno ad un follow-up medio-lungo. Sono stati arruolati 115 pazienti, sottoposti ad intervento presso i centri di Cardiochirurgia Pediatrica di Bologna (52 pz) e Torino (63 pz). Il follow-up medio è stato di 125±2 mesi. I pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad indagine emodinamica (88 pz), test cardiopolmonare (75 pz) e Fibroscan ed ecografia epatica (47 pz). La pressione polmonare media è stata di 11.5±2.6mmHg, ed in 12 pazienti i valori di pressione polmonare erano superiori a 15mmHg. La pressione atriale media era di 6.7±2.3mmHg ed il calcolo delle resistenze vascolari polmonari indicizzate (RVP) era in media di 2±0.99 UW/m2. In 29 pazienti le RVP erano superiori a 2 UW/m2. La VO2 max in media era pari a 28±31 ml/Kg/min, 58±15 % del valore teorico. La frequenza cardiaca massima all'apice dello sforzo era di 151±22 bpm, pari al 74±17% del valore teorico. Il Fibroscan ha fornito un valore medio di 17.01 kPa (8-34.3kPa). Cinque pazienti erano in classe F2, 9 pazienti in classe F3 e 33 pazienti risultavano in classe F4. Nei pazienti con follow-up maggiore di 10 anni il valore di stiffness epatica (19.6±5.2kPa) è risultato significativamente maggiore a quello dei pazienti con follow-up minore di 10 anni (15.1±5.8kPa, p<0.01). La frequenza cardiaca massima raggiunta durante lo sforzo del test cardiopolmonare è risultata significativamente correlata alla morfologia del ventricolo unico, risultando del 67.8±14.4% del valore teorico nei pazienti portatori di ventricolo destro contro il 79.6±8.7% dei portatori di ventricolo sinistro (p=0.006). L'intervento di TCPC determina un risentimento a carico di numerosi parenchimi proporzionale alla lunghezza del follow-up, e necessita pertanto un costante monitoraggio clinico-strumentale multidisciplinare.


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BACKGROUND: Mechanical pain sensitivity is assessed in every patient with pain, either by palpation or by quantitative pressure algometry. Despite widespread use, no studies have formally addressed the usefulness of this practice for the identification of the source of pain. We tested the hypothesis that assessing mechanical pain sensitivity distinguishes damaged from healthy cervical zygapophysial (facet) joints. METHODS: Thirty-three patients with chronic unilateral neck pain were studied. Pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) were assessed bilaterally at all cervical zygapophysial joints. The diagnosis of zygapophysial joint pain was made by selective nerve blocks. Primary analysis was the comparison of the PPT between symptomatic and contralateral asymptomatic joints. The secondary end points were as follows: differences in PPT between affected and asymptomatic joints of the same side of patients with zygapophysial joint pain; differences in PPT at the painful side between patients with and without zygapophysial joint pain; and sensitivity and specificity of PPT for 2 different cutoffs (difference in PPT between affected and contralateral side by 1 and 30 kPa, meaning that the test was considered positive if the difference in PPT between painful and contralateral side was negative by at least 1 and 30 kPa, respectively). The PPT of patients was also compared with the PPT of 12 pain-free subjects. RESULTS: Zygapophysial joint pain was present in 14 patients. In these cases, the difference in mean PPT between affected and contralateral side (primary analysis) was −6.2 kPa (95% confidence interval: −19.5 to 7.2, P = 0.34). In addition, the secondary analyses yielded no statistically significant differences. For the cutoff of 1 kPa, sensitivity and specificity of PPT were 67% and 16%, respectively, resulting in a positive likelihood ratio of 0.79 and a diagnostic confidence of 38%. When the cutoff of 30 kPa was considered, the sensitivity decreased to only 13%, whereas the specificity increased to 95%, resulting in a positive likelihood ratio of 2.53 and a diagnostic confidence of 67%. The PPT was significantly lower in patients than in pain-free subjects (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Assessing mechanical pain sensitivity is not diagnostic for cervical zygapophysial joint pain. The finding should stimulate further research into a diagnostic tool that is widely used in the clinical examination of patients with pain.


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The present study was conducted to assess the interrelation between teat anatomy and machine milking in dairy buffaloes raised in Switzerland. A 3-min pre-stimulation induced milk ejection before cluster attachment in most cases and caused an optimal milk removal during machine milking. In an additional experiment, longitudinal cross-section ultrasound was obtained before and after a 3-min pre-stimulation. Teat wall thickness, teat diameter, cisternal diameter and teat canal length were evaluated. It was observed that 3-min pre-stimulation dramatically reduced teat canal length whereas all the other anatomical parameters remained unchanged. The vacuum needed to open the teat canal was also measured before and after a 3-min pre-stimulation by using a special teat cup with only the mouthpiece of the liner remaining on the top of the teat cup (no liner, no pulsation). Without pre-stimulation but after wetting the teat canal by stripping one squirt of milk out of the teat, no milk could be withdrawn with a vacuum up to 39 kPa. However, after pre-stimulation, milk flow occurred in all buffaloes at a vacuum between 16 and 38 kPa. In the last experiment, the teat tissue was examined in slaughtered buffaloes and compared with teat tissue of cows. No difference was noted in histological sections and teat canal length was similar in cows and buffaloes. Proximal to the teat canal, the teat did not pass into an open cistern but the lumen was collapsed. In conclusion, buffaloes need to be well pre-stimulated because the tissue above the teat canal provides additional teat closure before milk ejection. Therefore, milk can only be obtained after pre-stimulation.


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Diffuse noxious inhibitory control (DNIC) is described as one possible mechanism of acupuncture analgesia. This study investigated the analgesic effect of acupuncture without stimulation compared to nonpenetrating sham acupuncture (NPSA) and cold-pressor-induced DNIC. Forty-five subjects received each of the three interventions in a randomized order. The analgesic effect was measured using pressure algometry at the second toe before and after each of the interventions. Pressure pain detection threshold (PPDT) rose from 299 kPa (SD 112 kPa) to 364 kPa (SD 144), 353 kPa (SD 135), and 467 kPa (SD 168) after acupuncture, NPSA, and DNIC test, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between acupuncture and NPSA at any time, but a significantly higher increase of PPDT in the DNIC test compared to acupuncture and NPSA. PPDT decreased after the DNIC test, whereas it remained stable after acupuncture and NPSA. Acupuncture needling at low pain stimulus intensity showed a small analgesic effect which did not significantly differ from placebo response and was significantly less than a DNIC-like effect of a painful noninvasive stimulus.


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The potential for changes in hydraulic conductivity, k, of two model soil-bentonite (SB) backfills subjected to wet-dry cycling was investigated. The backfills were prepared with the same base soil (clean, fine sand) but different bentonite contents (2.7 and 5.6 dry wt %). Saturation (S), volume change, and k of consolidated backfill specimens (effective stress = 24 kPa) were evaluated over three to seven cycles in which the matric suction, Ym, in the drying stage ranged from 50 to 700 kPa. Both backfills exhibited susceptibility to degradation in k caused by wet-dry cycling. Mean values of k for specimens dried at Ym = 50 kPa (S = 30-60 % after drying) remained low after two cycles, but increased by 5- to 300-fold after three or more cycles. Specimens dried at Ym ≥ 150 kPa (S < 30 % after drying) were less resilient and exhibited 500- to 10 000-fold increases in k after three or more cycles. The greater increases in k for these specimens correlated with greater vertical shrinkage upon drying. The findings suggest that increases in hydraulic conductivity due to wet-dry cycling may be a concern for SB vertical barriers located within the zone of a fluctuating groundwater table.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical compatibility of model soil-bentonite backfills containing multiswellable bentonite (MSB) relative to that of similar backfills containing untreated sodium (Na) bentonite or a commercially available, contaminant resistant bentonite (SW101). Flexible-wall tests were conducted on consolidated backfill specimens (effective stress =34.5 kPa) containing clean sand and 4.5–5.7% bentonite (by dry weight) using tap water and calcium chloride (CaCl2) solutions (10–1,000 mM) as the permeant liquids. Final values of hydraulic conductivity (k) and intrinsic permeability (K) to the CaCl2 solutions were determined after achieving both short-term termination criteria as defined by ASTM D5084 and long-term termination criteria for chemical equilibrium between the influent and effluent. Specimens containing MSB exhibited the smallest increases in k and K upon permeation with a given CaCl2 solution relative to specimens containing untreated Na bentonite or SW101. However, none of the specimens exhibited more than a five-fold increase in k or K, regardless of CaCl2 concentration or bentonite type. Final k values for specimens permeated with a given CaCl2 solution after permeation with tap water were similar to those for specimens of the same backfill permeated with only the CaCl2 solution, indicating that the order of permeation had no significant effect on k. Also, final k values for all specimens were within a factor of two of the k measured after achieving the ASTM D5084 termination criteria. Thus, use of only the ASTM D5084 criteria would have been sufficient to obtain reasonable estimates of long-term hydraulic conductivity for the specimens in this study.


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To study the effects of a milking system that partially compensates for milk flow-dependent vacuum loss compared with a standard (high-line) milking unit in a tie-stall barn, milk flow and vacuum patterns were recorded in 10 cows during machine milking with 2 milking systems in a crossover design for 7 d each. Before and after each treatment period postmilking teat condition was recorded by ultrasound cross-sectioning. Additionally, 2 methods to measure teat tissue condition were compared: longitudinal teat ultrasound cross-sectioning and teat tissue density measurements with the spring-loaded caliper (cutimeter method). The partial compensation of milk flow-dependent vacuum loss caused an elevation of the peak flow rate (4.74+/-0.08 vs. 4.29+/-0.07 kg/min) and a shorter duration of plateau (1.57+/-0.06 vs. 1.96+/-0.07 min) compared with the standard milking system. Total milk yield, duration of incline and decline of milk flow, average milk flow, time until peak flow rate, main milking time, and total milking time did not differ between treatments (overall means: 13.75+/-0.17 kg; 0.65+/-0.01 min; 2.88+/-0.09 min; 2.82+/-0.05 kg/min; 1.65+/-0.03 min; 5.23+/-0.09 min, and 5.30+/-0.10 min, respectively). The vacuum drop in the short milk tube during periods of high milk flow was less in the compensating vacuum than in the standard milking system (11+/-1.1 vs. 15+/-0.7 kPa). Teat measures as determined by ultrasound remained unchanged over the entire experimental period with both milking systems. Postmilking teat tissue measures including their recovery within 20 min after the end of milking show a correlation (0.85 and 0.71, respectively) between the methods used (ultrasound and cutimeter method). In conclusion, a more constant vacuum at the teat tip (within the short milk tube) during periods of high milk flow affected milk flow patterns, mainly increasing peak flow rate. However, the reduced vacuum loss did not increase the overall speed of milking. In addition, effects of higher vacuum stability on teat condition and udder health were not obvious.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the microcirculatory and metabolic consequences of reduced mesenteric blood flow. DESIGN: Prospective, controlled animal study. SETTING: The surgical research unit of a university hospital. SUBJECTS: A total of 13 anesthetized and mechanically ventilated pigs. INTERVENTIONS: Pigs were subjected to stepwise mesenteric blood flow reduction (15% in each step, n = 8) or served as controls (n = 5). Superior mesenteric arterial blood flow was measured with ultrasonic transit time flowmetry, and mucosal and muscularis microcirculatory perfusion in the small bowel were each measured with three laser Doppler flow probes. Small-bowel intramucosal Pco2 was measured by tonometry, and glucose, lactate (L), and pyruvate (P) were measured by microdialysis. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In control animals, superior mesenteric arterial blood flow, mucosal microcirculatory blood flow, intramucosal Pco2, and the lactate/pyruvate ratio remained unchanged. In both groups, mucosal blood flow was better preserved than muscularis blood flow. During stepwise mesenteric blood flow reduction, heterogeneous microcirculatory blood flow remained a prominent feature (coefficient of variation, approximately 45%). A 30% flow reduction from baseline was associated with a decrease in microdialysis glucose concentration from 2.37 (2.10-2.70) mmol/L to 0.57 (0.22-1.60) mmol/L (p < .05). After 75% flow reduction, the microdialysis lactate/pyruvate ratio increased from 8.6 (8.0-14.1) to 27.6 (15.5-37.4, p < .05), and arterial-intramucosal Pco2 gradients increased from 1.3 (0.4-3.5) kPa to 10.8 (8.0-16.0) kPa (p < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Blood flow redistribution and heterogeneous microcirculatory perfusion can explain apparently maintained regional oxidative metabolism during mesenteric hypoperfusion, despite local signs of anaerobic metabolism. Early decreasing glucose concentrations suggest that substrate supply may become crucial before oxygen consumption decreases.


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BACKGROUND: The time course of impairment of respiratory mechanics and gas exchange in the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remains poorly defined. We assessed the changes in respiratory mechanics and gas exchange during ARDS. We hypothesized that due to the changes in respiratory mechanics over time, ventilatory strategies based on rigid volume or pressure limits might fail to prevent overdistension throughout the disease process. METHODS: Seventeen severe ARDS patients {PaO2/FiO2 10.1 (9.2-14.3) kPa; 76 (69-107) mmHg [median (25th-75th percentiles)] and bilateral infiltrates} were studied during the acute, intermediate, and late stages of ARDS (at 1-3, 4-6 and 7 days after diagnosis). Severity of lung injury, gas exchange, and hemodynamics were assessed. Pressure-volume (PV) curves of the respiratory system were obtained, and upper and lower inflection points (UIP, LIP) and recruitment were estimated. RESULTS: (1) UIP decreased from early to established (intermediate and late) ARDS [30 (28-30) cmH2O, 27 (25-30) cmH2O and 25 (23-28) cmH2O (P=0.014)]; (2) oxygenation improved in survivors and in patients with non-pulmonary etiology in late ARDS, whereas all patients developed hypercapnia from early to established ARDS; and (3) dead-space ventilation and pulmonary shunt were larger in patients with pulmonary etiology during late ARDS. CONCLUSION: We found a decrease in UIP from acute to established ARDS. If applied to our data, the inspiratory pressure limit advocated by the ARDSnet (30 cmH2O) would produce ventilation over the UIP, with a consequent increased risk of overdistension in 12%, 43% and 65% of our patients during the acute, intermediate and late phases of ARDS, respectively. Lung protective strategies based on fixed tidal volume or pressure limits may thus not fully avoid the risk of lung overdistension throughout ARDS.


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Incontinentia lactis is a possible predisposing factor for an elevated level of intramammary infection. The goal of the present study was to investigate possible causes of incontinentia lactis in dairy cows. Two farms that differed in breed composition, but that had similar average milk yields were studied: herd A, 28 kg/d, 31 Red Holstein cows; and herd B, 26 kg/d, 16 Brown Swiss cows. Herd A was classified into 2 groups: incontinentia lactis (ILA group) and control, whereas herd B was exclusively a control herd. Milk samples that represented foremilk and the main milk fraction were collected during 4 milking sessions. In addition, milk leakage samples from the ILA group were collected at different time intervals from 0 to 5 h before milking. Measurements of the teat, milk flow, fractions of cisternal and alveolar milk, intramammary pressure, and blood oxytocin pattern also were obtained. The ILA cows did not have differences in fat content between milk leakage and cisternal milk fraction. Milk fat content, however, increased during milking in response to continuous milk ejection (1.95, 1.99, and 4.61% for milk leakage, cisternal, and main milk samples, respectively). Teat canals were 9% shorter in the ILA cows, which showed greater milk yield, peak, and average flow rates. Quarter cisternal milk yield of ILA cows tended to be greater (0.50 vs. 0.23 and 0.28 kg for ILA and controls from herds A and B, respectively), whereas percentages of cistern milk and alveolar milk did not differ from controls. The greater pressure in the ILA group, both before and after manual udder stimulation (ILA: 4.0 and 6.4 kPa; control: 2.0 and 5.0 kPa, respectively), could be an important cause for the leakage. Nevertheless, the increase in IMP that occurred after udder preparation affirms that milk ejection occurred in response to the tactile teat stimulation, but not before the onset of leakage. Blood oxytocin concentration in ILA cows was low until the start of udder preparation and increased in response to the milking stimulus (reaffirming the hypothesis that milk leakage occurred in the absence of milk ejection). In conclusion, milk losses by leakage are likely due to the large amount of cisternal milk, which creates pressure and causes leakage, in the absence of milk ejection.


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A novel computer-assisted injection device for the delivery of highly viscous bone cements in vertebroplasty is presented. It addresses the shortcomings of manual injection systems ranging from low-pressure and poor level of control to device failure. The presented instrument is capable of generating a maximum pressure of 5000 kPa in traditional 6-ml syringes and provides an advanced control interface for precise cement delivery from outside radiation fields emitted by intraoperative imaging systems. The integrated real-time monitoring of injection parameters, such as flow-rate, volume, pressure, and viscosity, simplifies consistent documentation of interventions and establishes a basis for the identification of safe injection protocols on the longer term. Control algorithms prevent device failure due to overloading and provide means to immediately stop cement flow to avoid leakage into adjacent tissues.


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An epidural puncture was performed using the lumbosacral approach in 18 dogs, and the lack of resistance to an injection of saline was used to determine that the needle was positioned correctly. The dogs' arterial blood pressure and epidural pressure were recorded. They were randomly assigned to two groups: in one group an injection of a mixture of local anaesthetic agents was made slowly over 90 seconds and in the other it was made over 30 seconds. After 10 minutes contrast radiography was used to confirm the correct placement of the needle. The mean (sd) initial pressure in the epidural space was 0.1 (0.7) kPa. After the injection the mean maximum epidural pressure in the group injected slowly was 5.5 (2.1) kPa and in the group injected more quickly it was 6.0 (1.9) kPa. At the end of the period of measurement, the epidural pressure in the slow group was 0.8 (0.5) kPa and in the rapid group it was 0.7 (0.5) kPa. Waves synchronous with the arterial pulse wave were observed in 15 of the dogs before the epidural injection, and in all the dogs after the epidural injection.


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Surgical stress response markedly increases sympathetic nerve activity and catecholamine concentrations. This may contribute to peripheral vasoconstriction, reduced wound perfusion and subsequent tissue hypoxia. Opioids are known to depress the hypothalamic-adrenal response to surgery in a dose-dependent manner. We tested the hypothesis that continuous remifentanil administration produces improved subcutaneous tissue oxygen tension compared to fentanyl bolus administration. Forty-six patients undergoing major abdominal surgery were randomly assigned to receive either fentanyl bolus administration or continuous remifentanil infusion. Mean subcutaneous tissue oxygen values over the entire intra-operative period were significantly higher in the remifentanil group, when compared to the fentanyl group: 8 (2) kPa vs 6.7 (1.5) kPa, % CI difference: - 2.3 kPa to - 0.3 kPa, p = 0.013. Continuous intra-operative opioid administration may blunt vasoconstriction caused by surgical stress and adrenergic responses more than an equi-effective anaesthetic regimen based on smaller-dose bolus opioid administration.


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BACKGROUND: The interrupter technique is increasingly used in preschool children to assess airway resistance (Rint). Use of a bacterial filter is essential for prevention of cross-infection in a clinical setting. It is not known how large an effect this extra resistance and compliance exert upon interrupter measurements, especially on obstructive airways and in smaller children. We aim to determine the contribution of the filter to Rint, in a sample of children attending lung function testing at an asthma clinic. METHODS: Interrupter measurements were performed according to ATS/ERS guidelines during quiet normal breathing at an expiratory flow trigger of 200 ml s(-1), with the child seated upright with cheeks supported and wearing a nose clip. A minimum of 10 interrupter measurements was made with and without a bacterial filter. Spirometric and plethysmographic tests were also performed. RESULTS: A small but significant difference (0.12 (95% CI 0.06-0.17) kPa s L(-1), P = 0.0002) with 2x SD of 0.34 kPa s L(-1) was observed between Rint with and without filter in 39 children, with a large spread. This difference was not dependent on Rint magnitude, age or height, nor on lung function parameters (effective resistance, forced expiratory volume in 1 sec, and maximal expiratory flow at 50% of expired vital capacity). CONCLUSIONS: A bacterial filter causes a small difference but is not clinically significant, with a wide spread comparable to the variability of the technique and recommended cut-offs for assessing repeatability and bronchodilation. Age, height or severity of obstruction need not be corrected for in general.