940 resultados para Juan V , Rey de Portugal, 1689-1750-Panegíricos


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O Parlamento Britânico adotou, em 1840, uma lei proposta por Lord Palmerston, autorizando os navios de guerra britânica a "capturar, em todos os mares as embarcações que, com bandeira portuguesa, se empreguem ou sejam suspeitas de empregar-se no tráfico da escravatura". O Visconde de Sá Bandeira, que havia negociado com o governo inglês vários acordos e projetos de tratados, escreveu um livro sobre o assunto, onde há informações históricas importantes não só a respeito da escravidão nas colônias portuguesas como nas inglesas, nas dinamarquesas, francesas, espanholas e nos Estados Unidos. O presente exemplar é autografado pelo autor.


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"Com licença da meza do desembargo do Paço'


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Referencia : Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez / Innocencio Francisco da Silva, 1858. v. 1 p. 122.


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In the first part of the study, an RF coupled, atmospheric pressure, laminar plasma jet of argon was investigated for thermodynamic equilibrium and some rate processes.

Improved values of transition probabilities for 17 lines of argon I were developed from known values for 7 lines. The effect of inhomogeneity of the source was pointed out.

The temperatures, T, and the electron densities, ne , were determined spectroscopically from the population densities of the higher excited states assuming the Saha-Boltzmann relationship to be valid for these states. The axial velocities, vz, were measured by tracing the paths of particles of boron nitride using a three-dimentional mapping technique. The above quantities varied in the following ranges: 1012 ˂ ne ˂ 1015 particles/cm3, 3500 ˂ T ˂ 11000 °K, and 200 ˂ vz ˂ 1200 cm/sec.

The absence of excitation equilibrium for the lower excitation population including the ground state under certain conditions of T and ne was established and the departure from equilibrium was examined quantitatively. The ground state was shown to be highly underpopulated for the decaying plasma.

Rates of recombination between electrons and ions were obtained by solving the steady-state equation of continuity for electrons. The observed rates were consistent with a dissociative-molecular ion mechanism with a steady-state assumption for the molecular ions.

In the second part of the study, decomposition of NO was studied in the plasma at lower temperatures. The mole fractions of NO denoted by xNO were determined gas-chromatographically and varied between 0.0012 ˂ xNO ˂ 0.0055. The temperatures were measured pyrometrically and varied between 1300 ˂ T ˂ 1750°K. The observed rates of decomposition were orders of magnitude greater than those obtained by the previous workers under purely thermal reaction conditions. The overall activation energy was about 9 kcal/g mol which was considerably lower than the value under thermal conditions. The effect of excess nitrogen was to reduce the rate of decomposition of NO and to increase the order of the reaction with respect to NO from 1.33 to 1.85. The observed rates were consistent with a chain mechanism in which atomic nitrogen and oxygen act as chain carriers. The increased rates of decomposition and the reduced activation energy in the presence of the plasma could be explained on the basis of the observed large amount of atomic nitrogen which was probably formed as the result of reactions between excited atoms and ions of argon and the molecular nitrogen.


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El V Seminario de El aula como ámbito de investigación sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lengua se celebró en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), dando continuidad a los seminarios ya celebrados en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, en la Universidad de Valencia, en la Universidad de Valladolid y en la Universidad de Braga (Portugal). Cada uno de esos encuentros, que tuvieron lugar mediando lapsos de dos años, supuso un espacio de encuentro y de discusión fructífera en el campo de la Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. El interés común de quienes nos reunimos en ellos fue, y sigue siendo, construir una comunidad de investigación en la que “dentro de la diversidad de las distintas opciones”, compartamos progresivamente objetivos y metodologías, y en la que podamos conocer y discutir en profundidad los trabajos que los distintos grupos vamos abordando. Los temas-eje de este V Seminario que se realizó los días 26 y 27 de Enero de 2012 en Donostia, fueron: - La interacción en el aula para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la lengua y la literatura. - La formación de los futuros profesores y el factor lengua(s) en su construcción como docentes.


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Esta tese tem como propósito analisar as relações político-diplomáticas entre Portugal e a Santa Sé na primeira metade do século XVIII, tendo como principal problemática o corte das relações diplomáticas entre as duas cortes -, ocorrido entre 1728-1731. O episódio resultou, no nível mais imediato, da recusa de Roma em conceder paridade a Portugal diante das outras cortes europeias, negando a ascensão do núncio apostólico Vicente Bichi, ao título de cardeal. Tal política inseria-se em uma linguagem diplomática tradicional, para a qual Roma permanecia o centro da cristandade e distribuidora de privilégios. A opção de D. João V em manter-se fiel a uma linguagem tradicional não o impediu de se apropriar e de utilizar uma linguagem moderna, expressão compartilhada pelos loci de poder setecentistas, representados pelas monarquias que se consolidavam na França, na Inglaterra, na Áustria, na Prússia e até na Rússia, operando a partir de uma razão de Estado, a linguagem diplomática moderna, que configurou o tabuleiro político europeu entre os congressos de Utrecht e de Viena. Linguagem esta que fora traduzida pelos embaixadores ou chefes de missão portugueses, o que permitiu a participação de Portugal nas grandes decisões do período e consolidou a política de privilégio de D. João V, consagrando o monarca Fidelíssimo e, consequentemente, o reino português numa Europa em transformação.


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Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas


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Se dan a conocer cinco comunidades que constituyen la vegetación briofítica más frecuente sobre los suelos ácidos del sur de la Península Ibérica: Pogonatetum aloidis (Pogonation aloidis), Fossombronio-Phaeoceretum bulbiculosi y Saccogyno-Fissidentetum serrulati (Dicranellion heteromallae, Dicranelletalia heteromallae, Pogonato-Dicranelletea heteromallae), la asociación Calypogeio-Pallavicinietum lyellii no se incluye en ninguna alianza del mencionado orden. Se propone una nueva alianza submediterránea-subatlántica, Campylopodion fragili-introflexi (Polytrichetalia piliferi, Ceratodo-Polytrichetea piliferi), describiéndose para ella una asociación del sur y suroeste de la Península, Polytricho-Campylopodetum polytrichoidis.


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As a continuation of previous research on the naturalization of non-native vascular plants in the Iberian Peninsula new chorological data are presented for 16 xenophytes recorded between 2010 and 2014, mostly in the provinces of Huelva and Barcelona (Spain) and in the Algarve and Estremadura (Portugal). For each taxon details about distribution, habitats occupied, previous records, degree of naturalization, etc. are provided. Lachenalia bulbifera and Cyperus albostriatus are probably reported for the first time in the wild in Europe, as are Gamochaeta filaginea, and Dysphania anthelmintica and Oenothera lindheimeri for Portugal and Spain respectively. Cosmos bipinnatus is cited as a novelty for the Algarve (Portugal). Newly reported or confirmed for the province of Huelva are: Amaranthus hypochondriacus, Epilobium brachycarpum, Nephrolepis cordifolia, Ficus microcarpa, Tamarix parviflora and Tamarix ramosissima, while Atriplex semibaccata, Chloris truncata, and Elymus elongatus subsp. ponticus are new for Barcelona. Finally, Passiflora caerulea is a novelty for both Barcelona and Huelva provinces.


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An exploration and collection mission for wild Brassica oleracea populations was carried out in spring and summer of 2013. The aim of this collection was to expand the number of accessions of wild Brassica oleracea available for basic and applied research in plant breeding. In this paper we report a new accession of wild Brassica oleracea in an unexplored coastal area of Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula. Details of population ecology and vegetation, soil, climate and geographic data were recorded for this population. The “Endangered” threat category for the region is proposed, and actions for in situ and ex situ conservation are proposed. Seeds will be added to the germplasm collections of University of Santiago de Compostela and Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC) for further research on diverse aspects of the dynamics and ecophysiology of the population along with characterization and evaluation of useful traits.


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Biomechanical problems in children, is an important subject currently, existing controversy in different areas, for example, the majority of children have a flattened footprint, or the hypermobility joint is linked to a musculoskeletal pain. The objective of the study was to determine what kind of footprint is most frequent in school-age children (8-10 years) in the area of Plasencia. This was taken as a sign 50 children, of whom 28 were males and 22 females. All the subjects in the study underwent an assessment of footprint planted in static as well as an exploration of different parameters through inspection in a standing position (formula digital, rearfoot). The results show that excavated footprint is present in a 72% cases of the population, 16% was belonging to an excavated footprint in which we find a higher percentage of weight related.For the digital formula we find that the most common is the Egyptian foot by 40% of the cases and that the prevalence in the rearfoot, is a normal hindfoot. In relation with the hypermobility joint, we check that it is more common in girls and that none of them presents an association to musculoskeletal pain. As a future line we could establish a more comprehensive study with new techniques and valuingchild’s statics and dynamics, to have a more accurate study of the different variables in the sample population studied.