1000 resultados para Jocs Olímpics 27ns : 2000 : Sidney
The White Cane Update newsletter includes information about the latest happenings at the Iowa Department for the Blind.
Annual report for the Iowa Civil Rights Commission
Newsletter produced by the Iowa Civil Rights Commission
Annual report produced by Iowa Board of Parole
Investigative report produced by Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
Report produced by Community Development, part of Iowa Economic Development
Monthly newsletter for the Iowa Department of Public Health
Other Audit Reports - Special Investigation
BACKGROUND: To update the pattern of cancer mortality in Europe. Materials and methods: We analysed cancer mortality in 34 European countries during 2000-2004, with an overview of trends in 1975-2004 using data from the World Health Organization. RESULTS: From 1990-1994 to 2000-2004, overall cancer mortality in the European Union declined from 185.2 to 168.0/100 000 (world standard, -9%) in men and from 104.8 to 96.9 (-8%) in women, with larger falls in middle age. Total cancer mortality trends were favourable, though to a variable degree, in all major European countries, including Russia, but not in Romania. The major determinants of these favourable trends were the decline of lung (-16%) and other tobacco-related cancers in men, together with the persistent falls in gastric cancer, and the recent appreciable falls in colorectal cancer. In women, relevant contributions came from the persistent decline in cervical cancer and the recent falls in breast cancer mortality, particularly in northern and western Europe. Favourable trends were also observed for testicular cancer, Hodgkin lymphomas, leukaemias, and other neoplasms amenable to treatment, though the reductions were still appreciably smaller in eastern Europe. CONCLUSION: This updated analysis of cancer mortality in Europe showed a persistent favourable trend over the last years.
Annual report produced by the Iowa Department of Public Health
Departmental report produced by the Department of Education.
Newsletter for Information Technology Department
TFM de la creació del mòdul de cerca per a la plataforma kPAX.
A l'àmbit penitenciari hi ha força temps lliure i sovint s'omple jugant. Futbol, dòmino, escacs o parxís són alguns dels jocs que més es practiquen a les presons. D'altra banda, i més concretament als tallers artístics, hem treballat històricament els jocs i les joguines, ja sigui de manera artística, creant objectes estètics per a la seva venda o exposició, o de manera més pràctica, per fer-los servir als nostres espais: elaborant jocs del món, instruments musicals o exercicis teatrals. Partint de la idea inicial, molt àmplia, ens vam adonar que des de les diferents disciplines que ens defineixen com a monitors artístics i escènics hem treballat el joc i la joguina i podem continuar fent-ho. El joc i la joguina amb contingut pedagògic o sense, per a un ús propi o aliè, com a eina lúdica, educativa o artística. I, amb la intenció d'investigar en un camp tan ampli que pogués interessar a monitors artístics de diferents especialitats -i, fins i tot, a altres professionals-, vam començar a treballar. No volem fer un catàleg de jocs ni una història exhaustiva del joc i la joguina. El que pretenem és fer una guia per tal de motivar i poder treballar als nostres tallers, tant per fabricar jocs i joguines més enllà del que hem fet fins ara com per poder jugar-hi. Un document que pugui servir d'introducció per a tot aquell que n'estigui interessat, que ofereixi recursos i línies per tal d'endinsar-se en un món tan ampli: el joc i la joguina com a eina a la nostra tasca quotidiana.
Other Audit Reports - Performance Investigation