959 resultados para Ion beam analysis
Almost free-standing single crystal mesoscale and nanoscale dots of ferroelectric BaTiO3 have been made by direct focused ion beam patterning of bulk single crystal material. The domain structures which appear in these single crystal dots, after cooling through the Curie temperature, were observed to form into quadrants, with each quadrant consisting of fine 90° stripe domains. The reason that these rather complex domain configurations form is uncertain, but we consider and discuss three possibilities for their genesis: first, that the quadrant features initially form to facilitate field-closure, but then develop 90° shape compensating stripe domains in order to accommodate disclination stresses; second, that they are the result of the impingement of domain packets which nucleate at the sidewalls of the dots forming “Forsbergh” patterns (essentially the result of phase transition kinetics); and third, that 90° domains form to conserve the shape of the nanodot as it is cooled through the Curie temperature but arrange into quadrant packets in order to minimize the energy associated with uncompensated surface charges (thus representing an equilibrium state). While the third model is the preferred one, we note that the second and third models are not mutually exclusive.
In this report we show first results on dielectronic recombination (DR) measurements with H-like uranium U91+. The experiments were conducted at the heavy ion storage ring ESR of GSI. The electron cooler of the ESR was used as a target for free electrons. Stochastic pre-cooling of the stored ion beam was employed in order to accomplish high-energy resolution at the necessary high electron-ion collision energies of more than 64 keV. For the DR of U91+ this novel technique enabled us to measure for the first time the KLL-DR process and even to resolve the individual j-j' fine structure components of the KLjLj' resonances. The experimental data are compared with fully relativistic Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock (DR-MCDF) calculations. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Absolute photoionization cross sections for Xe4+, Xe5+, and Xe6+ near 13.5 nm: Experiment and theory
Absolute photoionization cross-section measurements for a mixture of ground and metastable states of Xe4+, Xe5+, and Xe6+ are reported in the photon energy range of 4d -> nf transitions, which occur within or adjacent to the 13.5 nm window for extreme ultraviolet lithography light source development. The reported values allow the quantification of opacity effects in xenon plasmas due to these 4d -> nf autoionizing states. The oscillator strengths for the 4d -> 4f and 4d -> 5f transitions in Xeq+ (q=1-6) ions are calculated using nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock and random phase approximations. These are compared with published experimental values for Xe+ to Xe3+ and with the values obtained from the present experimental cross-section measurements for Xe4+ to Xe6+. The calculations assisted in the determination of the metastable content in the ion beams for Xe5+ and Xe6+. The experiments were performed by merging a synchrotron photon beam generated by an undulator beamline of the Advanced Light Source with an ion beam produced by an electron cyclotron resonance ion source.
A new algorithm for spectral and spatial reconstruction of proton beams from dosimetric measurements
We report on a new algorithm developed for the dosimetric analysis of broad-spectrum, multi-MeV laser-accelerated proton beams. The algorithm allows the reconstruction of the proton beam spectrum from radiochromic film data. This processing technique makes dosimetry measurements a viable alternative to the use of track detectors for spatially and spectrally resolved proton beam analysis. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Absolute rate coefficients for dielectronic recombination (DR) of H-like U91+ ions have been measured. The electron-ion merged-beam technique at a heavy-ion storage ring was employed using a stochastically cooled ion beam. Thereby, the previously accessible electron-ion collision energies could be greatly extended to the range 63-90 keV. High-resolution DR spectra were measured covering all KLL and KLM resonances. For the resonance strengths, excellent agreement between relativistic theory and experiment is found only if the Breit contribution to the electron-electron interaction is included in the calculations. For the KL1/2L1/2 and KL1/2M1/2 groups the Breit contribution amounts to 44% of their total resonance strengths.
Self-assembled electrodeposited nanorod materials have been shown to offer an exciting landscape for a wide array of research ranging from nanophotonics through to biosening and magnetics. However, until now, the scope for site-specific preparation of the nanorods on wafers is limited to local area definition. Further there is little or no lateral control of nanorod height. In this work we present a scalable method for controlling the growth of the nanorods in the vertical direction as well as their lateral position. A focused ion beam (FIB) pre-patterns the Au cathode layer prior to the creation of the Anodized Aluminium Oxide (AAO) template on top. When the pre-patterning is of the same dimension to the pore spacing of the AAO template, lines of single nanorods are successfully grown. Further, for sub-200 nm wide features a relationship between the nanorod height and distance from non-patterned cathode can be seen to follow a quadratic growth rate obeying Faradays law of electrodeposition. This facilitates lateral control of nanorod height combined with localised growth of the nanorods.
The optical properties of plasmonic semiconductor devices fabricated by focused ion beam (FIB) milling deteriorate because of the amorphisation of the semiconductor substrate. This study explores the effects of combining traditional 30 kV FIB milling with 5 kV FIB patterning to minimise the semiconductor damage and at the same time maintain high spatial resolution. The use of reduced acceleration voltages is shown to reduce the damage from higher energy ions on the example of fabrication of plasmonic crystals on semiconductor substrates leading to 7-fold increase in transmission. This effect is important for focused-ion beam fabrication of plasmonic structures integrated with photodetectors, light-emitting diodes and semiconductor lasers.
Nonrelativistic electrostatic unmagnetized shocks are frequently observed in laboratory plasmas and they are likely to exist in astrophysical plasmas. Their maximum speed, expressed in units of the ion acoustic speed far upstream of the shock, depends only on the electron-to-ion temperature ratio if binary collisions are absent. The formation and evolution of such shocks is examined here for a wide range of shock speeds with particle-in-cell simulations. The initial temperatures of the electrons and the 400 times heavier ions are equal. Shocks form on electron time scales at Mach numbers between 1.7 and 2.2. Shocks with Mach numbers up to 2.5 form after tens of inverse ion plasma frequencies. The density of the shock-reflected ion beam increases and the number of ions crossing the shock thus decreases with an increasing Mach number, causing a slower expansion of the downstream region in its rest frame. The interval occupied by this ion beam is on a positive potential relative to the far upstream. This potential pre-heats the electrons ahead of the shock even in the absence of beam instabilities and decouples the electron temperature in the foreshock ahead of the shock from the one in the far upstream plasma. The effective Mach number of the shock is reduced by this electron heating. This effect can potentially stabilize nonrelativistic electrostatic shocks moving as fast as supernova remnant shocks.
Ion-beam irradiation provides a promising treatment for some types of cancer. This promise is due mainly to the selective deposition of energy into a relatively small volume (the Bragg peak), thus reducing damage to healthy tissue. Recent observations that electrons with energies below the ionization potential of DNA can cause covalent damage to the bases and backbone have led to investigations into the ability of low-energy (
Ferroelectric domain wall injection has been demonstrated by engineering of the
local electric field, using focused ion beam milled defects in thin single crystal lamellae of KTiOPO4 (KTP). The electric field distribution (top) displays localized field hot-spots, which correlate with nucleation events (bottom). Designed local field variations can also dictate subsequent domain wall mobility, demonstrating a new paradigm in ferroelectric domain wall control.
Domain microstructures in single crystal lamellae of 88%Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-12%PbTiO3 (cut from bulk using focused ion beam milling) have been mapped using both piezoresponse force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Dramatic changes from mottled microstructures typical of relaxors to larger scale domains typical of ferroelectrics have been noted. Stresses associated with substrate clamping are suspected as the cause for the transition from short- to long-range polar order, akin to effects induced by cation ordering achieved by thermal quenching.
Simple meso-scale capacitor structures have been made by incorporating thin (300 nm) single crystal lamellae of KTiOPO4 (KTP) between two coplanar Pt electrodes. The influence that either patterned protrusions in the electrodes or focused ion beam milled holes in the KTP have on the nucleation of reverse domains during switching was mapped using piezoresponse force microscopy imaging. The objective was to assess whether or not variations in the magnitude of field enhancement at localised “hot-spots,” caused by such patterning, could be used to both control the exact locations and bias voltages at which nucleation events occurred. It was found that both the patterning of electrodes and the milling of various hole geometries into the KTP could allow controlled sequential injection of domain wall pairs at different bias voltages; this capability could have implications for the design and operation of domain wall electronic devices, such as memristors, in the future.
The current study focuses on the effect of the material type and the lubricant on the abrasive wear behaviour of two important commercially available ceramic on ceramic prosthetic systems, namely, Biolox(R) forte and Bioloxl(R) delta (CeramTec AG, Germany). A standard microabrasion wear apparatus was used to produce '3-body' abrasive wear scars with three different lubricants: ultrapure water, 25 vol% new-born calf serum solution and 1 wt% carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt (CMC-Na) solution. 1 mu m alumina particles were used as the abrasive. The morphology of the wear scar was examined in detail using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Subsurface damage accumulation was investigated by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) cross-sectional milling and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The effect of the lubricant on the '3-body' abrasive wear mechanisms is discussed and the effect of material properties compared. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Process monitoring and Predictive Maintenance (PdM) are gaining increasing attention in most manufacturing environments as a means of reducing maintenance related costs and downtime. This is especially true in industries that are data intensive such as semiconductor manufacturing. In this paper an adaptive PdM based flexible maintenance scheduling decision support system, which pays particular attention to associated opportunity and risk costs, is presented. The proposed system, which employs Machine Learning and regularized regression methods, exploits new information as it becomes available from newly processed components to refine remaining useful life estimates and associated costs and risks. The system has been validated on a real industrial dataset related to an Ion Beam Etching process for semiconductor manufacturing.
The recent commissioning of a X-ray free-electron laser triggered an extensive research in the area of X-ray ablation of high-Z, high-density materials. Such compounds should be used to shorten an effective attenuation length for obtaining clean ablation imprints required for the focused beam analysis. Compounds of lead (Z=82) represent the materials of first choice. In this contribution, single-shot ablation thresholds are reported for PbWO4 and PbI2 exposed to ultra-short pulses of extreme ultraviolet radiation and X-rays at FLASH and LCLS facilities, respectively. Interestingly, the threshold reaches only 0.11 J/cm(2) at 1.55 nm in lead tungstate although a value of 0.4 J/cm(2) is expected according to the wavelength dependence of an attenuation length and the threshold value determined in the XUV spectral region, i.e., 79 mJ/cm(2) at a FEL wavelength of 13.5 nm. Mechanisms of ablation processes are discussed to explain this discrepancy. Lead iodide shows at 1.55 nm significantly lower ablation threshold than tungstate although an attenuation length of the radiation is in both materials quite the same. Lower thermal and radiation stability of PbI2 is responsible for this finding.