465 resultados para Invertebrados bentónicos


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Sea urchins are common benthic organisms on coastal ecosystems of tropical and temperate shallow waters. The impact of sea urchins populations in shore communities is density-dependent, and therefore, knowledge of the life history of these animals is important to understand these interactions. Between 2000 and 2005 a population boom of Tripneustes ventricosus was observed in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. In 2004 a research program was started to monitor the population dynamics of T. ventricosus in the archipelago, when it noted a lack of basic information on the biology and reproduction of this species, despite its broad geographic distribution and economic importance in parts of its occurrence. In this context, this work focuses on the reproductive biology of T. ventricosus with emphasis on the description of the gametogenic stages. Between December 2006 and July 2007, ten urchins were collected by snorkeling in two sites of the archipelago, totaling 120 individuals. Gametogenic stages were described for both sexes through microscopic analysis, and were defined as: Recovery, Growing, Premature, Mature and Spawning. Results showed increasing in Gonad index throughout of months of sampling and suggest that the reproductive cycle of the species in the archipelago is annual


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Sea urchins are benthic macroinvertebrates that inhabit shallow coastal waters in tropical and temperate zones. Urchins are usually classified as generalists or omnivores as they can adjust their diet according to the food resources available in the environment. Due to the strong grazing pressure they may exert, urchins have an important role in marine ecosystems, occupying different trophic levels and stimulating the intensification of the dynamics of communities where they occur. In 2004, a monitoring program focused on the population dynamics of the white sea urchin, Tripneustes ventricosus, has been initiated in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. At the same time, a surprisingly lack of information on the species biology has been noted, despite their wide geographical distribution and economic importance in many parts of its range. Hence, this work was developed to provide information on the feeding habits of T. ventricosus in the archipelago. Ten specimens were collected between December 2006 and July 2007 at two sites of the archipelago, Air France and Sueste Bay for biometrics and analysis of gut contents. Test diameters ranged from 9.19 cm (± 1.1) to 10.08 cm (± 0.58). Calculated stomach repletion index (IRE) was higher (p <0.05) in the Air France site and also during January and July. The IRE was not correlated to the gonad index. Fifteen different species of algae were detected in a total of 120 stomachs examined: 4 Chlorophytas, 4 Phaeophytas and 6 Rhodophytas. Food diversity (p <0.05) was higher in December 2006 and January 2007. Although several items had a high frequency of occurrence, they were low represented in terms of weight, and consequently, had a low level of relative importance. The brown algae Dictyopteris spp and Dictyota spp, followed by the green algae Caulerpa verticillata accounted for the greatest importance in T. ventricosus diet, comprising about 90% of the consumed items


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Coleodactylus natalensis Freire, 1999, an endemic species of Atlantic Forest fragments around the Natal municipality, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, has as type locality the Parque Estadual Dunas de Natal (05º48 S to 05º53 S and 35º09 W to 35º12 W), one of the largest restinga (herb and shrub association on sand dunes along the Brazilian coastline) associate fragment, surrounded by urban zone, placed on setentrional Atlantic Forest limits. We made estimates on populational density, spatial distribution, habitat and microhabitat preferences and feeding ecological aspects like sazonal and sexual variations on diet, prey electivities and niche breadth. We randomly sampled ninety-six 50m2 quadrants in each of the four habitats identified in the study area. Were collected 49 specimens and their stomach contents were analyzed; prey items found were correlated with leaf-litter invertebrates from habitat samples. We found a 98,5 ± 75,5 individuals/ha density, in grouped distribution pattern on densest habitats and random distribution on others habitats. This species lives mostly on leaf-litter in forest habitats, in higher humidity points, with lower temperatures, deeper leaf litter and lower sea level elevations than the randomly chosen points in the study area. Isopoda and Aranae were the most important prey categories in numeric, frequency and volumetric terms. Niche breadth has an intermediate value and was variable in sexual and in habitat terms. There was no correlation between morfometric measures and prey size on diet. The C. natalensis population studied seems to be diet opportunist, although selects larger prey items. The Parque Estadual das Dunas do Natal has several indications of anthropic pressure from the surrounding urban area that may affects the local C. natalensis population. Thus, the fragility of this species calls for urgent conservation efforts


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-D-glucosidase (EC is one of the most interesting glycosidases, especially for hydrolysis cellobiose releasing glucose, is last step degradation of cellulose. This function makes the -D-glucosidase is of great interest as a versatile industrial biocatalyst, being critical to various bio-treatment / biorefinery processes, such as bioethanol production. Hen in the report, a -D-glucosidase was extracts from protein extracted of the invertebrate marine Artemia franciscana was purified and characterized with a combination of precipitation with ammonium sulfate (0 - 30%, 30 to 50%, 50 to 80%), the fraction saturated in the range of 30 to 50% (called F-II) was applied in a molecular exclusion chromatography, in Sephacryl S-200, the fractions corresponding to the first peak of activity of -D-glucosidase were gathered and applied in a chromatography of ion exchange in Mono Q; the third peak this protein obtained chromatography, which coincides with the peak of activity of -D-glucosidase was held and applied in a gel filtration chromatography Superose 12 where the first peak protein, which has activity of -D-glucosidase was rechromatography on Superose 12. This enzyme is probably multimerica, consisting of three subunit molecular mass of 52.7 kDa (determined by SDS-PAGE) with native molecular mass of 157 kDa (determined by gel filtration chromatography on Superose 12 under the system FPLC). The enzyme was purified 44.09 times with a recovery of 1.01%. Using up p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopiranoside as substrate obtained a Km apparent of 0.229 mM and a Vmax of 1.109 mM.60min-1.mL-1mM. The optimum pH and optimum temperature of catalysis of the synthetic substrate were 5.0 and 45 °C, respectively. The activity of the -D-glucosidase was strongly, inhibited by silver nitrate and N- etylmaleimide, this inhibition indicates the involvement of radical sulfidrila the hydrolysis of synthetic substrate. The -D-glucosidase of Artemia franciscana presented degradativa action on celobiose, lactose and on the synthetic substrate -nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopiranoside indicating potential use of this enzyme in the industry mainly for the production of bioethanol (production of alcohol from the participating cellulose), and production hydrolysate milk (devoid of milk lactose)


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The occurrence of bioactive compounds in marine organisms comes awaking the interest of the pharmaceutical industry. Heparin, a sulfated polysaccharide which presence was already identified in several marine invertebrates, is very attractive due its remarkable functional versatility. Besides to intervene in blood coagulation, this molecule has a great anti-inflammatory potential. However, its strong anticoagulant activity difficult the clinical exploitation of its anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, the aims of this work were to evaluate the effect of a heparin-like compound (heparinoid), isolated from the cephalotorax of the Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, on the inflammatory response, hemostasia and synthesis of antithrombotic heparan sulfate by endothelial cells, besides studying some aspects concerning its structure. The purified heparinoid was structurally characterized following an analytical boarding, involving electrophoresis and chromatography. The structural analysis have shown that this compound possess a high content of glucuronic acid residues and disulfated disaccharide units. In contrast to mammalian heparin, the heparinoid was incapable to stimulate the synthesis of heparan sulfate by endothelial cells in the tested concentrations, beyond to show reduced anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic effect. In a model of acute inflammation, the compound isolated from the shrimp reduced more than 50% of the cellular infiltration. Besides reduce the activity of MMP-9 and proMMP-2 of the peritoneal lavage of inflamed animals, the heparinoid also reduced the activity of MMP-9 secreted by activated human leukocytes. These results demonstrate the potential of heparinoid from L. vannamei to intervene in the inflammatory response. For possessing reduced anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic effect, this compound can serve as a structural model to direct the development of more specific therapeutical agents to the treatment of inflammatory diseases


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The diet study of birds has contributed historically as a model for use to understanding ecological patterns and strategies used by several other groups of vertebrates, which are observed in season patterns and temporal availability of resources, and other. This study has as objective generate information concerning the diet of insectivorous birds during rainy season and dry season, as well as analyze Index food importance, niche overlap, niche breadth, electivity, and seasonal availability of prey. The study was conducted in a fragment of about 270 ha (center coordinates and 5 º 53'S 35 ° 23'W). The sampling of birds occurred between March 2008 and December 2009 in three pre-established trails. Catches of birds were performed using 10 mist nets placed in line, where each trails was sampled once a month. Samples of pellets were obtained by means of tartar emetic. Sampling of availability of prey occurred between February 2009 to December 2009. We used two methods of sampling (pitfall traps and Shake cloths). We captured 269 individuals of 21 species of insectivorous birds. We collected 4116 invertebrates of which 3259 in the rainy season and 857 in the dry season. We obtained 174 samples stomach, where 10 species were exclusively insectivorous diet, nine fed on insect/plant material, an insect/plant material/vertebrate and one for insect/vertebrate. During the rainy season was observing difference between the consumption of items with higher food importance. The Coleoptera was item with higher food importance (73%), followed by Formicidae (7%) and Araneae (6%). During the dry season, no difference was found difference between the consumption of items with higher food importance. The Coleoptera was item with higher food importance (34%), followed by seeds (29%) and Formicidae (18%). The highest levels of niche overlap occurred during the rainy season, while the dry season was characterized by high levels of niche 11 segregation. This indicates that the local insectivorous birds community was structured differently between periods. No was found correlation between the values of niche breadth to the mean weight of the body size. We observed seasonal patterns in prey availability, with the peak availability of invertebrates observed seasonal patterns in rainy season. The insectivorous birds selected the same species richness during both periods, showing a specialized diet. Thamnophilus pelzelni was the only species that had their diet influenced by seasonality. Regarding the overall diet of insectivorous birds, observed a high consumption of prey, whose food availability caused the birds could invest and increase their food resources


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Tabla de contenidos: Breve introducción a los moluscos / Gustavo Darrigran. La anatomía de los moluscos bivalvos. Un instrumento para el abordaje de la estructura y funcionamiento en Biología / Gustavo Darrigran, Alfredo Vilches, Teresa Legarralde. La relación entre la forma de vida de los moluscos bivalvos y la morfología de sus conchillas. Aportas para el trabajo en el aula con inclusión de nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación (NTIC) / Alfredo Vilches, Teresa Legarralde, Agustina Iugovich. Los bivalvos y el hombre / Verónica Núñez, Diego E. Gutiérrez Gregoric.


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A acidificação dos oceanos constitui uma problemática global e a realidade de que está, efetivamente, a acontecer não é uma consideração subjetiva. A Acidificação dos oceanos provocada por emissões de dióxido de carbono de origem antropogénica tem vindo a reduzir o pH das águas superficiais do Oceano e projeções preveem a continuidade deste processo. Embora muita investigação tenha sido desenvolvida no âmbito dos invertebrados que calcificam, tais como moluscos e crustáceos, poucos consideraram o estudo de efeitos ao nível sub-celular para avaliar stress oxidativo ou respostas funcionais do metabolismo energético em tais condições, interligando vários níveis de organização biológica. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de avaliar os efeitos da exposição a diferentes níveis-alvo de pCO2 (controlo: 370 μatm; aumentado: 710 μatm) e de pH (controlo: 8.15; reduzido: 7.85) em parâmetros de crescimento bem como avaliar respostas comportamentais e bioquímicas relacionadas com stress oxidativo e metabolismo energético durante o desenvolvimento larvar de um crustáceo decápode. Este cenário de acidificação está de acordo com os RCPs previstos pelo Painel Intergovernamental para as Alterações Climáticas (IPCC, 2014) para o ano 2100. Para o presente estudo, foi utilizado o crustáceo Homarus gammarus (L.) – sendo uma espécie com elevado valor comercial, que tem vindo a sofrer elevada pressão de pesca em águas Europeias. Fêmeas adultas provenientes da costa Atlântica Oeste Portuguesa foram obtidas de um retalhista local. Após a eclosão em ambiente laboratorial controlado, larvas provenientes da mesma progenitora foram expostas às condições acima descritas desde o momento da eclosão até à chegada ao Estádio III. A sobrevivência individual e ocorrência de ecdise foram avaliados individualmente de 12h em 12h. Réplicas de cada tratamento foram recolhidas em momentos específicos durante o Estádio I (primeiro estádio larvar) e Estádio III (último estádio larvar) para análise morfométrica e de crescimento (peso fresco e comprimento carapaça) e respostas bioquímicas. Os biomarcadores analisados incluíram parâmetros relacionados com stress oxidativo e danos (atividade da enzima superóxido dismutase (SOD), peroxidação lipídica (LPO) e danos no DNA) e metabolismo energético (atividade da cadeia transportadora de eletrões (ETS) e da enzima lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e quantificação de Hidratos de Carbono). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a sobrevivência diminui e que o período inter-muda é afetado durante a exposição a cenários de acidificação. No que respeita aos parâmetros de crescimento/morfométricos, larvas do cenário de acidificação apresentam uma tendência para crescimento diminuído, menor peso e comprimento de carapaça. As análises bioquímicas realizadas indicam a ocorrência de stress oxidativo sob condições de acidificação. Respostas ao nível do metabolismo energético não variaram significativamente entre tratamentos. Os resultados apontam também para que fases larvares possam possuir um sistema antioxidante ainda em desenvolvimento, tornando-as mais suscetíveis ao stress oxidativo. As fases larvares são uma fase vulnerável e crucial no ciclo de vida das espécies, influenciando o recrutamento e a renovação de stocks. Este estudo contribui para um melhor entendimento sobre a vulnerabilidade desta espécie num cenário de alterações climáticas – Acidificação dos oceanos – ao endereçar os mecanismos envolvidos nas respostas deste crustáceo a este agente causador de stress.


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La biodiversidad del macrozoobentos en el mesolitoral de la playa de Salaverry se determinó durante setiembre 2015 a marzo 2016. Se establecieron cuatro transectos (A, B, C y D) y se fijaron tres estaciones. Además se determinó la biodiversidad estacional a través de los índices de Shannon - Wiener (H'), Margalef (d'), Equidad de Pielou (J'), Simpson (λ) y de Similitud de Bray- Curtis. Las muestras fueron colectadas quincenalmente, utilizando un cilindro de Penchaszadeh de 0,028 m2. Asi también se tomaron datos de temperatura, salinidad y granulometría. Las especies se identificaron utilizando claves taxonómicas de invertebrados marinos. Se registraron especies de las clases Polychaeta, Nemertea, Gastropoda, Bivalvia y Malacostraca (Subphylum Crustacea). La biodiversidad del macrozoobentos para primavera fue de 2,51 bits/ind y para verano de 1,91 bits/ind con una riqueza de 22 especies.


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O estudo de uma jazida fossilifera descoberta recentemente no Devónico do Anticlinal de Valongo(Portugal) forneceu novos elementos paleofaunisticos, biostratigrilficos e paleoambientais sobre este contexto estratigráfico. Efetuou-se uma extensa amostragem paleontológica, acompanhada por estudos de estratigrafia em que se focaram aspetos detaxonomia,tafonomia,biostratigrafia e paleoecologia de invertebrados marinhos. Durante o trabalho de campo foram descobertos vários grupos taxonómicos de invertebrados tipicos deste Sistema, entre os quais se contam corais rugosos e tabulados, briozodrios, braquiópodes, bivalves, tentaculites, crinóides, trilobites e vários fósseis problemáticos. As litofacies, a presença de ripple marks com concentrações de tentaculites reorientadas e as carateristicas paleoecológicas da associação fóssil amostrada permitem inferir a presença de um ambiente litoral, de pouca profundidade, com sedimentação siliciclástica fina e correntes de deriva de intensidade moderada. A ocorr6ncia do bizarro género Tiaracrinus, um crinóide, sugere idade compreendida entre o Lochkoviano (Devónico Inferior) e o Eifeliano (Devónico Médio). Este género é reconhecido pela primeira vez no Maciço Ibérico.


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A aqüicultura é uma atividade que tem evoluído muito nos últimos anos. Para avaliar a qualidade da água na aqüicultura, o biomonitoramento por macroinvertebrados bentônicos tem sido cada vez mais utilizado, porém ainda é incipiente. Há diversas formas de coleta desses organismos, como pegadores de fundo e coletores com substrato artificial.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de diferentes coletores com substrato artificial para o biomonitoramento de um reservatório rural utilizado para a produção de tilápias em tanques-rede. Foram avaliados dois tipos de coletores contendo taboa e pedra brita, fixados à meia água e rente ao fundo, por períodos de 30, 60 e 90 dias. Durante esse período também foram coletadas amostras de sedimento do fundo com uma draga tipo Petit Ponar. Ao final do experimento foram identificadas onze famílias de macroinvertebrados, sendo que a maior riqueza foi observada nas amostras coletadas com a draga. Os dados indicam uma diminuição da diversidade biológica ao longo do tempo nos coletores que continham folhas de taboa, e um pico de colonização aos 60 dias para os coletores com pedra. Apesar das amostras coletadas com a draga terem apresentado a maior riqueza de famílias, esse equipamento apresentou algumas desvantagens como o difícil manuseio, enquanto que os coletores com substratos artificiais são facilmente manuseados, além de garantir uma maior uniformidade das amostras, o que é muito vantajoso no monitoramento de pontos espacialmente distribuídos no interior dos reservatórios e viveiros utilizados pela aqüicultura.


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As densidades (ind/m2) e biomassas (mg/m2) de grupos selecionados da macrofauna da liteira (isópodos, diplópodos e cupins) foram estudadas sob diferentes sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) implantados em áreas degradadas e abandonadas na Amazônia central.


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Resumo: Licenciamento ambiental no Brasil é um procedimento com vários níveis e etapas, concebido como ferramenta preventiva aos potenciais danos ambientais causados pela implantação de empreendimentos. Embora este procedimento seja obrigatório desde meados da década de 1980, ainda é limitado no que diz respeito ao uso de informações biológicas para a avaliação e o monitoramento de ambientes aquáticos. Neste processo, o órgão licenciador (federal, estadual ou municipal) define as variáveis a serem medidas, tendo como referência o tipo e a magnitude do empreendimento e as características específicas do local proposto para sua instalação. Respostas biológicas devem ser usadas para medir os impactos sobre ecossistemas aquáticos e os macroinvertebrados constituem um grupo que apresenta vantagens como bioindicadores, sendo os mais utilizados para este fim. Em 2011, o Grupo de Trabalho Intersetorial em Biomonitoramento foi criado para discutir o uso de macroinvertebrados em programas de monitoramento. Este trabalho apresenta as reflexões e propostas deste grupo e fornece subsídios para a inclusão destes organismos nos termos de referência a serem aplicados nos processos de licenciamento ambiental no Brasil. Abstract: In Brazil, the environmental licensing process has many stages, and it was designed as a tool to identify the potential and to prevent environmental damages caused by enterprises. Although this procedure is required since the mid-1980s, it is still limited regarding the use of bioassessment and biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems. In this process, the agency responsible for the licensing (federal, state or local) is the responsible for defining the parameters to be measured. Those parameters are required based on the type and magnitude of the project, and the specific environment and location proposed for its installation. We recommend that biological responses should be used to assess and monitor stressors on aquatic ecosystems. Macroinvertebrates have been used worldwide as bioindicators because they have some advantages over other biological groups for this purpose. In 2011, the ?Intersectoral Working Group on Biomonitoring? was created to discuss the use of macroinvertebrates in biomonitoring programs. This paper presents proposals and recommendations aiming to stimulate and provide guidance for the use of this group in the context of the environmental licensing process in Brazil. Resumen: En Brasil, el proceso de licenciamiento ambiental tiene varios niveles y etapas. Fue diseñado como una herramienta de prevención de posibles daños ambientales causados por la ejecución de proyectos. Aunque este procedimiento exista desde la década de 1980, siegue con limitaciones en relación al uso de la información biológica para la evaluación y control de los ecosistemas acuáticos. En este proceso, la agencia de licenciamiento (federal, estadual o local) es la que define las variables a mensurar en función del tipo y la magnitud del proyecto y las características específicas del lugar propuesto para su instalación. Las respuestas biológicas deben ser utilizadas para evaluar los impactos a los ambientes acuáticos, y el grupo de los macroinvertebrados tienen ventajas sobre otros grupos biológicos y son los más utilizados para este fin. En 2011, el ?Grupo de Trabajo Intersectorial de Biomonitoreo? fue creado para discutir el uso de los macro-invertebrados en los programas de monitoreo ambiental. Este artículo presenta reflexiones y propuestas de este grupo y ofrece subsidios para la inclusión de estos organismos en los términos de referencia que serán aplicados en el proceso de licenciamiento ambiental en Brasil.