915 resultados para Intra-observer errors
BACKGROUND: Left atrial (LA) dilatation is associated with a large variety of cardiac diseases. Current cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) strategies to measure LA volumes are based on multi-breath-hold multi-slice acquisitions, which are time-consuming and susceptible to misregistration. AIM: To develop a time-efficient single breath-hold 3D CMR acquisition and reconstruction method to precisely measure LA volumes and function. METHODS: A highly accelerated compressed-sensing multi-slice cine sequence (CS-cineCMR) was combined with a non-model-based 3D reconstruction method to measure LA volumes with high temporal and spatial resolution during a single breath-hold. This approach was validated in LA phantoms of different shapes and applied in 3 patients. In addition, the influence of slice orientations on accuracy was evaluated in the LA phantoms for the new approach in comparison with a conventional model-based biplane area-length reconstruction. As a reference in patients, a self-navigated high-resolution whole-heart 3D dataset (3D-HR-CMR) was acquired during mid-diastole to yield accurate LA volumes. RESULTS: Phantom studies. LA volumes were accurately measured by CS-cineCMR with a mean difference of -4.73 ± 1.75 ml (-8.67 ± 3.54%, r2 = 0.94). For the new method the calculated volumes were not significantly different when different orientations of the CS-cineCMR slices were applied to cover the LA phantoms. Long-axis "aligned" vs "not aligned" with the phantom long-axis yielded similar differences vs the reference volume (-4.87 ± 1.73 ml vs. -4.45 ± 1.97 ml, p = 0.67) and short-axis "perpendicular" vs. "not-perpendicular" with the LA long-axis (-4.72 ± 1.66 ml vs. -4.75 ± 2.13 ml; p = 0.98). The conventional bi-plane area-length method was susceptible for slice orientations (p = 0.0085 for the interaction of "slice orientation" and "reconstruction technique", 2-way ANOVA for repeated measures). To use the 3D-HR-CMR as the reference for LA volumes in patients, it was validated in the LA phantoms (mean difference: -1.37 ± 1.35 ml, -2.38 ± 2.44%, r2 = 0.97). Patient study: The CS-cineCMR LA volumes of the mid-diastolic frame matched closely with the reference LA volume (measured by 3D-HR-CMR) with a difference of -2.66 ± 6.5 ml (3.0% underestimation; true LA volumes: 63 ml, 62 ml, and 395 ml). Finally, a high intra- and inter-observer agreement for maximal and minimal LA volume measurement is also shown. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method combines a highly accelerated single-breathhold compressed-sensing multi-slice CMR technique with a non-model-based 3D reconstruction to accurately and reproducibly measure LA volumes and function.
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) allows the measurement of intra-thoracic impedance changes related to cardiovascular activity. As a safe and low-cost imaging modality, EIT is an appealing candidate for non-invasive and continuous haemodynamic monitoring. EIT has recently been shown to allow the assessment of aortic blood pressure via the estimation of the aortic pulse arrival time (PAT). However, finding the aortic signal within EIT image sequences is a challenging task: the signal has a small amplitude and is difficult to locate due to the small size of the aorta and the inherent low spatial resolution of EIT. In order to most reliably detect the aortic signal, our objective was to understand the effect of EIT measurement settings (electrode belt placement, reconstruction algorithm). This paper investigates the influence of three transversal belt placements and two commonly-used difference reconstruction algorithms (Gauss-Newton and GREIT) on the measurement of aortic signals in view of aortic blood pressure estimation via EIT. A magnetic resonance imaging based three-dimensional finite element model of the haemodynamic bio-impedance properties of the human thorax was created. Two simulation experiments were performed with the aim to (1) evaluate the timing error in aortic PAT estimation and (2) quantify the strength of the aortic signal in each pixel of the EIT image sequences. Both experiments reveal better performance for images reconstructed with Gauss-Newton (with a noise figure of 0.5 or above) and a belt placement at the height of the heart or higher. According to the noise-free scenarios simulated, the uncertainty in the analysis of the aortic EIT signal is expected to induce blood pressure errors of at least ± 1.4 mmHg.
Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a diversidade genética intra e interespecífica de 21 acessos de duas espécies de pitaya, Hylocereus undatus (Haw) Britton & Rose e Selenicereus setaceus Salm-Dyck. A. Bereger ex Werderm., com base nas características físico-químicas dos frutos. Foram avaliadas as características: comprimento, diâmetro, sólidos solúveis, massa total da casca e da polpa dos frutos. Com base na média das características físico-químicas de cada acesso, foram calculados índices de distância genética entre cada par de acessos com base na distância euclidiana média padronizada. A partir da matriz de distâncias genéticas, realizaram-se análises de agrupamento por meio de dendograma e dispersão gráfica baseada em escalas multidimensionais. As variáveis analisadas apresentaram diferentes contribuições relativas para a diversidade genética. O diâmetro do fruto foi a variável que teve maior contribuição no índice de diversidade genética (27,45 %), seguido pela massa total do fruto (25,43 %) e pela massa da polpa do fruto (24,67 %). As distâncias genéticas entre os 21 acessos de pitaya variaram entre 2,2 e 540,1. A análise de agrupamento permitiu subdividir os 21 acessos em dois grupos de similaridade genética, Hylocereus e Selenicereus, a uma distância genética relativa de 100. As características físico-químicas dos frutos evidenciaram alta diversidade genética entre os acessos das espécies H. undatus e S. setaceus.
La spectroscopie infrarouge (FTIR) est une technique de choix dans l'analyse des peintures en spray (traces ou bonbonnes de référence), grâce à son fort pouvoir discriminant, sa sensibilité, et ses nombreuses possibilités d'échantillonnage. La comparaison des spectres obtenus est aujourd'hui principalement faite visuellement, mais cette procédure présente des limitations telles que la subjectivité de la prise de décision car celle-ci dépend de l'expérience et de la formation suivie par l'expert. De ce fait, de faibles différences d'intensités relatives entre deux pics peuvent être perçues différemment par des experts, même au sein d'un même laboratoire. Lorsqu'il s'agit de justifier ces différences, certains les expliqueront par la méthode analytique utilisée, alors que d'autres estimeront plutôt qu'il s'agit d'une variabilité intrinsèque à la peinture et/ou à son vécu (par exemple homogénéité, sprayage, ou dégradation). Ce travail propose d'étudier statistiquement les différentes sources de variabilité observables dans les spectres infrarouges, de les identifier, de les comprendre et tenter de les minimiser. Le deuxième objectif principal est de proposer une procédure de comparaison des spectres qui soit davantage transparente et permette d'obtenir des réponses reproductibles indépendamment des experts interrogés. La première partie du travail traite de l'optimisation de la mesure infrarouge et des principaux paramètres analytiques. Les conditions nécessaires afin d'obtenir des spectres reproductibles et minimisant la variation au sein d'un même échantillon (intra-variabilité) sont présentées. Par la suite une procédure de correction des spectres est proposée au moyen de prétraitements et de sélections de variables, afin de minimiser les erreurs systématiques et aléatoires restantes, et de maximiser l'information chimique pertinente. La seconde partie présente une étude de marché effectuée sur 74 bonbonnes de peintures en spray représentatives du marché suisse. Les capacités de discrimination de la méthode FTIR au niveau de la marque et du modèle sont évaluées au moyen d'une procédure visuelle, et comparées à diverses procédures statistiques. Les limites inférieures de discrimination sont testées sur des peintures de marques et modèles identiques mais provenant de différents lots de production. Les résultats ont montré que la composition en pigments était particulièrement discriminante, à cause des étapes de corrections et d'ajustement de la couleur subies lors de la production. Les particularités associées aux peintures en spray présentes sous forme de traces (graffitis, gouttelettes) ont également été testées. Trois éléments sont mis en évidence et leur influence sur le spectre infrarouge résultant testée : 1) le temps minimum de secouage nécessaire afin d'obtenir une homogénéité suffisante de la peinture et, en conséquence, de la surface peinte, 2) la dégradation initiée par le rayonnement ultra- violet en extérieur, et 3) la contamination provenant du support lors du prélèvement. Finalement une étude de population a été réalisée sur 35 graffitis de la région lausannoise et les résultats comparés à l'étude de marché des bonbonnes en spray. La dernière partie de ce travail s'est concentrée sur l'étape de prise de décision lors de la comparaison de spectres deux-à-deux, en essayant premièrement de comprendre la pratique actuelle au sein des laboratoires au moyen d'un questionnaire, puis de proposer une méthode statistique de comparaison permettant d'améliorer l'objectivité et la transparence lors de la prise de décision. Une méthode de comparaison basée sur la corrélation entre les spectres est proposée, et ensuite combinée à une évaluation Bayesienne de l'élément de preuve au niveau de la source et au niveau de l'activité. Finalement des exemples pratiques sont présentés et la méthodologie est discutée afin de définir le rôle précis de l'expert et des statistiques dans la procédure globale d'analyse des peintures. -- Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique of choice for analyzing spray paint speciments (i.e. traces) and reference samples (i.e. cans seized from suspects) due to its high discriminating power, sensitivity and sampling possibilities. The comparison of the spectra is currently carried out visually, but this procedure has limitations such as the subjectivity in the decision due to its dependency on the experience and training of the expert. This implies that small differences in the relative intensity of two peaks can be perceived differently by experts, even between analysts working in the same laboratory. When it comes to justifying these differences, some will explain them by the analytical technique, while others will estimate that the observed differences are mostly due to an intrinsic variability from the paint sample and/or its acquired characteristics (for example homogeneity, spraying, or degradation). This work proposes to statistically study the different sources of variability observed in infrared spectra, to identify them, understand them and try to minimize them. The second goal is to propose a procedure for spectra comparison that is more transparent, and allows obtaining reproducible answers being independent from the expert. The first part of the manuscript focuses on the optimization of infrared measurement and on the main analytical parameters. The necessary conditions to obtain reproducible spectra with a minimized variation within a sample (intra-variability) are presented. Following that a procedure of spectral correction is then proposed using pretreatments and variable selection methods, in order to minimize systematic and random errors, and increase simultaneously relevant chemical information. The second part presents a market study of 74 spray paints representative of the Swiss market. The discrimination capabilities of FTIR at the brand and model level are evaluated by means of visual and statistical procedures. The inferior limits of discrimination are tested on paints coming from the same brand and model, but from different production batches. The results showed that the pigment composition was particularly discriminatory, because of the corrections and adjustments made to the paint color during its manufacturing process. The features associated with spray paint traces (graffitis, droplets) were also tested. Three elements were identified and their influence on the resulting infrared spectra were tested: 1) the minimum shaking time necessary to obtain a sufficient homogeneity of the paint and subsequently of the painted surface, 2) the degradation initiated by ultraviolet radiation in an exterior environment, and 3) the contamination from the support when paint is recovered. Finally a population study was performed on 35 graffitis coming from the city of Lausanne and surroundings areas, and the results were compared to the previous market study of spray cans. The last part concentrated on the decision process during the pairwise comparison of spectra. First, an understanding of the actual practice among laboratories was initiated by submitting a questionnaire. Then, a proposition for a statistical method of comparison was advanced to improve the objectivity and transparency during the decision process. A method of comparison based on the correlation between spectra is proposed, followed by the integration into a Bayesian framework at both source and activity levels. Finally, some case examples are presented and the recommended methodology is discussed in order to define the role of the expert as well as the contribution of the tested statistical approach within a global analytical sequence for paint examinations.
This study explored observer reactions to workplace interpersonal mistreatment using an inductive analysis approach. I conducted 32 interviews with a wide sample of working professionals from various backgrounds and industries to examine how observers react to the unfolding process of workplace interpersonal mistreatment incidents. Specifically, the goal of this study was to gain a deeper and closer understanding of observer reaction processes by examining first-hand accounts of employees who have witnessed co-workers being mistreated by others. I generated typologies of reported observer affective, cognitive, and behavioral reactions that emerged from their stories, and I identified what employees believe are important factors that inhibit or enable intervention. Results reveal that a majority of employees are not inclined to intervene during an ongoing mistreatment incident, and that observers who intervened during the incident reported different appraisal processes than observers who only intervened afterwards, or who did not intervene at all. From these personal accounts of observing workplace mistreatment, I interpreted that observers generally react to interpersonal mistreatment incidents in two phases, and that how targets reacted after an incident was an important trigger that propelled observers to become involved afterwards, even if they did not have the desire or the intention to do so. These findings have implications for current theories on observer intervention to mistreatment in the workplace.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää sisäisen kommunikoinnin tilannetta case-yrityksissä. Yritykset kuuluvat kahteen case-arvoverkostoon, jotka toimivat informaatio- ja kommunikaatioteknologian alalla. Sisäinen kommunikointi valittiin tutkimusalueeksi, koska se muodostaa perustan ulkoiselle, yritysten väliselle kommunikoinnille. Tutkimuksen painopiste oli web-pohjaisessa kommunikoinnissa ja webin ominaisuuksissa arvoverkoston näkökulmasta. Tutkimusprosessissa käytettiin sekä kvalitatiivisia että kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen kvantitatiivinen osa toteutettiin web-kyselynä, jonka tulokset osoittivat, että case-yritysten sisäinen kommunikointi perustuu pääasiassa perinteisten kommunikointivälineiden käyttöön. Toisin sanoen, webin hyödyntäminen on vähäistä, mihin vaikuttavat monet eri tekijät. Webissä on kuitenkin useita ominaisuuksia, jotka parantavat kommunikointia arvoverkostossa ja siksi nämä web-pohjaiset välineet tulisi huomioida, kun suunnitellaan yleistä kommunikointijärjestelmää. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osassa määriteltiin vuorovaikutteisuus-ominaisuuteen perustuva kommunikointivälineiden luokittelu. Tämän lisäksi määriteltiin myös arvoverkoston käsite. Empiirinen osa koostui web-kyselyn toteutuksen ja tulosten raportoinnista, jonka jälkeen yhteenvetokappale koosti merkittävimmät havainnot sekä mahdolliset jatkotutkimusaiheet.
Clinic simulation as a training and knowledge method allows people experiment a real event representation with the aim of acquiring knowledge, abilities and aptitudes. The filming of the staging represents a useful tool to review the decisions taken and the actions they did, with the purpose to highlight the strengths, weaknesses and the areas for improvement. The article describes a study carried out by a group of students in second course of nursing, and it tries to evaluate if there is any influence if somebody is filming you during the clinic simulation, does it make you do more errors or not?
Os autores apresentam um caso de leiomiossarcoma primário de pâncreas que teve seus aspectos ultra-sonográficos estudados pela ultra-sonografia intra-operatória. Embora os aspectos à ultra-sonografia abdominal, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética já tenham sido descritos, as características à ultra-sonografia intra-operatória do leiomiossarcoma primário de pâncreas ainda não haviam sido relatadas na literatura. Os autores ressaltam, ainda, a importância deste método de imagem na determinação da invasão vascular pelo tumor.
Os autores relatam um caso de tumor de pequenas células redondas desmoplásico intra-abdominal acometendo paciente do sexo masculino, de 21 anos de idade, atendido com quadro de dor abdominal, trombose do membro inferior direito e perda da função renal, de causa obstrutiva. A investigação demonstrou volumosa lesão abdominopélvica, sólida, bocelada, com áreas císticas internas, situada posteriormente à bexiga, causando obstrução ureteral, compressão da veia ilíaca direita e oclusão parcial do reto, além de acometimento de linfonodos intra e retroperitoneais. São descritos os achados cirúrgicos, de ultra-sonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, bem como aqueles do estudo macroscópico, microscopia e imuno-histoquímica.