878 resultados para International Association of Machinists
The reports are also published in the Annual report of the Department of Agriculture of the province of Ontario, and in the Sessional papers of the province of Ontario "Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly" [-1923] "Printed by order of ... Minister of Agriculture" [1924-] 25th, 1893- pub. by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto 1890 -1908 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario 1894 -1905 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Fruit Experiment Stations of Ontario 1906 -1910 reports are bound with the corresponding Report of the Fruit Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ontario
The reports are also published in the Annual report of the Department of Agriculture of the province of Ontario, and in the Sessional papers of the province of Ontario "Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly" [-1923] "Printed by order of ... Minister of Agriculture" [1924-] 25th, 1893- pub. by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto 1890 -1908 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario 1894 -1905 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Fruit Experiment Stations of Ontario 1906 -1910 reports are bound with the corresponding Report of the Fruit Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ontario
The reports are also published in the Annual report of the Department of Agriculture of the province of Ontario, and in the Sessional papers of the province of Ontario "Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly" [-1923]. "Printed by order of ... Minister of Agriculture" [1924-]. 25th, 1893- pub. by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto. 1890 -1908 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario. 1894 -1905 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Fruit Experiment Stations of Ontario. 1906 -1910 reports are bound with the corresponding Report of the Fruit Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ontario.
The reports are also published in the Annual report of the Department of Agriculture of the province of Ontario, and in the Sessional papers of the province of Ontario. "Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly" [-1923]. "Printed by order of ... Minister of Agriculture" [1924-]. 25th, 1893- pub. by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto. 1890 -1908 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario. 1894 -1905 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Fruit Experiment Stations of Ontario. 1906 -1910 reports are bound with the corresponding Report of the Fruit Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ontario.
Variation in hiring procedures occurs within fire service human resource departments. In this study, City 1 and City 2 applicants were required to pass their biophysical assessments prior to being hired as firefighters at the beginning and end of the screening process, respectively. City 1 applicants demonstrated significantly lower resting heart rate (RHR), resting diastolic blood pressure (RDBP), body fat% (BF) and higher z-scores for BF, trunk flexibility (TF) and overall clinical assessment (p<0.05). Regression analysis found that age and conducting the biophysical assessment at the end of the screening process explained poorer biophysical assessment results in BF% (R2=21%), BF z-score (R2=22%), TF z-score (R2=10%) and overall clinical assessment z-score (R2=7%). Each of RHR (OR=1.06, CI=1.01-1.10), RDBP (OR=1.05, CI=1.00-1.11) and BF% (OR=1.20, CI=1.07-1.37) increased the odds of being a City 2 firefighter (p<0.05). Biophysical screening at the end of the hiring process may result in the hiring of a less healthy firefighter.
A certificate that Francis Bond Head Wilson "being of United Empire Loyalist Descent has been regularly proposed, balloted for, and elected a member of this association." It is dated September 14th, 1934.
Objective To determine if there is an association between energy intake (EI) and overweight or obesity status (OWOB) in children with and without probable developmental coordination disorder (p-DCD). Methods 1905 children were included. The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency was used to assess p-DCD, body mass index for OWOB, and the Harvard Food Frequency Questionnaire for EI. Comparative tests and logistic regressions were performed. Results Reported EI was similar between p-DCD and non-DCD children among boys (2291 vs. 2281 kcal/day, p=0.917), but much lower in p-DCD compared to non-DCD girls (1745 vs.. 2068 kcal/day, p=0.007). EI was negatively associated with OWOB in girls only (OR: 0.82 (0.68, 0.98)). Conclusions Girls with p-DCD have a lower reported EI compared to their non-DCD peers. EI is negatively associated with OWOB in girls with p-DCD. Future research is needed to assess longitudinally the potential impact of EI on OWOB in this population.
The Act to establish the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (APEO) was passed on June 14, 1922. The creation of the APEO was part of a larger movement in Canada to license the engineering profession. At first, membership in the APEO was not mandatory in order to work as an engineer, but this changed in 1937 when the Professional Engineers Act was amended so that licensing by the APEO was required. In 1945, the initials “P. Eng.” were adopted by the APEO as the official abbreviation of the professional engineer. Many other amendments have been made over the years in order to strengthen the APEO’s ability to regulate the profession. Members of the APEO must also abide by a Code of Ethics, which emphasizes the regard for public welfare as paramount. There are currently 36 chapters of the APEO. In 1993, the APEO’s name was changed to Professional Engineers of Ontario, in part to emphasize the group’s role as a licensing body for engineers as opposed to an association of member engineers.
The Association of Major Power Consumers in Ontario (AMPCO) was founded as the Niagara Basic Power Users' Association in the early 1960s. It was a coalition of seven companies in the chemical, pulp and paper, and abrasives industries within the Niagara region. The Association was formed to address increasing electricity rates. In 1974, the name changed to the Association of Direct Customers of Ontario. This change reflected the expansion of the regional Association to a provincial one, which grew in response to Ontario Hydro’s proposed rate increases of over 30 per cent. In 1975, the Association adopted its current name. AMPCO continues to advocate for “electricity rates that are competitive, fair and efficient, and a reliable supply of electrical energy across Ontario.”
Multi-country models have not been very successful in replicating important features of the international transmission of business cycles. Standard models predict cross-country correlations of output and consumption which are respectively too low and too high. In this paper, we build a multi-country model of the business cycle with multiple sectors in order to analyze the role of sectoral shocks in the international transmission of the business cycle. We find that a model with multiple sectors generates a higher cross-country correlation of output than standard one-sector models, and a lower cross-country correlation of consumption. In addition, it predicts cross-country correlations of employment and investment that are closer to the data than the standard model. We also analyze the relative effects of multiple sectors, trade in intermediate goods, imperfect substitution between domestic and foreign goods, home preference, capital adjustment costs, and capital depreciation on the international transmission of the business cycle.
L’ouvrage constitue la thèse de Doctorat de Monsieur Lauri Railas soutenue le 16 Octobre 2004 à la faculté de droit de l’Université de Helsinki. Expert reconnu en droit du commerce international, son parcours professionnel explique les orientations prises dans son étude et son approche très large des transactions relatives à la vente internationale de marchandises comparativement à d’autres travaux dans le même domaine. L’auteur a été conseiller juridique à l’Institut d’arbitrage de la chambre de commerce centrale finlandaise puis secrétaire général de la section finlandaise de la chambre internationale de commerce. Il a, ensuite, occupé le poste d’administrateur principal au secrétariat général du conseil de l’Union Européenne entre 1996 et 2002. Il est, actuellement, associé senior chez Krogerus & Co, un des plus importants cabinets d’avocats de Finlande. L’originalité de la thèse réside dans le fait qu’elle aborde les transactions relatives à la vente internationale de marchandises du point de vue du commerce électronique. L’étude traite de la création d’un cadre juridique uniforme et cohérent encadrant l’utilisation des instruments du commerce élecronique pour la vente internationale de marchandises en se concentrant, uniquement, sur le commerce électronique entre professionnels (B to B) et plus précisément sur les initiatives des organisations internationales pour en diffuser et en faciliter l’usage. S’inspirant des théories de l’analyse économique du droit, le postulat de départ de Monsieur Railas est que le commerce électronique peut changer les procédures du commerce international et apporter d’importante économie de coûts. Pour ce faire, un cadre juridique pour le commerce électronique et plus généralement les affaires électroniques, est en cours d’élaboration par les organisations internationales. L’étude aborde ces développements dans différents domaines comme la formation du contrat, le crédit documentaire ou encore la résolution des conflits.L’approche est holistique et basée sur les efforts déployés pour introduire des sources uniformes de régulation pour les transactions électroniques dans le commerce international. L’auteur recense un large répertoire de règles de droit qui sont en majorité d’origine internationales avec pour objectif la détermination du rôle que peuvent jouer les communications électroniques dans la passation de contrats de vente de marchandises, leur livraison mais aussi dans le recours au service de tiers dans des fonctions comme le transport, l’assurance-transport et la sécurisation des droits des différentes parties impliquées. L’idée de base étant que la vente internationale et le transport constituent une chaine de contrats et de services interreliés. En plus des règles de droits déjà établies, l’auteur analyse différentes initiatives de régulation novatrices pour le commerce électronique initiées par la CNUDCI notamment. L’ouvrage traite, également, des problématiques générales comme la formation des contrats et la signature électronique. Par ailleurs, l’auteur procède à l’analyse des contrats de vente dans lesquels le vendeur a l’obligation de livrer en plus des marchandises, les documents relatifs aux marchandises et ceux de transfert de propriété. Les marchandises étant soumises à différents droits de propriété, les documents de vente et de transport ont un rôle important à jouer dans l’exercice de ces droits. Enfin, l’auteur considère la procédure de résolution des conflits comme une part du cycle de vie de chaque transaction. L’arbitrage en ligne et les autres méthodes de résolution en ligne des conflits contribuant à la réalisation de transactions électroniques réussies. L’ouvrage peut être particulièrement utile pour les personnes qui s’intéressent à l’harmonisation internationale des droits applicables au commerce international. L’auteur fait une analyse, particulièrement intéressante, de plusieurs instruments et projets comme les E-terms 2004 de la chambre internationale de commerce, le système Boléro, le système TEDI (Trade Electronic Data Interchange) et le système de transactions financières SWIFNet. La finalité de la démarche est de trouver une plate-forme commune qui fasse en sorte que les transactions électroniques puissent être conclues de manière sécuritaire en s’inspirant des résultats tangibles d’harmonisation atteints par la convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale de marchandises et par les principes UNIDROIT mais aussi du consensus selon lequel le commerce électronique doit être gouverné dans une large part par les instruments de « droit mou » comme les codes de conduite, et que, les règlements extrajudiciaires des conflits doivent être utilisés pour les transactions électroniques.
Christine Riefa is a lecturer in Consumer Law and Intellectual Property Law at Brunel University in the UK. She is an elected board member of the International Association of Consumer Law and an academic correspondent to the Euro-American Chair for the legal protection of consumers (University of Cantabria, Spain). In 2009-2010, Dr Riefa is a Fulbright EU Scholar-in-Residence at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Ohio USA. A first version of this article was presented at the Summer School in Consumer Law, organised by the GREDICC (Groupe de recherche en droit international et comparé de la consummation), UQAM, Montréal, 29th June – 4th July 2009.
We previously demonstrated in pigs with acute liver failure (ALF) that albumin dialysis using the molecular adsorbents recirculating system (MARS) attenuated a rise in intracranial pressure (ICP). This was independent of changes in arterial ammonia, cerebral blood flow and inflammation, allowing alternative hypotheses to be tested. The aims of the present study were to determine whether changes in cerebral extracellular ammonia, lactate, glutamine, glutamate, and energy metabolites were associated with the beneficial effects of MARS on ICP. Three randomized groups [sham, ALF (induced by portacaval anastomosis and hepatic artery ligation), and ALF+MARS] were studied over a 6-hour period with a 4-hour MARS treatment given beginning 2 hours after devascularization. Using cerebral microdialysis, the ALF-induced increase in extracellular brain ammonia, lactate, and glutamate was significantly attenuated in the ALF+MARS group as well as the increases in extracellular lactate/pyruvate and lactate/glucose ratios. The percent change in extracellular brain ammonia correlated with the percent change in ICP (r(2) = 0.511). Increases in brain lactate dehydrogenase activity and mitochondrial complex activity for complex IV were found in ALF compared with those in the sham, which was unaffected by MARS treatment. Brain oxygen consumption did not differ among the study groups. Conclusion: The observation that brain oxygen consumption and mitochondrial complex enzyme activity changed in parallel in both ALF- and MARS-treated animals indicates that the attenuation of increased extracellular brain ammonia (and extracellular brain glutamate) in the MARS-treated animals reduces energy demand and increases supply, resulting in attenuation of increased extracellular brain lactate. The mechanism of how MARS reduces extracellular brain ammonia requires further investigation.