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This essay is a trial on measuring complexity in a three-trophic level system by using a convex function of the informational entropy. The complexity measure defined here is compatible with the fact that real complexity lies between ordered and disordered states. Applying this measure to the data collected for two three-trophic level systems some hints about their organization are obtained. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Detailed view of venting in brick work. Bricks used were commons, with prevalent dark blue iron staining.
Managing financial institutions in an underdeveloped economic context has become a real challenge nowadays. In order to reach the organization`s planned goals, they have to deal with structural, behavioral and informational problems. From the systemic point of view, this situation gets even worse when the company does not present organizational boundaries and a cohesive identification for their stakeholders. Thus, European countries have some special financial lines in order to help the development of micro credit in Latin communities in an attempt to help the local economy. However, institutions like Caixa dos Andes in Peru present management problems when dealing with this complexity. Based on this, how can the systemic eye help in the diagnosis of soft problems of a Peruvian financial company? This study aims to diagnose soft problems of a Peruvian financial company based on soft variables like identity, communication and autonomy and also intends to identify possible ways to redesign its basic framework. The (VSM--Viable System Model) method from Beer (1967), applied in this diagnostic study, was used in a practical way as a management tool for organizations` analysis and planning. By describing the VSM`s five systems, the creation of a systemic vision or a total vision is possible, showing the organization`s complexity from the inside. Some company`s soft problems like double control, inefficient use of physical and human resources, low information flows, slowness, etc. The VSM presented an organizational diagnosis indicating effective solutions that do integrate its five systems.
Like previous volumes in the Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Series, this book is genuinely international in terms of its coverage. With contributions from nine different countries and three continents, it reflects a global interest in, and commitment to, innovation in business education, with a view to enhancing the learning experience of both undergraduates and postgraduates. It should prove of value to anyone engaged directly in business education, defined broadly to embrace management, finance, marketing, economics, informational studies, and ethics, or who has responsibility for fostering the professional development of business educators. The contributions have been selected with the objective of encouraging and inspiring others as well as illustrating developments in the sphere of business education. This volume brings together a collection of articles describing different aspects of the developments taking place in today’s workplace and how they affect business education. It describes strategies for breaking boundaries for global learning. These target specific techniques regarding teams and collaborative learning, transitions from academic settings to the workplace, the role of IT in the learning process, and program-level innovation strategies. This volume addresses issues faced by professionals in higher and further education and also those involved in corporate training centers and industry.
The diagnosis and subsequent treatment of prostate cancer is followed by a range of significant disease specific and iatrogenic sequelae. However, the supportive care needs of men with prostate cancer are not well described in the literature. The present study assesses the supportive care needs of men with prostate cancer who are members of prostate cancer self-help groups in Queensland, Australia. In all, 206 men aged between 48 and 85 years (mean = 68) completed the Supportive Care Needs Survey (SCNS) (62% response). The SCNS is a validated measure assessing perceived need in the domains of psychological needs, health system and information needs, physical and daily living needs, patient care and support, and sexuality. Items assessing need for access to services and resources were also included. One third of the sample reported a moderate to high need for help for multiple items in the sexuality, psychological and health system and information domains. Younger men reported greater need in the sexuality domain; living in major urban centres was predictive of greater psychological need; being closer to the time of diagnosis was related to greater need for help in the physical and daily living domain; having prostate cancer that is not in remission, having received radiation therapy, and lower levels of education were predictive of greater need for help in patient care and support. Of the total sample, 55% of men had used alternative cancer treatments in the past 12 months, with younger and more educated men more likely to use alternative therapies. Interventions in sexuality, psychological concerns and informational support are priorities for men with prostate cancer. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A literature review was conducted to investigate the extent to which telehealth has been researched within the domain of speech-language pathology and the outcomes of this research. A total of 13 studies were identified. Three early studies demonstrated that telehealth was feasible, although there was no discussion of the cost-effectiveness of this process in terms of patient outcomes. The majority of the subsequent studies indicated positive or encouraging outcomes resulting from telehealth. However, there were a number of shortcomings in the research, including a lack of cost-benefit information, failure to evaluate the technology itself, an absence of studies of the educational and informational aspects of telehealth in relation to speech-language pathology, and the use of telehealth in a limited range of communication disorders. Future research into the application of telehealth to speech-language pathology services must adopt a scientific approach, and have a well defined development and evaluation framework that addresses the effectiveness of the technique, patient outcomes and satisfaction, and the cost-benefit relationship.
Objective To describe the decision-making processes used by men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer who were considering treatment. Patients and methods Men newly diagnosed with localized prostate cancer from outpatient urology clinics and urologist's private practices were approached before treatment. Their decision-making processes and information-seeking behaviour was assessed; demographic information was also obtained. Results Of 119 men approached, 108 (90%) were interviewed; 91% reported non-systematic decision processes, with deferral to the doctor, positive and negative recollections of others' cancer experiences, and the pre-existing belief that surgery is a better cancer treatment being most common. For systematic information processing the mean (SD, range) number of items considered was 4.19 (2.28, 0-11), with 57% of men considering four or fewer treatment/medical aspects of prostate cancer. Men most commonly considered cancer stage (59%), urinary incontinence (55%) and impotence (51%) after surgery, and low overall mortality (45%). Uncertainty about probabilities for cure was reported by 43% of men and fear of cancer spread by 37%. Men also described uncertainty about the probabilities of side-effects (27%), decisional uncertainty (25%) and anticipated decisional regret (18%). Overall, 73% of men sought information about prostate cancer from external sources, most commonly the Internet, followed by family and friends. Conclusions In general, men did not use information about medical treatments comprehensively or systematically when making treatment decisions, and their processing of medical information was biased by their previous beliefs about cancer and health. These findings have implications for the provision of informational and decisional support to men considering prostate cancer treatment.
Sensitivity of output of a linear operator to its input can be quantified in various ways. In Control Theory, the input is usually interpreted as disturbance and the output is to be minimized in some sense. In stochastic worst-case design settings, the disturbance is considered random with imprecisely known probability distribution. The prior set of probability measures can be chosen so as to quantify how far the disturbance deviates from the white-noise hypothesis of Linear Quadratic Gaussian control. Such deviation can be measured by the minimal Kullback-Leibler informational divergence from the Gaussian distributions with zero mean and scalar covariance matrices. The resulting anisotropy functional is defined for finite power random vectors. Originally, anisotropy was introduced for directionally generic random vectors as the relative entropy of the normalized vector with respect to the uniform distribution on the unit sphere. The associated a-anisotropic norm of a matrix is then its maximum root mean square or average energy gain with respect to finite power or directionally generic inputs whose anisotropy is bounded above by a≥0. We give a systematic comparison of the anisotropy functionals and the associated norms. These are considered for unboundedly growing fragments of homogeneous Gaussian random fields on multidimensional integer lattice to yield mean anisotropy. Correspondingly, the anisotropic norms of finite matrices are extended to bounded linear translation invariant operators over such fields.
Peer support interventions for people with cancer, their families, and friends have been widely used throughout the world. The present study reviewed the research literature on psychosocial oncology over the past decade to assess the prevalence and contribution of articles on peer support. Using CD-Rom databases, 25 articles were retrieved for review. In each article, patients or their family members were the target group for supportive interventions, which were primarily for the delivery of peer support and included either a qualitative or quantitative evaluation of the program. A definitional taxonomy for peer support interventions, which identified eight discrete settings, was derived from three key dimensions: style of supervision, interpersonal context, and mode of delivery. The studies suggested that peer support programs help by providing emotional and informational support from the perspective of shared personal experience. However, a paucity of research-particularly randomized controlled trials-was noted. The reasons may include inherent difficulties in isolating for study what is essentially a naturalistically occurring interpersonal dynamic from the complex social and community contexts from which it emanates. The authors discuss the gap between practice and theory in this area and recommend a broader and more inclusive view of supportive care for people with cancer. (C) 2003 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
A 2?? edi????o de 2013 do Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas destaca o tema Igualdade de G??nero. O documento traz indica????es de pu-blica????es do acervo da Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos/ENAP com reflex??es acerca das desi-gualdades entre homens e mulheres e suas consequ??ncias ?? sociedade. O objetivo ?? dar publicidade a esses materiais, visando a con-tribuir para uma melhor compreens??o do com-plexo cen??rio de defini????o das prioridades p??blicas e da formula????o de pol??ticas p??blicas governamentais comprometidas com a pers-pectiva de g??nero, em seus diversos aspectos. De acordo com a Organiza????o das Na????es Unidas para a Educa????o, a Ci??ncia e a Cultura (Unesco), os direitos das mulheres devem ser entendidos como direitos humanos e cultu-rais fundamentais. J?? a Pol??tica Nacional para as Mulheres, coordenada pela Secre-taria Especial de Pol??ticas para as Mulhe-res (SPM), da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica, tem como pressupostos e princ??pios a equi-dade, a autonomia das mulheres, a laicida-de do Estado, a universalidade das pol??ti-cas, a justi??a social, a transpar??ncia dos atos p??blicos, a participa????o e o controle social.
A implementa????o de uma Pol??tica Energ??tica ?? essencial para o desenvolvimento do Pa??s, na medida em que estabelece metas, meios e diretrizes para melhorar a confiabilidade e a qualidade do suprimento energ??tico. Ela define ainda o papel dos diversos agentes e institui????es que atuam na ??rea energ??tica brasileira. A exist??ncia de tal pol??tica ?? condi????o fundamental para garantir o planejamento das atividades energ??ticas, tanto do lado da produ????o quanto do consumo, sem comprometer o meio ambiente e a qualidade de vida das pr??ximas gera????es. Em fun????o da import??ncia da pol??tica energ??tica ao desenvolvimento sustent??vel e ?? melhoria do bemestar da popula????o brasileira, a 1?? edi????o de 2013 do Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas destaca o tema Pol??tica Energ??tica - Setor El??trico, com indica????es de publica????es pertencentes ao acervo da Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos/ENAP. O intuito ?? divulgar obras que possam auxiliar gestores, servidores e trabalhadores da ??rea de Energia no Brasil em seus processos decis??rios, assim como obras que tratam da rica hist??ria do setor e seus planos para o futuro.
O tema escolhido ?? Gest??o de Risco, que aborda quest??es emergenciais como a identifica????o de fatores cr??ticos para o sucesso da gest??o e a avalia????o de oportunidades em contextos adversos, imprescind??vel ao planejamento e ?? implementa????o de pol??ticas p??blicas.
O assunto ?? de extrema import??ncia para os processos de avalia????o e enfrentamento de situa????es de diverg??ncias de modo a prevenir seus efeitos negativos, bem como extrair os aspectos positivos, buscando, assim, comunica????o e negocia????o de maneira estrat??gica.
O terceiro Boletim de Bibliografias Especializadas apresenta o tema ???Gest??o de Crise???, com indica????es de livros e artigos de revistas sobre o tema pertencentes ao acervo da Biblioteca. Essas publica????es mostram que a gest??o de crise ?? uma problem??tica com a qual toda administra????o deve preocupar-se. Afinal, crise ?? um evento imprevis??vel capaz de provocar preju??zos significativos a uma institui????o e, consequentemente, aos seus integrantes. Uma quest??o que se apresenta ??: depois da crise instaurada, como gerenci??-la? O conhecimento das caracter??sticas de uma crise possibilitar?? compreend??-la melhor e facilitar?? o ??rduo esfor??o em gerenci??-la.
O 4?? Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas destaca o tema ???Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica???, com indica????es de livros e artigos de revistas pertencentes ao acervo da Biblioteca. O intuito ?? divulgar obras que auxiliem servidores p??blicos na transforma????o de processos de trabalho para melhor atender ao cidad??o.