872 resultados para Indigenous peoples - legal status


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Los servicios de inteligencia en Colombia han operado durante casi sesenta años sin una regulación integral que demarque sus funciones y sus límites. Recientemente fue aprobado en el Congreso de la República, y en gran parte avalado por la Corte Constitucional, un proyecto de ley que pretende poner fin a esta omisión histórica. El presente artículo tiene como propósito revisar qué tan adecuada resulta la regulación que este proyecto de ley hace de dos aspectos relacionados con los servicios de inteligencia –el alcance del secreto y los controles a su funcionamiento– de cara a la protección de derechos como la intimidad, el acceso a la información y la verdad. La tesis que se defiende es que este proyecto de ley prevé aspectos positivos con relación a los dos temas mencionados, pero deja abiertos vacíos importantes que pueden llevar a que los servicios de inteligencia se aparten de sus funciones y sean utilizados para desconocer los derechos de las personas.


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Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.


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Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) plants were grown in split pots in three Rothamsted soils with different soil pH values and phosphorus (P) contents. Ammonium addition resulted in higher plant dry weight and P content than comparable nitrate treatments. The pH of soils in the rhizosphere (0.51-mm average thickness) differed from the bulk soil depending on nitrogen (N) form and level. Ammonium application resulted in a pH decrease, but nitrate application slightly increased pH. To examine the effect of rhizosphere acidification on mobilization of phosphate, 0.5 M NaHCO3 extractable phosphate was measured. The lowering rhizosphere pH enhanced the solubility of P in the soil and maybe availability of P to plants. Rhizosphere-P depletion increased with increasing ammonium supply, but when N was supplied as nitrate, P depletion was not related to increasing nitrate supply. Low P status Hoosfield soils developed mycorrhizal infection., and as a result, P inflow was increased. Geescroft soil, which initially had a high P status, did not develop mycorrhizal infection, and P inflow was much smaller and was unaffected by N treatments. Therefore, plant growth and P uptake were influenced by both rhizosphere pH and indigenous mycorrhizal infection.


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This paper focuses on successful reform strategies invoked in parts of the Muslim world to address issues of gender inequality in the context of Islamic personal law. It traces the development of personal status laws in Tunisia and Morocco, exploring the models they offer in initiating equality-enhancing reforms in Bangladesh, where a secular and equality-based reform approach conflicts with Islamic-based conservatism. Recent landmark family law reforms in Morocco show the possibility of achieving ‘women-friendly’ reforms within an Islamic legal framework. Moreover, the Tunisian Personal Status Code, with its successive reforms, shows that a gender equality-based model of personal law can be successfully integrated into the Muslim way of life. This study examines the response of Muslim societies to equality-based reforms and differences in approach in initiating them. The paper maps these sometimes competing approaches, locating them within contemporary feminist debates related to gender equality in the East and West.


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This article explores the precarious status of Eritrean and Sudanese nationals in Israel. Having crossed the Israeli-Egyptian border without authorisation and not through an official border crossing, Israeli law defines such individuals as ‘infiltrators’, a charged term which dates back to border-crossings into Israel by Palestinian Fedayeen in the 1950s. Eritreans and Sudanese nationals constitute over 90 percent of ‘infiltrators’ in Israel. Their livelihood is curtailed through hostility, sanctions, and detention, while (at the time of writing) Israel refrains from deporting them to their respective countries of origin, recognising that such forced removal could expose them to risks to their lives and/or freedom. Israel was the 10th state to ratify the 1951 Refugee Convention, and has acceded to its 1967 Protocol which removed the 1951 Convention’s temporal and geographic restrictions, yet it has not incorporated these treaties into its domestic law not has it enacted primary legislation that sets eligibility criteria for ‘refugee’ status and regulates the treatment of asylum-seekers. Israeli law also fails to accord subsidiary protection status to persons that the state considers to be non-removable, whether or not they satisfy the definition of a ‘refugee’ under the 1951 Convention. Absent legal recognition of ‘refugee’, ‘asylum-seeker’, and ‘beneficiary of subsidiary protection’ statuses, Eritreans and Sudanese nationals are left in legal limbo for an indefinite period qua irregular non-removable persons. This article takes stock of their legal predicament.


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Includes bibliography


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Foi investigada a efetividade das Unidades de Conservação e das Terras Indígenas na contenção do desflorestamento na Amazônia Legal. A análise dos dados foi processada em ambiente SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas) no programa ArcGis 9.3. O modelo estatístico desenvolvido para testar a efetividade das Áreas Protegidas se baseou na diferença entre o desflorestamento interno observado nas Áreas Protegidas e o desflorestamento interno nas Áreas Protegidas, estimado a partir do entorno de cinco quilômetros e de dez quilômetros das Áreas Protegidas. Verificou-se que, em área de floresta, até o ano de 2007, as Áreas Protegidas ocupavam aproximadamente 40% da Amazônia Legal. As Unidades de Conservação de Proteção Integral ocupavam 7,5% da Amazônia Legal, as Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável ocupavam 11,2% da Amazônia Legal e as Terras Indígenas ocupavam 21% da Amazônia Legal. Foi observada uma diferença significativa na proporção de área ocupada pelos tipos de Áreas Protegidas entre os estados da Amazônia Legal. Notou-se, ainda, que a proporção do desflorestamento interno nas Unidades de Conservação de Proteção Integral e nas Terras Indígenas foi menor do que nas Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável. A proporção do desflorestamento interno das Áreas Protegidas foi muito menor do que a proporção de desflorestamento externo à essas áreas, nos estados do Mato Grosso, Pará e Rondônia. Segundo o modelo estatístico de efetividade, 62,3% das Áreas Protegidas analisadas eram efetivas na contenção do desflorestamento. Esse modelo constitui importante instrumento para direcionar o planejamento de políticas públicas de conservação da Amazônia Legal, pois indica as Áreas Protegidas mais ameaçadas pelo desflorestamento. É imprescindível estabelecer com urgência a criação de mais Áreas Protegidas na Amazônia Legal e a consolidação das Áreas Protegidas existentes, já que não se sabe até quando essas áreas conseguirão se manter sem o mínimo necessário à sua sustentação.


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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Discusses the termination of desegregation decrees and the elusive meaning of unitary status, first introducing the topic and then covering Jenkins III and providing an overview of desegregation scholarship including discretion, capacity, and legitima. Also discusses the evolution of equity, including English equity, American equity, and equity and desegregation. Explores the concepts of relevant rights and interests, focusing on Hohfeld, the interest theory of rights, and the application of the rights theory. The conclusion posits that what remains is a complicated and confused desegregation jurisprudence, and that the lines that separate desegregation from integration from diversity, if there ever were such lines, are blurring. A discussion of the theoretical premises underlying desegregation appears to continue to be necessary.