988 resultados para Impostos - Argentina


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This study aimed to evaluate well-documented diagnostic antigens, named B13, 1F8 and JL7 recombinant proteins, as potential markers of seroconversion in treated chagasic patients. Prospective study, involving 203 patients treated with benznidazole, was conducted from endemic areas of northern Argentina. Follow-up was possible in 107 out of them and blood samples were taken for serology and PCR assays before and 2, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 months after treatment initiation. Reactivity against Trypanosoma cruzi lysate and recombinant antigens was measured by ELISA. The rate of decrease of antibody titers showed nonlinear kinetics with an abrupt drop within the first three months after initiation of treatment for all studied antigens, followed by a plateau displaying a low decay until the end of follow-up. At this point, anti-B13, anti-1F8 and anti-JL7 titers were relatively close to the cut-off line, while anti-T. cruzi antibodies still remained positive. At baseline, 60.8% (45/74) of analysed patients tested positive for parasite DNA by PCR and during the follow-up period in 34 out of 45 positive samples (75.5%) could not be detected T. cruzi DNA. Our results suggest that these antigens might be useful as early markers for monitoring antiparasitic treatment in chronic Chagas disease.


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A first assessment of debris flow susceptibility at a large scale was performed along the National Road N7, Argentina. Numerous catchments are prone to debris flows and likely to endanger the road-users. A 1:50,000 susceptibility map was created. The use of a DEM (grid 30 m) associated to three complementary criteria (slope, contributing area, curvature) allowed the identification of potential source areas. The debris flow spreading was estimated using a process- and GISbased model (Flow-R) based on basic probabilistic and energy calculations. The best-fit values for the coefficient of friction and the mass-to-drag ratio of the PCM model were found to be ? = 0.02 and M/D = 180 and the resulting propagation on one of the calibration site was validated using the Coulomb friction model. The results are realistic and will be useful to determine which areas need to be prioritized for detailed studies.


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El “Parque Sierra de San Javier” és un espai natural al costat d’ un gran nucli urbà, San Miguel de Tucumán (Argentina). A la Sierra es troba la comuna de San Javier, on s’ ha creat el CIC (Centre Integrador Comunitari). És a partir del CIC que s’ elabora un pla integral que inclou el projecte d’ ecoturisme. Aquest projecte es basa en una gestió de la xarxa de camins existents a la Sierra. Es fa un inventari de cadascun dels camins de la xarxa i s’ analitza cadascun d’ ells amb uns índexs de potencial paisatgístic i interpretatiu i es valora també la seva conservació. A partir d’ aquests valors es planteja un pla d’ actuació de recuperació i manteniment, i un pla d’ actuació turística en el que es millora l’ estat del camí; s’ intal•len panells informatius i senyalització. El projecte conté les fitxes d’ informació de cadascun dels itineraris amb un mapa i amb d’ altres informacions d’ interès pels usuaris dels senders


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The soy expansion model in Argentina generates structural changes in traditional lifestyles that can be associated with different biophysical and socioeconomic impacts. To explore this issue, we apply an innovative method for integrated assessment - the Multi Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) framework - to characterize two communities in the Chaco Region, Province of Formosa, North of Argentina. These communities have recently experienced the expansion of soy production, altering their economic activity, energy consumption patterns, land use, and human time allocation. The integrated characterization presented in the paper illustrates the differences (biophysical, socioeconomic, and historical) between the two communities that can be associated with different responses. The analysis of the factors behind these differences has important policy implications for the sustainable development of local communities in the area.


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In the last 20 years, wage inequality has increased in many developing countries. Most research on this topic focuses on two alternative causes: trade or skill-biased technical change. Several empirical studies in both developed and developing countries document increases in skill intensity within all sectors, favoring the technological change explanation over trade. Instead, I present and test a model where bilateral trade liberalization increases exporting revenues inducing more firms to enter the export market and to adopt skilled-biased new technologies. I find that the increase in the relative demand of skilled labor does not come from labor reallocation across sectors or firms but from skill upgrading within firms. Firms that upgrade technology faster also upgrade skill faster. Finally, firms entering the export market after liberalization become more skill and technology-intensive than non exporters.


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We assess the international competitiveness of the dairy industries in Argentina and Chile, combining recent market intelligence gathered from field visits with quantitative simulations of global policy reform scenarios. Both countries exhibit strong potential for export growth but face significant internal and external barriers to expanding their dairy industries. Global policy reforms would resolve some of the international obstacles to their expansion. Argentina has great potential, but it is handicapped by its current macroeconomic policies, trade policy distortions, and the uncertainty associated with policy implementation. Chile is more limited in terms of natural capacity for expansion, but it has a positive trade and investment environment.


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Objetivou-se avaliar a efetividade dos serviços de saúde no diagnóstico da tuberculose em Foz do Iguaçu-PR. Realizou-se uma pesquisa avaliativa, com desenho epidemiológico transversal. Foram entrevistados 101 doentes de tuberculose em 2009, utilizando um instrumento baseado no Primary Care Assessment Tool . A análise ocorreu a partir de proporções e respectivos intervalos de confiança (95%) e mediana. O Pronto Atendimento (37%) e a Atenção Básica à Saúde (ABS) (36%) foram os locais mais buscados. O acesso à consulta no mesmo dia alcançou 70%, mas a suspeição da doença foi menor que 47%; a baciloscopia realizada em 50% dos doentes. Concluiu-se que apesar desses serviços atenderem rapidamente, isso não determinou alcance do diagnóstico, levando o doente a procurar os serviços especializados, mais efetivos na descoberta dos casos. A busca pela ABS gerou maior tempo e maior número de retornos para o diagnóstico da tuberculose na tríplice fronteira.


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Papel Prensa es l’ única empresa argentina fabricant de paper per a consum dels diaris. Els grups Clarín i La Nación han estat els seus accionistes majoritaris des del 1976, desprès del cop d’ Estat cívic militar. El Govern va aconseguir aprovar el mes de desembre del 2011 una llei que declarava “d’interès públic” la producció, comercialització i distribució de paper per a diaris. El conflicte desfermat pel control de l’empresa paperera enfronta al poder executiu amb el poder dels grups de comunicació tradicionals amb una més gran influència social i també política. L’ anàlisi de les informacions i opinions publicades mostren la progressiva polarització del país


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Aquesta investigació estudia la contribució al Desenvolupament Humà de les polítiques publiques de TIC per a l’Educació als països del Cono Sur (Argentina, Xile i Uruguai). Aquests països van al capdavant de la regió en temes de TIC, Educació i Desenvolupament, així doncs l’objectiu final es veure si les polítiques publiques que enfatitzen en aspectes vinculats al Desenvolupament Humà afavoreixen el desenvolupament del països. Per a això s’han analitzat les Agendes Digitals dels països seleccionats en base a una matriu d’anàlisi creada específicamente per a aquesta investigación i construïda amb indicadors vinculats al Desenvolupament Humà


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In this paper I study the effects of a regional free trade agreement on the demand for skill.I start by documenting a series of facts to shed light on the determinants of a steep increasein the relative demand of skilled labor in a panel of Argentinean industrial firms covering thetrade liberalization period. First, this is not explained by labor reallocation across industriesor firms but by skill upgrading within firms. Second, exporters upgrade skill faster than nonexporters. Third, firms upgrading skill also upgrade technology. These findings are consistentwith a model where a reduction in trading partner s tariffs induces the most productive firms(exporters) to adopt skill-intensive production technologies. Indeed, I find that the reduction inBrazil s tariffs induces the most productive Argentinean firms to upgrade skill, while the leastproductive ones downgrade. One third of the increase in the relative demand for skill can beattributed to the reduction in Brazil s tariffs.


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Se estudió la colección Kenneth Hayward depositada parte en el Instituto Miguel Lillo (IMLA) y parte en la Estación Experimental Agroindustrial "Obispo Colombres" (EEAOC) de Tucumán, Argentina. Se citan cuatro especies de Dactylopiidae y 32 de Diaspididae con sus respectivas plantas huéspedes. Se redescribe e ilustra a Duplaspidiotus koehleri Lizer y Trelles y Pallulaspis lantanae Green & Laing, descriptas originalmente para la Argentina. Se cita por primera vez al género Rugaspidiotus Mc Gillivary para la Argentina.


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A nível da contabilidade tem-se assistido, nos últimos tempos, esforços no sentido de uma “ Harmonização Global” como forma de acompanhar o fenómeno da globalização, não obstante, existem temas, como o dos Impostos diferidos, que não reúnem consenso entre autores. Os impostos diferidos aparecem como o elo de ligação entre a contabilidade e a fiscalidade, no que se refere as divergências de tratamento destas duas áreas em relação a certas operações, sendo uma delas a revalorização de activos. A revalorização dos activos, na medida em que aumenta a base contabilística dos activos, dá origem a impostos diferidos caso a base fiscal não for ajustada. Assim sendo, há que contabilizar o efeito fiscal decorrente dessa revalorização, em consonância com contabilização do excedente de revalorização. A questão dos impostos diferidos aparece na medida em que o imposto sobre o rendimento passa a ser contabilizado através do método dos efeitos fiscais, em detrimento do método tradicional, o método do imposto a pagar. O método dos efeitos fiscais, assim como o tradicional, apresenta desvantagem, mas é o que melhor permite a apresentação de uma imagem mais verdadeira e apropriada sobre as operações das empresas. A revalorização dos activos fixos tangíveis é uma das operações que tem um tratamento mais adequado utilizado o método dos efeitos fiscais. Em Cabo verde, a revalorização de activos fixos tangíveis é aceite para finalidade de tributação, se for pedida a devida autorização para a sua realização às Finanças. Partindo de um estudo de caso onde não foi efectuado a autorização pelas finanças para efectuar a revalorização dos activos fixos tangíveis, demonstramos que existem impactos significativos nas demonstrações financeiras da empresa em estudo, na sua posição financeira e no seu desempenho, por via da contabilização do imposto diferidoIn level of accounting we have witnessed, in recent times, efforts in the sense of "Global Harmonization" as a means of keep up with the phenomenon of globalization, nevertheless there are themes such as the deferred taxes, which do not congregate consensus among authors. Deferred taxes appear as the link between accounting and taxation, in respect a differences of treatment of these two areas to certain transactions, one of this is the revaluation tangible fixed assets. The revaluation of the tangible fixed assets increases the accounting base of assets and originates a deferred tax if the tax base is not adjusted. Therefore, we must account for the tax effect arising from this revaluation, in line with the accounting revaluation surplus. The issue of deferred taxes appears in consequences of accounting for income tax is accounted by the method of tax effects, over the traditional method, the method of tax payable. The method of tax effects, as well as the traditional method presents disadvantage, but it is the better in allows the presentation of true and fair view of the company's operations. The revaluation of tangible fixed assets is one of the operations that utilized the tax effects, have appropriate treatment. In Cape Verde, the revaluation of tangible fixed assets is accepted for tax purposes, if requested permission for its accomplishment to Finance. Based on a case study which has not been authorized by the finance to effect the revaluation of tangible fixed assets, we demonstrate that there are significant impacts on the financial statements of the company under study in its financial position and performance, through accounting deferred tax.


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A contabilização dos impostos diferidos surge do facto da legislação fiscal e das normas contabilísticas poderem ser diferentes no que respeita ao reconhecimento e mensuração de activos, passivos, gastos e rendimentos. Para eliminar o efeito das diferenças de carácter temporal, das demonstrações financeiras, foram criadas normas contabilísticas que disciplinam a contabilização do imposto sobre o rendimento, através do reconhecimento de activos e passivos por impostos diferidos. Seguindo esta tendência, Cabo Verde introduziu, através do SNCRF - Sistema de Normalização contabilística e de relato financeiro, a NRF 22Imposto sobre o rendimento, que exige a contabilização de impostos diferidos nas diferenças temporárias entre a contabilidade e a fiscalidade. No entanto esta norma não está sendo observada, devido, na opinião de vários profissionais da área, a complexidade do assunto “imposto diferido”. Por esta razão, traçamos como objectivos deste trabalho, explicar a problemática dos impostos diferidos, evidenciando a importância do seu reconhecimento nas demonstrações financeiras. Concluímos que, a não contabilização de impostos diferidos pode pôr em causa a informação contida nas demonstrações financeiras e, consequentemente, as decisões que se toma com base nelas.The accounting of deferred taxes arises from the fact that tax legislation and accounting standards may differ regarding to the recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities, expenses and income. To eliminate the effect of the temporary differences in the financial statements, accounting standards have been established to regulate the accounting of income tax trough the recognition of assets and liabilities by deferred taxes. Following this trend, Cape Verde has introduced through the SNCRF - Standardization System of Accounting and Financial Reporting, the standard NRF 22 - Income Tax, which demands the recognition of deferred taxes in the temporary differences between accounting and taxation. However according to the opinion of some professors, this standard is not being observed due to the complexity of the subject "deferred tax". For this reason, we defined the following objectives for this work: explain the issue of deferred taxes, evidencing the importance of its recognition in the financial statements. We have concluded that, the not accounting of deferred taxes may jeopardize the information contained in the financial statements and consequently, the decisions made based on them.


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Around 11.5 * 106 m3 of rock detached from the eastern slope of the Santa Cruz valley (San Juan province, Argentina) in the first fortnight of January 2005. The rockslide?debris avalanche blocked the course, resulting in the development of a lake with maximum length of around 3.5 km. The increase in the inflow rate from 47,000?74,000 m3/d between April and October to 304,000 m3/d between late October and the first fortnight of November, accelerated the growing rate of the lake. On 12 November 2005 the dam failed, releasing 24.6 * 106 m3 of water. The resulting outburst flood caused damages mainly on infrastructure, and affected the facilities of a hydropower dam which was under construction 250 km downstream from the source area. In this work we describe causes and consequences of the natural dam formation and failure, and we dynamically model the 2005 rockslide?debris avalanche with DAN3D. Additionally, as a volume ~ 24 * 106 m3of rocks still remain unstable in the slope, we use the results of the back analysis to forecast the formation of a future natural dam. We analyzed two potential scenarios: a partial slope failure of 6.5 * 106 m3 and a worst case where all the unstable volume remaining in the slope fails. The spreading of those potential events shows that a new blockage of the Santa Cruz River is likely to occur. According to their modeled morphometry and the contributing watershed upstream the blockage area, as the one of 2005, the dams would also be unstable. This study shows the importance of back and forward analysis that can be carried out to obtain critical information for land use planning, hazards mitigation, and emergency management.


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O objectivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma breve contextualização sobre o impacto dos impostos nos orçamentos das Autarquias Locais em Cabo Verde e a forma como as receitas recebidas pelo Estado central são depois distribuídas aos municípios. Convém ainda salientar que este trabalho visa analisar as políticas fiscais e os impostos em particular. Nele ir-se-á demonstrar e comprovar a contribuição das autarquias locais no desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde e a necessidade de serem transferidos mais recursos às câmaras municipais, visando maior e melhor desenvolvimento do país, tendo em conta a experiência acumulada durante as duas últimas décadas. Por outro lado, o presente estudo tem a finalidade de diagnosticar os principais problemas financeiros com que as autarquias locais se debatem, o que sugere a adopção de um conjunto de alterações nos actuais instrumentos financeiros. Algumas medidas aqui previstas, podem e devem ser adoptadas de imediato pelas autarquias locais. Desde logo, o estudo do Sistema Tributário visa promover a difusão de procedimentos amparados por lei com a finalidade de auxiliar os profissionais e ajudá-los a ampliar a sua participação individual na consolidação da autonomia financeira dos municípios. Há claramente avanços em matéria legislativa, mas é preciso aprovar um novo modelo, cuja aplicação irá trazer, seguramente, maiores benefícios para o país, porquanto reclama por um desenvolvimento mais equilibrado e promoverá uma equidade inter-geracional muito mais ampla.