994 resultados para Implante dentário - Infiltração bacteriana
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Inadequate vegetation and soil management leads to physical changes that affect aquifer recharge. The Araripe Plateau feeds an elevated number of springs on its northern slope; however, there are indications that their yield is decreasing. Through this research, it was studied the infiltration capacity of soils under different types of management. Soil samples from 21 sites were grouped into four groups. Group 1 represents areas of preserved vegetation, the others, anthropized ones. It was observed that soil moisture and infiltration capacity are linearly well correlated with organic matter; mean soil moisture during the dry season was significantly higher for Group 1 than for the other groups, even during the rainy season and anthropized areas show low organic matter contents, soil moisture, and infiltration capacity, indicating modifications in the soil's structure that reduce aquifer recharge.
Background: Canine hip dysplasia (HD) is characterized by hip joint laxity and subluxation. It is the most common cause of osteoarthritis in dogs, especially in larger breeds. Its management includes nutritional supplements, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, acupuncture or surgical procedures. Implantation of gold beads in acupuncture points and trigger points around a joint has been used in the treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs for at least 30 years. Gold bead implants(GBI) acts as continuous acupuncture stimulation and trigger point treatment in canine HD with long lasting results. Electrophysiological investigations of trigger points reveal dysfunctional muscle spindles which indicate that the electrical activity of active loci arises from extrafusal motor endplates.Case: This is a report on the use of acupuncture and GBI for bilateral HD in a nine year old female German Shepherd. The patient has a HD non-responsive to anti-inflammatory drugs and was unable to stand up or walk by its own. Radiographs showed marked dysplasia, significant subluxation with the femoral head partly out of a shallow acetabulum and massive secondary arthritic bone changes, mainly on the right side. The animal was submitted to eight acupuncture sessions with seven days interval. After the first acupuncture session the use of NSAID was interrupted. After eight weeks the dog was considered rehabilitated and underwent GBI in acupoints and trigger points as maintenance treatment. During the one-year follow-up period the improvement remained unchanged with no need of analgesics.Discussion: It has been suggested that acupuncture or GBI can treat the chronic pain resulting from osteoarthritis induced by HD. According to AP theory, GBI is permanent and long-lasting acupoint stimulation. Moreover, the method is inexpensive, quick and easy to perform, with no postoperative pain or need of exercise restriction. Although gold is extremely corrosion-resistant, the surface of the gold implants stimulates a reaction from the immune system causing an oxidative liberation of gold ions with anti-inflammatory actions. It is well known that gold ions are effective inhibitors of the respiratory burst of neutrophils and monocytes and the proliferation of lymphocytes. These findings suggest that gold implantation, on a local scale, mimics the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect of drugs with chemically bound gold ions. The relatively slow speed of the process results in a limited liberation of gold ions securing that they are taken up almost exclusively by cells close to the implant. The nine year old female German shepherd had a positive response to acupuncture with pain relieve and locomotor rehabilitation. For the nine year old female German shepherd previous acupuncture sessions to GBI resulted in no post-implant worsening period. Indeed, the association acupuncture/GBI does not have the anti-inflammatory drugs undesirable effects and brings long lasting results. In conclusion, GBI therefore should be considered for canine HD when conservative or medical treatments fail to give the desired effect.
The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the cervical marginal leakage in class II restorations with chemically cured resin (P10) and light-cured resin (P30) in two types of cavities: conventional and adhesive. The effect of acid-etching in this area was also observed. Dentine adhesive Scotchbond was used in all experimental groups. Leakage was evidenced by Rodamina B dye penetration after thermocycling procedure between 10 degrees C and 50 degrees C temperature and analysed by using Zeiss Stereoscopic Magnifying Glass (10 X). According to the results obtained marginal leakage occurred in all experimental groups, with lower percentage for adhesives cavities when enamel acid-etching and light-cured resin P30 was used.
This study presents the results obtained in a field experiment carried out at Glicério, Northwest of São Paulo state, Brazil, whose objective was to analyze changes of selected soil physical properties and water infiltration rates on a Yellow-Red Latosol, under three different management conditions. The experimental design was arranged as completely randomized split-block with twelve treatments, which corresponded to four depths (0-0.05 m; 0.05-0.10 m; 0.10-0.20 m and 0.20-0.40 m) and three conditions of soil use and management with four replications. The soil surface conditions were: conventional tillage (one disking with moulboard plus two levelling passes with harrow), nine months before starting filed experiences; recent conventional tillage (also one disking with moulboard plus two levelling passes with harrow) and native forest. The conventional tillage areas were cropped for about fifteen years with annual cultures. The considered soil general physical properties were: macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, bulk density, soil moisture and penetration resistance and, in addition; soil water infiltration rates were also recorded. According to our results, differences on general soil physical properties and infiltration rates appeared when both tilled sub-treatments and native forest were compared. Both, plots recently prepared by conventional tillage and those prepared by tillage but left nine months in rest, presented a statistically significant decrease of constant (final) water infiltration rates of 92.72% and 91.91% when compared with native forest plots.
Purpose: This study intends to evaluate BMP (Bone Morphogenetic Protein) implant and BMP implant plus PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) in rabbit orbital fractures, searching for tissue reaction, by radiological and morfometrical analysis. Methods:Third six white rabbits were submitted to orbital floor fracture and distributed in three groups: G1, with rabbits receiving a plate containing decalcified bone matrix and BMP; G2, with rabbits receiving the implant with BMP wrapped by PRP; G3, the control group where it was made the fracture only. The animals were evaluated radiologically after surgery and at sacrifice time in 7, 30, 90 and 180th day after surgery. After sacrifice, a block containing the right orbital tissue was extracted and prepared to morphological and morphometrical analysis. Results: An intensive linfomononuclear inflammatory reaction was observed at 7th day in G1 e G2, witch decreased after the 30th day; mesenchimal cells, osteoblasts, new bone and progressive cavitation of the implant were also observed, besides signs of calcium deposition by radiological study. In the control group fibrosis at the site of fracture was identified only. Conclusion: BMP seemed a good orbital implant producing new bone at the implant site and correcting bone defect.There was not observed acceleration of osteoinduction when the implant was associated with PRP.
In this experiment, 18 hybrid steers, from the ages between 16 and 20 months, were submitted to the removal of the penis apical ligament to provoke a penis deviation. After passed 30 days, to be tested, the animals were put together to the females that were in heat. It was verified the formation of the ventral and right lateral penis deviation with incapacity of the copula. The bovines were submitted to the autologous implant from the one following superficial portion tendon from the superficial flexor fingers muscle, on the top of albuginea tunic, replacing the apical penis ligament removed. The material implanted was well tolerated, appearance a few inflammatory cells and formation of the fibrous conjunctive tissue, causing resistant adherence and capacity of sustaining the free penis extremity. The bovines, when were among the females that were in heat, did not show a penis deviation nor sexual behavior modification. The method revealed itself satisfactory and it can be indicated to correct ventral and right lateral penis deviation in bovines.
Influência da aplicação de vinhaça na capacidade de Infiltração de um solo de textura franco arenosa
The objective of this study was to analyze effects in different depth in soil water infiltration and to verify the Horton and Kostiakov-Lewis models adequacy in infiltration rate estimate. The treatments were five doses of vinasse (0, 200, 250, 300 and 350 m3?ha1?. The vinasse application reduced the soil erosion risk increasing the possibility of runoff. The Horton model had the best adjustment on the observed data, and the Kostiakov-Lewis model overestimated the infiltration rate values.
The present study aims to evaluate the effect of fungicides and antibiotics to control bacterial spot (Xanthomonas perforans) in tomato, and the activation of pathogenesis-related proteins. Hybrid tomato AP 529 was used to assess the severity of disease. The treatments consisted of spraying with acibenzolar-S-methyl, fluazinam, pyraclostrobin, pyraclostrobin + methiran, copper oxychloride, copper oxychloride and mancozeb + oxytetracycline, and inoculated and non-inoculated controls. After three days of treatment, all plants were inoculated with X. perforans (10 6 CFU / mL). Leaf discs were collected for assessment of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, β-1,3 glucanase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase and protease. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was calculated with the data of severity. All treatments had reduced AUDPC compared to the inoculated control. Fungicides acibenzolar-S-methyl, pyraclostrobin, and pyraclostrobin + methiran had more satisfactory results in reducing the severity of bacterial spot on tomato. The products based on pyraclostrobin together with acibenzolar-S-methyl induced enzymatic activities of peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase and β-1,3 glucanase, indicating that these products may be related to the induction of resistance to bacterial spot on tomato plants.
Management systems affect soil structure, causing changes in porosity that can influence water infiltration into the soil. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different management systems on the porosity and water infiltration in Distroferric Red Nitosol with clay texture. The management systems were: conventional with disc plow + two soft harrowing, conventional with heavy disc harrow + two soft harrowing, no tillage and fallow. The following attributes: porosity, pore shape and water infiltration velocity into the soil were determined. Management systems such as no-tillage, conventional with disc plow and heavy disc harrow, and fallow modify the porosity and the shape of pores of a Distroferric Red Nitosol, influencing water infiltration, which was favored in no-tillage for the greater presence of elongated pores.
To evaluate the clinical application of implant of the canine cryopreserved amniotic membrane (DMEM plus DMSO 1:1) and 360° conjunctival flap in the treatment of progressive corneal ulceration. 10 dogs of the different breeds, males and females, aging four months to four years old with deep corneal ulceration and different clinical progression were divided in two groups: G1=360° conjunctival graft (n=5) and G2=implant of amniotic membrane, sutured at the edge of the ulcer with epithelial side facing up, associated with the third eyelid flap (n=5). The comparative analysis between groups was: complications, blepharospasm, ocular secretion, corneal vascularization, epithelial defect and corneal opacification in six moments (first emergency care, surgery and 3, 7, 15 and 30 days of postoperative). Without epithelial defect was evaluated quality of the scar. It was used score scale for subjective to qualify of the ocular signs. In G1, it was observed the non-adherence of the conjunctival graft to the ulcer (n=2), dehiscence of the suture (n=2), anterior synechia (n=2) and intense chemosis (n=1). In G2, it was not observed these complications. It was not significant difference between the groups to others ocular parameters, but it was different among the start and end moments of the same groups (ocular secretion, corneal vascularization, epithelial defect). The corneal opacity was more intense in G1. According to the clinical results, the cryopreserved amniotic membrane implant proved to be as effective in the corneal ulceration in comparison to the 360° conjunctival flap, because probably, the membrane promoted a trophic support for epithelialization, anti-inflamatory effect associated with important to the end result phenotype.
Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB