992 resultados para Immune strategy


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Background:Polypharmacy is a significant economic burden.Objective:We tested whether using reverse auction (RA) as compared with commercial pharmacy (CP) to purchase medicine results in lower pharmaceutical costs for heart failure (HF) and heart transplantation (HT) outpatients.Methods:We compared the costs via RA versus CP in 808 HF and 147 HT patients followed from 2009 through 2011, and evaluated the influence of clinical and demographic variables on cost.Results:The monthly cost per patient for HF drugs acquired via RA was $10.15 (IQ 3.51-40.22) versus $161.76 (IQ 86.05‑340.15) via CP; for HT, those costs were $393.08 (IQ 124.74-774.76) and $1,207.70 (IQ 604.48-2,499.97), respectively.Conclusion:RA may reduce the cost of prescription drugs for HF and HT, potentially making HF treatment more accessible. Clinical characteristics can influence the cost and benefits of RA. RA may be a new health policy strategy to reduce costs of prescribed medications for HF and HT patients, reducing the economic burden of treatment.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2014


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ABSTRACT Atlantirivulus riograndensis (Costa & Lanés, 2009) is a fish registered to the basin of Patos lagoon and the adjacent coastal plains in southern states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil, found in shallow water courses with that have large quantities of aquatic vegetation and forest edges. The objective of this study was to investigate the reproductive strategy and tactics of this species including the sex ratio, the length at first maturity, spawning type, fecundity and the possible associations among reproduction and abiotic factors. Sampling of specimens occurred in perennial wetlands within the Banhado dos Pachecos wildlife refuge, in the city of Viamão, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which is a conservation unit that belongs to an area of environmental protection in the Pampa Biome. The capture of 30 A. riograndensis specimens per month occurred from January to December of 2012. A total of 188 females and 172 males were captured and the total sex ratio was 1:1 in the sampled population. Sexual maturity of the species occurs after 13.59 and 11.92 mm (SL) for females and males, respectively. Both a multiple spawning and a long reproductive period (since August to March) were confirmed by the presence of post-ovulatory follicles that were observed through histological analysis and the values of the gonadosomatic index in females considered spawning capable. The average absolute fecundity of the species is of 19.33 (± 6.18) vitellogenic oocytes in mature ovaries. No significant relationship was found between mean GSI and the abiotic data. Reproductive tactics presented by A. riograndensis indicate a species with an opportunistic reproductive strategy, following the pattern of other species of the Rivulidae family.


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For the many-to-one matching model in which firms have substitutable and quota q-separable preferences over subsets of workers we show that the workers-optimal stable mechanism is group strategy-proof for the workers. In order to prove this result, we also show that under this domain of preferences (which contains the domain of responsive preferences of the college admissions problem) the workers-optimal stable matching is weakly Pareto optimal for the workers and the Blocking Lemma holds as well. We exhibit an example showing that none of these three results remain true if the preferences of firms are substitutable but not quota q-separable.


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S’investiga la resposta immune que té lloc en la infecció experimental de les vedelles gestants amb Neospora caninum a les 3, 6 i 9 setmanes postinfecció, amb especial interès en els teixits placentaris. Donada la importancia que tenen les citoquines en la resposta immune a la infecció, s’ha posat a punt les tècniques de RT-PCR a temps real per a l’estudi de l’expressió génica de citoquines del boví. En una fase posterior s’ha estudiat la dinàmica dels anticossos durant l’experiment, la transmissió transplacentària mitjançant l’anàlisi de la presència de DNA parasitari en teixits, la relació entre la producció de IFN-gamma en fluids fetals i, els avortaments i la trasmissió transplacentària i, finalment, el patró de citoquines, amb èmfasi en la interfase materno-fetal.


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The megaesophagus and megacolon endemic in South America are related , to Chagas' disease. These mega conditions are found in patients with chronic Chagas's infection, when the parasite is not demonstrable in the lesions. These are characterized by depopulation of parasympathetic ganglion cells, dilation and hypertrophy of the viscera. In the experiments described here we deminstrate a selective affinity and adherence of Trypanosoma cruzi-immune lymphocytes to myenteric, parasympathetic ganglion cells, leading to neuronolysis. None of these features are observed when non-immune lymphocytes from control rabbits are used, or when the immune lymphocytes are allowed to react with CNS neurons. This demonstration is an indication of the high degree of specificity of the destruction of parasympathetic neurons in Chagas' disease. We postulate that the T. cruzi-immune lymphocyte rejection of parasympathetic neurons, but not of CNS neurons, might be related to recognition of a cross-reacting antigenic determinant secreted only by the target neurons. In favor of this interpretation is the observation of lymphocytic infiltrates and parasympathetic ganglion cell destruction in chronic Chagas' infection in the absence of encephalitis.


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Adult normal inbred mice rendered tolerant to OVA by previous oral exposure do not respond to intraperitonela immunization with DNP-OVA in adjuvant. These tolerant mice also form less DNP-specific antibodies to DNP-KLH when immunized with mixtures of DNP-KLH and DNP-OVA, or less HGG-specific antibodies when immunized with cross-linked conjugates of OVA and HGG. These same procedures increased DNP-specific or HGG-specific responses in non-tolerant control mice. The cross-supperssion was ineffective, however, to inhibit already ongoing antibody responses.


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EA (sheep erythrocytes carrying rabbit antibody) are lysed by toad complement under optimal conditions which include a low concentration of cells (1.54 x 10*8/ml), a low temperature of incubation (30°C) and the same amounts of Ca++ and Mg++ as required for the titration of guinea-pig complement. Kinetic studies of the role of cations mentioned above in immune lysis by toad C have disclosed a fundamental difference as compared to guinea-pig C. In a limited complement system, the lysis by amphibian C is completely blocked by EDTA, even when the chelating agent is added as late as 15 minutes after zero-time. Inhibition by EGTA is only partial and the findings suggest that Mg++ is required not only at the beginning, but also at late stages of the lytic process. It has been speculated that the activation of amphibian complement proceeds mainly by the alternative pathway.


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The results presented in this review summarize a seirs of experiments designed to characterize the murine T cell imune response to the protozoan parasite Leishmania tropica. Enriched T cell populations and T cell clones specific for L. tropica antigens were derived from lymph nodes of primed mice and maintained in continous culture in vitro. These T lymphocytes were shown (A) to express the Lyt 1+ 3- cell surface phenotype, (B) to proliferate specifically in vitro in response to parasite antigens, together with a source of irradiated syngeneic macrophages, (C) to transfer antigen-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to normal syngeneic mice, (D) to induce specific activation of parasitized macrophages in vitro resulting in the destruction of intracellular parasites, (E) to provide specific helper activity for antibody responses in vitro in a hapten-carrier system. Protection studies using these defiened T cell populations should allow the characterization of parasite antigen(s) implicated in the induction of cellular immune responses beneficial for the host.


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Inflammation can promote or inhibit cancer progression. In this study we have addressed the role of the proinflammatory cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) during skin carcinogenesis. Using conditional loss- and gain-of-function mouse models for Notch and Wnt signaling, respectively, we demonstrate that TSLP-mediated inflammation protects against cutaneous carcinogenesis by acting directly on CD4 and CD8 T cells. Genetic ablation of TSLP receptor (TSLPR) perturbs T-cell-mediated protection and results in the accumulation of CD11b(+)Gr1(+) myeloid cells. These promote tumor growth by secreting Wnt ligands and augmenting β-catenin signaling in the neighboring epithelium. Epithelial specific ablation of β-catenin prevents both carcinogenesis and the accumulation of CD11b(+)Gr1(+) myeloid cells, suggesting tumor cells initiate a feed-forward loop that induces protumorigenic inflammation.