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INTRODUCTION: Recent studies in other European countries suggest that the prevalence of congenital cryptorchidism continues to increase. This study aimed to explore the prevalence and natural history of congenital cryptorchidism in a UK centre. METHODS: Between October 2001 and July 2008, 784 male infants were born in the prospective Cambridge Baby Growth Study. 742 infants were examined by trained research nurses at birth; testicular position was assessed using standard techniques. Follow-up assessments were completed at ages 3, 12, 18 and 24 months in 615, 462, 393 and 326 infants, respectively. RESULTS: The prevalence of cryptorchidism at birth was 5.9% (95% CI 4.4% to 7.9%). Congenital cryptorchidism was associated with earlier gestational age (p<0.001), lower birth weight (p<0.001), birth length (p<0.001) and shorter penile length at birth (p<0.0001) compared with other infants, but normal size after age 3 months. The prevalence of cryptorchidism declined to 2.4% at 3 months, but unexpectedly rose again to 6.7% at 12 months as a result of new cases. The cumulative incidence of "acquired cryptorchidism" by age 24 months was 7.0% and these cases had shorter penile length during infancy than other infants (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of congenital cryptorchidism was higher than earlier estimates in UK populations. Furthermore, this study for the first time describes acquired cryptorchidism or "ascending testis" as a common entity in male infants, which is possibly associated with reduced early postnatal androgen activity.
Con el objetivo de determinar, el mejor nivel de inclusión de vaina de espino negro (Acacia Pennatula), en la dieta alimenticia de las vacas lecheras y su efecto sobre la producción de la leche, sus cambios físicos y químicos, así como los costos de producción, se realizó el estudio el en la hacienda San Francisco ubicada en la comarca de Pueblo Nuevo a 15 kilómetros al norte del municipio de Jinotega departamento de Jinotega a los 13° 11’ 59” Latitud N y 85° 56’ 34" Longitud W. Se utilizaron 15 animales, los cuales se separaron únicamente en la suplementación alimenticia, al momento del ordeño y el pesaje de leche, el resto del manejo fue el mismo para el resto del hato en dicha finca, se realizaron dos ordeños al día 1) de 5 a 6 a.m. y 2) de 3 a 4 p.m. Se utilizó un diseño cruzado (Cross over)de 3 x 3, con 3 bloques y 3 tratamientos (a) concentrado comercial, (b) concentrado con 40% de inclusión de vaina de espino negro y (c) concentrado con 60 % de inclusión de vaina de espino negro. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando el paquete estadístico SAS (1999), con procedimiento de separación de medias por Duncan. El modelo matemático fue: Yijkl m + Bi + Cj + Pk + T1 + Eijkl. Se suministró el alimento dos veces al día durante cada ordeño (5 de la mañana y 3 de la tarde), se oferto un total de 44 libras (20 kg.), de su respectivo tratamiento alimenticio de cada grupo, el cual fue distribuido al azar por medio de un sorteo con tres papelitos para cada grupo y para cada tratamiento. El proceso de adaptación inicio con 1 semana de aceptación y 3 semanas de toma de datos para cada periodo. Se encontró diferencias altamente significativas para los tratamientos, resultando el tratamiento "b" (concentrado con 40 % de vaina de espino negro), con los mejores resultados en cuanto a producción de leche (Con un promedio de 7.16 lt/vaca/ordeño) y porcentaje de grasa en la leche (ó.9 %). Un comportamiento intermedio lo obtuvo el tratamiento el tratamiento "a" (concentrado comercial), el cual obtuvo una producción de leche (promedio de 6.28 lt/vaca/ordeño) y un porcentaje de grasa de (5.6 %), con el más bajo resultado el tratamiento "c" (concentrado con 60% de inclusión de vaina de espino negro) que obtuvo un promedio de producción (5.08 lt/vaca/ordeño); con un porcentaje de grasa de (4.8 %), todos los casos se encontró cambios físicos, químicos no así organolépticos en la leche. Cuando se utilizó 40 % de inclusión de vaina de espino negro en la dieta del animal se encontró que los costos se reducían hasta en 50 % y ia producción aumenta hasta en un 20 %.
Con el objetivo de conocer la presencia de agentes etiológicos causantes de las hemoparasitosis en canes, se realizó un estudio en cinco barrios del distrito VI- 2 de la ciudad de Managua , entre el 21 de Marzo al 01 de Abril del 2005, la localidad presentó una temperatura med ia 30.3 °C y una humedad relativa del 75% ± 5%. Se realizó un muestreo de 220 canes menores de un año, correspondiente al 20% del universo (1098 canes), en los cuales se les extrajo 2ml de sangre de la arteria radial y se realizaron dos frotis sanguíneos, mediante una punción del pabellón auricular (circulación periférica), ese mismo día, en el laboratorio, se obtuvo el hematocrito de la muestra de sangre y los frotis sanguíneos se tiñeron por el método de Giemsa, luego se observaron dos frotis sanguíneos por cada can muestreado, utilizando microscopía óptica de inmersi ón para identificar los hemoparásitos haciendo uso de parámetros morfológicos de clasificación taxonómica. Se encontraron 39 (17.7 %) canes hemoparasitados y una prevalencia para Haemobartonella canis de 2.5%, Babesia canis con 0.77 % y Ehrlichia canis con 0.19%; mientras, que en Hepatozoon canis no se encontró ningún caso positivo. Además se presento una asociación hemoparasitaria (Babesia-Haemobartonella) con una prevalencia de 0.29 %.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the role of androgens on birth weight in genetic models of altered androgen signalling. SETTING: Cambridge Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) database and the Swedish national screening programme for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). PATIENTS: (1) 29 girls with XY karyotype and mutation positive complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS); (2) 43 girls and 30 boys with genotype confirmed CAH. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Birth weight, birth weight-for-gestational-age (birth weight standard deviation score (SDS)) calculated by comparison with national references. RESULTS: Mean birth weight SDS in CAIS XY infants was higher than the reference for girls (mean, 95% CI: 0.4, 0.1 to 0.7; p=0.02) and was similar to the national reference for boys (0.1, -0.2 to 0.4). Birth weight SDS in CAH girls was similar to the national reference for girls (0.0, -0.2 to 0.2) and did not vary by severity of gene mutation. Birth weight SDS in CAH boys was also similar to the national reference for boys (0.2, -0.2 to 0.6). CONCLUSION: CAIS XY infants have a birth weight distribution similar to normal male infants and birth weight is not increased in infants with CAH. Alterations in androgen signalling have little impact on birth weight. Sex dimorphism in birth size is unrelated to prenatal androgen exposure.
This article describes a computational study of viscous effects on lobed mixer flowfields. The computations, which were carried out using a compressible, three-dimensional, unstructured-mesh Navier-Stokes solver, were aimed at assessing the impacts on mixer performance of inlet boundary-layer thickness and boundary-layer separation within the lobe. The geometries analyzed represent a class of lobed mixer configurations used in turbofan engines. Parameters investigated included lobe penetration angles from 22 to 45 deg, stream-to-stream velocity ratios from 0.5 to 1.0, and two inlet boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. The results show quantitatively the increasing influence of viscous effects as lobe penetration angle is increased. It is shown that the simple estimate of shed circulation given by Skebe et al. (Experimental Investigation of Three-Dimensional Forced Mixer Lobe Flow Field, AIAA Paper 88-3785, July, 1988) can be extended even to situations in which the flow is separated, provided an effective mixer exit angle and height are defined. An examination of different loss sources is also carried out to illustrate the relative contributions of mixing loss and of boundary-layer viscous effects in cases of practical interest.
It is paramount that any child or adolescent with a suspected disorder of sex development (DSD) is assessed by an experienced clinician with adequate knowledge about the range of conditions associated with DSD. If there is any doubt, the case should be discussed with the regional team. In most cases, particularly in the case of the newborn, the paediatric endocrinologist within the regional DSD team acts as the first point of contact. The underlying pathophysiology of DSD and the strengths and weaknesses of the tests that can be performed should be discussed with the parents and affected young person and tests undertaken in a timely fashion. This clinician should be part of a multidisciplinary team experienced in management of DSD and should ensure that the affected person and parents are as fully informed as possible and have access to specialist psychological support. Finally, in the field of rare conditions, it is imperative that the clinician shares the experience with others through national and international clinical and research collaboration. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Imitating a real tooth and the periodontal supporting tissues, we have established a 2D finite element model and carried out a numerical analysis based on the inhomogeneous and anisotropic (IA) stress-strain relation and strength model of dentin proposed in the preceding Parts I and II, and the conventional homogeneous and isotropic (III) model, respectively. Quite a few cases of loadings for a non-defected and a defected tooth are considered. The numerical results show that the stress level predicted by the IA model is remarkably higher than that by the III model, revealing that the effect of the dentin tubules should be taken into a serious consideration from the viewpoint of biomechanics.
A new thermoplastic-photoconductor laser holographic recording system has been used for real-time and in situ observation of alpha-LiIO3 crystal growth. The influence of crystallization-driven convection on the concentration stratification in solution has been studied under gravity field. It is found that the stratification is closely related to the seed orientation of alpha-LiIO3 crystal. When the optical axis of crystal seed C is parallel to the gravity vector g, the velocity of the concentration stratification is two times larger than that in the case of C perpendicular-to g. It needs 40 h for the crystalline system of alpha-LiIO3 to reach stable concentration distribution (expressed as tau) at 47.6-degrees-C. The time tau is not sensitive to the seed orientation. Our results provide valuable data for designing the crystal growth experiments ia space.
383 p. ; P.315-383: "Erauso Kateriñe" antzezlanaren edizioa dago.
[EUS]Enirio-Aralarreko mendietako basoek ez dute XVIII. mendera arte ustiapen gogorrik jasango. Ordura arte Batasunetako biztanleek behar zuten egurra soilik ateratzen zuten, ia ustiapen industrialik gabe. XVIII. mendean, beheko aldeko hariztiak agortu zirenean, Enirio-Aralarreko pagoak hasi ziren ustiatzen ikatza, itsasontziak edo arma-kajoiak egiteko. Aldi berean, ordura arte “tokian tokiko” abeltzaintza izan zena, erdi trashumantzia bihurtu zen: kostaldeko eta inguruko artaldeak Enirio-Aralar mendietan hasi ziren uda ematen. Aipatutako bi faktoreek –basoaren ustiapenak eta kanpoko artaldeen etorrerak–, batik bat XVIII. mendearen bukaeran eta XIX. mendearen hasieran, Enirio-Aralarreko basoaren atzerakada eragin zuten. XIX eta XX. mendeetan zehar deforestazioa areagotu egin zen, bertako mendiei gaur egun ezagutzen dugun itxura eman arte.
Lan honek, azken 25 urtetan zehar Euskal Herriko erakunde nagusienek aurrera eramandako Garapenerako Lankidetza politikak ditu aztergai. Helburu honekin, lana bi multzo nagusitan banatu da. Lehen analisia, aipaturiko politiken diseinuan oinarritzen da; eta bigarren analisiak aldiz, politika horiek aurrera eramandako modua du ikergai. Honetarako, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko zazpi erakunde nagusienetako 300 dokumentutik gora eta hauek finantzaturiko ia 7.000 jarduera aztertu dira.
João de Barros, historiador, renascentista português, nasceu por volta de 1496, provavelmente em Viseu, e morreu em 20 de outubro de 1570, na quinta de S. Lourenço, próximo da Ribeira de Litém. Entrou para o serviço do Rei D. Manuel desde menino, onde teve seus primeiros mestres e escreveu sua primeira obra, um romance de cavalaria, a Chronica do Imperador Clarimundo. Em 1525, foi nomeado tesoureiro e, em 1533, feitor da Casa da Índia, posto que lhe permitiu ter acesso a numerosas e autênticas fontes, tornando-se um dos historiadores mais importantes da expansão portuguesa. Quando o governo de D. João III estabeleceu para o Brasil o regime das capitanias hereditárias, a João de Barros e a dois associados (Aires da Cunha e Fernão de Álvares de Andrade) foi concedido o trato de terra que ia do Rio Grande ao Maranhão. Em 1531, morreu Lourenço de Cáceres, que deveria escrever a história da Índia, e foi esta, então, confiada a João de Barros, seu sobrinho. Em 1552, saía a primeira das Décadas da Ásia. Além dos trabalhos históricos , escreveu o tratado Rópica pneuma (Mercado espiritual); o Diálogo da viciosa vergonha; o Diálogo sobre preceitos morais; uma gramática da língua portuguesa e uma cartilha para aprender a ler. Dedicou-se às línguas e às letras clássicas, à Geografia, à História e à Cosmografia. A obra está assim dividida: da primeira à quarta década, por João de Barros, em oito volumes; um volume contendo a obra de João de Barros, por Manuel Severim de Faria , e o índice das quatro décadas; da quarta à décima segunda década, de Diogo do Couto, em quinze volumes, aí incluído o índice das Décadas de Couto. Contém, ainda, nas obras, retratos de João de Barros, do Infante D. Henrique e de Afonso de Albuquerque e cinco cartas geográficas. Segundo Brunet, as Décadas XI e XII parecem estar abreviadas. Classifica, também, esta como uma bela edição e que substitui com vantagens as anteriores. A primeira edição Da Asia de João de Barros e de Diogo de Couto foi publicada em Lisboa, em 1522, por Germão Galhardo.