807 resultados para Howe quarry


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En minería, la estimación de la curva granulométrica del escombro de voladura es importante para evaluar el diseño, ejecución y optimización de la misma. Para ello, actualmente se usan sistemas digitales de fotografías que obtienen dicha curva a partir de imágenes tomadas por una cámara. En este proyecto se ha analizado la fragmentación de seis voladuras realizadas en el año 2012 en la cantera “El Aljibe” situada en el término municipal de Almonacid de Toledo con un sistema automático en línea (Split Online) y con un software de otra compañía (WipFrag) que permite la edición manual de las imágenes. Han sido analizadas 120 imágenes de seis voladuras, elegidas aleatoriamente. Tras el estudio granulométrico, se observa que las curvas granulométricas obtenidas con ambos sistemas, estadísticamente, no son la misma en la mayor parte de la curva, por tanto, se analiza una posible relación entre los tamaños característicos X50 y X80, llegando a la conclusión de que ninguno de los sistemas es totalmente fiable, y es necesario calibrar los sistemas con datos de fragmentación reales obtenidos por medio de básculas. Abstract In mining, the estimate of the granulometric curve blasting debris is very important to evaluate the design, implementation and optimization of it. Currently, for the obtaining of this curves are used digital system of pictures taken by a camera. In this project, the fragmentation of six rock blasting were analyzed. The rock blastings are executed in 2012 in the quarry “El Aljibe” located in Almonacid de Toledo, with a automatic online system (Split Online) and a manual editing software (WipFrag). 120 randomly selected pictures have been analyzed. After the granulometric study, it appears that the size distribution curves obtained with both systems, statistically, are not the same, then, a possible relationship between the feature sizes X50 and X80 is analyzed, concluding that none of the systems is fully reliable, and systems must be calibrated with real data fragmentation obtained from data scales.


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Este proyecto tiene por objeto el estudio de la viabilidad, tanto económica como técnica, de la apertura y explotación de una cantera de granito para su uso como roca ornamental. Para ello se ha seleccionado una zona de potencial interés en Santa Olalla del Cala (Huelva) debido a los afloramientos y la tonalidad de los mismos. En esta zona se ha realizado un estudio del medio físico y una investigación sobre los tipos de roca existentes en la superficie que comprende el Permiso de Investigación de la compañía minera Canteras Extremeñas S.L. Con todo ello, se han determinado varias áreas de interés en las que se podría realizar el emplazamiento de la cantera. Desde el punto de vista técnico, se ha definido el diseño de la cantera optando por un método de explotación combinando el Método Finlandés con el corte con hilo diamantado, proyectando a su vez una zona de emplazamiento para la futura escombrera temporal, teniendo en cuenta la realización de un estudio de impacto ambiental, plan de restauración, plan de vigilancia ambiental, explosivos y previsión de ejecución de las labores. El estudio realizado de los indicadores económicos nos muestra que el proyecto es rentable, con todo ello se concluye que, tanto técnica como económicamente, la explotación del recurso minero es viable. ABSTRACT This project aims to study the feasibility, both economic and technical, to the opening and operation of a granite quarry for use as an ornamental stone. For this we have selected an area of potential interest in Santa Olalla del Cala (Huelva) due to upwelling and tonality of these. In this area, it has made a study of the physical environment and an investigation into the types of rock on the surface comprising the Research Permit of the mining company Canteras Extremeñas SL. With all this, we have identified several areas of interest in which they could make the location of the quarry. From the technical point of view, we have defined the design of the quarry opting for a mining method combining the Finnish Method with the diamond wire cutting, projecting turn an area of the site for future temporal tip, taking into account the completion of an environmental impact, restoration plan, environmental monitoring plan, explosives and forecasting operations execution. The study of economic indicators shows that the project is profitable, yet it can be concluded that, both technically and economically, exploitation of mineral resources is viable.


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This paper presents the implementation of a robust grasp mapping between a 3-finger haptic device (master) and a robotic hand (slave). Mapping is based on a grasp equivalence defined considering the manipulation capabilities of the master and slave devices. The metrics that translate the human hand gesture to the robotic hand workspace are obtained through an analytical user study. This allows a natural control of the robotic hand. The grasp mapping is accomplished defining 4 control modes that encapsulate all the grasps gestures considered.


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En muchos países el ruido se ha convertido en un gran problema para la salud de la población, no solo en el puesto de trabajo sino también durante la vida cotidiana. Este aumento en la contaminación acústica es producido en gran medida a la industrialización que se ha producido en estos países y a la mayor cercanía entre zonas industriales, zonas de ocio y zonas de descanso. La industria minera es una de las actividades industriales que más pueden contribuir al aumento de la contaminación acústica debido a la naturaleza de las operaciones que se llevan a cabo en las explotaciones. Por ello este documento tiene por objetivo realizar una metodología para la evaluación del ruido ambiental producido por la maquinaria utilizada en las explotaciones a cielo abierto. Además se desarrolla la aplicación de la metodología establecida en un caso práctico determinando el mapa de ruido de una cantera a cielo abierto. Abstract Noise has become a very important problem for human health in many countries, not only in the working place but in daily life as well. This raising in the acoustic pollution is mainly due to the industralization generated in these countries and also to the greater proximity in the industrial, leisure and residential areas. Mining industry is one of the industrial activities that contribute more to the raising of acoustic pollution due to the nature of the works which are taking place in the mining development. That is why the purpose of this project is to develop a methodology to evaluate the enviromental noise produced by the machinery used in surface mining. Also a case study has been developed to apply the methodology described to a surface quarry operation.


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Este proyecto tiene por objeto el estudio de la viabilidad, tanto económica como técnica, de la explotación de una cantera de calizas pertenecientes a la formación geológica Calizas del Páramo. El yacimiento explotado es de tipo superficial, con una profundidad media entre 30 y 35 m. La concesión de explotación se localiza en la subcomarca de la Alcarria de Alcalá, al sureste de la Comunidad de Madrid. La caliza extraída es utilizada para fabricación de cemento, micronizados y pinturas, utilizándose el subproducto como árido en diferentes materiales de la construcción, como fabricación de hormigones, aglomerados asfálticos, sub-base para carreteras, caminos y otros usos similares. Desde el punto de vista técnico, la explotación se realiza a cielo abierto por el método de banqueo descendente en profundidad y restauración progresiva, mediante arranque por perforación y voladura, y posterior carga y transporte de materiales por medios mecánicos. El Proyecto de Explotación plantea la extracción de un volumen total de material del orden de 32,85 Mt. Atendiendo a la cifra de reservas explotables y al ritmo de producción anual previsto, el período de explotación contemplado en este Proyecto es del orden de 30 años desde la situación actual. El estudio realizado de los indicadores económicos nos muestra que el proyecto es rentable, con todo ello, parece concluirse que, tanto técnica como económicamente, la explotación es viable. ABSTRACT This project aims to study the economic and technical feasibility for the operation of a limestone quarry belonging to the geological formation of the Calizas del Páramo. The reservoir exploited is superficial type, with an average depth between 30 and 35 m. The mining concession is located in the subregion of the Alcarria de Alcalá, southeast of Madrid. The extracted limestone is used for manufacturing cement, micronized and paintings, using the product as aggregate in different construction materials, such as manufacture of concrete, asphalt mixes, sub-base for roads, paths and other similar uses. From the technical point of view, the operation will be held openpit by the method of depth descending benching and progressive restoration. The operation begins by drilling and blasting, continuing with loading and transport of materials by mechanical methods. The Exploitation Project raises the extraction of a total volume of material of 32.85 Mt approximately Considering the number of exploitable reserves and expected annual production rate, the operating period referred to in this project is of the order of 30 years from the current situation. The study of economic indicators shows that the project is profitable, yet it can be concluded that, both technically and economically, the exploitation of mineral resources is viable.


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En este trabajo de investigación que se presenta para optar al grado de Doctor, se analizan y estudian los materiales que conforman las viviendas de mampostería de arenisca “Piedra de Ojo” del casco histórico de Maracaibo, Venezuela, construidas en el siglo XIX. No existe una bibliografía descriptiva técnico-constructiva del sistema constructivo, por lo que esta tesis complementa la escasa descripción estilística existente donde apenas se mencionan algunos materiales de construcción. Definido el marco histórico y las manzanas del área en donde se encontraban las viviendas preseleccionadas a estudiar, en la visita de campo se seleccionaron 12 que se encontraban en estado de deterioro, y que permitieron recolectar las muestras más fácilmente. Para realizar la caracterización y comportamientos de los diferentes materiales utilizados: piedra y morteros en los cerramientos, maderas en armaduras de tejados, techos y carpintería de puertas y ventanas, cerámicos en muros y acabados, etc. Para complementar lo antes dicho se ha dividido esta tesis en seis capítulos: En el capítulo I se desarrolla el estado del arte a nivel nacional e internacional de trabajos de investigación, similares. Se aborda la memoria histórica, que es una reseña de la evolución de la vivienda en la ciudad de Maracaibo. En el capítulo II se describe la metodología empleada en la tesis, de acuerdo a los objetivos, tanto generales como específicos de la investigación. Que ha cubierto diferentes frentes: consulta bibliográfica, levantamiento planimétrico, toma de muestras, análisis de visu, caracterización físico-química y correlación de resultados. Se ha desarrollado el trabajo tanto in situ como en laboratorio y despacho. El capítulo III presenta la caracterización de la arenisca “Piedra de Ojo”, se desarrolla: la descripción geológica y caracterización petrológica. Se reseñan los ensayos realizados en laboratorio como: caracterización de visu, caracterización petrográfica, estudio petrográfico por microcopia óptica de trasmisión, estudio petrográfico por microcopia electrónica de barrido, microscopia electrónica de barrido en modo electrones secundarios (SSE) y microscopia electrónica de barrido en modo electrones retrodispersados. También las propiedades escalares de los mampuestos y los siguientes valores: densidades, porosidades y resistencia mecánicas, entre otros. En el capítulo IV se analizan las características de los morteros aplicados en las viviendas, y la patología o lesiones que presentan. Se clasifican en tres tipos: mortero de junta o asiento, de enfoscado y revoco. Se documenta la realización de los ensayos físicos y químicos, resistencia mecánica y de granulometría; se explican sus componentes principales: conglomerante de cal, áridos y aditivos y la tecnología de fabricación, así como las características físicas, hídricas, químicas y granulométricas. El capítulo V, contiene las aplicaciones constructivas de los materiales de albañilería, Se describen otros elementos de la vivienda como; cimentaciones, muros mixtos, molduras, apliques y pinturas y finalmente pavimentos. Y en el capítulo VI se analizan las especies de madera más representativas usadas en las armaduras de las cubiertas, así como los elementos de cubrición. De igual forma se describe la carpintería de puertas y ventanas, así como sus dinteles o cargaderos de madera y se realiza la identificación anatómica, las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de las utilizadas. Entre los resultados y conclusiones se determinó que el 90% de los materiales utilizados en su construcción proceden de zonas cercanas a la construcción de la vivienda, como la formación El Milagro convertida en cantera de piedra y que el resto de los materiales provenían de la Isla de Toas y de la exportación de las islas del Caribe y de Europa como el cemento. El principal aporte de esta investigación es el análisis técnico constructivo y la caracterización física, mecánica y química de los materiales de la vivienda, con el fin de que dicha información sea usada para definir los materiales nuevos a utilizar en las restauraciones de las viviendas y en futuras líneas de investigación. ABSTRACT In this research paper submitted to opt to the degree of Doctor, the materials that make the “Piedra de Ojo” sandstone masonry houses of the historical center of Maracaibo, Venezuela, built in the XIX century, are analyzed and studied. There exists no technical-constructive descriptive literature of the constructive system, so this thesis complements the very limited existing stylistic description, where barely some construction materials are mentioned. With the historical context and the blocks of the area where the preselected houses to be studied being defined, 12 of these houses that were in a state of decay (deterioration) were selected and this condition allowed to collect samples more easily, in order to carry out the characterization and behavior of the different materials used: stone and mortars in the walls, wood trusses in roofs, ceilings and woodwork of doors and windows, walls and ceramic finishes, etc. To complement the foregoing, this thesis has been divided in six chapters: In Chapter I, the state of art at national and international levels of similar research is developed, which is a review of the evolution of housing in the city of Maracaibo. In Chapter II, the methodology used in the thesis is described, according to the research’s objectives, general and specific ones, which have covered several fronts: literature survey, planimetric survey, sampling, visu analysis, physical-chemical characterization and correlation of results. Chapter III presents the characterization of the “Piedra de Ojo” sandstone; geological description and petrologic characterization are developed. Essays performed in the laboratory are reviewed, such as: visu characterization, petrographic characaterization, petrographic study by optical microscopy of transmission, petrographic study by electronic scanning microscopy in secondary electron mode (SSE) and electron microscopy scaning by backscattered electron mode. Also scalar properties of the masonry and the following: density, porosity and mechanical resistance, among others. In Chapter IV, characteristics of the mortars used in the houses are analyzed and pathology or damages are presented. They are classified into three types: grout, cement render and plaster. Physical and chemical testing, mechanical strength and grain size (granulometric) is documented; its main components are explained: lime binder, aggregates and additives and manufacturing technology as well as the physical, water, chemical and granulometric characteristics. Chapter V contains the constructive applications of masonry materials. Other housing elements are described, such as; foundations, mixed walls, moldings, wall paintings and finally floorings (pavements). And in chapter VI the most representative species of wood used in the overhead fixtures and cover elements are analyzed. Likewise, woodwork of doors and windows and their wooden lintels or landings are described; anatomical identification and physical and mechanical properties of the ones used is made. The results and conclusions determined that 90% of the materials used in its construction came from areas near the construction of housing, such as El Milagro formation, converted into stone quarry and other materials came from the Toas Island and from the export of the Caribbean islands and Europe, such as cement. The main contribution of this research is the constructive technical analysis and physical, mechanical and chemical characterization of the materials of the houses, in order that such information is used to define the new materials to be used in the housing restoration and future research lines.


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The thesis investigates if with the free news production, people who post information on collaborative content sites, known as interacting, tend to reproduce information that was scheduled for Tv news. This study is a comparison of the collaborative content vehicles Vc reporter, Vc no G1 and Eu reporter with TV news SBT Brasil, Jornal Nacional, Jornal da Record and Jornal da Band. We sought to determine whether those newscasts guide the collaborative platforms. The hypothesis assumes that Brazilian TV news have been building over time a credible relationship with the viewer, so it is possible to think that the interacting use the same criteria for selecting the broadcasts and reproduce similar information in collaborative content sites. The method used was content analysis, based on the study of Laurence Bardin and the type of research used was quantitative. This research concluded that, within a small portion of the universe surveyed, there are schedules of television news across the collaborative content.


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Cell-cycle progression is mediated by a coordinated interaction between cyclin-dependent kinases and their target proteins including the pRB and E2F/DP-1 complexes. Immunoneutralization and antisense experiments have established that the abundance of cyclin D1, a regulatory subunit of the cyclin-dependent kinases, may be rate-limiting for G1 phase progression of the cell cycle. Simian virus 40 (SV40) small tumor (t) antigen is capable of promoting G1 phase progression and augments substantially the efficiency of SV40 transformation through several distinct domains. In these studies, small t antigen stimulated cyclin D1 promoter activity 7-fold, primarily through an AP-1 binding site at −954 with additional contributions from a CRE site at −57. The cyclin D1 AP-1 and CRE sites were sufficient for activation by small t antigen when linked to an heterologous promoter. Point mutations of small t antigen between residues 97–103 that reduced PP2A binding were partially defective in the induction of the cyclin D1 promoter. These mutations also reduced activation of MEK1 and two distinct members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase family, the ERKs (extracellular signal regulated kinases) and the SAPKs (stress-activated protein kinases), in transfected cells. Dominant negative mutants of either MEK1, ERK or SEK1, reduced small t-dependent induction of the cyclin D1 promoter. SV40 small t induction of the cyclin D1 promoter involves both the ERK and SAPK pathways that together may contribute to the proliferative and transformation enhancing activity of small t antigen.


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Skipping of internal exons during removal of introns from pre-mRNA must be avoided for proper expression of most eukaryotic genes. Despite significant understanding of the mechanics of intron removal, mechanisms that ensure inclusion of internal exons in multi-intron pre-mRNAs remain mysterious. Using a natural two-intron yeast gene, we have identified distinct RNA–RNA complementarities within each intron that prevent exon skipping and ensure inclusion of internal exons. We show that these complementarities are positioned to act as intron identity elements, bringing together only the appropriate 5′ splice sites and branchpoints. Destroying either intron self-complementarity allows exon skipping to occur, and restoring the complementarity using compensatory mutations rescues exon inclusion, indicating that the elements act through formation of RNA secondary structure. Introducing new pairing potential between regions near the 5′ splice site of intron 1 and the branchpoint of intron 2 dramatically enhances exon skipping. Similar elements identified in single intron yeast genes contribute to splicing efficiency. Our results illustrate how intron secondary structure serves to coordinate splice site pairing and enforce exon inclusion. We suggest that similar elements in vertebrate genes could assist in the splicing of very large introns and in the evolution of alternative splicing.


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Recent discovery of crania, dentitions, and postcrania of a primitive anthropoidean primate, Proteopithecus sylviae, at the late Eocene L-4l quarry in the Fayum, Egypt, provides evidence of a new taxonomic family of early African higher primates, the Proteopithecidae. This family could be part of the basal radiation that produced the New World platyrrhine primates, or it could be unrelated to any subsequent lineages. Although no larger than a small callitrichid or a dwarf lemur, this tiny primate already possessed many of the derived features of later anthropoids and was a diurnal and probably dimorphic species. In dental formula and other dental proportions, as well as in known postcranial features, Proteopithecus more nearly resembles platyrrhines than does any other Old World higher primate. The small size of the Proteopithecus cranium demonstrates that the defining cranial characteristics of Anthropoidea did not arise as a consequence of an increase in size during derivation from earlier prosimians.


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SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)/BM 40/osteonectin is a matricellular protein shown to function as a counteradhesive factor that induces cell rounding and as an inhibitor of cell proliferation. These activities have been defined in cell culture, in which interpretation has been complicated by the presence of endogenous SPARC. We therefore sought to determine whether cell shape and proliferation would be affected by the absence of SPARC. Mesangial cells, fibroblasts, and aortic smooth muscle cells were isolated from SPARC-null and age-matched, wild-type mice. In contrast to wild-type cells, SPARC-null mesangial cells exhibited a flat morphology and an altered actin cytoskeleton. In addition, vinculin-containing focal adhesions were distributed over the center of SPARC-null cells, whereas in wild-type cells, the number of focal adhesions was reduced, and these structures were restricted largely to the cell periphery. Although the SPARC-null fibroblasts did not display overt differences in cell morphology, the cells responded to exogenous recombinant SPARC by rounding up in a manner similar to that of wild-type fibroblasts. Thus, the expression of endogenous SPARC is not required for the response of cells to SPARC. Additionally, SPARC-null mesangial cells, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells proliferated faster than their respective wild-type counterparts. Null cells also showed a greater sensitivity to the inhibition of cell cycle progression by the addition of recombinant SPARC. The increased proliferation rate of SPARC-null cells appeared to be mediated, at least in part, by an increase in the cell cycle regulatory protein cyclin A. We conclude that the expression of SPARC influences the cellular architecture of mesangial cells and that SPARC plays a role in the regulation of cell cycle in mesangial cells, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells.


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Proteopithecus sylviae is an archaic anthropoid from the late Eocene quarry L-41, Fayum Province, Egypt. The dentition of Proteopithecus is very primitive and does not closely resemble that of other, better known, primates from the Fayum (e.g., parapithecids and propliopithecids). The dental morphology, much of which is described herein, shows a platyrrhine-like level of organization, suggesting that P. sylviae may occupy a position near the base of the modern anthropoid radiation.


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The activation of plant defensive genes in leaves of tomato plants in response to herbivore damage or mechanical wounding is mediated by a mobile 18-amino acid polypeptide signal called systemin. Systemin is derived from a larger, 200-amino acid precursor called prosystemin, similar to polypeptide hormones and soluble growth factors in animals. Systemin activates a lipid-based signaling cascade, also analogous to signaling systems found in animals. In plants, linolenic acid is released from membranes and is converted to the oxylipins phytodienoic acid and jasmonic acid through the octadecanoid pathway. Plant oxylipins are structural analogs of animal prostaglandins which are derived from arachidonic acid in response to various signals, including polypeptide factors. Constitutive overexpression of the prosystemin gene in transgenic tomato plants resulted in the overproduction of prosystemin and the abnormal release of systemin, conferring a constitutive overproduction of several systemic wound-response proteins (SWRPs). The data indicate that systemin is a master signal for defense against attacking herbivores. The same defensive proteins induced by wounding are synthesized in response to oligosaccharide elicitors that are generated in leaf cells in response to pathogen attacks. Inhibitors of the octadecanoid pathway, and a mutation that interrupts this pathway, block the induction of SWRPs by wounding, systemin, and oligosaccharide elicitors, indicating that the octadecanoid pathway is essential for the activation of defense genes by all of these signals. The tomato mutant line that is functionally deficient in the octadecanoid pathway is highly susceptible to attacks by Manduca sexta larvae. The similarities between the defense signaling pathway in tomato leaves and those of the defense signaling pathways of macrophages and mast cells of animals suggests that both the plant and animal pathways may have evolved from a common ancestral origin.


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Transcription from the middle promoter, Pm, of phage Mu is initiated by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase holoenzyme (E sigma 70; RNAP) and the phage-encoded activator, Mor. Point mutations in the spacer region between the -10 hexamer and the Mor binding site result in changes of promoter activity in vivo. These mutations are located at the junction between a rigid T-tract and adjacent, potentially deformable G + C-rich DNA segment, suggesting that deformation of the spacer region may play a role in the transcriptional activation of Pm. This prediction was tested by using dimethyl sulfate and potassium permanganate footprinting analyses. Helical distortion involving strand separation was detected at positions -32 to -34, close to the predicted interface between Mor and RNAP. Promoter mutants in which this distortion was not detected exhibited a lack of melting in the -12 to -1 region and reduced promoter activity in vivo. We propose that complexes containing the distortion represent stressed intermediates rather than stable open complexes and thus can be envisaged as a transition state in the kinetic pathway of Pm activation in which stored torsional energy could be used to facilitate melting around the transcription start point.