716 resultados para Hilbert, Transformacions de


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The nonequilibrium phase transitions occurring in a fast-ionic-conductor model and in a reaction-diffusion Ising model are studied by Monte Carlo finite-size scaling to reveal nonclassical critical behavior; our results are compared with those in related models.


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The heat exchanged at the low-temperature first-order magnetostructural transition is directly measured in Gd5Ge4 . Results show that the origin and the temperature dependence of the heat exchanged varies with the reversible/irreversible character of the first-order transition. In the reversible regime, the heat exchanged by the sample is mostly due to the latent heat at the transition and decreases with decreasing temperature, while in the irreversible regime, the heat is irreversibly dissipated and increases strongly with decreasing temperature, reaching a value of 237 J/kg at 4 K.


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Material didàctic del grup d'investigació Observatori sobre la Didàctica de les Arts (ODAS)


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Die relativistische Multikonfigurations Dirac-Fock (MCDF) Methode ist gegenwärtig eines der am häufigsten benutzten Verfahren zur Berechnung der elektronischen Struktur und der Eigenschaften freier Atome. In diesem Verfahren werden die Wellenfunktionen ausgewählter atomarer Zustände als eine Linearkombination von sogenannten Konfigurationszuständen (CSF - Configuration State Functions) konstruiert, die in einem Teilraum des N-Elektronen Hilbert-Raumes eine (Vielteilchen-)Basis aufspannen. Die konkrete Konstruktion dieser Basis entscheidet letzlich über die Güte der Wellenfunktionen, die üblicherweise mit Hilfe einer Variation des Erwartungswertes zum no-pair Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonoperators gewonnen werden. Mit Hilfe von MCDF Wellenfunktionen können die dominanten relativistischen und Korrelationseffekte in freien Atomen allgemein recht gut erfaßt und verstanden werden. Außer der instantanen Coulombabstoßung zwischen allen Elektronenpaaren werden dabei auch die relativistischen Korrekturen zur Elektron-Elektron Wechselwirkung, d.h. die magnetischen und Retardierungsbeiträge in der Wechselwirkung der Elektronen untereinander, die Ankopplung der Elektronen an das Strahlungsfeld sowie der Einfluß eines ausgedehnten Kernmodells erfaßt. Im Vergleich mit früheren MCDF Rechnungen werden in den in dieser Arbeit diskutierten Fallstudien Wellenfunktionsentwicklungen verwendet, die um 1-2 Größenordnungen aufwendiger sind und daher systematische Untersuchungen inzwischen auch an Atomen mit offenen d- und f-Schalen erlauben. Eine spontane Emission oder Absorption von Photonen kann bei freien Atomen theoretisch am einfachsten mit Hilfe von Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten erfaßt werden. Solche Daten werden heute in vielen Forschungsbereichen benötigt, wobei neben den traditionellen Gebieten der Fusionsforschung und Astrophysik zunehmend auch neue Forschungsrichtungen (z.B. Nanostrukturforschung und Röntgenlithographie) zunehmend ins Blickfeld rücken. Um die Zuverlässigkeit unserer theoretischen Vorhersagen zu erhöhen, wurde in dieser Arbeit insbesondere die Relaxation der gebundenen Elektronendichte, die rechentechnisch einen deutlich größeren Aufwand erfordert, detailliert untersucht. Eine Berücksichtigung dieser Relaxationseffekte führt oftmals auch zu einer deutlich besseren Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen Werten, insbesondere für dn=1 Übergänge sowie für schwache und Interkombinationslinien, die innerhalb einer Hauptschale (dn=0) vorkommen. Unsere in den vergangenen Jahren verbesserten Rechnungen zu den Wellenfunktionen und Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten zeigen deutlich den Fortschritt bei der Behandlung komplexer Atome. Gleichzeitig kann dieses neue Herangehen künftig aber auch auf (i) kompliziertere Schalensstrukturen, (ii) die Untersuchung von Zwei-Elektronen-ein-Photon (TEOP) Übergängen sowie (iii) auf eine Reihe weiterer atomarer Eigenschaften übertragen werden, die bekanntermaßen empflindlich von der Relaxation der Elektronendichte abhängen. Dies sind bspw. Augerzerfälle, die atomare Photoionisation oder auch strahlende und dielektronische Rekombinationsprozesse, die theoretisch bisher nur selten überhaupt in der Dirac-Fock Näherung betrachtet wurden.


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We show that optimizing a quantum gate for an open quantum system requires the time evolution of only three states irrespective of the dimension of Hilbert space. This represents a significant reduction in computational resources compared to the complete basis of Liouville space that is commonly believed necessary for this task. The reduction is based on two observations: the target is not a general dynamical map but a unitary operation; and the time evolution of two properly chosen states is sufficient to distinguish any two unitaries. We illustrate gate optimization employing a reduced set of states for a controlled phasegate with trapped atoms as qubit carriers and a iSWAP gate with superconducting qubits.


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We are currently at the cusp of a revolution in quantum technology that relies not just on the passive use of quantum effects, but on their active control. At the forefront of this revolution is the implementation of a quantum computer. Encoding information in quantum states as “qubits” allows to use entanglement and quantum superposition to perform calculations that are infeasible on classical computers. The fundamental challenge in the realization of quantum computers is to avoid decoherence – the loss of quantum properties – due to unwanted interaction with the environment. This thesis addresses the problem of implementing entangling two-qubit quantum gates that are robust with respect to both decoherence and classical noise. It covers three aspects: the use of efficient numerical tools for the simulation and optimal control of open and closed quantum systems, the role of advanced optimization functionals in facilitating robustness, and the application of these techniques to two of the leading implementations of quantum computation, trapped atoms and superconducting circuits. After a review of the theoretical and numerical foundations, the central part of the thesis starts with the idea of using ensemble optimization to achieve robustness with respect to both classical fluctuations in the system parameters, and decoherence. For the example of a controlled phasegate implemented with trapped Rydberg atoms, this approach is demonstrated to yield a gate that is at least one order of magnitude more robust than the best known analytic scheme. Moreover this robustness is maintained even for gate durations significantly shorter than those obtained in the analytic scheme. Superconducting circuits are a particularly promising architecture for the implementation of a quantum computer. Their flexibility is demonstrated by performing optimizations for both diagonal and non-diagonal quantum gates. In order to achieve robustness with respect to decoherence, it is essential to implement quantum gates in the shortest possible amount of time. This may be facilitated by using an optimization functional that targets an arbitrary perfect entangler, based on a geometric theory of two-qubit gates. For the example of superconducting qubits, it is shown that this approach leads to significantly shorter gate durations, higher fidelities, and faster convergence than the optimization towards specific two-qubit gates. Performing optimization in Liouville space in order to properly take into account decoherence poses significant numerical challenges, as the dimension scales quadratically compared to Hilbert space. However, it can be shown that for a unitary target, the optimization only requires propagation of at most three states, instead of a full basis of Liouville space. Both for the example of trapped Rydberg atoms, and for superconducting qubits, the successful optimization of quantum gates is demonstrated, at a significantly reduced numerical cost than was previously thought possible. Together, the results of this thesis point towards a comprehensive framework for the optimization of robust quantum gates, paving the way for the future realization of quantum computers.


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In the first part of this paper we show a similarity between the principle of Structural Risk Minimization Principle (SRM) (Vapnik, 1982) and the idea of Sparse Approximation, as defined in (Chen, Donoho and Saunders, 1995) and Olshausen and Field (1996). Then we focus on two specific (approximate) implementations of SRM and Sparse Approximation, which have been used to solve the problem of function approximation. For SRM we consider the Support Vector Machine technique proposed by V. Vapnik and his team at AT&T Bell Labs, and for Sparse Approximation we consider a modification of the Basis Pursuit De-Noising algorithm proposed by Chen, Donoho and Saunders (1995). We show that, under certain conditions, these two techniques are equivalent: they give the same solution and they require the solution of the same quadratic programming problem.


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The Aitchison vector space structure for the simplex is generalized to a Hilbert space structure A2(P) for distributions and likelihoods on arbitrary spaces. Central notations of statistics, such as Information or Likelihood, can be identified in the algebraical structure of A2(P) and their corresponding notions in compositional data analysis, such as Aitchison distance or centered log ratio transform. In this way very elaborated aspects of mathematical statistics can be understood easily in the light of a simple vector space structure and of compositional data analysis. E.g. combination of statistical information such as Bayesian updating, combination of likelihood and robust M-estimation functions are simple additions/ perturbations in A2(Pprior). Weighting observations corresponds to a weighted addition of the corresponding evidence. Likelihood based statistics for general exponential families turns out to have a particularly easy interpretation in terms of A2(P). Regular exponential families form finite dimensional linear subspaces of A2(P) and they correspond to finite dimensional subspaces formed by their posterior in the dual information space A2(Pprior). The Aitchison norm can identified with mean Fisher information. The closing constant itself is identified with a generalization of the cummulant function and shown to be Kullback Leiblers directed information. Fisher information is the local geometry of the manifold induced by the A2(P) derivative of the Kullback Leibler information and the space A2(P) can therefore be seen as the tangential geometry of statistical inference at the distribution P. The discussion of A2(P) valued random variables, such as estimation functions or likelihoods, give a further interpretation of Fisher information as the expected squared norm of evidence and a scale free understanding of unbiased reasoning


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The preceding two editions of CoDaWork included talks on the possible consideration of densities as infinite compositions: Egozcue and D´ıaz-Barrero (2003) extended the Euclidean structure of the simplex to a Hilbert space structure of the set of densities within a bounded interval, and van den Boogaart (2005) generalized this to the set of densities bounded by an arbitrary reference density. From the many variations of the Hilbert structures available, we work with three cases. For bounded variables, a basis derived from Legendre polynomials is used. For variables with a lower bound, we standardize them with respect to an exponential distribution and express their densities as coordinates in a basis derived from Laguerre polynomials. Finally, for unbounded variables, a normal distribution is used as reference, and coordinates are obtained with respect to a Hermite-polynomials-based basis. To get the coordinates, several approaches can be considered. A numerical accuracy problem occurs if one estimates the coordinates directly by using discretized scalar products. Thus we propose to use a weighted linear regression approach, where all k- order polynomials are used as predictand variables and weights are proportional to the reference density. Finally, for the case of 2-order Hermite polinomials (normal reference) and 1-order Laguerre polinomials (exponential), one can also derive the coordinates from their relationships to the classical mean and variance. Apart of these theoretical issues, this contribution focuses on the application of this theory to two main problems in sedimentary geology: the comparison of several grain size distributions, and the comparison among different rocks of the empirical distribution of a property measured on a batch of individual grains from the same rock or sediment, like their composition


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Peccata Mundi arrenca de la iniciativa del director de R+D+I de l'empresa Mas Parés, Jaume Juher, i l’artista plàstic Jaume Xifra, que l’any 2004 van decidir sumar a l’amistat que els uneix un objectiu: convergir en un sol projecte els reptes professionals que es plantejaven individualment des de cadascuna de les seves disciplines: l’art i la investigació gastronòmica. Posteriorment, a l'any 2005, s'incorporen al projecte els experts que constitueixen actualment el nucli central de treball: Josep Bel, expert en anàlisi sensorial i aplicació d'aromes; David Juher, matemàtic i professor de la UdG; Xavier de Palau, músic electrònic; Clara Perxachs, investigadora de la cultura del menjar; i Toni Botella, cuiner. A l'experiència gastronòmico-artística Peccata Mundi el participant tasta un seguit de plats i vins i valora les seves percepcions contestant un qüestionari. Les dades d'aquest qüestionari s'utilitzen, a través d'unes transformacions regides per criteris neurològics, matemàtics, antropològics, etc., per produir unes dades numèriques que seran l'entrada a una aplicació que les farà servir per generar un vídeo amb música d'una durada aproximadament de 2 minuts. Aquest vídeo, que consta d'imatges fractals en moviment i d'una música de fons, generada també utilitzant funcions de comportament caòtic, és el retrat audiovisual de l'experiència sensorial del participant. El projecte consisteix a implementar tota la logística informàtica de l’experiència sensorial Peccata Mundi: dissenyar les aplicacions d'entrada de dades, tractament de la base de dades, processament de les dades del qüestionari, generació del vídeo i la música i producció de l'arxiu audiovisual que finalment el participant s'emporta gravat en suport DVD


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Joan Majó va ser nomenat director general d’Universitats l’abril del 2007. Des del seu nomenament ha procurat eixamplar el diàleg per fer avançar les transformacions que el sistema universitari requereix. Majó avança que el 2009 no serà un any d’alegries


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Ressenya del llibre La gent de Palafrugell de la col·lecció Quaderns de Palafrugell, que analitza els trets principals de l'evolució de la població palafrugellenca i la seva relació amb les transformacions econòmiques i laborals


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Comunicació on es pretenen presentar alguns dels resultats més significatius de la investigació amb referència a l’evolució de les cobertes del sòl a l’Alt Empordà entre 1957-2001, i parant especial atenció a les transformacions identificades en el paratge de closes


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Des de temps reculats, la cançó ha estat una forma d’entreteniment cultural i una manera d’expressar els sentiments de la col·lectivitat que l’ha produït i preservat oralment de generació en generació. En aquest sentit, la música vocal ha contribuït a la salvaguarda de la llengua. Però en el context d’una societat globalitzadora, industrialitzada i tecnificada com la nostra, les manifestacions tradicionals, arrelades a la cultura de cada poble, van sofrint grans transformacions, amb el perill que acabin diluint-se fins a desaparèixer. A banda d’iniciatives internacionals com la de la Convenció per a la Salvaguarda del Patrimoni Cultural Immaterial (PCI), n’hi ha d’altres a nivell nacional que també intenten preservar el legat del seu poble i que el mantenen viu; algunes són impulsades pels mateixos governs o òrgans institucionals, i d’altres corresponen a iniciatives associacionistes o privades. Semblantment, arreu de Catalunya trobem entitats que es preocupen i vetllen pel nostre patrimoni cultural (ni que sigui de manera anecdòtica, desvinculada de la pràctica normalitzada). És en aquest context on es situa el Cançoner virtual i interactiu PRODIEMUS: base de dades de cançons tradicionals catalanes (disponible a www.prodiemus.com). El web Prodiemus (acrònim de Propostes, Reflexions i Didàctica Interdisciplinària per Educar a través de la Música) és un entorn multidisciplinari que pretén ser un espai per a la difusió de la música tradicional catalana. S’articula a través del Cançoner virtual i interactiu Prodiemus com a recurs didàctic tant per a l’àrea de música com per altres àrees curriculars, i de la revista electrònica també anomenada Prodiemus


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Resumen tomado del artículo