916 resultados para High spectral resolution detectors


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O objetivo deste é analisar a relação entre raios e precipitação, sobre diferentes tipos de superfície terrestre e através de estudos de caso de tempestades severas, durante o período de dezembro de 2006 à dezembro de 2008. Os estudos foram feitos dentro de uma área definida pelas coordenadas geográficas 0° a 6° S e 50° a 47° W, abrangendo partes dos estados do Pará, Maranhão e extremo norte de Tocantins.Essa região de estudo foi escolhida por estar localizada em uma área central em relação à localização dos sensores da rede de detecção de raios do Sistema de Proteção Amazônia (RDR-SIPAM) e que contém a maior parte das linhas de transmissão de energia elétrica da região. Os dados de chuva foram coletados por 46 pluviômetros digitais das estações meteorológicas do INMET e HIDROWEB- ANA. Nas análises dos dias de tempestades severas, também foram utilizados dados de pluviômetro de alta resolução temporal operado pela CPRM em Belém. Para classificação dos tipos de superfície e em particular da cobertura vegetal, foram utilizadas as informações de banco de dados sobre Recursos Naturais do IBGE. Para um melhor detalhamento sobre a relação entre raios, precipitação e tipos de superfície, a área de estudo foi dividida em três sub-áreas que possuem características fisiográficas distintas. A Área 1 inclui a Ilha do Marajó e a grande massa d'água da foz do Rio Amazonas e oceano Atlântico próximo. A Área 2 possui 60% de cobertura por floresta. A Área 3 tem 62% de cobertura por áreas agrícolas e/ou pastagens. Os sistemas meteorológicos de larga escala produtores de chuva e raios foram analisados tanto para as 3 áreas consideradas, como nos casos de tempestades severas em torno de Belém. Nessas tempestades foi observado, em quase todos os casos, que os raios antecedem as chuvas. Em geral ficou evidenciada a influencia sazonal na densidade de ocorrência de raios sobre os diferentes tipos de superfície. Todavia, esse trabalho também mostrou que as condições meteorológicas determinam mais amplamente as magnitudes dessa variável. Isso pode ser observado com bastante clareza nos estudos de casos de tempestades severas, onde a ZCIT e as LI`s são fatores determinantes da precipitação e conseqüentemente dos raios ocorridos em Belém.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The metropolitan region of São Paulo is the most populous of the country, this happens because of its great importance in the national economy and the job opportunities that are offered to the population. These factors result in intense population growth and urban expansion, reaching some non-habitable places of the metropolis, as areas of pipelines, which are very important for the transportation of natural gas, oil and its derivatives. Before the population growth of the region, these sites were unoccupied, do not presenting problems for the population. However, with the disorderly occupation is generated great anthropogenic pressure on the pipeline stitches, causing risks to people who are around them. Therefore it is extremely important to monitor the strip of pipelines through products and techniques of remote sensing and geoprocessing, enabling, through high spatial resolution images, identification of objects or phenomena that occur on Earth's surface that can alter the functioning and safety of pipelines. Therefore, this study aims to monitor a stretch of the area of the pipeline mesh GASPAL/OSVAT and Capuava Refinery (RECAP), located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of São Paulo in the city of Mauá, who suffer great human pressure, proving thus the techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) as effective tools for monitoring phenomena occurred in urban areas of great complexity. The monitoring was done by object-based classification applied in orbital images Ikonos II and RapidEye, of high spatial resolution and, image processing, detection of objects, segmentation, classification and editing were developed through the eCognition and ArcGis softwares. To determine the statistical accuracy of the mapping of the land cover of the stretch of pipeline in Maua, the results were analyzed by error matrix... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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Monitorar a condição de uso de toda a extensão das rodovias brasileiras é tarefa dispendiosa e demorada. Este trabalho trata de novas técnicas que permitem o levantamento da condição da superfície dos pavimentos rodoviários de forma ágil utilizando imagens hiperespectrais de sensor digital aeroembarcado. Nos últimos anos, um número crescente de imagens de alta resolução espacial tem surgido no mercado mundial com o aparecimento dos novos satélites e sensores aeroembarcados de sensoriamento remoto. Propõe-se uma metodologia para identificação dos pavimentos asfálticos e classificação das principais ocorrências dos defeitos na superfície do pavimento. A primeira etapa da metodologia é a identificação da superfície asfáltica na imagem, utilizando uma classificação híbrida baseada inicialmente em pixel e depois refinada por objetos. A segunda etapa da metodologia é a identificação e classificação das ocorrências dos principais defeitos nos pavimentos flexíveis que são observáveis nas imagens de alta resolução espacial. Esta última etapa faz uso intensivo das novas técnicas de classificação de imagens baseadas em objetos. O resultado final é a geração de índices da condição da superfície do pavimento a partir das imagens que possam ser comparados com os indicadores vigentes da condição da superfície do pavimento já normatizados pelos órgãos competentes no país.


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The aim of this study was to characterize and compare the spectral behavior of different soil classes obtained by orbital and terrestrial sensors. For this, an area of 184 ha in Rafard (SP) Brazil was staked on a regular grid of 100x100 m and soil samples were collected and georeferenced. After that, soil spectral curves were obtained with IRIS sensor and the sample points were overlaid at Landsat and ASTER images for spectral data collection. The soil samples were classified and mean soil curves for all sensors were generated by soil classes. The soil classes were differentiated by texture, organic matter and total iron for all sensors studied, the orbital sensors despite the lower spectral resolution, maintained the characteristics of the soil and the curves of reflectance intensity.


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Through-wall imaging (TWI) may provide vital information on interior environment in cases when physically entering such environment would pose danger to the person involved. The concept of ultra wideband radar (UWB radar) is an emerging technology, which offers high spatial resolution, as opposed to narrow band radars. Thus, TWI applications using UWB radar have become a growing field of research with several applications in the civil and defense areas such as rescue and surveillance. For this study, a prototype system of UWB radar to TWI has been built. Analyses and result to several kinds of experiments have been presented, that is, detection and visualization of metallic targets behind wooden board wall and concrete blocks wall. The results are encouraging and show the advantages of using UWB radar for TWI. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett, 54:339-344, 2012; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.26543


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We analyzed the effectiveness of linear short- and long-term variability time domain parameters, an index of sympatho-vagal balance (SDNN/RMSSD) and entropy in differentiating fetal heart rate patterns (fHRPs) on the fetal heart rate (fHR) series of 5, 3 and 2 min duration reconstructed from 46 fetal magnetocardiograms. Gestational age (GA) varied from 21 to 38 weeks. FHRPs were classified based on the fHR standard deviation. In sleep states, we observed that vagal influence increased with GA, and entropy significantly increased (decreased) with GA (SDNN/RMSSD), demonstrating that a prevalence of vagal activity with autonomous nervous system maturation may be associated with increased sleep state complexity. In active wakefulness, we observed a significant negative (positive) correlation of short-term (long-term) variability parameters with SDNN/RMSSD. ANOVA statistics demonstrated that long-term irregularity and standard deviation of normal-to-normal beat intervals (SDNN) best differentiated among fHRPs. Our results confirm that short-and long-term variability parameters are useful to differentiate between quiet and active states, and that entropy improves the characterization of sleep states. All measures differentiated fHRPs more effectively on very short HR series, as a result of the fMCG high temporal resolution and of the intrinsic timescales of the events that originate the different fHRPs.


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The association between anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensor and AC biosusceptometry (ACB) to evaluate gastrointestinal motility is presented. The AMR-ACB system was successfully characterized in a bench-top study, and in vivo results were compared with those obtained by means of simultaneous manometry. Both AMR-ACB and manometry techniques presented high temporal cross correlation between the two periodicals signals (R = 0.9 +/- 0.1; P < 0.05). The contraction frequencies using AMR-ACB were 73.9 +/- 7.6 mHz and using manometry were 73.8 +/- 7.9 mHz during the baseline (r = 98, p < 0.05). The amplitude of contraction using AMR-ACB was 396 +/- 108 mu T.s and using manometry were 540 +/- 198 mmHg.s during the baseline. The amplitudes of signals for AMR-ACB and manometric recordings were similarly increased to 86.4% and 89.3% by neostigmine, and also decreased to 27.2% and 21.4% by hyoscine butylbromide in all animals, respectively. The AMR-ACB array is nonexpensive, portable, and has high-spatiotemporal resolution to provide helpful information about gastrointestinal tract.


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The barred spiral galaxy M83 (NGC5236) has been observed in the 12CO J=1–0 and J=2–1 millimetre lines with the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST). The sizes of the CO maps are 100×100, and they cover the entire optical disk. The CO emission is strongly peaked toward the nucleus. The molecular spiral arms are clearly resolved and can be traced for about 360º. The total molecular gas mass is comparable to the total Hi mass, but H2 dominates in the optical disk. Iso-velocity maps show the signature of an inclined, rotating disk, but also the effects of streaming motions along the spiral arms. The dynamical mass is determined and compared to the gas mass. The pattern speed is determined from the residual velocity pattern, and the locations of various resonances are discussed. The molecular gas velocity dispersion is determined, and a trend of decreasing dispersion with increasing galactocentric radius is found. A total gas (H2+Hi+He) mass surface density map is presented, and compared to the critical density for star formation of an isothermal gaseous disk. The star formation rate (SFR) in the disk is estimated using data from various star formation tracers. The different SFR estimates agree well when corrections for extinctions, based on the total gas mass map, are made. The radial SFR distribution shows features that can be associated with kinematic resonances. We also find an increased star formation efficiency in the spiral arms. Different Schmidt laws are fitted to the data. The star formation properties of the nuclear region, based on high angular resolution HST data, are also discussed.