991 resultados para Hay.
Two in sacco experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact on the nutritive value of rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana cv. Callide) of treatment with alkalis or oxidants. In Experiment 1, three alkalis (Ca(OH)(2), NaOH, CaO) and two oxidants (NaOCl and H2O2) were applied at levels of 0, 20, 40, 60 or 80 g/kg of dry matter (DM). NaOH, Ca(OH)(2) and CaO had negative linear effects (P < 0.05) on the neutral detergent fibre (NDF) content and positive linear effects (P < 0.05) on the 48 h in sacco disappearances of DM, organic matter (OM), NDF and acid detergent fibre (ADF). NaOCl reduced (P < 0.05) NDF content but had no effect (P > 0.05) on the in sacco disappearances. H2O2 had no effect (P > 0.05) on the composition or digestibility of rhodes grass hay. In Experiment 2, effects of urea (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 g urea/kg DM) and water (250, 500 and 750 g/kg DM) treatment of rhodes grass hay were examined in a 5 x 3 factorial experiment. Significant interactions between water and urea (P < 0.05) occurred for concentrations of crude protein (CP) and NDF, and 48 h in sacco disappearances of DM, OM (OMD) and NDE The combinations of water (g/kg DM) and urea (g/kg DM) that resulted in the highest concentrations of CP (281 g/kg DM) and OMD (747 g/kg DM) were 250 + 80 and 500 + 80, respectively. NaOH, Ca(OH)(2), CaO and urea significantly alter the NDF content and digestibility of rhodes grass hay, and urea also increases its CP content. Overall, NaOH was the most efficacious, followed by Ca(OH)(2), CaO, urea, NaOCl and H2O2. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Background. The formation and measurement of self-concept were the foci of this research. Aims. The study aimed to investigate the influence of achievement on academic self-concept and to compare the Perception of Ability Scale for Students (PASS, Boersma & Chapman, 1992) with the Self-Description Questionnaire-1 (SDQ-1, Marsh, 1988). Sample. The participants were 479 grade 5 (mean age 126.6 months) coeducational Australian students, located in 18 schools. Method. An intra-class research design was used to investigate the influence of frame-of-reference on self-concept development. Results. As students' academic scores rose above their class mean their self-concepts increased and as students' academic scores fell below their class mean their self-concepts decreased. Students' difference from class mean predicted their self-concept scores. This finding was consistently shown across the reading, spelling, and mathematics domains using test and teaching rating data. A comparison between the PASS and the SDQ-1 demonstrated concurrent validity across self-concept domains. Conclusion. The findings support the notions that the social environment is a significant agent that influences self-concept, and that teacher ratings and standardised tests of achievement and the PASS and the SDQ-1 are valid measures for self-concept research.
Previous genetic analyses of psychosis proneness have been limited by their small sample size. For the purposes of large-scale screening, a 12-item questionnaire was developed through a two-stage process of reduction from the full Chapman and Chapman scales. 3685 individuals (including 1438 complete twin pairs) aged 18–25 years and enrolled in the volunteer Australian Twin Registry returned a mail questionnaire which included this psychosis proneness scale and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Despite the brevity of the questionnaire, item and factor analysis identified four unambiguous and essentially uncorrelated scales. There were (1) Perceptual Aberration – Magical Ideation; (2) Hypomania – Impulsivity/Nonconformity; (3) Social Anhedonia and (4) Physical Anhedonia. Model-fitting analyses showed additive genetic and specific environmental factors were sufficient for three of the four scales, with the Social Anhedonia scale requiring also a parameter for genetic dominance. There was no evidence for the previously hypothesised sex differences in the genetic determination of psychosis-proneness. The potential value of multivariate genetic analysis to examine the relationship between these four scales and dimensions of personality is discussed. The growing body of longitudinal evidence on psychosis-proneness suggests the value of incorporating this brief measure into developmental twin studies.
GH is being used by elite athletes to enhance sporting performance. To examine the hypothesis that exogenous 22-kDa recombinant human GH (rhGH) administration could be detected through suppression of non-22-kDa isoforms of GH, we studied seventeen aerobically trained males (age, 26.9 +/- 1.5 yr) randomized to rhGH or placebo treatment (0.15 IU/kg/day for 1 week). Subjects were studied at rest and in response to exercise (cycle-ergometry at 65% of maximal work capacity for 20 min). Serum was assayed for total GH (Pharmacia IRMA and pituitary GH), 22-kDa GH (2 different 2-site monoclonal immunoassays), non-22-kDa GH (22-kDa GH-exclusion assay), 20-kDa GH, and immunofunctional GH. In the study, 3 h after the last dose of rhGH, total and 22-kDa GH concentrations were elevated, reflecting exogenous 22-kDa GH. Non-22-kDa and 20-kDa GH levels were suppressed. Regression of non-22-kDa or 20-kDa GH against total or 22-kDa GH produced clear separation of treatment groups. In identical exercise studies repeated between 24 and 96 h after cessation of treatment, the magnitude of the responses of all GH isoforms was suppressed (P < 0.01), but the relative proportions were similar to those before treatment. We conclude: 1) supraphysiological doses of rhGH in trained adult males suppressed exercise-stimulated endogenous circulating isoforms of GH for up to 4 days; 2) the dearest separation of treatment groups required the simultaneous presence of high exogenous 22-kDa GH and suppressed 20-kDa or non-22-kDa GH concentrations; and 3) these methods may prove useful in detecting rhGH abuse in athletes.
Circulating GH consists of multiple molecular isoforms, all derived from the one gene in nonpregnant humans. To assess the effect of a potent stimulus to pituitary secretion on GH isoforms, we studied 17 aerobically trained males (age, 26.9 +/- 1.5 yr) in a randomized, repeat measures study of rest vs. exercise. Exercise consisted of continuous cycle ergometry at approximately 80% of predetermined maximal oxygen uptake for 20 min. Serum was assayed for total, pituitary, 22-kDa, recombinant, non-22-kDa, 20-kDa, and immunofunctional GH. All isoforms increased during, peaked at the end, and declined after exercise. At peak exercise, 22-kDa GH was the predominant isoform. After exercise, the ratios of non-22 kDa/total GH and 20-kDa GH/total GH increased and those of recombinant/pituitary GH decreased. The disappearance half-times for pituitary GH and 20-kDa GH were significantly longer than those for all other isoforms. We conclude that 1) all molecular isoforms of GH measured increased with and peaked at the end of acute exercise, with 22-kBa GH constituting the major isoform in serum during exercise; and 2) the proportion of non-22-kDa isoforms increased after exercise due in part to slower disappearance rates of 20-kDa and perhaps other non-22-kDa GH isoforms. It remains to be determined whether the various biological actions of different GH isoforms impact on postexercise homeostasis.
How to deal with a rising China constitutes one of the most seminal challenges facing the ANZUS alliance since its inception a half a century ago. Australia must reconcile its geography and economic interests in Asia with its post-war strategic and historic cultural orientation towards the United States. It must succeed in this policy task without alienating either Beijing or Washington in the process. The extent to which this is achieved will shape Australia's national security posture for decades to come. Three specific components of the 'Sino-American-Australian' triangle are assessed here: the future of Taiwan, the American development of a National Missile Defence (NMD), and the interplay between Sino-American power balancing and multilateral security politics. The policy stakes for Australia and for the continued viability of ANZUS are high in all three policy areas as a new US Administration takes office in early 2001. The article concludes that Australia's best interest is served by applying deliberate modes of decisionmaking in its own relations with both China and the US and by facilitating consistent and systematic dialogue and consultations with both of those great powers on key strategic issues.
It has been suggested that twinning may influence handedness through the effects of birth order, intra-uterine crowding and mirror imaging. The influence of these effects on handedness (for writing and throwing) was examined in 3657 Monozygotic (MZ) and 3762 Dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs (born 1893-1992). Maximum likelihood analyses revealed no effects of birth order on the incidence of left-handedness. Twins were no more likely to be left-handed than their singleton siblings (n = 1757), and there were no differences between the DZ co-twin and sibling-twin covariances, suggesting that neither intra-uterine crowding nor the experience of being a twin affects handedness. There was no evidence of mirror imaging; the co-twin correlations of monochorionic and dichorionic MZ twins did not differ. Univariate genetic analyses revealed common environmental factors to be the most parsimonious explanation of familial aggregation for the writing-hand measure, while additive genetic influences provided a better interpretation of the throwing hand data.
La Escuela Nacional de Administraci??n P??blica - ENAP es una fundaci??n p??blica vinculada al Ministerio de Planificaci??n, Presupuesto y Gesti??n. Fundada en 1986, tiene como misi??n principal "desarrollar las competencias de funcionarios p??blicos, con el prop??sito de mejorar la capacidad gubernamental de administrar pol??ticas p??blicas". Para cumplir con su misi??n ofrece un amplio programa de ense??anza y educaci??n continua a los gestores de pol??ticas p??blicas, adem??s del E-Learning (cursos online) y cursos personlizados de acuerdo con los objetivos institucionales y gubernamentales. Los cursos de la ENAP son planeados de acuerdo con las demandas estrat??gicas gubernamentales de inclusi??n social, reducci??n de la pobreza, y desarrollo econ??mico para fortalecer el liderazgo de la democracia sudamericana. El alcance y la diversidad de sus programas reflejan los desaf??os de los grandes cambios en el mercado y ambiente de trabajo, lo que es enfrentado por los actuales 550.000 funcionarios p??blicos y m??s de 7.000.000 funcionarios p??blicos estatales y municipales que hay en Brasil, de acuerdo con el ??ltimo conteo en 2006.