934 resultados para Harlem Heights, Battle of, N.Y., 1776.
The losses within the substrate of an RF IC can have significant effect on performance in a mixed signal application. in order to model substrate coupling accurately, it is represented by an RC network to account for both resistive and dielectric losses at high frequency (> 1 GHz). A small-signal equivalent circuit model of an RF IC inclusive of substrate parasitic effect is analysed in terms of its y-parameters and an extraction procedure for substrate parameters has been developed. By coupling the extracted substrate parameters along with extrinsic resistances associated with gate, source and drain, a standard BSIM3 model has been extended for RF applications. The new model exhibits a significant improvement in prediction of output reflection coefficient S-22 in the frequency range from 1 to 10 GHz in device mode of operation and for a low noise amplifier (LNA) at 2.4 GHz. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
El concepto del Yo en el pensamiento de José Ortega y Gasset aparece en repetidas ocasiones a lo largo de su obra, abordado desde diferentes perspectivas y entreverado con reflexiones intelectuales de todo tipo: psicológicas, sociológicas, artísticas, históricas, etc. Sin embargo, el enfoque de este escrito se acota a la importante relación epistemológica entre su raciovitalismo y su visión sobre la intimidad personal, centro y origen del desarrollo del Yo humano. Gracias a la riqueza de esta puede el Yo desarrollar su vocación personal hacia la autenticidad a la que está llamado, salvando de esta manera la incertidumbre, el drama y el destino al que se enfrenta a la hora de vivir la propia circunstancia.
The paper presents a new method to extract the chemical transformation rate from reaction–diffusion data with no assumption on the kinetic model (“kinetic model-free procedure”). It is a new non-steady-state kinetic characterization procedure for heterogeneous catalysts. The mathematical foundation of the Y-procedure is a Laplace-domain analysis of the two inert zones in a TZTR followed by transposition to the Fourier domain. When combined with time discretization and filtering the Y-procedure leads to an efficient practical method for reconstructing the concentration and reaction rate in the active zone. Using the Y-procedure the concentration and reaction rate of a non-steady state catalytic process can be determined without any pre-assumption regarding the type of kinetic dependence. The Y-procedure is the basis for advanced software for non-steady state kinetic data interpretation. The Y-procedure can be used to relate changes in the catalytic reaction rate and kinetic parameters to changes in the surface composition (storage) of a catalyst.
Using an antiserum raised to the C-terminal region of neuropeptide Y (NPY) which does not cross-react with pancreatic polypeptide (PP), immunoreactivity has been detected in two different endocrine tumours of the human pancreas in concentrations permitting isolation and structural analysis. In a clinically-typical gastrinoma, resected from the head of pancreas, the concentration of NPY immunoreactivity was 3.4 nmol/g. Reverse phase HPLC analysis of extracts of this tumour resolved a single immunoreactive peptide coeluting with synthetic human NPY. The molecular mass of the isolated peptide, determined by mass spectroscopy, was 4270 Da, which was in close agreement with that derived from the deduced primary structure of human tumour NPY (4271.7 Da), obtained by gas-phase sequencing. A somatostatinoma, resected from the region of the ampulla of Vater, contained 3.8 nmol/g of NPY immunoreactivity and isolation of this immunoreactive peptide followed by structural analyses, indicated a molecular structure consistent with NPY 3-36. These data suggest that NPY immunoreactivity detected in human pancreatic endocrine tumours is molecularly heterogenous, a finding which may be of relevance in the symptomatology of such tumours as attenuation of the N-terminus of this peptide generates receptor selectivity.
The O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is required for virulence in Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:8. Here we evaluated the importance of controlling the O-antigen biosynthesis using an in vivo rabbit model of infection. Y. enterocolitica O:8 wild-type strain was compared to three mutants differing in the O-antigen phenotype: (i) the rough strain completely devoid of the O-antigen, (ii) the wzy strain that lacks the O-antigen polymerase (Wzy protein) and expresses LPS with only one repeat unit, and (iii) the wzz strain that lacks the O-antigen chain length determinant (Wzz protein) and expresses LPS without modal distribution of O-antigen chain lengths. The most attenuated strain was the wzz mutant. The wzz bacteria were cleared from the tissues by day 30, the blood parameters were least dramatic and histologically only immunomorphological findings were seen. The level of attenuation of the rough and the wzy strain bacteria was between the wild-type and the wzz strain. Wild-type bacteria were highly resistant to killing by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, the wzz strain bacteria were most sensitive and the rough and wzy strain bacteria were intermediate resistant. These results clearly demonstrated that the presence of O-antigen on the bacterial surface is not alone sufficient for full virulence, but also there is a requirement for its controlled chain length.
In the United Kingdom (UK) the centenary commemoration of the First World War has been driven by a combination of central government direction (and funding) with a multitude of local and community initiatives, with a particular focus on 4 August 2014; 1 July 2016 (the beginning of the Battle of the Somme) and 11 November 2018. ‘National’ ceremonies on these dates have been and will be supplemented with projects commemorating micro-stories and government-funded opportunities for schoolchildren to visit Great War battlefields, the latter clearly aimed to reinforce a contemporary sense of civic and national obligation and service. This article explores the problematic nature of this approach, together with the issues raised by the multi-national nature of the UK state itself.
The year 1916 witnessed two events that would profoundly shape both
politics and commemoration in Ireland over the course of the following
century. Although the Easter Rising and the Battle of the Somme were
important historical events in their own right, their significance also lay
in how they came to be understood as iconic moments in the emergence
of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Adopting an interdisciplinary
approach drawing on history, politics, anthropology and cultural
studies, this volume explores how the memory of these two foundational
events has been constructed, mythologised and revised over the course
of the past century. The aim is not merely to understand how the Rising
and Somme came to exert a central place in how the past is viewed in
Ireland, but to explore wider questions about the relationship between
history, commemoration and memory.
In einem Artikel der Zeitschrift Die Zeit wird die Generation Y, die Generation deren Angehörige derzeit zum Großteil ihre akademische Ausbildung beenden und sich dem Arbeitsmarkt zuwenden, auch als Generation Pippi, angelehnt an Astrid Lindgrens Kinderbuchheldin Pippi Langstrumpf, bezeichnet (Bund et al., 2013: 1). Individualität, eine ausgeprägte Abneigung gegenüber Autoritätspersonen, der Wunsch nach Spaß und Abwechslung sowie das Bestreben, sich selbst zu verwirklichen, charakterisieren Pippi Langstrumpf (Bund et al., 2013: 1). Diese Charakterbeschreibungen werden z. T. auf die Generation Y übertragen und stellen Unternehmen vor eine Herausforderung: Um Arbeitnehmer der Generation Y affektiv zu binden, so dass sich in diese getätigte und noch zu tätigenden Investitionen rentieren, müssen neue Strategien entwickelt werden. Innerhalb dieser Bachelorarbeit konnten erste Erkenntnisse dahingehend gewonnen werden, dass u. a. Work-Life-Balance Maßnahmen, (gesundheitsorientierte) Führung, ein positives Arbeitsklima und Mitbestimmung als Auslöser affektiven organisationalen Commitments der Generation Y fungieren können. Bei der nachfolgend dargestellten Arbeit handelt es sich um eine überarbeitete Version der gleichnamigen Bachelorarbeit, die von Prof. Dr. Sven Litzcke sowie von Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Wichelhaus betreut wurde.
Vertreter der Generation Y, Personen, die in den 1980er Jahren geboren wurden, drängen verstärkt in den Arbeitsmarkt. Ihre Wert- und Erwartungshaltung ist deshalb von großem Interesse für Unternehmen, die mit Themen wie dem Fachkräftemangel und demografischen Wandel konfrontiert sind und die Leistungsträger langfristig binden müssen. Ziel dieser Hausarbeit ist herauszufinden, wie ausgeprägt die emotionale Bindung der Generation Y in Unternehmen allgemein ist und unter welcher Voraussetzung affektives Commitment bei der Generation Y entsteht. Ein weiteres Ziel ist die Erarbeitung von Handlungsempfehlungen bezüglich des Personalmanagements von Generation Y in Unternehmen. Generation Y hat hohe Erwartungen an Arbeitsinhalt, Selbstverwirklichungsmöglichkeiten, Aus- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen, Unternehmenswerte und -ethik, Sinnhaftigkeit der Tätigkeit und Teamarbeit. Vertreter dieser Generation wünschen sich Wertschätzung, eine gute Beziehung zum Vorgesetzten, viele Partizipationsmöglichkeiten, regelmäßiges Feedback und Flexibilität. Weiterhin sind Work-Life-Balance, Karriereoptionen, Einkommen, digitale Vernetzung und Arbeitsplatzsicherheit wichtige Themen für diese Generation. Affektives Commitment entsteht durch Erfüllung von Erwartungen. Generation Y ist nur bedingt affektiv gebunden, tendiert zu häufigen Unternehmenswechseln und ist durch eine schwache Loyalität gekennzeichnet. Dies liegt hauptsächlich daran, dass die Erwartungen dieser Generation nicht erfüllt werden. Es wird empfohlen HR-Maßnahmen zu implementieren, die auf Erfüllung der Erwartungen von Generation Y abzielen.
A copy of a letter sent to a Mr. [C. Morgan] Arnold from the St. Catharines Garrison Club offering condolences on the death of his son, Major Henry M. Arnold, at the battle of Paardeberg, South Africa.
Phospholipids in water form lamellar phases made up of alternating layers of water and bimolecular lipid leaflets. Three complementary methods, osmotic, mechanical, and vapour pressures, were used to measure the work of removing water from lamellar phases composed of frozen dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ( DPPC ), melted DPPC, egg phosphatidylethanolamine or equimolar mixtures of DPPC and cholesterol ( DPPC/CHOL ), Concurrently the structural changes that resulted from this water removal were measured using X-ray diffraction. The work was divided into that which forces the bilayers together ( F ) and that which compresses the molecules together within the bilayers ( F )# A large repulsive force exists between bilayers composed of each of the lipids studied and this force increases exponentially as bilayer separation is decreased. F is affected by the nature of the head groups, conformation of the acyl chains and heterogeneity of these chains. In general all of the melted phosphatidylcholines ( melted DPPC, egg lecithin and DPPC/CHOL ) have large equilibrium separations in excess water resulting from large repulsive hydration forces between these bilayers. By comparison, egg PE has an increased attractive force, and frozen DPPC has a decreased hydration force; each results in smaller separations in water for these two lipids. The chemical potentials of the water between the bilayers for all these lipids lie on a continuum, indicating that interbilayer water cannot be characterized by two discrete states, usually referred to as "bound" or "non**bound". For all lipids studied a maximum of 25 % of the total work done on the system goes into deforming the bilayers. The method used here viii to separate repulsion from deformation, developed for us by v. A. Parsegian, provides a unique method for the measurement of lateral pressure of a bilayer and its modulus of deformability ( Y ). Lateral pressure is affected by the nature of the head group, conformation and heterogeneity of the acyl chains. For small changes in molecular surface area ( A ) near equilibrium, both melted and frozen DPPC have similar values for the deformability modulus. Thus in this regime it requires about the same force to change the angle of tilt of frozen chains as it does to compress the fluid bilayer. The introduction of cholesterol into bilayers of DPPC reduces dramatically the lateral pressure of the bilayers over a large range of molecular surface areas ( A ). The variation in the magnitude of bilayer repulsion with different phospholipids provides a basis for the mechanism of lipid segregation in mixed lipid systems and suggests that interacting heterogeneous membranes may influence or modulate the composition of the opposing membrane. The measurements of deformabilities of bilayers provides a direct comparison of them with the properties of monolayers.
Newspaper reporting on contemporary events of the wars in North America and Europe including the Battle of Queenston Heights and the death of Isaac Brock. News items include: Page 1: Sheaffe announcement regulating the sale of alcohol in Niagara; Myers announcement asking citizens for the return of American muskets recovered from the battle at Queenston; local notices on business claims and education; want ads for wood, straw, flour and pork for military use; announcement by the Prince Regent in Council putting an embargo on American ships. Page 2: release of American prisoners captured at Queenston; results of a battle by Riga, Latvia the French army under MacDonald against Russia; address of Emperor Alexander I of Russia to troops on declaring war on France; news of the British Navy; mediation between Spain and South American colonies; the security of Canadian properties in wartime; American ships leaving Britain with licenses. Page 3: American ships leaving Britain with licenses; Russian General Platoff’s (Platov) victory over Polish Uhlans; Battle of Salamanca with Lord Wellington. Page 4: report on the Battle of Queenston Heights and the death of Isaac Brock.
February 13, 1815. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
Published by the Committee of Arrangement of Washington County, Maryland.
On leaf preceding the t.p.: Battles of Chippawa and Lundy's Lane, by Charles Anderson, guide to the battle ground.