981 resultados para H Antigen


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The Plesiomonas shigelloides 302-73 strain (serotype O1) wb gene cluster encodes 15 proteins which are consistent with the chemical structure of the O1-antigen lypopolysaccharide (LPS) previously described for this strain. The P. shigelloides O1-antigen LPS export uses the Wzy-dependent pathway as correspond to heteropolysaccharides structures. By the isolation of two mutants lacking this O1-antigen LPS, we could establish that the presence of the O1-antigen LPS is crucial for to survive in serum mainly to become resistant to complement. Also, it is an important factor in the bacterial adhesion and invasion to some eukaryotic cells, and in the ability to form biofilms. This is the first report on the genetics from a P. shigelloides O-antigen LPS cluster (wb) not shared by Shigella like P. shigelloides O17, the only one reported until now.


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An important aspect of immune monitoring for vaccine development, clinical trials, and research is the detection, measurement, and comparison of antigen-specific T-cells from subject samples under different conditions. Antigen-specific T-cells compose a very small fraction of total T-cells. Developments in cytometry technology over the past five years have enabled the measurement of single-cells in a multivariate and high-throughput manner. This growth in both dimensionality and quantity of data continues to pose a challenge for effective identification and visualization of rare cell subsets, such as antigen-specific T-cells. Dimension reduction and feature extraction play pivotal role in both identifying and visualizing cell populations of interest in large, multi-dimensional cytometry datasets. However, the automated identification and visualization of rare, high-dimensional cell subsets remains challenging. Here we demonstrate how a systematic and integrated approach combining targeted feature extraction with dimension reduction can be used to identify and visualize biological differences in rare, antigen-specific cell populations. By using OpenCyto to perform semi-automated gating and features extraction of flow cytometry data, followed by dimensionality reduction with t-SNE we are able to identify polyfunctional subpopulations of antigen-specific T-cells and visualize treatment-specific differences between them.


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BACKGROUND: Fever is a frequent cause of medical consultation among returning travelers. The objectives of this study were to assess whether physicians were able to identify patients with influenza and whether the use of an influenza rapid diagnostic test (iRDT) modified the clinical management of such patients. METHODS: Randomized controlled trial conducted at 2 different Swiss hospitals between December 2008 and November 2012. Inclusion criteria were 1) age ≥18 years, 2) documented fever of ≥38 °C or anamnestic fever + cough or sore throat within the last 4 days, 3) illness occurring within 14 days after returning from a trip abroad, 4) no definitive alternative diagnosis. Physicians were asked to estimate the likelihood of influenza on clinical grounds, and a single nasopharyngeal swab was taken. Thereafter patients were randomized into 2 groups: i) patients with iRDT (BD Directigen A + B) performed on the nasopharyngeal swab, ii) patients receiving usual care. A quantitative PCR to detect influenza was done on all nasopharyngeal swabs after the recruitment period. Clinical management was evaluated on the basis of cost of medical care, number of X-rays requested and prescription of anti-infective drugs. RESULTS: 100 eligible patients were referred to the investigators. 93 patients had a naso-pharyngeal swab for a PCR and 28 (30%) swabs were positive for influenza. The median probability of influenza estimated by the physician was 70% for the PCR positive cases and 30% for the PCR negative cases (p < 0.001). The sensitivity of the iRDT was only 20%, and specificity 100%. Mean medical cost for the patients managed with iRDT and without iRDT were USD 581 (95%CI 454-707) and USD 661 (95%CI 522-800) respectively. 14/60 (23%) of the patients managed with iRDT were prescribed antibiotics versus 13/33 (39%) in the control group (p = 0.15). No patient received antiviral treatment. CONCLUSION: Influenza was a frequent cause of fever among these febrile returning travelers. Based on their clinical assessment, physicians had a higher level of suspicion for influenza in PCR positive cases. The iRDT used in this study showed a disappointingly low sensitivity and can therefore not be recommended for the management of these patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00821626.


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BACKGROUND: Transmission of mucosal pathogens relies on their ability to bind to the surfaces of epithelial cells, to cross this thin barrier, and to gain access to target cells and tissues, leading to systemic infection. This implies that pathogen-specific immunity at mucosal sites is critical for the control of infectious agents using these routes to enter the body. Although mucosal delivery would ensure the best onset of protective immunity, most of the candidate vaccines are administered through the parenteral route. OBJECTIVE: The present study evaluates the feasibility of delivering the chemically bound p24gag (referred to as p24 in the text) HIV antigen through secretory IgA (SIgA) in nasal mucosae in mice. RESULTS: We show that SIgA interacts specifically with mucosal microfold cells present in the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue. p24-SIgA complexes are quickly taken up in the nasal cavity and selectively engulfed by mucosal dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing nonintegrin-positive dendritic cells. Nasal immunization with p24-SIgA elicits both a strong humoral and cellular immune response against p24 at the systemic and mucosal levels. This ensures effective protection against intranasal challenge with recombinant vaccinia virus encoding p24. CONCLUSION: This study represents the first example that underscores the remarkable potential of SIgA to serve as a carrier for a protein antigen in a mucosal vaccine approach targeting the nasal environment.


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It is well established that cytotoxic T lymphocytes play a pivotal role in the protection against intracellular pathogens and tumour cells. Such protective immune responses rely on the specific T cell receptor (TCR)-mediated recognition by CD8 T cells of small antigenic peptides presented in the context of class-I Major Histocompatibility Complex molecules (pMHCs) on the surface of infected or malignant cells. The strength (affinity/avidity) of this interaction is a major correlate of protection. Although tumour-reactive CD8 T cells can be observed in cancer patients, anti-tumour immune responses are often ineffective in controlling or eradicating the disease due to the relative low TCR affinity of these cells. To overcome this limitation, tumour-specific CD8 T cells can be genetically modified to express TCRs of improved binding strength against a defined tumour antigen before adoptive cell transfer into cancer patients. We previously generated a panel of TCRs specific for the cancer-testis antigen NY-ESO-l,57.165 with progressively increased affinities for the pMHC complex, thus providing us with a unique tool to investigate the causal link between the surface expression of such TCRs and T cell activation and function. We recently demonstrated that anti-tumour CD8 T cell reactivity could only be improved within physiological affinity limits, beyond which drastic functional declines were observed, suggesting the presence of multiple regulatory mechanisms limiting T cell activation and function in a TCR affinity-dependent manner. The overarching goal of this thesis was (i) to assess the precise impact of TCR affinity on T cell activation and signalling at the molecular level and (ii) to gain further insights on the mechanisms that regulate and delimitate maximal/optimized CD8 T cell activation and signalling. Specifically, by combining several technical approaches we characterized the activation status of proximal (i.e. CD3Ç, Lek, and ZAP-70) and distal (i.e. ERK1/2) signalling molecules along the TCR affinity gradient. Moreover, we assessed the extent of TCR downmodulation, a critical step for initial T cell activation. CD8 T cells engineered with the optimal TCR affinity variants showed increased activation levels of both proximal and distal signalling molecules when compared to the wild-type T cells. Our analyses also highlighted the "paradoxical" status of tumour-reactive CD8 T cells bearing very high TCR affinities, which retained strong proximal signalling capacity and TCR downmodulation, but were unable to propagate signalling distally (i.e. pERKl/2), resulting in impaired cell-mediated functions. Importantly, these very high affinity T cells displayed maximal levels of SHP-1 and SHP-2 phosphatases, two negative regulatory molecules, and this correlated with a partial pERKl/2 signalling recovery upon pharmacological SHP-l/SHP-2 inhibition. These findings revealed the putative presence of inhibitory regulators of the TCR signalling cascade acting very rapidly following tumour-specific stimulation. Moreover, the very high affinity T cells were only able to transiently express enhanced proximal signalling molecules, suggesting the presence of an additional level of regulation that operates through the activation of negative feedback loops over time, limiting the duration of the TCR-mediated signalling. Overall, the determination of TCR-pMHC binding parameters eliciting optimal CD8 T cell activation, signalling, and effector function while guaranteeing high antigen specificity, together with the identification of critical regulatory mechanisms acting proximally in the TCR signalling cascade, will directly contribute to optimize and support the development of future TCR-based adoptive T cell strategies for the treatment of malignant diseases. -- Les lymphocytes T CD8 cytotoxiques jouent un rôle prédominant dans la protection contre les pathogènes intracellulaires et les cellules tumorales. Ces réponses immunitaires dépendent de la spécificité avec laquelle les récepteurs T (TCR) des lymphocytes CD8 reconnaissent les peptides antigéniques présentés par les molécules du complexe Majeur de Histocompatibilité de classe I (pCMH) à la surface des cellules infectées ou malignes. La force (ou affinité/avidité) de l'interaction du TCR-pCMH est un corrélat majeur de protection. Les réponses immunitaires sont cependant souvent inefficaces et ne permettent pas de contrôler ou d'éliminer les cellules tumorales chez les patients atteint du cancer, et ce à cause de la relative faible reconnaissance des TCRs exprimés par les lymphocytes T CD8 envers les antigènes tumoraux. Afin de surmonter cette limitation, les cellules T anti-tumorales peuvent être génétiquement modifiées en les dotant de TCRs préalablement optimisés afin d'augmenter leur reconnaissance ou affinité contre les antigènes tumoraux, avant leur ré¬infusion dans le patient. Nous avons récemment généré des cellules T CD8 exprimant un panel de TCRs spécifiques pour l'antigène tumoral NY-ESO-l157.16J avec des affinités croissantes, permettant ainsi d'investiguer la causalité directe entre l'affinité du TCR-pCMH et la fonction des cellules T CD8. Nous avons démontré que la réactivité anti-tumorale pouvait être améliorée en augmentant l'affinité du TCR dans une intervalle physiologique, mais au delà duquel nous observons un important déclin fonctionnel. Ces résultats suggèrent la présence de mécanismes de régulation limitant l'activation des cellules T de manière dépendante de l'affinité du TCR. Le but de cette thèse a été (i) de définir l'impact précis de l'affinité du TCR sur l'activation et la signalisation des cellules T CD8 au niveau moléculaire et (ii) d'acquérir de nouvelles connaissances sur les mécanismes qui régulent et délimitent l'activation et la signalisation maximale des cellules T CD8 optimisées. Spécifiquement, en combinant plusieurs approches technologiques, nous avons caractérisé l'état d'activation de différentes protéines de la voie de signalisation proximale (CD3Ç, Lek et ZAP-70) et distale (ERK1/2) le long du gradient d'affinité du TCR, ainsi que l'internalisation du TCR, une étape clef dans l'activation initiale des cellules T. Les lymphocytes T CD8 exprimant des TCRs d'affinité optimale ont montré des niveaux d'activation augmentés des molécules proximales et distales par rapport aux cellules de type sauvage (wild-type). Nos analyses ont également mis en évidence un paradoxe chez les cellules T CD8 équipées avec des TCRs de très haute affinité. En effet, ces cellules anti-tumorales sont capables d'activer leurs circuits biochimiques au niveau proximal et d'internaliser efficacement leur TCR, mais ne parviennent pas à propager les signaux biochimiques dépendants du TCR jusqu'au niveau distal (via phospho-ERKl/2), avec pour conséquence une limitation de leur capacité fonctionnelle. Finalement, nous avons démontré que SHP-1 et SHP-2, deux phosphatases avec des propriétés régulatrices négatives, étaient majoritairement exprimées dans les cellules T CD8 de très hautes affinités. Une récupération partielle des niveaux d'activation de ERK1/2 a pu être observée après l'inhibition pharmacologique de ces phosphatases. Ces découvertes révèlent la présence de régulateurs moléculaires qui inhibent le complexe de signalisation du TCR très rapidement après la stimulation anti-tumorale. De plus, les cellules T de très hautes affinités ne sont capables d'activer les molécules de la cascade de signalisation proximale que de manière transitoire, suggérant ainsi un second niveau de régulation via l'activation de mécanismes de rétroaction prenant place progressivement au cours du temps et limitant la durée de la signalisation dépendante du TCR. En résumé, la détermination des paramètres impliqués dans l'interaction du TCR-pCMH permettant l'activation de voies de signalisation et des fonctions effectrices optimales ainsi que l'identification des mécanismes de régulation au niveau proximal de la cascade de signalisation du TCR contribuent directement à l'optimisation et au développement de stratégies anti-tumorales basées sur l'ingénierie des TCRs pour le traitement des maladies malignes.


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We previously reported that A. hydrophila GalU mutants were still able to produce UDP-glucose introduced as a glucose residue in their lipopolysaccharide core. In this study, we found the unique origin of this UDP-glucose from a branched α-glucan surface polysaccharide. This glucan, surface attached through the O-antigen ligase (WaaL), is common to the mesophilic Aeromonas strains tested. The Aeromonas glucan is produced by the action of the glycogen synthase (GlgA) and the UDP-Glc pyrophosphorylase (GlgC), the latter wrongly indicated as an ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase in the Aeromonas genomes available. The Aeromonas glycogen synthase is able to react with UDP or ADP-glucose, which is not the case of E. coli glycogen synthase only reacting with ADP-glucose. The Aeromonas surface glucan has a role enhancing biofilm formation. Finally, for the first time to our knowledge, a clear preference on behalf of bacterial survival and pathogenesis is observed when choosing to produce one or other surface saccharide molecules to produce (lipopolysaccharide core or glucan).


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T cells are the key players in the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D), mediating autoimmune reactions leading to the destruction of insulin producing beta cells in the islets. We aimed to analyze the role of different T-cell subtypes in the autoimmunity and pathogenesis of T1D. The frequency of islet antigen-specific (GAD65-, proinsulin-, and insulin-specific) CD4+ T cells was investigated in vitro in T1D patients, at-risk individuals (diabetes-associated autoantibody positive), and in controls, using MHC class II tetramers. An overall higher frequency of CD4+ T-cells recognizing the GAD65 555−567 peptide was detected in at-risk individuals. In addition, increased CD4+ T-cell responses to the same GAD65 epitope displaying a memory phenotype were observed in at-risk and diabetic children, which demonstrate a previous encounter with the antigen in vivo. Avidity and phenotypic differences were also observed among CD4+ T-cell clones induced by distinct doses of GAD65 autoantigen. T-cell clones generated at the lowest peptide dose displayed the highest avidity and expressed more frequently the TCR Vβ5.1 chain than low-avidity T cells. These findings raise attention to the antigen dose when investigating the diversity of antigen-specific T cells. Furthermore, an increased regulatory response during the preclinical phase of T1D was also found in genetically at-risk children. Higher frequencies of regulatory T (Treg) cells (CD4+CD25high HLA-DR-/CD69-) and natural killer T (NKT) cells (CD161+Vbeta11+) were observed in children with multiple autoantibodies compared to autoantibody-negative controls. Taken together, these data showed increased frequency of islet-specific CD4+ T-cells, especially to the GAD65 555-567 epitope, and Treg and NKT cell upregulation in children at-risk for T1D, suggesting their importance in T1D pathogenesis


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Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a marker that is commonly used in estimating prostate cancer risk. Prostate cancer is usually a slowly progressing disease, which might not cause any symptoms whatsoever. Nevertheless, some cases of cancer are aggressive and need to be treated before they become life-threatening. However, the blood PSA concentration may rise also in benign prostate diseases and using a single total PSA (tPSA) measurement to guide the decision on further examinations leads to many unnecessary biopsies, over-detection, and overtreatment of indolent cancers which would not require treatment. Therefore, there is a need for markers that would better separate cancer from benign disorders, and would also predict cancer aggressiveness. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether intact and nicked forms of free PSA (fPSA-I and fPSA-N) or human kallikrein-related peptidase 2 (hK2) could serve as new tools in estimating prostate cancer risk. First, the immunoassays for fPSA-I and free and total hK2 were optimized so that they would be less prone to assay interference caused by interfering factors present in some blood samples. The optimized assays were shown to work well and were used to study the marker concentrations in the clinical sample panels. The marker levels were measured from preoperative blood samples of prostate cancer patients scheduled for radical prostatectomy. The association of the markers with the cancer stage and grade was studied. It was found that among all tested markers and their combinations especially the ratio of fPSA-N to tPSA and ratio of free PSA (fPSA) to tPSA were associated with both cancer stage and grade. They might be useful in predicting the cancer aggressiveness, but further follow-up studies are necessary to fully evaluate the significance of the markers in this clinical setting. The markers tPSA, fPSA, fPSA-I and hK2 were combined in a statistical model which was previously shown to be able to reduce unnecessary biopsies when applied to large screening cohorts of men with elevated tPSA. The discriminative accuracy of this model was compared to models based on established clinical predictors in reference to biopsy outcome. The kallikrein model and the calculated fPSA-N concentrations (fPSA minus fPSA-I) correlated with the prostate volume and the model, when compared to the clinical models, predicted prostate cancer in biopsy equally well. Hence, the measurement of kallikreins in a blood sample could be used to replace the volume measurement which is time-consuming, needs instrumentation and skilled personnel and is an uncomfortable procedure. Overall, the model could simplify the estimation of prostate cancer risk. Finally, as the fPSA-N seems to be an interesting new marker, a direct immunoassay for measuring fPSA-N concentrations was developed. The analytical performance was acceptable, but the rather complicated assay protocol needs to be improved until it can be used for measuring large sample panels.


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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is a worldwide infection and is considered a significant pathogen. The diagnosis of FIV infections is mainly based on commercially available rapid tests that are highly expensive in Brazil, hence it is rarely performed in the country. Furthermore, lentiviruses grow slowly and poorly in tissue cultures, making the production of viral antigen by classic means and thus the establishment of FIV immunodiagnosis impracticable. In order to deal with this, recombinant DNA techniques were adopted to produce the protein p24, a viral capsid antigen. The protein's reactivity evaluation analyzed by Western blot indicated that this recombinant antigen can be a useful tool for the immunodiagnostic of FIV infections.


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Babesiosis is one of the most important diseases affecting livestock agriculture worldwide. Animals from the subspecies Bos taurus indicus are more resistant to babesiosis than those from Bos taurus taurus. The genera Babesia and Plasmodium are Apicomplexa hemoparasites and share features such as invasion of red blood cells (RBC). The glycoprotein Duffy is the only human erythrocyte receptor for Pasmodium vivax and a mutation which abolishes expression of this glycoprotein on erythrocyte surfaces is responsible for making the majority of people originating from the indigenous populations of West Africa resistant to P. vivax. The current work detected and quantified the Duffy antigen on Bos taurus indicus and Bos taurus taurus erythrocyte surfaces using a polyclonal antibody in order to investigate if differences in susceptibility to Babesia are due to different levels of Duffy antigen expression on the RBCs of these animals, as is known to be the case in human beings for interactions of Plasmodium vivax-Duffy antigen. ELISA tests showed that the antibody that was raised against Duffy antigens detected the presence of Duffy antigen in both subspecies and that the amount of this antigen on those erythrocyte membranes was similar. These results indicate that the greater resistance of B. taurus indicus to babesiosis cannot be explained by the absence or lower expression of Duffy antigen on RBC surfaces.


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Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is the etiologic agent of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), a chronic disease that affects goats and sheep, characterized by granuloma formation in subcutaneous and internal lymph nodes. CLA causes significant economic losses to commercial goat herds. In this study, we aimed to test secreted antigens secreted from T1 strain bacteria grown in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth in an indirect ELISA system to determine the presence of specific immunoglobulins against C. pseudotuberculosis. We analyzed the BHI antigen electrophoretic profile and the recognition pattern by infected sheep sera samples. The ELISA results were compared with multiplex PCR assay and IFN-gamma production. The ELISA was able to discriminate between negative and positive animals, with a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 99%, using microbiological isolation as gold standard. When this assay was compared with multiplex PCR and specific IFN-gamma quantification, six discrepant results were found among thirty-two samples. We concluded that the ELISA using antigens secreted from C. pseudotuberculosis T1 strain growth in BHI broth culture can be used for the serodiagnosis of CLA in sheep.


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Previous reports from our group have demonstrated the association of molecular mimicry between cardiac myosin and the immunodominant Trypanosoma cruzi protein B13 with chronic Chagas' disease cardiomyopathy at both the antibody and heart-infiltrating T cell level. At the peripheral blood level, we observed no difference in primary proliferative responses to T. cruzi B13 protein between chronic Chagas' cardiopathy patients, asymptomatic chagasics and normal individuals. In the present study, we investigated whether T cells sensitized by T. cruzi B13 protein respond to cardiac myosin. T cell clones generated from a B13-stimulated T cell line obtained from peripheral blood of a B13-responsive normal donor were tested for proliferation against B13 protein and human cardiac myosin. The results showed that one clone responded to B13 protein alone and the clone FA46, displaying the highest stimulation index to B13 protein (SI = 25.7), also recognized cardiac myosin. These data show that B13 and cardiac myosin share epitopes at the T cell level and that sensitization of a T cell with B13 protein results in response to cardiac myosin. It can be hypothesized that this also occurs in vivo during T. cruzi infection which results in heart tissue damage in chronic Chagas' disease cardiomyopathy


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Interest in oral tolerance has been renewed in the last few years as a possibility of intervention in human autoimmune diseases. An obstacle in this direction is that, although easily induced in animals virgin of contact with the antigen, oral tolerance becomes hard to induce in previously immunized animals. The present results show that there is an early period after primary immunization in which prolonged oral exposure to the antigen may arrest ongoing immune responses. Beyond this period, oral exposures to the antigen become ineffective and may actually boost immune responses. The end of the susceptible period coincides with the emergence of free specific antibodies in serum. However, the previous administration of purified anti-ovalbumin antibodies (40 µg) was unable to block the induction of oral tolerance to ovalbumin in normal mice


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Reactive arthritis (ReA) is an inflammatory joint disease, which belongs to the group of Spondyloarthritis (SpA). It may occur after infections with certain gram-negative bacteria such as Salmonella and Yersinia. SpAs are strongly associated with the human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-B27. Despite active research, the mechanism by which HLA-B27 causes disease susceptibility is still unknown. However, HLA-B27 has a tendency to misfold during assembly. It is possible that the misfolding of HLA-B27 could alter signaling pathways and/or molecules involved in inflammatory response in cells. We have earlier discovered that in HLA-B27-positive cells the interaction between the host and causative bacteria is disturbed. Our recent studies indicate that the expression of HLA-B27 may alter certain signaling molecules by disturbing their activation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the expression of HLA-B27 disturbs the signaling molecules, especially the phosphorylation of transcription factor STAT1. STAT1 is an important mediator of inflammatory responses. Our results show that the phosphorylation of the STAT1 is significantly altered in HLA-B27-expressing U937 monocytic cells compared with control cells. STAT1 tyrosine 701 is more strongly phosphorylated in HLAB27- expressing cells; whereas the phosphorylation of STAT1 serine 727 is prolonged. Phosphorylation of STAT1 was discovered to be dependent on protein kinase PKR. Furthermore, we found out that the expression of posttranscriptional gene regulator HuR was altered in HLA-B27-expressing cells. We also detected that HLA-B27-positive cells secrete more interleukin 6, which is an important mediator of inflammation. These results help to understand how HLA-B27 may confer susceptibility to SpAs.