975 resultados para Genome evolution


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Background Several lines of evidence suggests that transcription factors are involved in the pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) but a complete mapping the whole network has been elusive. One of the reasons is that there are several clinical subtypes of MS and transcription factors which may be involved in one subtype may not be in others. We investigated the possibility that this network could be mapped using microarray technologies and modern bioinformatics methods on a dataset from whole blood in 99 untreated MS patients (36 Relapse Remitting MS, 43 Primary Progressive MS, and 20 Secondary Progressive MS) and 45 age-matched healthy controls, Methodology/Principal Findings We have used two different analytical methodologies: a differential expression analysis and a differential co-expression analysis, which have converged on a significant number of regulatory motifs that seem to be statistically overrepresented in genes which are either differentially expressed (or differentially co-expressed) in cases and controls (e.g. V$KROX_Q6, p-value < 3.31E-6; V$CREBP1_Q2, p-value < 9.93E-6, V$YY1_02, p-value < 1.65E-5). Conclusions/significance: Our analysis uncovered a network of transcription factors that potentially dysregulate several genes in MS or one or more of its disease subtypes. Analysing the published literature we have found that these transcription factors are involved in the early T-lymphocyte specification and commitment as well as in oligodendrocytes dedifferentiation and development. The most significant transcription factors motifs were for the Early Growth response EGR/KROX family, ATF2, YY1 (Yin and Yang 1), E2F-1/DP-1 and E2F-4/DP-2 heterodimers, SOX5, and CREB and ATF families.


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Susceptibility to complex traits, by definition, involves aetiological polymorphisms at multiple genetic loci combined with variable contributions by environmental factors. However, the approaches taken to identifying genetic loci implicated in susceptibility to complex traits frequently overlooks the compounding contribution of multiple loci in favour of highlighting a single gene solely responsible for predisposition. It is only in a small minority of cases that this has resulted in clear disease heritability associated with polymorphisms in a single gene. More often, this approach has led to an accumulation of single-gene associations with minor contributions to disease susceptibility. As the genomic era advances and genome-wide screens become higher in resolution and throughput, the need for simultaneous consideration of multiple loci is becoming more important. With special reference to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), this chapter will overview the current progress made in elucidating genetic polymorphisms associated with disease susceptibility. We also present novel data from a high-resolution single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray screen for susceptibility loci that are involved in NHL. Using an ‘informed approach’, the findings are highlighted within the context of cellular pathways, and provide insight and new ideas for methods of analysis for genome-wide screens for susceptibility.


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This thesis concerns the mathematical model of moving fluid interfaces in a Hele-Shaw cell: an experimental device in which fluid flow is studied by sandwiching the fluid between two closely separated plates. Analytic and numerical methods are developed to gain new insights into interfacial stability and bubble evolution, and the influence of different boundary effects is examined. In particular, the properties of the velocity-dependent kinetic undercooling boundary condition are analysed, with regard to the selection of only discrete possible shapes of travelling fingers of fluid, the formation of corners on the interface, and the interaction of kinetic undercooling with the better known effect of surface tension. Explicit solutions to the problem of an expanding or contracting ring of fluid are also developed.


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Melanoma has historically been refractive to traditional therapeutic approaches. As such, the development of novel drug strategies has been needed to improve rates of overall survival in patients with melanoma, particularly those with late stage or disseminated disease. Recent success with molecularly based targeted drugs, such as Vemurafenib in BRAF-mutant melanomas, has now made “personalized medicine” a reality within some oncology clinics. In this sense, tailored drugs can be administered to patients according to their tumor “mutation profiles.” The success of these drug strategies, in part, can be attributed to the identification of the genetic mechanisms responsible for the development and progression of metastatic melanoma. Recently, the advances in sequencing technology have allowed for comprehensive mutation analysis of tumors and have led to the identification of a number of genes involved in the etiology of metastatic melanoma. As the methodology and costs associated with next-generation sequencing continue to improve, this technology will be rapidly adopted into routine clinical oncology practices and will significantly impact on personalized therapy. This review summarizes current and emerging molecular targets in metastatic melanoma, discusses the potential application of next-generation sequencing within the paradigm of personalized medicine, and describes the current limitations for the adoption of this technology within the clinic.


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Y123 samples with varying amounts of added Y211, PtO 2 and CeO 2 have been melt processed and quenched from temperatures between 960°C and 1100°C. The microstructures of the quenched samples have been characterized using a combination of x-ray diffractometry, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, microprobe analysis, energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and wavelength-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The Ba-Cu-O-rich melt undergoes complex changes as a function of temperature and time. A region of stability of BaCuO 2 (BC1) and BaCu 2O 2 (BC2) exists below 1040°C in samples of Y123 + 20 mol% Y211. Ba 2Cu 3O 5 is stabilized by rapid quenching but appears to separate into BC1 and BC2 at lower quenching rates. PtO 2 and CeO 2 additions affect the distribution and volume fractions of the two Ba-Cu-oxide phases.


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Samples of YBa2Cu3O7-y + 20 mol% Y2BaCuO5 have been melt processed and quenched from temperatures ranging from 975 to 1100°C. The microstructure of the samples have been characterized via a combination of x-ray diffractometry, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry and wavelength dispersive x-ray spectrometry. BaCuO2 (BC1) and BaCu2O2 (BC2) crystallize from the melt of samples quenched from temperatures between 985 and 1100°C in air. The average yttrium content differs for BC1 and BC2, and it is 4.3 and 5.1 at.%, respectively. Holding times of 20 hours at temperatures above or equal to 1040°C give rise to a dendritic pattern of BC1 surrounded by BC2. The complex changes of the nature of the melt as a function of temperature and time are likely to play a significant role in the mechanism of melt texturing.


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With the increasing popularity of the galvanic replacement approach towards the development of bimetallic nanocatalysts, special emphasis has been focused on minimizing the use of expensive metal (e.g. Pt), in the finally formed nanomaterials (e.g. Ag/Pt system as a possible catalyst for fuel cells). However, the complete removal of the less active sacrificial template is generally not achieved during galvanic replacement, and its residual presence may significantly impact on the electrocatalytic properties of the final material. Here, we investigate the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) activity of Ag nanocubes replaced with different amounts of Pt, and demonstrate how the bimetallic composition significantly affects the activity of the alloyed nanomaterial.


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It was demonstrated recently that dramatic changes in the redox behaviour of gold/aqueous solution interfaces may be observed following either cathodic or thermal electrode pretreatment. Further work on the cathodic pretreatment of gold in acid solution revealed that as the activity of the gold surface was increased, its performance as a substrate for hydrogen gas evolution under constant potential conditions deteriorated. The change in activity of the gold atoms at the interface, which was attributed to a hydrogen embrittlement process (the occurrence of the latter was subsequently checked by surface microscopy), was confirmed, as in earlier work, by the appearance of a substantial anodic peak at ca. 0.5 V (RHE) in a post-activation positive sweep. Changes in the catalytic activity of a metal surface reflect the fact that the structure (or topography), thermodynamic activity and electronic properties of a surface are dependent not only on pretreatment but also, in the case of the hydrogen evolution reaction, vary with time during the course of reaction. As will be reported shortly, similar (and often more dramatic) time-dependent behaviour was observed for hydrogen gas evolution on other metal electrodes.


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This chapter introduces the reader to the relational approach to information literacy, its evolution and use in contemporary research and emerging directions. It presents the relational approach, first introduced by Australian information literacy researchers, as an integration of experiential, contextual and transformational perspectives. The chapter opens with a reflection on the wider information literacy domain. It then addresses the development of the approach, its fundamental elements and characteristics, and explores the adoption of the approach in key contexts including education, workplace and community settings. The chapter explores significant studies that have contributed to its evolution and reflects on the impact of the development of the relational framework and related research. The chapter concludes with a focus on directions emerging from the relational understanding ofinformation literacy and potential implications.


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This paper investigates how Enterprise Architecture (EA) evolves due to emerging trends. It specifically explores how EA integrates the Service-oriented Architecture (SOA). Archer’s Morphogenetic theory is used as an analytical approach to distinguish the architectural conditions under which SOA is introduced, to study the relationships between these conditions and SOA introduction, and to reflect on EA evolution (elaborations) that then take place. The paper focuses on reasons for why EA evolution could take place, or not and what architectural changes could happen due to SOA integration. The research builds on sound theoretical foundations to discuss EA evolution in a field that often lacks a solid theoretical groundwork. Specifically, it proposes that critical realism, using the morphogenetic theory, can provide a useful theoretical foundation to study enterprise architecture (EA) evolution. The initial results of a literature review (a-priori model) were extended using explorative interviews. The findings of this study are threefold. First, there are five different levels of EA-SOA integration outcomes. Second, a mature EA, flexible and well-defined EA framework and comprehensive objectives of EA improve the integration outcomes. Third, the analytical separation using Archer’s theory is helpful in order to understand how these different integration outcomes are generated.


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The transient leaf assay in Nicotiana benthamiana is widely used in plant sciences, with one application being the rapid assembly of complex multigene pathways that produce new fatty acid profiles. This rapid and facile assay would be further improved if it were possible to simultaneously overexpress transgenes while accurately silencing endogenes. Here, we report a draft genome resource for N. benthamiana spanning over 75% of the 3.1 Gb haploid genome. This resource revealed a two-member NbFAD2 family, NbFAD2.1 and NbFAD2.2, and quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) confirmed their expression in leaves. FAD2 activities were silenced using hairpin RNAi as monitored by qRT-PCR and biochemical assays. Silencing of endogenous FAD2 activities was combined with overexpression of transgenes via the use of the alternative viral silencing-suppressor protein, V2, from Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. We show that V2 permits maximal overexpression of transgenes but, crucially, also allows hairpin RNAi to operate unimpeded. To illustrate the efficacy of the V2-based leaf assay system, endogenous lipids were shunted from the desaturation of 18:1 to elongation reactions beginning with 18:1 as substrate. These V2-based leaf assays produced ~50% more elongated fatty acid products than p19-based assays. Analyses of small RNA populations generated from hairpin RNAi against NbFAD2 confirm that the siRNA population is dominated by 21 and 22 nt species derived from the hairpin. Collectively, these new tools expand the range of uses and possibilities for metabolic engineering in transient leaf assays. © 2012 Naim et al.


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Forward genetic screens have identified numerous genes involved in development and metabolism, and remain a cornerstone of biological research. However, to locate a causal mutation, the practice of crossing to a polymorphic background to generate a mapping population can be problematic if the mutant phenotype is difficult to recognize in the hybrid F2 progeny, or dependent on parental specific traits. Here in a screen for leaf hyponasty mutants, we have performed a single backcross of an Ethane Methyl Sulphonate (EMS) generated hyponastic mutant to its parent. Whole genome deep sequencing of a bulked homozygous F2 population and analysis via the Next Generation EMS mutation mapping pipeline (NGM) unambiguously determined the causal mutation to be a single nucleotide polymorphisim (SNP) residing in HASTY, a previously characterized gene involved in microRNA biogenesis. We have evaluated the feasibility of this backcross approach using three additional SNP mapping pipelines; SHOREmap, the GATK pipeline, and the samtools pipeline. Although there was variance in the identification of EMS SNPs, all returned the same outcome in clearly identifying the causal mutation in HASTY. The simplicity of performing a single parental backcross and genome sequencing a small pool of segregating mutants has great promise for identifying mutations that may be difficult to map using conventional approaches.


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Rubus yellow net virus (RYNV) was cloned and sequenced from a red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) plant exhibiting symptoms of mosaic and mottling in the leaves. Its genomic sequence indicates that it is a distinct member of the genus Badnavirus, with 7932. bp and seven ORFs, the first three corresponding in size and location to the ORFs found in the type member Commelina yellow mottle virus. Bioinformatic analysis of the genomic sequence detected several features including nucleic acid binding motifs, multiple zinc finger-like sequences and domains associated with cellular signaling. Subsequent sequencing of the small RNAs (sRNAs) from RYNV-infected R. idaeus leaf tissue was used to determine any RYNV sequences targeted by RNA silencing and identified abundant virus-derived small RNAs (vsRNAs). The majority of the vsRNAs were 22-nt in length. We observed a highly uneven genome-wide distribution of vsRNAs with strong clustering to small defined regions distributed over both strands of the RYNV genome. Together, our data show that sequences of the aphid-transmitted pararetrovirus RYNV are targeted in red raspberry by the interfering RNA pathway, a predominant antiviral defense mechanism in plants. © 2013.


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The complete nucleotide sequence of genome segment S4 of rice ragged stunt oryzavirus (RRSV, Thai-isolate) was determined. The 3823 bp sequence contains two large open reading frames (ORFs). ORF1, spanning nucleotides 12 to 3776, is capable of encoding a protein of M(r) 141,380 (P4a). The P4a amino acid sequence predicted from the nucleotide sequence contains sequence motifs conserved in RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RDRPs). When compared for evolutionary relationships with RDRPs of other reoviruses using the amino acid sequences around the conserved GDD motif, P4a was shown to be more related to Nilaparvata lugens reovirus and reovirus serotype 3 than to rice dwarf phytoreovirus, bovine rotavirus or bluetongue virus. The ORF2, spanning nucleotides 491 to 1468, is out of frame with ORF1 and is capable of encoding a protein of 36, 920 (P4b). Coupled in vitro transcription-translation from cloned ORF2 in wheat germ extract confirmed the existence of ORF2 but in vivo production and possible function of P4b is yet to be determined.