965 resultados para GenoType® Mycobacterium CM
Este libro, en dos volúmenes, es un merecido homenaje al profesor Yann LE BOHEC (professeur émérite, Paris IV-La Sorbonne), jubilado forzosamente de la docencia universitaria en septiembre de 2011. La carrera investigadora del profesor Le Bohec que naturalmente continua en la actualidad ha tratado multitud de temas relacionados con el Imperio Romano, aunque deben ser destacadas en especial dos temáticas: el norte de África y el ejército romano. Y obviamente estos asuntos se ven también muy reflejados en los artículos de todos aquellos colegas y amigos que colaboran en el homenaje.
This study evaluated the performance of the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) and Quantiferon-TB Gold in-Tube (QFT) and the possible association of factors which may modify their results in young children (0-6 years) with recent contact with an index tuberculosis case. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study including 135 children was conducted in Manaus, Amazonas-Brazil. The TST and QFT were performed and the tests results were analyzed in relation to the personal characteristics of the children studied and their relationship with the index case. Results: The rates of positivity were 34.8% (TST) and 26.7% (QFT), with 14.1% of indeterminations by the QFT. Concordance between tests was fair (Kappa = 0.35 P<0.001). Both the TST and QFT were associated with the intensity of exposure (Linear OR = 1.286, P = 0.005; Linear OR = 1.161, P = 0.035 respectively) with only the TST being associated with the time of exposure (Linear OR = 1.149, P = 0.009). The presence of intestinal helminths in the TST+ group was associated with negative QFT results (OR = 0.064, P = 0.049). In the TST- group lower levels of ferritin were associated with QFT+ results (Linear OR = 0.956, P = 0.036). Conclusions: Concordance between the TST and QFT was lower than expected. The factors associated with the discordant results were intestinal helminths, ferritin levels and exposure time to the index tuberculosis case. In TST+ group, helminths were associated with negative QFT results suggesting impaired cell-mediated immunity. The TST-&QFT+ group had a shorter exposure time and lower ferritin levels, suggesting that QFT is faster and ferritin may be a potential biomarker of early stages of tuberculosis infection.
Sixty-nine entire male pigs with different halothane genotype (homozygous halothanepositive – nn-, n=36; and homozygous halothane negative – NN-, n=33) were fed with a supplementation of magnesium sulphate (Mg) and/or L-tryptophan (Trp) in the diet for 5days before slaughter. Animals were housed individually and were submitted to stressful ante mortem conditions (mixed in the lorry according to treatments and transported 1h on rough roads). Individual feed intake was recorded during the 5-day treatment. At the abattoir, pig behaviour was assessed in the raceway to the stunning system and during the stunning period by exposure to CO2. Muscle pH, colour, water holding capacity, texture and cathepsin activities were determined to assess meat quality. The number of pigs with an individual feed intake lower than 2kg/day was significantly different among diets (P<0.05; Control: 8.7%; Mg&Trp: 43.5%; Trp:17.4%) and they were considered to have inadequate supplement intake. During the antemortem period, 15.2% of pigs included in the experiment died, and this percentagedecreased to 8.7% in those pigs with a feed intake > 2kg/day, all of them from thestress-sensitive pigs (nn). In general, no differences were observed in the behaviour ofpigs along the corridor leading to the stunning system and inside the CO2 stunningsystem. During the stunning procedure, Trp diet showed shorter periods of muscularexcitation than control and Mg&Trp diets. The combination of a stressful ante mortemtreatment and Mg&Trp supplementation led to carcasses with high incidence of severeskin lesions. Different meat quality results were found when considering all pigs orconsidering only those with adequate supplement intake. In this later case, Trp increased pH45 (6.15) vs Control diet (5.96) in the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle (P<0.05) and pH at 24h (Trp: 5.59 vs C: 5.47) led to a higher incidence of dark, firm and dry (DFD) traits in SM muscle (P<0.05). Genotype affected negatively all the meat quality traits. Seventy-five percent of LT and 60.0% of the SM muscles from nn pigs wereclassified as pale, soft and exudative (PSE), while none of the NN pigs showed these traits (P<0.0001). No significant differences were found between genotypes on the incidence of DFD meat. Due to the negative effects observed in the Mg&Trp group in feed intake and carcass quality, the utilization of a mixture of magnesium sulphate and tryptophan is not recommended
The truncated hemoglobin N, HbN, of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is endowed with a potent nitric oxide dioxygenase (NOD) activity that allows it to relieve nitrosative stress and enhance in vivo survival of its host. Despite its small size, the protein matrix of HbN hosts a two-branched tunnel, consisting of orthogonal short and long channels, that connects the heme active site to the protein surface. A novel dual-path mechanism has been suggested to drive migration of O(2) and NO to the distal heme cavity. While oxygen migrates mainly by the short path, a ligand-induced conformational change regulates opening of the long tunnel branch for NO, via a phenylalanine (PheE15) residue that acts as a gate. Site-directed mutagenesis and molecular simulations have been used to examine the gating role played by PheE15 in modulating the NOD function of HbN. Mutants carrying replacement of PheE15 with alanine, isoleucine, tyrosine and tryptophan have similar O(2)/CO association kinetics, but display significant reduction in their NOD function. Molecular simulations substantiated that mutation at the PheE15 gate confers significant changes in the long tunnel, and therefore may affect the migration of ligands. These results support the pivotal role of PheE15 gate in modulating the diffusion of NO via the long tunnel branch in the oxygenated protein, and hence the NOD function of HbN.
Aquest projecte té com a objectiu la simulació numérica de la carrosseria d’ un vehicle de curses de muntanya de categoria CM
The anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis activity of Campomanesia adamantium fruits extracts were evaluated. Six compounds, identified as flavanones and chalcones were quantified by HPLC-DAD-UV. Promising antitubercular activity was observed with ethyl acetate extract (MIC 62.5 µg/mL) and their fractions (MIC values ranging from 39 to above 250 µg/mL). The better MIC result of 39 µg/mL was associated with two fractions that contain bigger amounts of 5,7-dihydroxy-6, 8-di-C-methylflavanone and 2',4'-dihydroxy-3',5'-dimethyl-6'-methoxychalcone. These compounds exhibited MICs >250 and 62.5 µg/mL, respectively, while their mixtures showed values ranging from 62.5 to 7.8 µg/mL, demonstrating a synergism between them.
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars with a high degree of resistance to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) are not available in Brazil. Despite many studies, a low degree of resistance to Xap continues to exist due to its complex genetic inheritance, which is not well known. The objectives of this research were to complement a common bean genetic map based on the cross between a susceptible genotype 'HAB-52' and a resistant genotype 'BAC-6', and to map and analyze genomic regions (quantitative trait loci – QTLs) related to Xap resistance. Eleven linkage groups were determined using 143 RAPD markers, covering 1,234.5 cM of the genome. This map was used to detect QTLs associated with Xap resistance on leaves and pods. The averages of disease severity on leaves (represented by the transformed disease index – TDI) and pods (represented by the diameter of lesion on pods – DLP) were added to the data of the linkage map. Five TDI QTLs and only one LDP QTL were detected. The TDI QTLs were placed in the A, B, G and J linkage groups, with phenotypic variations ranging from 12.7 to 71.6%. The DLP QTL explained 12.9% of the phenotypic variation and was mapped in a distinct linkage group. These results indicate that there are different genes involved in the control of resistance on leaves and pods.
This paper reports partial results obtained on the variability of Colletotrichum graminicola developed in response to the host diversity generated by three-line combination of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genotypes. Nine sorghum lines were used in this study: CMSXS210B, CMSXS112B, CMSXS215B, CMSXS221B, CMSXS169R, CMSXS180R, CMSXS182R, CMSXS227R, and CMSXS116R. A total of 39 treatments on mixtures and pure stands of the component lines were evaluated in the field for the development of anthracnose, as a natural epidemic. Samples of the single spore isolates of the pathogen of each treatment indicated a reduction in the phenotypic diversity and an increase in the frequency of more complex races in genotype mixtures in relation to the pure stands of each genotype.
Paratuberculosis is an important enteritis of ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). The disease is officially considered exotic in Brazil, but recent serological surveys and the isolation of the agent suggest it may occur in our herds. The aim of this study was to evaluate three different formulations of Herrold's egg yolk agar with mycobactin J (HEYM) and four faecal culture protocols considering their ability for Map growth as well as cost and ease of application. Three formulations of HEYM were inoculated with two suspensions of Map. Spiked faeces and naturally contaminated faecal samples were treated by the four faecal culture protocols. Centrifugation protocol and HEYM recommended by OIE showed the best results on the recovery of Map.
O diagnóstico presuntivo da tuberculose bovina é baseado na análise da resposta imune celular a antígenos micobacterianos. Procedeu-se à simulação experimental de sensibilização por Mycobacterium bovis e Mycobacterium avium inativados em bovinos a fim de acompanhar a resposta imune a partir do teste cervical comparativo e da evolução da produção específica de interferon-gama, além de identificar a interferência de reações inespecíficas por M. avium nos resultados dos testes. Verificou-se que os animais desencadearam resposta de hipersensibilidade tardia contra os bacilos inativados, e que ambos os testes diagnósticos da tuberculose bovina foram eficientes na identificação dos animais sensibilizados com M. bovis e na discriminação das reações geradas pela inoculação dos bovinos com M. avium.
Blood-sucking diptera are important parasites in bovine production systems, especially regarding confinement conditions. Haematobia irritans, the horn fly, is one of the most troublesome species within bovine production systems, due to the intense stress imposed to the animals. An important aspect while studying the variability within a species is the study of the geographic structure of its populations and, attempting to find out the genetic flow of Brazilian populations of horn fly, the RAPD technique, which is suited for this purpose, has been used. The use of molecular markers generated from RAPD made it possible to identify the geographic origin of samples from different Brazilian geographic regions, as well as to estimate the genotypic flow among the different Brazilian populations of the horn fly.
Realizou-se um estudo com o objetivo de avaliar a distribuição de lesões granulomatosas nos linfonodos das carcaças de suínos abatidos e de comparar os métodos de isolamento do Complexo Mycobacterium avium (MAC), coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN), exames histopatológico e de imunohisto-química (IHQ) para o diagnóstico da linfadenite granulomatosa causada por micobactérias do MAC. Foram utilizadas 431 amostras de linfonodos colhidos de 394 carcaças de suínos abatidos em 12 frigoríficos da Região Sul do Brasil, com o Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF). Os linfonodos que apresentavam lesões granulomatosas foram submetidos aos exames histológicos, ZN e IHQ com anticorpo monoclonal produzido com extrato celular de M. avium. A concordância entre os exames foi medida pelo teste Kappa, com nível de confiança de 95%. O exame macroscópico realizado pelo SIF identifica corretamente 90,3% das lesões granulomatosas, quando comparado com o exame histológico e a maioria das carcaças (92,5) apresentam lesões apenas nos linfonodos cadeia alimentar. O exame histológico confirmou a presença de lesões granulo-matosas em 90,3% dos linfonodos. As concordâncias entre os exames histopatológico e coloração de ZN (Kappa: 0,342) e de IHQ e o isolamento do MAC (Kappa: 0,102) foram baixas, porém alta entre os exames de IHQ e histológico com a presença de granulomas típicos nos linfonodos (Kappa: 0,973). O exame de IHQ associado ao exame histopatológico mostrou-se eficiente na identificação das lesões de linfadenite granulomatosa causadas pelo MAC.
A paratuberculose é uma enterite crônica granulomatosa causada por Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis que afeta principalmente os ruminantes. A cultura de bactérias a partir de amostras de fezes e tecidos constitui um dos métodos mais eficazes de diagnóstico, sendo ainda o único método disponível para obtenção de isolamentos e estirpes de micobactérias. Contudo, este método apresenta baixa sensibilidade e requer meses de incubação antes do crescimento de colônias. Neste estudo, utilizou-se a cultura fecal como método de diagnóstico em ovinos de diferentes raças portuguesas, com sinais compatíveis com a doença. Fez-se ainda a comparação entre os meios de cultura Löwenstein Jensen® com micobactina® J e o de Middlebrook® 7H11 com OADC®, utilizados no isolamento da bactéria. As percentagens de isolamento em cada um os meios foram de 2,0% (6/300) para Löwenstein Jensen® com micobactina J e 1,0% (3/300) para Middlebrook® 7H11/OADC. As três amostras positivas no meio de Middlebrook® 7H11/OADC também foram positivas no meio de Löwenstein Jensen® com micobactina J e nenhuma foi somente positiva no meio de Middlebrook® 7H11/OADC. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que o meio de Löwenstein-Jensen® com micobactina® J é mais efetivo para a obtenção de estirpes ovinas em Portugal.
The aim of this study was evaluate the risk factors for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) seroprevalence in sheep in the North of Portugal. The effects on seroprevalence of several variables such as individual characteristics, management practices, farm characteristics, animal health, and available veterinary services were evaluated. This information was then used in a multivariable logistic regression model in order to identify risk factors for Map seropositivity. Univariable analysis was used to screen the variables used in the logistic regression model. Variables that showed p values of <0.15 were retained for the multivariable analysis. Fifteen variables were associated with paratuberculosis in univariable analysis. The multivariable logistic regression model identified a number of variables as risk factors for seropositivity like sheep pure local and/or a cross of a local breed (OR=2.02), herd size with 31-60 head (OR=2.14), culling during the Spring-Summer season (OR=1.69) and the use of an anti-parasitic treatment such as Ivermectin as the only anti-parasitic medication (OR=5.60). Potential risk factors identified in this study support current recommendations for the control of paratuberculosis.