954 resultados para Gene function
A feature-based fitness function is applied in a genetic programming system to synthesize stochastic gene regulatory network models whose behaviour is defined by a time course of protein expression levels. Typically, when targeting time series data, the fitness function is based on a sum-of-errors involving the values of the fluctuating signal. While this approach is successful in many instances, its performance can deteriorate in the presence of noise. This thesis explores a fitness measure determined from a set of statistical features characterizing the time series' sequence of values, rather than the actual values themselves. Through a series of experiments involving symbolic regression with added noise and gene regulatory network models based on the stochastic 'if-calculus, it is shown to successfully target oscillating and non-oscillating signals. This practical and versatile fitness function offers an alternate approach, worthy of consideration for use in algorithms that evaluate noisy or stochastic behaviour.
Glutaredoxins are oxidoreductases capable of reducing protein disulfide bridges and glutathione mixed disulfides through the process of deglutathionylation and glutathionylation. Lately, redox-mediated modifications of functional cysteine residues of TGA1 and TGA8 transcription factors have been postulated. Namely, GRX480 and ROXY1 glutaredoxins have been previously shown to interact with TGA proteins and have been suggested to regulate redox state of these proteins. TGA1, together with TGA2, is involved in systemic acquired resistance (SAR) establishment in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana through PR1 (Pathogenesis related 1) gene activation. They both form an enhanceosome complex with the NPR1 protein (non-expressor of pathogenesis related gene 1) which leads to PR1 transcription. Although TGA1 is capable of activating PR1 transcription, the ability of the TGA1 NPR1 enhanceosome complex to assembly is based on the redox status of TGA1. We identified GRX480 as a glutathionylating enzyme that catalyzes the TGA1 glutathione disulfide transferase reaction with a Km of around 20μM GSSG (oxidized glutathione). Out of four cysteine residues found within TGA1, C172 and C266 were found to be glutathionylated by this enzyme. We also confirmed TGA1 glutathionylation in vivo and showed that this modification takes place while TGA1 is associated with the PR1 promoter enzymatically via GRX480. Furthermore, we show that glutathionylation via GRX480 abolishes TGA1's interaction with NPR1 and consequently prevents the TGA1-NPR1 transcription activation of PR1. When glutathionylated, TGA1 is recruited to the PR1 promoter and acts as a repressor. Therefore, glutathionylation is a mechanism that prevents TGA1 NPR1 interaction, allowing TGA1 to function as a repressor of PR1 transcription. Surprisingly, GRX480 was not able to deglutathionylate proteins demonstrating the irreversible nature of the reaction. Moreover, we demonstrate that other members of CC-class glutaredoxins, namely ROXY1 and ROXY2, can also catalyze protein glutathionylation. The TGA8 protein was previously shown to interact with NPR1 analogs, BOP1 and BOP2 proteins. However, unlike the case of TGA1 NPR1 interaction, here we demonstrate that TGA8-BOP1 interaction is not redox regulated and that TGA8 glutathionylation by ROXY1 and ROXY2 enzymes does not abolish this interaction in vitro. However, TGA8 glutathionylation results in TGA8 oligomer disassembly into smaller complexes and monomers. Our results suggest that CC-Grxs are unable to reduce mixed disulfides, instead they efficiently catalyze the opposite reaction which distinguishes them from traditional glutaredoxins. Therefore, they should not be classified as glutaredoxins but as protein glutathione disulfide transferases.
Eph kinases are the largest family of cell surface receptor tyrosine kinases. The ligands of Ephs, ephrins (EFNs), are also cell surface molecules. Ephs interact with EFNs and the receptors and ligands transmit signals in both directions, i.e., from Ephs to EFNs and from EFNs to Ephs. Ephs and EFNs are widely involved in various developmental, physiological pathophysiological processes. Our group and others have reported the roles of Ephs/EFNs in the immune system. To further investigate the function of EphBs/EFNBs in T cell development and responses, we generated EFNB1, EFNB2, EphB4 conditional gene knockout (KO) mice and EFNB1/2 double KO mice. In the projects using EFNB1 and EFNB2 knockout mice, we specifically deleted EFNB1 or EFNB2 in T cells. The mice had normal size and cellularity of the thymus and spleen as well as normal T cell subpopulations in these organs. The bone marrow progenitors from KO mice and WT mice repopulated the host lymphoid organs to similar extents. The activation and proliferation of KO T cells was comparable to that of control mice. Naïve KO CD4 cells differentiated into Th1, Th2, Th17 and Treg cells similar to naïve control CD4 cells. In EFNB2 KO mice, we observed a significant relative increase of CD4CD8 double negative thymocytes in the thymus. Flowcytometry analysis revealed that there was a moderate increase in the DN3 subpopulation in the thymus. This suggests that EFNB2 is involved in thymocyte development. Our results indicate that the functions of EFNB1 and EFNB2 in the T cell compartment could be compensated by each other or by other members of the EFN family, and that such redundancy safeguards the pivotal roles of EFNB1 and EFNB2 in T cell development and function. In the project using EFNB1/B2 double knockout (dKO) model, we revealed a novel regulatory function of EFNb1 and EFNb2 in stabilizing IL-7Rα expression on the T cell surface. IL-7 plays important roles in thymocyte development, T cell homeostasis and survival. IL-7Rα undergoes internalization upon IL-7 binding. In the dKO mice, we observed reduced IL-7Rα expression in thymocytes and T cells. Moreover, the IL-7Rα internalization was accelerated in dKO CD4 cells upon IL-7 stimulation. In T cell lymphoma cell line, EL4, over-expression of either EFNB1 or EFNB2 retarded the internalization of IL-7Rα. We further demonstrated compromised IL-7 signaling and homeostatic proliferation of dKO T cells. Mechanism study using fluorescence resonance energy transfer and immunoprecipitation demonstrated that physical interaction of EFNB1 and EFNB2 with IL-7Rα was likely responsible for the retarded IL-7Rα internalization. In the last project, using medullary thymic epithelial cell (mTEC)-specific EphB4 knockout mice, we investigated T cell development and function after EphB4 deletion in mTEC. EphB4 KO mice demonstrated normal thymic weight and cellularity. T cell development and function were not influenced by the EphB4 deletion. Lastly, the KO mice developed normal delayed type hypersensitivity. Overall, our results suggest that comprehensive cross interaction between Eph and EFN family members could compensate function of a given deleted member in the T cell development, and only simultaneous deletion of multiple EFNBs will reveal their true function in the immune system. In fact, such redundancy signifies vital roles of Ephs and EFNs in the immune system.
L'arthrose (OA) est une maladie articulaire dégénérative, classée comme la forme la plus fréquente au monde. Elle est caractérisée par la dégénérescence du cartilage articulaire, l’inflammation de la membrane synoviale, et le remodelage de l’os sous-chondral. Ces changements structurels et fonctionnels sont dues à de nombreux facteurs. Les cytokines, les prostaglandines (PG), et les espèces réactives de l'oxygène sont les principaux médiateurs impliqués dans la pathophysiologie de l'OA. L'interleukine-1β (IL-1β) est une cytokine pro-inflammatoire majeure qui joue un rôle crucial dans l'OA. L'IL-1β induit l'expression de la cyclooxygénase-2 (COX-2), la microsomale prostaglandine E synthase-1 (mPGES-1), la synthase inductible de l'oxyde nitrique (iNOS), ainsi que leurs produits la prostaglandine E2 (PGE2) et l'oxyde nitrique (NO). Ce sont des médiateurs essentiels de la réponse inflammatoire au cours de l'OA qui contribuent aux mécanismes des douleurs, de gonflement, et de destruction des tissus articulaires. Les modifications épigénétiques jouent un rôle très important dans la régulation de l’expression de ces gènes pro-inflammatoires. Parmi ces modifications, la méthylation/ déméthylation des histones joue un rôle critique dans la régulation des gènes. La méthylation/ déméthylation des histones est médiée par deux types d'enzymes: les histones méthyltransférases (HMT) et les histones déméthylases (HDM) qui favorisent l’activation et/ou la répression de la transcription. Il est donc nécessaire de comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires qui contrôlent l’expression des gènes de la COX-2, la mPGES-1, et l’iNOS. L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer si la méthylation/déméthylation des histones contribute à la régulation de l’expression des gènes COX-2, mPGES-1, et iNOS dans des chondrocytes OA humains induits par l'IL-1β. Nous avons montré que la méthylation de la lysine K4 de l'histone H3 (H3K4) par SET-1A contribue à l’activation des gènes COX-2 et iNOS dans les chondrocytes humains OA induite par l'IL-1β. Nous avons également montré que la lysine K9 de l’histone H3 (H3K9) est déméthylée par LSD1, et que cette déméthylation contribue à l’expression de la mPGES-1 induite par IL-1β dans les chondrocytes humains OA. Nous avons aussi trouvé que les niveaux d'expression des enzymes SET-1A et LSD1 sont élevés au niveau du cartilage OA. Nos résultats montrent, pour la première fois, l'implication de la méthylation/ déméthylation des histones dans la régulation de l’expression des gènes COX-2, mPGES-1, et iNOS. Ces données suggèrent que ces mécanismes pourraient être une cible potentielle pour une intervention pharmacologique dans le traitement de la physiopathologie de l'OA.
In the present study, the changes in the brain EPI (Epinephrine), adrenergic receptors and the receptor gene expression were investigated during pancreatic regeneration and insulin secretion. The changes in the pancreatic islet EPI and adrenergic receptors were also studied in the pancreatectomised rats. The regulatory function of EPI in association with Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and glucose were investigated in rat islet cultures. In vitro studies were carried out using antagonists for adrenergic receptor subtypes to see their involvement in the islet DNA synthesis. The mechanism by which the peripheral EPI regulate insulin secretion was also investigated by studying the nuclear binding proteins in the pancreatic islets during pancreatic regeneration and diabetes. The study reveals that EPI can regulate the pancreatic islet cell proliferation by controlling the insulin synthesis and secretion. The brain adrenergic receptor gene expression and functional correlation regulate the pancreatic adrenergic receptors. The functional balance of α and β-adrenergic receptors controls the insulin secretion and pancreatic β-cell proliferation, which will have immense clinical significance in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus.
The work is an attempt to understand the role of 5-HT, 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptors in the regulation of liver cell proliferation using in vivo and in vitro models. The work also focuses on the brain serotonergic changes associated with hapatocyte proliferation and apoptosis to delineate its regulatory function. The investigation of mechanisms involving different models of hepatocyte proliferation contributes to our knowledge about serotonergic regulation of cell growth, apoptosis and carcinogenesis of liver. The study reveals that the alteration of the 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor function and gene expression in the brain stem, cerebral cortex and hypothalamus play an important role in the sympathetic regulation of cell proliferation, neoplastic transformation and apoptosis. The functional balance between 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor plays an important role in regulating hepatocyte proliferation, neoplastic transformation and hepatic apoptosis. The regulatory role of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor during neoplastic transformation and apoptosis could lead to possible therapeutic intervention in the treatment of cancers and have immense clinical importance.
Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder associated with insulin deficiency, which not.only affects the carbohydrate metabolism but also is associated with various central and peripheral complications. Chronic hyperglycemia during diabetes mellitus is a major initiator of diabetic microvascular complications like retinopathy, neuropathy, The central nervous system (CNS) neurotransmitters play an important role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. These neurotransmitters mediate rapid intracellular communications not only within the central nervous system but also in the peripheral tissues. They exert their function through receptors present in both neuronal and non neuronal cell surface that trigger second messenger signaling pathways. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has been implicated in various central neuronal degenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease and behavioral diseases like Schizophrenia. Dopamine is synthesised from tyrosine, stored in vesicles in axon terminals and released when the neuron is depolarised. Dopamine interacts with specific membrane receptors to produce its effect. Dopamine plays an important role both centrally and peripherally. The recent identification of five dopamine receptor subtypes provides a basis for understanding dopamine's central and peripheral actions . Dopamine receptors are classified into two major groups : DA D1 like and DA D2 like. Dopamine D1 like receptors consists of DA D1 and DA D5 receptors . Dopamine D2 like receptors consists of DA D2, DA D3 and DA D4 receptors. Stimulation of the DA D1 receptor gives rise to increased production of cAMP. Dopamine D2 receptors inhibit cAMP production, but activate the inositol phosphate second messenger system . Impairment of central dopamine neurotransmission causes muscle rigidity, hormonal regulation , thought disorder and cocaine addiction. Peripheral dopamine receptors mediate changes in blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, sodium excretion and catecholamine release. The dopamine D2 receptors increased in the corpus striatum and cerebral cortex but decreased in the hypothalamus and brain stem indicating their involvement in regulating insulin secretion. Dopamine D2 receptor which has a stimulatory effecton insulin secretion decreased in the pancreatic islets during diabetes. Our in vitro studies confirmed the stimulatory role of dopamine D2 receptors in stimulation of glucose induced insulin secretion. A detailed study at the molecular level on the mechanisms involved in the role of dopamine in insulin secretion, its functional modification could lead to therapeutic interventions that will have immense clinical importance.
The present study demonstrate the functional alterations of the GABAA and GABAB receptors and the gene expression during the regeneration of pancreas following partial pancreatectomy. The role of these receptors in insulin secretion and pancreatic DNA synthesis using the specific agonists and antagonists also are studied in vitro. The alterations of GABAA and GABAR receptor function and gene expression in the brain stem, crebellum and hypothalamus play an important role in the sympathetic regulation of insulin secretion during pancreatic regeneration. Previous studies have given much information linking functional interaction between GABA and the peripheral nervous system. The involvement of specific receptor subtypes functional regulation during pancreatic regeneration has not given emphasis and research in this area seems to be scarce. We have observed a decreased GABA content, down regulation of GABAA receptors and an up regulation of GABAB receptors in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and hypothalamus. Real Time-PCR analysis confirmed the receptor data in the brain regions. These alterations in the GABAA and GABAB receptors of the brain are suggested to govern the regenerative response and growth regulation of the pancreas through sympathetic innervation. In addition, receptor binding studies and Real Time-PCR analysis revealed that during pancreatic regeneration GABAA receptors were down regulated and GABAB receptors were up regulated in pancreatic islets. This suggests an inhibitory role for GABAA receptors in islet cell proliferation i.e., the down regulation of this receptor facilitates proliferation. Insulin secretion study during 1 hour showed GABA has inhibited the insulin secretion in a dose dependent manner in normal and hyperglycaemic conditions. Bicuculline did not antagonize this effect. GABAA agonist, muscimol inhibited glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets except in the lowest concentration of 1O-9M in presence of 4mM glucose.Musclmol enhanced insulin secretion at 10-7 and 10-4M muscimol in presence of 20mM glucose- 4mM glucose represents normal and 20mM represent hyperglycaemic conditions. GABAB agonist, baclofen also inhibited glucose induced insulin secretion and enhanced at the concentration of 1O-5M at 4mM glucose and at 10-9M baclofen in presence of 20mM glucose. This shows a differential control of the GABAA and GABAB receptors over insulin release from the pancreatic islets. During 24 hours in vitro insulin secretion study it showed that low concentration of GABA has inhibited glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets. Muscimol, the GABAA agonist, inhibited the insulin secretion but, gave an enhanced secretion of insulin in presence of 4mM glucose at 10-7 , 10-5 and 1O-4M muscimol. But in presence of 20mM glucose muscimol significantly inhibited the insulin secretion. GABAB agonist, baclofen also inhibited glucose induced insulin secretion in presence of both 4mM and 20mM glucose. This shows the inhibitory role of GABA and its specific receptor subtypes over insulin synthesis from pancreatic bete-islets. In vitro DNA synthesis studies showed that activation of GABAA receptor by adding muscimol, a specific agonist, inhibited islet DNA synthesis. Also, the addition of baclofen, a specific agonist of GABAB receptor resulted in the stimulation of DNA synthesis.Thus the brain and pancreatic GABAA and GABAB receptor gene expression differentially regulates pancreatic insulin secretion and islet cell proliferation during pancreatic regeneration. This will have immense clinical significance in therapeutic applications in the management of Diabetes mellitus.
The present study describes that acetylcholine through muscarinic Ml and M3 receptors play an important role in the brain function during diabetes as a function of age. Cholinergic activity as indicated by acetylcholine esterase, a marker for cholinergic function, decreased in the brain regions - the cerebral cortex, brainstem and corpus striatum of old rats compared to young rats. in diabetic condition, it was increased in both young and old rats in cerebral cortex, and corpus striatum while in brainstem it was decreased. The functional changes in the muscarinic receptors were studied in the brain regions and it showed that muscarinic M I receptors of old rats were down regulated in cerebral cortex while in corpus striatum and brainstem it was up regulated. Muscarinic M3 receptors of old rats showed no significant change in cerebral cortex while in corpus striatum and brainstem muscarinic receptors were down regulated. During diabetes, muscarinic M I receptors were down regulated in cerebral cortex and brainstem of young rats while in corpus striatum they were up regulated. In old rats, M I receptors were up regulated in cerebral cortex, corpus striatum and in brainstem they were down regulated. Muscarinic M3 receptors were up regulated in cerebral cortex and brainstem of young rats while in corpus striatum they were down regulated. In old rats, muscarinic M l receptors were up regulated in cerebral cortex, corpus striatum and brainstem. In insulin treated diabetic rats the activity of the receptors were reversed to near control. Pancreatic muscarinic M3 receptor activity increased in the pancreas of both young and old rats during diabetes. In vitro studies using carbachol and antagonists for muscarinic Ml and M3 receptor subtypes confirmed the specific receptor mediated neurotransmitter changes during diabetes. Calcium imaging studies revealed muscarinic M I mediated Ca2 + release from the pancreatic islet cells of young and old rats. Electrophysiological studies using EEG recording in young and old rats showed a brain activity difference during diabetes. Long term low dose STH and INS treated rat brain tissues were used for gene expression of muscarinic Ml, M3, glutamate NMDARl, mGlu-5,alpha2A, beta2, GABAAa1 and GABAB, DAD2 and 5-HT 2C receptors to observe the neurotransmitter receptor functional interrelationship for integrating memory, cognition and rejuvenating brain functions in young and old. Studies on neurotransmitter receptor interaction pathways and gene expression regulation by second messengers like IP3 and cGMP in turn will lead to the development of therapeutic agents to manage diabetes and brain activity.From this study it is suggested that functional improvement of muscarinic Ml, M3, glutamate NMDAR1, mGlu-5, alpha2A, beta2, GABAAa1 and GABAB, DAD2 and 5-HT 2C receptors mediated through IP3 and cGMP will lead to therapeutic applications in the management of diabetes. Also, our results from long term low dose STH and INS treatment showed rejuvenation of the brain function which has clinical significance in maintaining healthy period of life as a function of age.
Neuronal dopamine and serotonin receptors are widely distributed in the central and the peripheral nervous systems at different levels. Dopaminergic and serotonergic systems have crucial role in aldehyde dehydrogenase regulation Stimulation of autonomic nervous system during ethanol treatment is suggested to be an important factor in regulating the ALDH function. The ALDH enzyme activity was increased in plasma, cerebral cortex, and liver but decreased in cerebellum. The ALDH enzyme affinity was decreased in plasma, brainstem and liver and increased in cerebral cortex and cerebellum. Dopamine and serotonin content decreased in liver and brain regions - cerebral cortex, corpus striatum of ethanol treated rats with an increased HVA/DA, 5-HIAA/5-HT tumover rate. Dopamine content decreased in brainstem with an increased HVA/DA turnover rate and serotonin content decreased with an increased 5-HIAA/5-HT turnover rate in the brainstem of ethanol treated rats compared to control. Serotonin content increased in hypothalamus with a decreased 5-HIAA/5—HT turnover rate where as dopamine content decreased in hypothalamus with an increased HVA/DA tumover rate of ethanol treated rats compared to control.alterations of DA D2 and 5-HTQA receptor function and gene expression in the cerebellum, hypothalamus, corpus striatum, cerebral cortex play an important role in the sympathetic regulation of ALDH enzyme in ethanol addiction. There is a serotonergic and dopaminergic functional regulation of ALDH activity in the brain regions and liver of ethanol treated rats. Gene expression studies of DA D2 and 5'HT2A studies confirm these observations. Perfusion studies using DA, 5-HT and glucose showed ALDH regulatory function. Brain activity measeurement using EEG showed a prominentfrontal brain wave difference. This will have immense clinical significance in the management of ethanol addiction.
RNA interference (RNAi) is a recently discovered process, in which double stranded RNA (dsRNA) triggers the homology-dependant degradation of cognate messenger RNA (mRNA). In a search for new components of the RNAi machinery in Dictyostelium, a new gene was identified, which was called helF. HelF is a putative RNA helicase, which shows a high homology to the helicase domain of Dicer, to the helicase domain of Dictyostelium RdRP and to the C. elegans gene drh-1, that codes for a dicer related DExH-box RNA helicase, which is required for RNAi. The aim of the present Ph.D. work was to investigate the role of HelF in PTGS, either induced by RNAi or asRNA. A genomic disruption of the helF gene was performed, which resulted in a distinct mutant morphology in late development. The cellular localization of the protein was elucidated by creating a HelF-GFP fusion protein, which was found to be localized in speckles in the nucleus. The involvement of HelF in the RNAi mechanism was studied. For this purpose, RNAi was induced by transformation of RNAi hairpin constructs against four endogenous genes in wild type and HelF- cells. The silencing efficiency was strongly enhanced in the HelF K.O. strain in comparison with the wild type. One gene, which could not be silenced in the wild type background, was successfully silenced in HelF-. When the helF gene was disrupted in a secondary transformation in a non-silenced strain, the silencing efficiency was strongly improved, a phenomenon named here “retrosilencing”. Transcriptional run-on experiments revealed that the enhanced gene silencing in HelF- was a posttranscriptional event, and that the silencing efficiency depended on the transcription levels of hairpin RNAs. In HelF-, the threshold level of hairpin transcription required for efficient silencing was dramatically lowered. The RNAi-mediated silencing was accompanied by the production of siRNAs; however, their amount did not depend on the level of hairpin transcription. These results indicated that HelF is a natural suppressor of RNAi in Dictyostelium. In contrast, asRNA mediated gene silencing was not enhanced in the HelF K.O, as shown for three tested genes. These results confirmed previous observations (H. Martens and W. Nellen, unpublished) that although similar, RNAi and asRNA mediated gene silencing mechanisms differ in their requirements for specific proteins. In order to characterize the function of the HelF protein on a molecular level and to study its interactions with other RNAi components, in vitro experiments were performed. Besides the DEAH-helicase domain, HelF contains a double-stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD) at its N-terminus, which showed high similarity to the dsRBD domain of Dicer A from Dictyostelium. The ability of the recombinant dsRBDs from HelF and Dicer A to bind dsRNA was examined and compared. It was shown by gel-shift assays that both HelF-dsRBD and Dicer-dsRBD could bind directly to long dsRNAs. However, HelF-dsRBD bound more efficiently to dsRNA with imperfect matches than to perfect dsRNA. Both dsRBDs bound specifically to a pre-miRNA substrate (pre-let-7). The results suggested that most probably there were two binding sites for the proteins on the pre-miRNA substrate. Moreover, it was shown that HelF-dsRBD and Dicer-dsRBD have siRNA-binding activity. The affinities of the two dsRBDs to the pre-let-7 substrate were also examined by plasmon surface resonance analyses, which revealed a 9-fold higher binding affinity of the Dicer-dsRBD to pre-let-7 compared to that of the HelF-dsRBD. The binding of HelF-dsRBD to the pre-let-7 was impaired in the presence of Mg2+, while the Dicer-dsRBD interaction with pre-let-7 was not influenced by the presence of Mg2+. The results obtained in this thesis can be used to postulate a model for HelF function. In this, HelF acts as a nuclear suppressor of RNAi in wild type cells by recognition and binding of dsRNA substrates. The protein might act as a surveillance system to avoid RNAi initiation by fortuitous dsRNA formation or low abundance of dsRNA trigger. If the protein acts as an RNA helicase, it could unwind fold-back structures in the nucleus and thus lead to decreased RNAi efficiency. A knock-out of HelF would result in initiation of the RNAi pathway even by low levels of dsRNA. The exact molecular function of the protein in the RNAi mechanism still has to be elucidated. RNA interferenz (RNAi) ist ein in jüngster Zeit entdeckter Mechanismus, bei dem doppelsträngige RNA Moleküle (dsRNA) eine Homologie-abhängige Degradation einer verwandten messenger-RNA (mRNA) auslösen. Auf der Suche nach neuen Komponenten der RNAi-Maschinerie in Dictyostelium konnte ein neues Gen (helF) identifiziert werden. HelF ist eine putative RNA-Helikase mit einer hohen Homologie zur Helikasedomäne der bekannten Dicerproteine, der Helikasedomäne der Dictyostelium RdRP und zu dem C. elegans Gen drh-1, welches für eine Dicer-bezogene DExH-box RNA Helikase codiert, die am RNAi-Mechanismus beteiligt ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Funktion von HelF im Zusammenhang des RNAi oder asRNA induzierten PTGS zu untersuchen. Es wurde eine Unterbrechung des helF-Gens auf genomischer Ebene (K.O.) vorgenommen, was bei den Mutanten zu einer veränderten Morphologie in der späten Entwicklung führte. Die Lokalisation des Proteins in der Zelle konnte mit Hilfe einer GFP-Fusion analysiert werden und kleinen Bereichen innerhalb des Nukleus zugewiesen werden. Im Weiteren wurde der Einfluss von HelF auf den RNAi-Mechanismus untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wurde RNAi durch Einbringen von RNAi Hairpin-Konstrukten gegen vier endogene Gene im Wiltypstamm und der HelF--Mutante induziert. Im Vergleich zum Wildtypstamm konnte im HelF--Mutantenstamm eine stark erhöhte „Silencing“-Effizienz nachgewiesen werden. Ein Gen, welches nach RNAi Initiation im Wildtypstamm unverändert blieb, konnte im HelF--Mutantenstamm erfolgreich stillgelegt werden. Durch sekundäres Einführen einer Gendisruption im helF-Locus in einen Stamm, in welchem ein Gen nicht stillgelegt werden konnte, wurde die Effizienz des Stilllegens deutlich erhöht. Dieses Phänomen wurde hier erstmals als „Retrosilencing“ beschrieben. Mit Hilfe von transkriptionellen run-on Experimenten konnte belegt werden, dass es sich bei dieser erhöhten Stilllegungseffizienz um ein posttranskriptionelles Ereignis handelte, wobei die Stillegungseffizienz von der Transkriptionsstärke der Hairpin RNAs abhängt. Für die HelF--Mutanten konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Schwellenwert zum Auslösen eines effizienten Stillegens dramatisch abgesenkt war. Obwohl die RNAi-vermittelte Genstilllegung immer mit der Produktion von siRNAs einhergeht, war die Menge der siRNAs nicht abhängig von dem Expressionsniveau des Hairpin-Konstruktes. Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass es sich bei der HelF um einen natürlichen Suppressor des RNAi-Mechanismus in Dictyostelium handelt. Im Gegensatz hierzu war die as-vermittelte Stilllegung von drei untersuchten Genen im HelF-K.O. im Vergleich zum Wildyp unverändert. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigten frühere Beobachtungen (H. Martens und W. Nellen, unveröffentlicht), wonach die Mechanismen für RNAi und asRNA-vermittelte Genstilllegung unterschiedliche spezifische Proteine benötigen. Um die Funktion des HelF-Proteins auf der molekularen Ebene genauer zu charakterisieren und die Interaktion mit anderen RNAi-Komponenten zu untersuchen, wurden in vitro Versuche durchgeführt. Das HelF-Protein enthält, neben der DEAH-Helikase-Domäne eine N-terminale Doppelstrang RNA bindende Domäne (dsRBD) mit einer hohen Ähnlichkeit zu der dsRBD des Dicer A aus Dictyostelium. Die dsRNA-Bindungsaktivität der beiden dsRBDs aus HelF und Dicer A wurde analysiert und verglichen. Es konnte mithilfe von Gel-Retardationsanalysen gezeigt werden, dass sowohl HelF-dsRBD als auch Dicer-dsRBD direkt an lange dsRNAs binden können. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass die HelF-dsRBD eine höhere Affinität zu einem imperfekten RNA-Doppelstrang besitzt, als zu einer perfekt gepaarten dsRNA. Für beide dsRBDs konnte eine spezifische Bindung an ein pre-miRNA Substrat nachgewiesen werden (pre-let-7). Dieses Ergebnis legt nah, dass es zwei Bindestellen für die Proteine auf dem pre-miRNA Substrat gibt. Überdies hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass die dsRBDs beider Proteine eine siRNA bindende Aktivität besitzen. Die Affinität beider dsRBDs an das pre-let-7 Substrat wurde weiterhin mit Hilfe der Plasmon Oberflächen Resonanz untersucht. Hierbei konnte eine 9-fach höhere Bindeaffinität der Dicer-dsRBD im Vergleich zur HelF-dsRBD nachgewiesen werden. Während die Bindung der HelF-dsRBD an das pre-let-7 durch die Anwesenheit von Mg2+ beeinträchtigt war, zeigte sich kein Einfluß von Mg2+ auf das Bindeverhalten der Dicer-dsRBD. Mit Hilfe der in dieser Arbeit gewonnen Ergebnisse lässt sich ein Model für die Funktion von HelF postulieren. In diesem Model wirkt HelF durch Erkennen und Binden von dsRNA Substraten als Suppressor von der RNAi im Kern. Das Protein kann als Überwachungsystem gegen eine irrtümliche Auslösung von RNAi wirken, die durch zufällige dsRNA Faltungen oder eine zu geringe Häufigkeit der siRNAs hervorgerufen sein könnte. Falls das Protein eine Helikase-Aktivität besitzt, könnte es rückgefaltete RNA Strukturen im Kern auflösen, was sich in einer verringerten RNAi-Effizienz wiederspiegelt. Durch Ausschalten des helF-Gens würde nach diesem Modell eine erfolgreiche Auslösung von RNAi schon bei sehr geringer Mengen an dsRNA möglich werden. Das Modell erlaubt, die exakte molekulare Funktion des HelF-Proteins im RNAi-Mechanismus weiter zu untersuchen.
Der eukaryotische Mikroorganismus Dictyostelium discoideum lebt als einzellige Amöbe solange ausreichende Nahrungsressourcen zur Verfügung stehen. Sobald Nahrungsmangel eintritt, entwickeln sich die Zellen von einem einzelligen zu einem mehrzelligen Zustand, der mit einem multizellulären Fruchtkörper abschließt. Dieser Prozess wird durch eine Reihe aufeinanderfolgender Signale organisiert, die eine differentielle Genexpression regulieren. Die Gene der Discoidin I Familie gehören zu den Ersten, die im Laufe des Wachstums-Differenzierungs-Übergangs (engl. GDT) aktiviert werden. Sie eignen sich daher vorzüglich als Marker für den Beginn der Entwicklung. Mit Hilfe einer REMI-Mutagenese und Discoidin I als molekularem Marker sind verschiedene Komponenten des Wachstums-Differenzierungs-Übergangs in unserer Arbeitsgruppe identifiziert worden (Zeng et al., 2000 A und B; Riemann und Nellen, persönliche Mitteilung). Mit demselben Ansatz wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine REMI-Mutante identifiziert, die eine Fehl-Expression von Discoidin zeigte und einen axenischen Wachstumsdefekt bei 15 °C aufwies. Das Gen wurde als Homolog zum humanen Tafazzin-Gen identifiziert. Dieses Gen wurde zur Rekonstruktion des Phänotyps über homologe Rekombination erneut disruptiert, was wie erwartet zu dem zuerst beschriebenen Phänotyp führte. Folgerichtig ergab eine Überexpression des Gens in den Mutanten eine Komplementation des Phänotyps. Immunfluoreszenz-Experimente zeigten eine mitochondriale Lokalisation des Dictyostelium discoideum Taffazzin Proteins. Dass ein mitochondriales Protein in Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstums-Differenzierungs-Übergang steht, ist ein unerwarteter Befund, der aber als Hinweis darauf gewertet werden kann, dass Mitochondrien einen direkten Einfluss auf die entwicklungsspezifische Signaltransduktion ausüben. Die Taffazzin Disruptions-Mutante in Dictyostelium führte zu einem abnormalen Cardiolipin Metabolismus. Dieses Phospholipid ist ein charakteristischer Bestandteil der inneren Mitochondrienmembran und für die Funktion verschiedener Enzyme erforderlich. Unsere vorläufigen Analysen des Phospholipid-Gehalts zeigten Übereinstimmung mit Daten von Patienten mit Barth-Syndrom, einer humanen Erkrankung, bei der das Taffazzin-Gen Mutationen aufweist, und mit Hefe-Mutanten dieses Gens. Dies zeigt den Wert von Dictyostelium discoideum als einen weiteren Modelorganismus zur Untersuchung des Barth-Syndroms und zur Erprobung möglicher Therapieansätze.
Emergent molecular measurement methods, such as DNA microarray, qRTPCR, and many others, offer tremendous promise for the personalized treatment of cancer. These technologies measure the amount of specific proteins, RNA, DNA or other molecular targets from tumor specimens with the goal of “fingerprinting” individual cancers. Tumor specimens are heterogeneous; an individual specimen typically contains unknown amounts of multiple tissues types. Thus, the measured molecular concentrations result from an unknown mixture of tissue types, and must be normalized to account for the composition of the mixture. For example, a breast tumor biopsy may contain normal, dysplastic and cancerous epithelial cells, as well as stromal components (fatty and connective tissue) and blood and lymphatic vessels. Our diagnostic interest focuses solely on the dysplastic and cancerous epithelial cells. The remaining tissue components serve to “contaminate” the signal of interest. The proportion of each of the tissue components changes as a function of patient characteristics (e.g., age), and varies spatially across the tumor region. Because each of the tissue components produces a different molecular signature, and the amount of each tissue type is specimen dependent, we must estimate the tissue composition of the specimen, and adjust the molecular signal for this composition. Using the idea of a chemical mass balance, we consider the total measured concentrations to be a weighted sum of the individual tissue signatures, where weights are determined by the relative amounts of the different tissue types. We develop a compositional source apportionment model to estimate the relative amounts of tissue components in a tumor specimen. We then use these estimates to infer the tissuespecific concentrations of key molecular targets for sub-typing individual tumors. We anticipate these specific measurements will greatly improve our ability to discriminate between different classes of tumors, and allow more precise matching of each patient to the appropriate treatment
Variations in the human cannabinoid receptor (CNR1) gene modulate striatal responses to happy faces.
Happy facial expressions are innate social rewards and evoke a response in the striatum, a region known for its role in reward processing in rats, primates and humans. The cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) is the best-characterized molecule of the endocannabinoid system, involved in processing rewards. We hypothesized that genetic variation in human CNR1 gene would predict differences in the striatal response to happy faces. In a 3T functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning study on 19 Caucasian volunteers, we report that four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the CNR1 locus modulate differential striatal response to happy but not to disgust faces. This suggests a role for the variations of the CNR1 gene in underlying social reward responsivity. Future studies should aim to replicate this finding with a balanced design in a larger sample, but these preliminary results suggest neural responsivity to emotional and socially rewarding stimuli varies as a function of CNR1 genotype. This has implications for medical conditions involving hypo-responsivity to emotional and social stimuli, such as autism.
The recently described cupin superfamily of proteins includes the germin and germinlike proteins, of which the cereal oxalate oxidase is the best characterized. This superfamily also includes seed storage proteins, in addition to several microbial enzymes and proteins with unknown function. All these proteins are characterized by the conservation of two central motifs, usually containing two or three histidine residues presumed to be involved with metal binding in the catalytic active site. The present study on the coding regions of Synechocystis PCC6803 identifies a previously unknown group of 12 related cupins, each containing the characteristic two-motif signature. This group comprises 11 single-domain proteins, ranging in length from 104 to 289 residues, and includes two phosphomannose isomerases and two epimerases involved in cell wall synthesis, a member of the pirin group of nuclear proteins, a possible transcriptional regulator, and a close relative-of a cytochrome c551 from Rhodococcus. Additionally, there is a duplicated, two-domain protein that has close similarity to an oxalate decarboxylase from the fungus Collybia velutipes and that is a putative progenitor of the storage proteins of land plants.