965 resultados para Forestry extension


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Planck scale physics may influence the evolution of cosmological fluctuations in the early stages of cosmological evolution. Because of the quasiexponential redshifting, which occurs during an inflationary period, the physical wavelengths of comoving scales that correspond to the present large-scale structure of the Universe were smaller than the Planck length in the early stages of the inflationary period. This trans-Planckian effect was studied before using toy models. The Horava-Lifshitz (HL) theory offers the chance to study this problem in a candidate UV complete theory of gravity. In this paper we study the evolution of cosmological perturbations according to HL gravity assuming that matter gives rise to an inflationary background. As is usually done in inflationary cosmology, we assume that the fluctuations originate in their minimum energy state. In the trans-Planckian region the fluctuations obey a nonlinear dispersion relation of Corley-Jacobson type. In the "healthy extension" of HL gravity there is an extra degree of freedom which plays an important role in the UV region but decouples in the IR, and which influences the cosmological perturbations. We find that in spite of these important changes compared to the usual description, the overall scale invariance of the power spectrum of cosmological perturbations is recovered. However, we obtain oscillations in the spectrum as a function of wave number with a relative amplitude of order unity and with an effective frequency which scales nonlinearly with wave number. Taking the usual inflationary parameters we find that the frequency of the oscillations is so large as to render the effect difficult to observe.


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Poly(ethylene tereftalate) (PET) is a polymer highly susceptible to the hydrolytic reactions that occur during applications and mainly in thermomechanical processing. These reactions lead to the decrease of molecular weight of the polymer, limiting the recycling number of the material. The reactive extrusion of the PET in presence of chain extenders is an alternative to recover mechanical and rheological properties that were depreciated by the polymer degradation. In this study, PET wastes from nonwoven fabrics production were extruded in presence of the secondary stabilizer Irgafos 126 (IRG) on variable concentrations. The results showed that Irgafos 126 increased molecular weight, decreased crystallinity and changed processing behavior of the PET, similarly to the effects produced by the well-known chain extender pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA), showing that the secondary stabilizer Irgafos 126 can also act as a chain extender for the PET.


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The most typical maximum tests for measuring leg muscle performance are the one-repetition maximum leg press test (1RMleg) and the isokinetic knee extension/flexion (IKEF) test. Nevertheless, their inter-correlations have not been well documented, mainly the predicted values of these evaluations. This correlational and regression analysis study involved 30 healthy young males aged 18-24y, who have performed both tests. Pearson's product moment correlation between 1RMleg and IKEF varied from 0.20 to 0.69 and the more exact predicted test was to 1RMleg (R2 = 0.71). The study showed correlations between 1RMleg and IKEF although these tests are different (isotonic vs. isokinetic) and provided further support for cross determination of 1RMleg and IKEF by linear and multiple linear regression analysis.


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Maintaining the postharvest quality of whole and fresh-cut fruit during storage and distribution is the major challenge facing fruit industry. For this purpose, industry adopt a wide range of technologies to enable extended shelf-life. Many factors can lead to loss of quality in fresh product, hence the common description of these products as ‘perishable’. As a consequence normal factors such as transpiration and respiration lead ultimately to water loss and senescence of the product. Fruits and vegetables are living commodities and their rate of respiration is of key importance to maintenance of quality. It has been commonly observed that the greater the respiration rate of a product, the shorter the shelf-life. The principal problem for fresh-cut fruit industries is the relative shorter shelf-life of minimally processed fruit (MPF) compared to intact product. This fact is strictly connected with the higher ethylene production of fruit tissue stimulated during fresh-cut processing (peeling, cutting, dipping). 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) is an inhibitor of ethylene action and several researches have shown its effectiveness on the inhibition of ripening and senescence incidence for intact fruit and consequently on their shelf-life extension. More recently 1-MCP treatment has been tested also for shelf-life extension of MPF but discordant results have been obtained. Considering that in some countries 1-MCP is already a commercial product registered for the use on a number of horticultural products, the main aim of this actual study was to enhance our understanding on the effects of 1-MCP treatment on the quality maintenance of whole and fresh-cut climacteric and non-climacteric fruit (apple, kiwifruit and pineapple). Concerning the effects of 1-MCP on whole fruit, was investigated the effects of a semi-commercial postharvest treatment with 1-MCP on the quality of Pink Lady apples as functions of fruit ripening stage, 1-MCP dose, storage time and also in combination with controlled atmospheres storage in order to better understand what is the relationship among these parameters and if is possible to maximize the 1-MCP treatment to meet the market/consumer needs and then in order to put in the market excellent fruit. To achieve this purpose an incomplete three-level three-factor design was adopted. During the storage were monitored several quality parameters: firmness, ripening index, ethylene and carbon dioxide production and were also performed a sensory evaluations after 6 month of storage. In this study the higher retention of firmness (at the end of storage) was achieved by applying the greatest 1-MCP concentration to fruits with the lowest maturity stage. This finding means that in these semi-commercial conditions we may considerate completely blocked the fruit softening. 1-MCP was able to delay also the ethylene and CO2 production and the maturity parameters (soluble solids content and total acidity). Only in some cases 1-MCP generate a synergistic effect with the CA storage. The results of sensory analyses indicated that, the 1-MCP treatment did not affect the sweetness and whole fruit flavour while had a little effect on the decreasing cut fruit flavour. On the contrary the treated apple was more sour, crisp, firm and juicy. The effects of some treatment (dipping and MAP) on the nutrient stability were also investigated showing that in this case study the adopted treatments did not have drastic effects on the antioxidant compounds on the contrary the dipping may enhance the total antioxidant activity by the accumulation of ascorbic acid on the apple cut surface. Results concerning the effects of 1-MCP in combination with MAP on the quality parameters behaviour of the kiwifruit were not always consistent and clear: in terms of colour maintenance, it seemed to have a synergistic effect with N2O MAP; as far as ripening index is concerned, 1-MCP had a preservative effect, but just for sample packed in air.


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This thesis deals with a novel control approach based on the extension of the well-known Internal Model Principle to the case of periodic switched linear exosystems. This extension, inspired by power electronics applications, aims to provide an effective design method to robustly achieve the asymptotic tracking of periodic references with an infinite number of harmonics. In the first part of the thesis the basic components of the novel control scheme are described and preliminary results on stabilization are provided. In the second part, advanced control methods for two applications coming from the world high energy physics are presented.


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In questo lavoro di tesi è stata sviluppata una Firefox Extension per la registrazione e la replicazione di procedure sul Web. Si tratterà a fondo l’ambiente tecnologico nel quale è stata sviluppata l’applicazione e il contesto in cui si inserisce una Firefox Extension. Illustreremo il problema che intendiamo risolvere con la nostra estensione,il contesto applicativo in cui si inserisce e riporteremo una serie di lavori correlati che cercano, con diversi approcci, di risolvere il nostro stesso problema. Illustreremo il lavoro trattando approfonditamente l’approccio da noi utilizzato, mostrandone i vantaggi e i limiti.


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Strukturgeologische Untersuchungen belegen, daß die Anatoliden der Westtürkei im Eozän durch die Plazierung der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit entlang einer durchbrechenden Überschiebung auf die Menderes-Decken unter grünschieferfaziellen Metamorphosebedingungen entstanden.Die kykladischen Blauschiefer in der Westtürkei enthalten Relikte eines prograden alpinen Gefüges (DA1), welches hochruckmetamorph von Disthen und Chloritoid poikiloblastisch überwachsen wurde. Dieses Mineralstadium dauerte noch während des Beginns des nachfolgenden Deformationsereignisses (DA2) an, welches durch NE-gerichtete Scherung und Dekompression charakterisiert ist. Die nachfolgende Deformation (DA3) war das erste Ereignis, das beide Einheiten, sowohl die kykladische Blauschifereinheit als auch die Menderes-Decken, gemeinsam erfaßte. Der Überschiebungskontakt zwischen der kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit und den Menderes-Decken ist eine DA3-Scherzone: die ‘Cycladic-Menderes Thrust’ (CMT). Entlang der CMT-Überschiebungsbahn wurden die kykladischen Blauschiefer gegen veschiedene Einheiten der MN plaziert. Die CMT steigt nach S zum strukturell Hangenden hin an und kann daher als eine durchbrechende Überschiebung entlang einer nach S ansteigenden Rampe betrachtet werden. In den kykladischen Blauschiefern überprägen DA3-Strukturen, die im Zusammenhang mit der CMT stehen, hochdruckmentamorphe Gefüge.In den Menderes-Decken, dem Liegenden der CMT, wird DA3 durch regional vebreitete Gefügeelemente dokumentiert, die im Zusammenhang mit S-gerichteten Schersinnindikatoren stehen. DA3-Gefüge haben die Decken intern deformiert und bilden jene Scherzonen, welche die Decken untereinander abgrenzen. In der Çine-Decke können granitische Gesteine in Orthogneise und Metagranite unterteilt werden. Die Deformationsgeschichte dieser Gesteine dokumentiert zwei Ereignisse. Ein frühes amphibolitfazielles Ereignis erfaßte nur die Orthogneise, in denen vorwiegend NE-SW orientierte Lineare und NE-gerichtete Schersinnindikatoren entstanden. Die jüngeren Metagranite wurden sowohl durch vereinzelte DA3-Scherzonen, als auch in einer großmaßstäblichen DA3-Scherzone am Südrand des Çine-Massivs deformiert. In DA3-Scherzonen sind die Lineare N-S orientiert und die zugehörigen Schersinnindikatoren zeigen S-gerichtete Scherung unter grünschieferfaziellen Bedingungen an. Diese grünschieferfaziellen Scherzonen überprägen die amphibolitfaziellen Gefüge in den Orthogneisen. Magmatische Zirkone aus einem Metagranit, der einen Orthogneiss mit Top-NE Gefügen durchschlägt, ergaben ein 207Pb/206Pb-Alter von 547,2±1,0 Ma. Dies deutet darauf hin, daß DPA proterozoischen Alters ist. Dies wird auch durch die Tatsache gestützt, daß triassische Granite in der Çine- und der Bozdag-Decke keine DPA-Gefüge zeigen. Die jüngeren Top-S-Gefüge sind wahrscheinlich zur gleichen Zeit entstanden wie die ältesten Gefüge der Bayindir-Decke.Das Fehlen von Hochdruck-Gefügen im Liegenden der CMT impliziert eine Exhumierung der kykladischen Blauschiefer von mehr ca. 35 km, bevor diese im Eozän auf die Menderes-Decken aufgeschoben wurden. Die substantiellen Unterschiede bezüglich in der tektonometamorphen Geschichte der kykladischen Blauschiefer und der Menderes-Decken widersprechen der Modellvorstellung eines lateral kontinuierlichen Orogengürtels, nach der die Menderes-Decken als östliche Fortsezung der kykladischen Blauschiefer angesehen werden.Die Analyse spröder spätalpiner Deformationsstrukturen und das regionale Muster mit Hilfe von Spaltspurdatierung modellierter Abkühlalter deuten darauf hin, daß die Struktur des Eozänen Deckenstapels durch miozäne bis rezente Kernkomplex-Bildung stark modifiziert wurde. Eine großmaßstäbliche Muldenstruktur im zentralen Teil der Anatoliden hat sich als Folge zweier symmetrisch angeordneter Detachment-Systeme von initial steilen zu heute flachen Orientierungen im Einflußbreich von ’Rolling Hinges’ gebildet. Die Detachment-Störungen begrenzen den ‘Central Menderes metamorphic core complex’ (CMCC). Das Muster der Apatit-Spaltspuralter belegt, daß die Bildung des CMCC im Miozän begann. Durch die Rück-Deformierung von parallel zur Foliation konstruierten Linien gleicher Abkühlalter kann gezeigt werden, daß die Aufwölbung im Liegenden der Detachments zur Entstehung der Muldenstruktur führte. Das hohe topographische Relief im Bereich des CMCC ist eine Folge der Detachment-Störungen, was darauf hindeutet daß der obere Mantel in den Prozeß mit einbezogen gewesen ist.


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Starting from pervasive computing paradigm, we want to face the new system's requirements, concerning, mainly, self-organisation, situatedness and adaptivity, through the definition and execution of nature-inspired patterns. They are extracted by the study of dynamics in biological systems and we consider for their implementation the biochemical tuple spaces model. In particular, the aim of the thesis is to design and realize a first biochemical extension of TuCSoN (technology based on tuple spaces model) and, then, to verify its capabilities by means of a proper case study, that deals with local self-organisation and competition of services in an open and highly-dynamic environment.


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Marking the final explosive burning stage of massive stars, supernovae are onernthe of most energetic celestial events. Apart from their enormous optical brightnessrnthey are also known to be associated with strong emission of MeV neutrinos—up tornnow the only proven source of extrasolar neutrinos.rnAlthough being designed for the detection of high energy neutrinos, the recentlyrncompleted IceCube neutrino telescope in the antarctic ice will have the highestrnsensitivity of all current experiments to measure the shape of the neutrino lightrncurve, which is in the MeV range. This measurement is crucial for the understandingrnof supernova dynamics.rnIn this thesis, the development of a Monte Carlo simulation for a future low energyrnextension of IceCube, called PINGU, is described that investigates the response ofrnPINGU to a supernova. Using this simulation, various detector configurations arernanalysed and optimised for supernova detection. The prospects of extracting notrnonly the total light curve, but also the direction of the supernova and the meanrnneutrino energy from the data are discussed. Finally the performance of PINGU isrncompared to the current capabilities of IceCube.


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We performed a histopathologic analysis to assess the extent of the extracapsular extension (ECE) beyond the capsule of metastatic lymph nodes (LN) in head and neck cancer to determine appropriate clinical target volume (CTV) expansions.


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Small lymph nodes (LN) show evidence of extracapsular extension (ECE) in a significant number of patients. This study was performed to determine the impact of ECE in LN 7 mm as compared with ECE in larger LN.


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Diffusely infiltrating gliomas (WHO grade II-IV) are the most common primary brain tumours in adults. These tumours are not amenable to cure by surgery alone, so suitable biomarkers for adjuvant modalities are required to guide therapeutic decision-making. Epigenetic silencing of the O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene by promoter methylation has been associated with longer survival of patients with high-grade gliomas who receive alkylating chemotherapy; and molecular testing for the methylation status of the MGMT promoter sequence is regarded as among the most relevant of such markers. We have developed a primer extension-based assay adapted to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues that enables quantitative assessment of the methylation status of the MGMT promoter. The assay is very sensitive, highly reproducible, and provides valid test results in nearly 100% of cases. Our results indicate that oligodendrogliomas, empirically known to have a relatively favourable prognosis, are also the most homogeneous entities in terms of MGMT promoter methylation. Conversely, astrocytomas, which are more prone to spontaneous progression to higher grade malignancy, are significantly more heterogeneous. In addition, we show that the degree of promoter methylation correlates with the prevalence of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome arm 1p in the oligodendroglioma group, but not the astrocytoma group. Our results may have potentially important implications for clinical molecular diagnosis.


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