984 resultados para Forensic document examination


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This document lists the work on salmonid fisheries in the River Ribble catchment in the north west of England which was done in 1992-93. The document includes the following: analysis of historical catch data from the River Ribble covering 1937-1991; Ribble and Hodder stock assessment surveys 1992-93 including Swanside Beck; Ribble catch data from game angling log books 1993; results of salmon scale sampling 1993; results of microtagging programme in Hodder and Ribble 1993; Waddow Weir dish counter data 1993; Winkley Hall (Hodder), Locks Weir and Waddow Hall (Ribble) fish counter data 1993; number of fish and ova from Witcherwell Hatchery 1993.


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Growth rates of male and female tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus were determined from length/frequencies of fish from the Sanyati Basin and Sinamwenda estuary, Lake Kariba. Growth rates were similar in both sexes for the first two years, after which females grew faster and reached a greater length. Fish from the Sanyati Basin appeared to grow slightly faster than those from the Sinamwenda Estuary.


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Este estudo realizou um exame crítico sobre os relatórios de sustentabilidade, com base na Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), elaborados pelas empresas do setor de geração de energia elétrica por hidroeletricidade no Brasil e avaliou a significância destes documentos em prestar informações claras sobre a eficácia do desempenho socioambiental. Os estudos acadêmicos relacionados com os relatórios de sustentabilidade, e especificamente com os relatórios da GRI, demonstram que há problemas na qualidade da informação com relação à completeza, padronização e credibilidade do conteúdo, porém sem aprofundar nas causas potenciais. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem quali-quantitativa, com o emprego de pesquisa do tipo descritiva e a utilização de procedimentos bibliográfico e documental, por meio de análise de conteúdo. A quantificação das evidências foi desenvolvida com base nas informações contidas nos relatórios de sustentabilidade das empresas CPFL, EDP e Tractebel, que possuíam o nível mais alto de aplicação da GRI, associadas com as informações de seus desempenhos socioambientais disponíveis por outras fontes de consulta independentes. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo dos relatórios de sustentabilidade demonstraram que nenhuma das empresas atingiu o atendimento pleno de evidência da informação solicitada nas Unidades de Informação avaliadas. Esta constatação indica que todas as empresas avaliadas apresentaram falhas na validação das informações antes do início da elaboração propriamente dita do relatório, como determina a etapa de validação da GRI, sugerindo que os testes disponíveis nos princípios da GRI, provavelmente, não foram empregados ou foram adotados sem eficácia, afetando a qualidade da informação com relação à completeza e credibilidade do conteúdo. Questões que merecem ser aprofundadas em futuros trabalhos são: a influência dos limites da auditoria independente no resultado da verificação do relatório e a extensão da pesquisa de análise de conteúdo para outros setores industriais formados por grandes empresas e com elevado impacto ambiental potencial. O estudo contribui para o aumento de conhecimento sobre o tema, em destaque na atualidade, seja pelos esforços de normalização mundial do relatório de sustentabilidade GRI, e, principalmente, com a recomendação para o fomento destes relatórios incluída no documento final The Future We Want- O Futuro que Queremos da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Rio+20), no parágrafo 47, com potencial regulamentação brasileira compulsória dos mesmos.


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We determined the dis-tribution of multiple (n=68; 508−978 mm total length [TL]) striped bass (Morone saxatilis) along the estua-rine salinity gradient in the Mullica River−Great Bay in southern New Jersey over two years to determine the diversity of habitat use and the movements of striped bass. Ultrasoni-cally tagged fish were detected in this estuarine area by means of wireless hydrophones deployed at four gates inside the entrance of the study area and farther up to tidal freshwater (38 km). Numerous individuals frequently departed and returned to the estuary, primarily in the spring and late fall over periods of 15−731 days at liberty. The period of residency and degree of movement of individuals to and from the estuary varied extensively among seasons and years. The diversity of movements in and out of, as well as within, the estuary differed from the less-complex patterns reported in earlier studies, perhaps because of the comprehensive and synoptic nature of this study.


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Despite considerable conservation efforts, many reef fish fisheries around the world continue to be in peril. Many are vulnerable to overexploitation because they have predictable and highly aggregated spawning events. In U.S. Caribbean waters, fishery managers are increasingly interested in advancing the use of closed areas as a means for rebuilding reef fisheries, protecting coral reef habitats, and furthering ecosystem-based management while maintaining the sustained participation of local fishing communities. This study details small-scale fishermen’s views on the Caribbean Fishery Management Council’s proposals to lengthen the current Bajo de Sico seasonal closure off the west coast of Puerto Rico to afford additional protection to snapper-grouper spawning populations and associated coral reef habitats. Drawing on snowball sampling techniques, we interviewed 65 small-scale fishermen who regularly operate in the Bajo de Sico area. Snowball sampling is a useful method to sample difficult-to-find populations. Our analysis revealed that the majority of the respondents opposed a longer seasonal closure in the Bajo de Sico area, believing that the existing 3-month closure afforded ample protection to reef fish spawning aggregations and that their gear did not impact deep-water corals in the area. Whilst fishermen’s opposition to additional regulations was anticipated, the magnitude of the socio-economic consequences described was unexpected. Fishermen estimated that a year round closure would cause their gross household income to fall between 10% and 80%, with an average drop of 48%. Our findings suggest that policy analysts and decision-makers should strive to better understand the cumulative impacts of regulations given the magnitude of the reported socio-economic impacts; and, more importantly, they should strive to enhance the existing mechanisms by which fishermen can contribute their knowledge and perspectives into the management process.


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Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in litigation against the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA. Litigation may affect personnel throughout the agency, including scientists, whose work is often directly or indirectly influenced by complex legal requirements, but who may not be in a position to comment or engage in public dialogue. It may be helpful for scientists and other agency personnel to join the ongoing discussion in the legal community regarding the interface of science and law. This paper provides a starting point with a selected introduction to relevant legal literature in this area. It uses the phrase “forensic fisheries science” to describe the application of science to legal requirements in the fishery management context. It concludes with suggestions for future research that could assist NMFS scientists as they grapple with the challenge of using science to help the agency meet its complex legal requirements. Forensic: belonging to, used in, or suitable to courts of judicature or to public discussion and debate; argumentative, rhetorical; relating to or dealing with the application of scientific knowledge to legal problems (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary )


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Extensive mortalities of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, occurred from 1985 through 1987 in coastal waters of Georgia. Fluid thioglycolate cultures of oysters collected from 16 of 17 locations revealed infections by the apicomplexan parasite Perkinsus marinus. An ascetosporan parasite, Haplosporidium nelsoni, was also observed in histopathological examination of oysters from 4 of the locations. While the range of H. nelsoni currently is recognized as the east coast of the United States from Maine to Florida, this is the first report of the parasite in Georgia waters. This paper documents the occurrence of these two lethal parasites in oysters from coastal waters of Georgia, along with potential disease and management implications. Results of an earlier independent and previously unpublished survey are also discussed which document the presence of P. marinus in Georgia as early as 1966.


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This document presents ex-ante impact evaluations of research for development projects related to aquaculture in Bangladesh, Malawi and Ghana. The Ghana chapter also includes an ex-ante evaluation of a fisheries project. The case studies utilized preliminary versions of guidelines developed specifically for ex-ante evaluations of aquaculture and fisheries projects. The guidelines, found in A Practical Guide for Ex-Ante Impact Evaluations in Fisheries and Aquaculture, are designed to provide an approach for a qualitative examination of the potential for a project to deliver impacts. Using a conceptual framework based on the outcome focus of results-based management, the guidelines stress careful examination of the setting, internal consistency, a sound theory of change, and an examination of stakeholders’ interests and potential partnerships. The case study reports illustrate the variability with which the guidelines may be interpreted and applied. The different teams, operating with limited time and budget that constrained the collection of new data, were forced to utilize existing secondary data and information and consult with key stakeholders to complete their analyses. The varying levels of reporting reflect the differences among the cases in the amounts of existing information and variety of stakeholders potentially involved in the projects being examined.


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This is the Rivers Avon & Erme Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. This document is part of a national initiative to produce action plans for the management of all the main salmon rivers of England and Wales by 2003. The aim of this plan is (i) to assess the status of the salmon stocks and fisheries of the rivers Avon and Erme - including the use of Conservation Limits as part of this process, (ii) to identify factors which may limiting stock and fishery performance and (iii) to propose remedial measures address these factors. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the Rivers Avon & Erme Salmon Action Plan (SAP). While the stocks of both rivers have exceeded their respective conservation limits occasionally in individual years, only the Erme has achieved a period of statistical compliance since 1993. It is possible that this situation is largely normal, due to the steep nature of the rivers, obstructions to migration and dependence on suitable flow conditions occurring at the right time of year. The decline of the spring-running component of the stocks has left the populations dependent on autumn flows for the success of the late running component. Actions required to improve compliance with Conservation Limits are proposed and prioritised. The urgent actions relate to the need to improve the consistency with which adequate numbers of salmon reach and utilise fully all the accessible areas of the river systems. This document is intended to be dynamic, with opportunities for review occurring at regular intervals. For example, as the science of fisheries management improves, particularly in the setting of Conservation Limits, so the targets may be altered to reflect any improved methodology.


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This is the River Axe Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Axe Salmon Action Plan (SAP). This strategy represents an entirely new approach to salmon management within the UK and introduces the concept of river-specific salmon spawning targets as a salmon management tool. This document is part of a national initiative to produce action plans for the management of all the main salmon rivers of England and Wales by 2003. The aim of this plan is (i) to assess the status of the salmon stocks and fisheries of the River Axe - including the use of Conservation Limits as part of this process, (ii) to identify factors which may be limiting stock and fishery performance and (iii) to propose remedial measures address these factors. The salmon stock of the River Axe was apparently in a healthy state in the 1950s, supporting net and rod fisheries with average annual catches of around 100 and 50 fish respectively. Catches declined through the 1970s and 1980s to the extent where no salmon were recorded in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This decline was probably due largely to the effects of agricultural pollution, which virtually extinguished the salmon stock of the River Axe. Water quality has subsequently improved, but has deteriorated again in recent years.


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This is the River Dart Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Dart Salmon Action Plan (SAP). This strategy represents an entirely new approach to salmon management within the UK and introduces the concept of river-specific salmon spawning targets as a salmon management tool. The north of the River Dart catchment is included in the Dartmoor candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC), designated under the Council EC Directive 92/43/EEC, the “Habitats Directive”. One of the conservation objectives for the cSAC is to maintain the habitat for Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar in favourable condition. The River Dart is an important salmon, sea trout and brown trout fishery with no significant coarse fishery. However, eels are ubiquitous throughout the catchment and are lightly exploited. The River Dart SAP contains a description of the river catchment and highlights particular features that are relevant to the salmon population and the associated fishery.