989 resultados para Foramen Oval Patente
A new myxoporean species is described from a freshwater fish in Brazil. Myxobolus absonus sp. n. was found infecting Pimelodus maculatus captured in the river Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Cysts were found free in the opercular cavity. The spores are large (length-15.7 ± 1.5 µm, width-10.2 ± 0.7 µm; mean ± S.D.) and oval in shape, with the anterior end slightly pointed. The spore valves are relatively thin, smooth, and asymmetrical in a frontal view. The polar capsules are pyriform in shape, and unequal in size; the largest are 6.4 ± 0.7 µm long and 3.6 ± 0.5 µm wide, while the smallest are 4.2 ± 0.6 µm long and 2.5 ± 0.5 µm wide.
The genus Travassiella Rego & Pavanelli, 1987 comprises only one species, T. avitellina Rego & Pavanelli, 1987; characterized by these authors on the basis of absence of vitelline follicles. In this study, the presence of cortical vitelline follicles in this species is confirmed after de Chambrier and Vaucher (1999); the redescription was performed for the first time based on type and new material collected from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Travassiella is confirmed as a valid genus, and compared to other genera of the subfamily Zygobothriinae. T. avitellina is characterized by: (1) the presence of gland cells posteromedially to suckers; (2) the particular distribution of vitelline follicles, forming lateral arches; (3) uterine primordium cortical, growing into medulla and forming a sac-like uterus; (4) eggs, irregularly oval, outer envelop with excrescences and two digitate lappets in one of the poles.
A new species of Myxosporea, Henneguya chydadea, is described parasitizing the gills of Astyanax altiparanae collected from a lake on Rio das Pedras farm near Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Of the fish examined, 88.3% had gills parasitized by myxosporeans. The prevalence of the parasite ranged from 80% in the spring and fall, 93% in the summer and 100% in the winter. The parasite induced the formation of white, oval-shaped cysts measuring 40-64 µm x 64-80 µm which deformed the gill lamellae, compressed the capillaries, and caused retraction of the neighboring lamellae. The mature spores were elongated and had two identical, parallel elongate polar capsules. Each capsule contained a polar filament with 9-10 turns. There was no mucous envelope or iodinophilous vacuole. Morphometric differences between this parasite and other species of the genus Henneguya indicated, that he parasite observed in A. altiparanae is a new species. This is the first report of a myxosporeanparasitizing A. altiparanae.
Background: Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) due to hereditaryhemorrhagic telangiectases (HHT) is associated with paradoxical strokes, brainabcesses, and increased prevalence of migraines. We report a patient in whom wefound a relationship between PAMVs and a reduction in frequency of migrainewith aura after the treatment of the first pulmonary malformation.Patient and methods: A 67-year-old woman developed migraine with visual auraand major epistaxis during childhood. A PAVM is discovered and surgically removedin 1969. Migraines nearly disappeared during several years, after which theystarted to reappear progressively. A HHT syndrome is diagnosed based on recurrentepistaxis, the development of cutaneous telangiectases and a positive family history.She suffered a left subcortical stroke in 2008. Perfusion CT, chest radiography,thoracic CT-angiography, contrast echocardiography, contrast transcranial Dopplerand cerebral MRI were performed.Results: Perfusion CT showed previous asymptomatic strokes in cerebellum andbasal ganglia. 4 PAMVs were confirmed on the chest x-ray whose structural conformationis identified on thoracic CT. Contrast echocardiography and transcranialDoppler showed a massive right to left shunt. It is planned to embolize the 4PAVMs, and migraine frequency will now be prospectively assessed.Conclusion: This patient with a pulmonary arteriovenous malformation showeda reduced migraine frequency after resection of her lung lesion. This suggests acausal relationship between a right to left shunt and migraine, as discussed inpatients with patent foramen ovale.
A new myxosporean species is described from the fish Semaprochilodus insignis captured from the Amazon River, near Manaus. Myxobolus insignis sp. n. was located in the gills of the host forming plasmodia inside the secondary gill lamellae. The spores had a thick wall (1.5-2 µm) all around their body, and the valves were symmetrical and smooth. The spores were a little longer than wide, with rounded extremities, in frontal view, and oval in lateral view. They were 14.5 (14-15) µm long by 11.3 (11-12) µm wide and 7.8 (7-8) µm thick. Some spores showed the presence of a triangular thickening of the internal face of the wall near the posterior end of the polar capsules. This thickening could occur in one of the sides of the spore or in both sides. The polar capsules were large and equal in size surpassing the midlength of the spore. They were oval with the posterior extremity rounded, and converging anteriorly with tapered ends. They were 7.6 (7-8) µm long by 4.2 (3-5) µm wide, and the polar filament formed 6 coils slightly obliquely to the axis of the polar capsule. An intercapsular appendix was present. There was no mucous envelope or distinct iodinophilous vacuole.
El present treball és un estudi de l'estat de Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) aplicat a l'àmbit marí d'investigació oceanogràfica. Per assolir aquest objectiu s'han avaluat les diferents solucions d'arquitectura de sistemes més adients a la problemàtica indicada i s'ha dissenyat un client de Sensor Observation Service (SOS) per plataforma mòbil Android que permeti consultar la descripció del sensor (SensorML) i conjunts d'observacions mitjançant estàndards oberts de SWE i peticions web (SOAP). Els dissenys anteriorment indicats han permès que quedés palès l'ampli ventall de possibilitats i avantatges que s'obtenen pel fet d'emprar SWE, ja que ens permet integrar fàcilment les dades proporcionades pels sensors i les pròpies descripcions dels sensors en diferents entorns, tal i com és el cas del disseny presentat en Android, a través d'estàndards oberts independents de les múltiples especificacions de cada fabricant, en un entorn, com és l'àmbit de la investigació marina on hi ha una gran heterogeneïtat de sensors i protocols.
La Biblioteca de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya va començar a funcionar durant el curs 1995-1996. Des d'un bon principi, la singular concepció d'aquesta nova universitat a distància i la manca d'experiències similars en les que basar el desenvolupament dels seus serveis bibliotecaris va fer palesa la necessitat de donar una especial atenció al seguiment i l'aplicació de les noves tecnologies emergents. En els dos anys transcorreguts aquest plantejament s'ha vist consolidat i, en l'actualitat, està incorporat als objectius i a les línies d'actuació de la Biblioteca.
Eggs and nymphs of Triatoma dimidiata were described using both light and scanning electron microscopy. The egg body and operculum have an exochorion formed by irregular juxtaposed polygonal cells; these cells are without sculpture and the majority of them are hexagonal in shape. The five instars of T. dimidiatacan be distinguished from each other by characteristics of the pre, meso and metanotum. The number of setiferous tubercles increases progressively among instars. The sulcus stridulatorium of 1st instar nymphs is amorphous, showing median parallel grooves; from the 2nd instar on the sulcus is, progressively, elongate, deep and posteriorly pointed with stretched parallel grooves. All instars have a trichobothrium on the apical 1/3 of segment II of the antenna. The opening of the Brindley's gland is on the mesopleura. Fifth instar nymphs have an apical ctenidium on the ventral surface of the fore tibia. Dorsal glabrous patches are found on the lateral 1/3 of abdomen. Bright oval patches are found on the ventral median line of the abdomen, from segment IV-VI; 1st instar nymphs lack these patches. Abdominal dorsal plates are present from the 1st-5th instars; the 1st instar also contains a rectangular plate in segment IX. From the 2nd instar on, variably-shaped plates are present on segments VII to IX. Morphometric data were also obtained and proved to be useful for distinguishing T. dimidiata instars.
La diabetes mellitus (DM) está considerada como uno de los principales problemas de salud mundial con cifras que mantiene un crecimiento continuado año tras año. Por otro lado el creciente número de inmigrantes en nuestro país supone un reto para los profesionales de la salud debido a las implicaciones culturales, socio-económicas y linguísticas que conlleva. Cada vez más se hace patente la necesidad de adaptar los cuidados a unas necesidades cada vez menos homogéneas debido a la variedad de realidades culturales existentes hoy día. Una de estas realidades culturales más importantes en nuestro país la conforman los marroquíes. Presentan una mayor prevalencia de DM y un peor control de la enfermedad que la población española. Además de factores genéticos y soci- económicos, los aspectos culturales juegan un importante papel en el manejo de la DM. La vivencia y el conocimiento que tengan sobre la enfermedad facilitará o no una adherencia adecuada y continuada a las pautas de autocuidado que requiere la DM. El objetivo es conocer el significado que la población inmigrante de origen marroquí da a la DM y su experiencia respecto al hecho de vivir con la enfermedad. *Población: Pacientes marroquíes con DM residentes en Barcelona. El estudio se llevará a cabo durante el año 2012 en centros de Atención Primaria del distrito de Ciutat Vella, en Barcelona. Estos centros prestan asistencia a un alto porcentaje de población inmigrante. *Metodología: Se opta por un enfoque cualitativo de tipo etnográfico por considerarlo más adecuado a los objetivos del estudio. Recogida de Información: Observación participante y entrevistas semiestructuradas. *Análisis de Datos: Se realizará un análisis descriptivo de contenido temático siguiendo las etapas descritas por Huberman y Miles.
Se plantea un ensayo clínico a fin de determinar la utilidad de una matriz estructural biodegradable (ME, en trámite de licencia de patente) enriquecida con fibrina y/o plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) para restitución de volumen y regeneración tisular. Consta de dos fases. La primera in vitro, donde se definen las características físicas y químicas de la matriz estructural. La segunda, in vivo, que consiste en el análisis de la matriz enriquecida implantada en el tejido subcutáneo abdominal de animales de experimentación, mediante pruebas de imágenes, histología y pruebas de biodistribución.
La Malformació de Chiari tipus I (MCI) ha estat definida tradicionalment com la herniació de les amígdales cerebel•loses d’almenys 5mm, a través del forat mange. En general, els símptomes es posen de manifest durant la segona o tercera dècada de vida, tot i que s’han descrit casos pediàtrics. Donada la complexitat del quadre clínic, per realitzar un diagnòstic adient es requereix avaluació clínica i estudi de neuroimatge. La tècnica de preferència és la ressonància magnètica d’imatge, considerant-se actualment com a pacients de MCI aquells que presenten un descens de les amígdales superior a 3mm per sota del forat magne. L'existència de casos asimptomàtics dificulta establir una prevalença concreta, però s’ha estimat que podria estar entre 1/1000 a 1/5000 sent major en dones que en homes (2:1 aproximadament). Fins el moment, es desconeix l’etiologia de la malaltia però la hipòtesi més acceptada és que MCI és deguda al desenvolupament insuficient del mesoderm paraxial. Diferents estudis realitzats fins el moment evidencien que almenys, un subgrup de pacients amb MCI són deguts a contribució genètica: 1) casos d’agregació familiar amb afectes en tres generacions; 2) estudis de bessons 3) associació amb síndromes genètics coneguts amb herència mendeliana produïts per anomalies óssies que donen suport a la hipòtesi de la insuficiència del mesoderm com a causa de MCI. Davant l’evidència clara d’un component genètic com a principal causant de l’etiologia de MCI, l’objectiu del projecte va ser la identificació de les bases genètiques de la MCI, tant en gens responsables de les formes mendelianes com en gens responsables de les formes complexes de MCI mitjançant dues estratègies: 1-Identificació de variants genètiques de susceptibilitat en pacients amb MCI mitjançant estudis d’associació de tipus cas-control. 2-Anàlisi genètic de formes monogèniques mitjançant l’anàlisi de lligament a marcardors polimòrfics i la seqüenciació del DNA a gran escala.
En el presente trabajo se describe una nueva familia de ligandos trifenilfosfina con sustituyentes trifluorometilo y ácidos carboxílicos. Se ha desarrollado un procedimiento sintético optimizado para estos compuestos, en el que se parte de derivados fácilmente accesibles y permite obtener las fosfinas con elevada pureza y rendimiento. El procedimiento es, además, fácilmente escalable. Las fosfinas sintetizadas han sido completamente caracterizadas por las técnicas habituales. Uno de los ligandos preparados se ha usado en una prueba preliminar de hidroformilación de alqueno con un catalizador Rh/fosfina, en la que se ha ensayado la recuperación del catalizador mediante intercambio de fase a pH controlado. Otro de los ligando se ha anclado a una sílica mesoporosa comercial, usando la función carboxílica. El material resultante del anclaje se ha caracterizado por medio de análisis elemental y RMN en estado sólido (SSNMR) de 31P y 29Si. El proceso de obtención de estas nuevas fosfinas ha permitido explorar el alcance y limitaciones de la reacción de hidrólisis del grupo trifluorometilo en fosfinas arílicas, mediante el uso de ácido sulfúrico fumante y ácido bórico. Parte de estos resultados han sido depositados como patente (Patente española P201231702, 2012). Por otra parte, la nueva familia de ligando fosfinas descrita en este trabajo será comercializados próximamente por Strem, bajo licencia de la UAB.
BACKGROUND: Closures of atrial septal defects or a patent foramen ovale (PFO) are increasingly performed percutaneously. The experience of late migration of a new bio-absorbable device is presented here, followed by conceptual discussion. METHODS: Six months post PFO closure with a BioSTAR® device a patient presented with chest pain. Echocardiography showed a hyperechogenic structure perforating the aortic wall. RESULTS: Surgical exploration showed a perforation of the ascending aorta by one metallic, non absorbable arm. This is the second case of late (>6 months) dislocation of the residual framework of the occluder. CONCLUSIONS: The overall incidence of perforation of cardiac structures due to secondary dislocation is low. However this complication exists and should kept in mind in symptomatic patients with new onset of chest pain, after percutaneous procedures. The concept of biodegradation, with residual, non absorbable metal braiding, should be reviewed, analyzing in particular long term results and incidence of secondary dislocation.
OBJECTIVE: To examine predictors of stroke recurrence in patients with a high vs a low likelihood of having an incidental patent foramen ovale (PFO) as defined by the Risk of Paradoxical Embolism (RoPE) score. METHODS: Patients in the RoPE database with cryptogenic stroke (CS) and PFO were classified as having a probable PFO-related stroke (RoPE score of >6, n = 647) and others (RoPE score of ≤6 points, n = 677). We tested 15 clinical, 5 radiologic, and 3 echocardiographic variables for associations with stroke recurrence using Cox survival models with component database as a stratification factor. An interaction with RoPE score was checked for the variables that were significant. RESULTS: Follow-up was available for 92%, 79%, and 57% at 1, 2, and 3 years. Overall, a higher recurrence risk was associated with an index TIA. For all other predictors, effects were significantly different in the 2 RoPE score categories. For the low RoPE score group, but not the high RoPE score group, older age and antiplatelet (vs warfarin) treatment predicted recurrence. Conversely, echocardiographic features (septal hypermobility and a small shunt) and a prior (clinical) stroke/TIA were significant predictors in the high but not low RoPE score group. CONCLUSION: Predictors of recurrence differ when PFO relatedness is classified by the RoPE score, suggesting that patients with CS and PFO form a heterogeneous group with different stroke mechanisms. Echocardiographic features were only associated with recurrence in the high RoPE score group.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the usefulness of computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and Doppler ultrasonography (US) in providing specific images of gouty tophi. METHODS: Four male patients with chronic gout with tophi affecting the knee joints (three cases) or the olecranon processes of the elbows (one case) were assessed. Crystallographic analyses of the synovial fluid or tissue aspirates of the areas of interest were made with polarising light microscopy, alizarin red staining, and x ray diffraction. CT was performed with a GE scanner, MR imaging was obtained with a 1.5 T Magneton (Siemens), and ultrasonography with colour Doppler was carried out by standard technique. RESULTS: Crystallographic analyses showed monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in the specimens of the four patients; hydroxyapatite and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystals were not found. A diffuse soft tissue thickening was seen on plain radiographs but no calcifications or ossifications of the tophi. CT disclosed lesions containing round and oval opacities, with a mean density of about 160 Hounsfield units (HU). With MRI, lesions were of low to intermediate signal intensity on T(1) and T(2) weighting. After contrast injection in two cases, enhancement of the tophus was seen in one. Colour Doppler US showed the tophi to be hypoechogenic with peripheral increase of the blood flow in three cases. CONCLUSION: The MR and colour Doppler US images showed the tophi as masses surrounded by a hypervascular area, which cannot be considered as specific for gout. But on CT images, masses of about 160 HU density were clearly seen, which correspond to MSU crystal deposits.