975 resultados para Florestas tropicais - Conservação


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Este estudo foi desenvolvido para se avaliarem as alterações nos conteúdos de compostos nitrogenados dos fenos de braquiária decumbens (Brachiaria decumbnes Stapf) e jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa Ness Stapf) não-tratados, tratados com uréia (U - 5,4% da MS), uréia (UL - 5,4% da MS) mais labe-labe (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet, cv. Highworth-3,0% da MS) ou amônia anidra (NH3 -3,0% da MS). A aplicação de amônia anidra ou de uréia aumentou os teores de N total, N insolúvel em detergente neutro, N insolúvel em detergente ácido, N não-protéico e N amoniacal. A amonização diminuiu as relações N insolúvel em detergente neutro/N total e N insolúvel em detergente ácido/N total e aumentou as relações N não-protéico/N total, N amoniacal/N total e os teores de PB. O N aplicado foi retido, principalmente, nas formas de NNP e N amoniacal.


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O estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar duas fontes de amônia (amônia anidra-NH3 ou uréia) para conservação do feno de alfafa (Medicago sativa L.) armazenado com alta umidade. Foram estudados os seguintes tratamentos: A - feno com 12 a 15% de umidade e não-tratado; B - feno com 24 a 27% de umidade e tratado com 1,0% de NH3 na MS; C - feno com 24 a 27% de umidade e tratado com 0,9% de uréia na MS; D - feno com 24 a 27% de umidade e tratado com 1,8% de uréia na MS; E - feno com 34 a 37% de umidade e tratado com 0,9% de uréia na MS; e F - feno com 34 a 37% de umidade e tratado com 1,8% de uréia na MS. Os fenos permaneceram sob lona plástica, hermeticamente fechada, por 60 dias. Foram realizadas amostragens para identificação de fungos nos fenos, aos 0 e 60 dias pós-tratamento, e determinação da composição química, avaliando-se os teores de proteína bruta (PB) e dos constituintes da parede celular. Nas quantidades testadas, somente a NH3 foi eficiente no controle dos fungos. Nos tratamentos com uréia, apesar de haver controle dos gêneros Aspergillus e Penicillium, os demais gêneros presentes foram suficientes para deterioração dos fenos. Merece destaque o gênero Paecilomyces, que apresentou alta incidência em todos os fenos tratados. A quantidade utilizada de NH3 foi insuficiente para promover mudanças significativas na composição química dos fenos, exceto nos teores de PB, que aumentaram com o uso de 1,0% de NH3, quando comparados com o não-tratado.


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Este trabalho propõe a inclusão da categoria Floresta Estacional Perenifólia no sistema oficial de classificação da vegetação brasileira, devido às particularidades florísticas e fisionômicas da floresta da borda sul-amazônica, que atinge maior amplitude geográfica na região do Alto Rio Xingu. Para justificar essa inclusão são apresentadas as características ambientais (clima, solo, hidrologia) e diferenças fisionômicas e florísticas entre as florestas do Alto Xingu e demais florestas ombrófilas da Bacia do Amazonas e estacionais do Planalto Central.


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Realizou-se um estudo para comparar a técnica de degradação in vitro e digestibilidade in vivo, para a qual foram utilizados oito ovinos capões que receberam feno de capim-de-rhodes (Chloris gayana Kunt.) e capim-green panic (Panicum maximum Jacq. var. Trichoglume cv. Petrie),em quatro estágios de maturação. No estudo da digestibilidade in vivo não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os diferentes coeficientes de digestibilidade dos alimentos. Para a degradação in vitro da fibra em detergente neutro com 24 a 48 horas, não houve diferenças significativas (P > 0,05) para os mesmos nutrientes. Determinaram-se as equações de regressão e os coeficientes de correlação. Os valores de r foram considerados de médios a elevados, e os erros padrões da estimativa, satisfatórios a elevados. O maior valor de correlação foi obtido entre a taxa de degradação relativa de 24 a 48 horas, e o teor de NDT das forragens (r= 0,84), com erro-padrão da estimativa satisfatório (Sy’x = 3,92).


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The objective was to study the physical attributes of an Oxisol under fallow or planted with tropical grasses under grazing. The experiment was conducted under the experimental design of randomized blocks in split-plot 2 x 5, being five types of use of soil (Brachiaria ruziziensis, Panicum maximum cv. Aries, Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG5, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaca and fallow) and two evaluation periods (after the first and after the second grazing), with four replications. We evaluated the characteristics of soil bulk density, total porosity, microporosity and macroporosity, after the first and second grazing, and soil resistance to penetration after the second grazing. In layer of 0.00 to 0.10 m, the macroporosity was affected by the interaction between types of use and evaluation periods, while the microporosity and total porosity were reduced and the density was increased from first to second evaluation time. In the subsurface layer (0.10-0.20 m), there were significant effect only of evaluation time, on the macroporosity, total porosity and density. The porosity were reduced, while the density increased from first to second evaluation time. No significant effects of types of use of soil on penetration resistance in all layers studied. The maintenance of an Oxisol under fallow or cultivation with tropical grasses subjected to grazing cattle causes a reduction in total porosity and increased density of surface soil layers (0 to 0.10 m) and subsurface (0.10 - 0.20 m), without promoting changes on resistance to penetration mechanics.


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An equation based on heat transfer theory was presented to estimate the rate of heat loss from cattle exposed to a tropical environment, specified by the air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and wind speed. The animals' variables (sweating rate, rectal temperature, respiratory rate, surface temperature, haircoat color, and body weight) were considered together with environmental variables (air temperature and humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and globe temperature). The equation allows the prediction of (a) the metabolic heat production level necessary to balance heat losses under specified environmental conditions; (b) the combination of environmental factors that provide a determined heat flux between a given animal and its environment.


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The pariparoba (Piper cernuum Vell.), a native plant from the Atlantic Tropical Forest (ATF), has been commonly used in folk medicine. Works seeking the exploitation of P. cernuum natural populations need to be accomplished, seeking compatibility in obtaining income rates and preservation of ATF. The present work aimed to study the reproductive phenology and seed dispersal in P. cernuum natural population in the counties of Sete Barras/SP (Parque Estadual Intervales - PEI). The population of P. cernuum studied in PEI presented continuously bud-inflorescences, green-infrutescences and bud-inflorescence emission, with variation among individuals. Fruit-set average was of 9.1%, varying among individuals. Shading and foliar damage presented negative effect on the fruit-set. Three species of bats were identified as potential dispersors of the P. cernuum seeds: Carollia perspicillata, Anoura geoffroyi and Artibeus sp. The foragement strategy observed was the withdrawal of some seeds per infrutescence per flight. This strategy increases the potential in establishing new plants as well as in increase the potential of gene flow in comparison with the entire infrutescence plant eaten at the night perches. In consequence, the results of reproductive phenology and seed dispersal ecology presented in this work can help to establish management and conservation strategies of P. cernuum natural populations in the ATF.


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The objective of this work was to quantify methane (CH4) emission using the sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer technique, by dairy cattle on pasture in Brazilian tropical field conditions. Measurements were performed in the rainy season, with Holstein and Holstein x Zebu crossbred, from lactating and dry cows and heifers grazing fertilized Tobiatã grass, and heifers grazing unfertilized Brachiaria grass. Methane and SF6 concentrations were determined by gas chromatograph. Methane emissions by lactating cows varied from 13.8 to 16.8 g/hour, by dry cows from 11.6 to 12.3 g/hour, by heifers grazing fertilized grass was 9.5 g/hour and by heifers grazing unfertilized grass varied from 7.6 to 8.3 g/hour or 66 to 72 kg/head/year. Methane emission per digestive dry matter intake (DMDI) varied from 42 to 69 g/kg DMDI for lactating cows, 46 to 56 g/kg for dry cows, 45 to 58 g/kg for heifers grazing fertilized grass and 58 to 62 g/kg for heifers in unfertilized grass pasture. The CH4 emission measured on dairy cattle feeding tropical grasses was higher than that observed for temperate climate conditions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work objectified the study of sucrose and sorbitol effect in the in vitro conservation for Passiflora giberti N. E. Brown, access. Therefore, an experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design to compare control treatment (standard MS) to MS medium supplemented with three sucrose concentrations (0, 15 and 30 g L -1) combined with three sorbitol concentrations (10, 20 and 40 g L -1), in a total of 10 treatments with 20 replicas. The experiment evaluation was carried out at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days of incubation, whereas the height of shoots (cm), number of roots, number and color of leaves were observed. The results showed the possibility to maintain passion-fruit microplants for a four months period under slow growth in MS medium supplemented with 10 or 20 g L -1 of sorbitol, without sucrose, and kept under 16 hours photoperiod (22 μ E m -2 s -1) and temperature of 27 ± 1°C. Sucrose sustained the longest development of the microplants. Root formation was affected by the sorbitol in the concentration of 40 g L -1 and by the absence of sucrose in the culture medium.


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The efficacy of the first ovulation of the breeding season was determined through the response of first pre-ovulatory follicle of the breeding season to hCG, embryo recovery rate, viability of recovered embryos, serum concentrations of progesterone, and response of first CL to PGF 2α. Thirteenth mares that were in vernal transition were accompanied until the first pre-ovulatory follicle was detected. At this moment, the ovulation was induced with 2,500 IU hCG (IV) and the mares were inseminated every other day until ovulation. Seven days after the ovulation, embryo recovery was performed and the progesterone concentration was determined. After detection of the first pre-ovulatory follicle of breeding season with ≥ 25mm, it took 14.92 ± 10.80 days for the follicle to reach the preovulatory size and 18.00 ± 11.08 days to ovulation. After administration of hCG, 11/13 mares ovulated in 48 hours. These follicles growth 2.19 ± 0.86 mm/day on average. Nine of 13 mares (69.2%) produced embryos and all were considered viable after morfological evaluation and fluorescence exams. The CL appeared competent producing 7.39 ± 2.11 ng/ml P 4 on average, and responding to PGF 2α. According to these results the first ovulatory cycle of the year can be utilized to produce viable embryos.


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This study evaluated the water quality of the Vargem Limpa stream and tested the hypothesis that protected stretches of the aquatic system, located within a conservation unit, favor the preservation of the diversity of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera). Samplings were conducted in four stations, where some physical and chemical variables were measured. The results obtained by the study indicated the predominance of genera associated with arenaceous substrata, and that the stretches protected by the conservation unit presented better environmental conditions, with better-preserved Chironomidae diversity, demonstrating the importance of these areas in maintaining the diversity of Chironomidae.


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This review present a discussion abouth the tannins. The tannins are compounds that have the ability to bind other macromolecules, reducing their availability to animal metabolism. This characteristic can be benefic or deleterious, depending on the tannin concentration degree in the plant and its structure. Positive effects are mainly related with a better use of the dietary protein and an increased efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in the rumen. The use of tannins to reduce ruminal methane emission has been subject of current researches, firmly indicating a decrease of ruminal methanogenesis. However, many of these studies, carried out to evaluate the effects of tannins on forage fermentation and animal metabolism, are based on legume plants, so their results can not be surpassed to studies concerning tanniniferous grasses. By improving the characterization of the profile and reactivity of tannins in tanniniferous forages, such as some sorghum hybrids, as well as conducting experiments to demonstrate the effects of tannins on animal metabolism and performance, the real potential of forages with tannin will be enlightened.


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The Marsh Antwren (Stymphalornis acutirostris) is restricted to the lowlands between Antonina Bay, in the coastal plain of the state of Paraná, and Itapocu river, in the northern coastal plain of the state of Santa Catarina (from 0 to c. 5 m a.s.l.). It doesn't occur continuously in this region, being found in eight populations that span over an total area of about 6,060 ha (= area of occupancy; 4,856.67 in Paraná and c. 1,200 in Santa Catarina). Nine habitat types used by the Marsh Antwren were defined, based on vegetation physiognomy, localization, dominancy of botanical species, dominant life-form and history of the region. Five of these are herbaceous (marshes), while four have an upper arboreal stratum and an herbaceous lower stratum with marsh plants. According to the classification criteria of the Brazilian vegetation proposed by the Radambrasil Project, they were classified as Pioneering Formation of Fluvial Influence, Pioneering Formation of Fluvial-marine Influence, and/or Pioneering Formation of Lacustrine Influence. They occur as patches or narrow strips ranging from 0.001 to 203.0 ha in the state of Paraná. They are found mainly in the interior of bays, in the lower courses of rivers that drain into bays, in alluvial plains, and between sand dunes in the coastal plain. Characteristic herbaceous species are cattail (Typha domingensis), bulrush (Scirpus californicus), Crinum salsum, Panicum sp. cf. P. mertensii, saw grass (Cladium mariscus) and Fuirena spp. Hibiscus pernambucensis is the characteristic bush species, and Calophyllum brasiliense, Tabebuia cassinoides, Annona glabra and Laguncularia racemosa are the characteristic arboreal species. The Marsh Antwren lives in herbaceous vegetation, but also uses bushes and branches of small tress. It has low flight capacity and a single flight of more than 25 m was never recorded. Territories of 0.25 ha were estimated in one kind of habitat (tidal marsh) (= 8 individuals per hectare) and of 3.2 ha in another one (saw grass marsh) (= 0.62 individual per hectare). The global population estimate is of about 17,700 mature individuals (13,700 in Paraná and 4,000 in Santa Catarina). The species is really under threat of extinction, mainly because of it's restricted geographical distribution and habitat loss by human activities and biological contamination caused by invasion of exotic grasses (Urochloa arrecta and Brachiaria mutica).


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This study evaluated using of Multicriteria Evaluation in a GIS, specifically by Weighted Linear Combination Method for generation of map of priority areas for forest restoration in the initial part of River Pardo Basin, SP, in order to water resources conservation. Aiming to define criteria and restrictions it was used Participatory Techniques, and the following factors had been selected: proximity of the hydrographic network, proximity of forest cover, slope and erodibility of soil. To calculate the weight to each factor it was used the decision-making process, known as Analytic Hierarchy Analysis, this method consists of a paired comparison of factors to determine the relative importance of each. According to Weighted Linear Combination, the very high priority areas have a more limited spatial distribution, with an apparent concentration around the water bodies, outlining a buffer to the river system. The proximity factor of the hydrographic network, and enables the connection forestry, contributed, along with the factor of proximity to forest cover, so there would be the definition of most of the areas with the highest priority in the basin, which concentrate the largest areas of forest and native riparian areas along the hydrographic.