957 resultados para Fixed Assets


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Displaced and unstable proximal humeral fractures are challenging injuries to treat. Proximal humeral locking plates are a recent development for the treatment of these complex fractures.

Retrospective analysis of 23 patients with 23 proximal humeral fractures treated with the Synthes locking proximal humerus plate. These were Neer two-, three- and four-part fractures. Follow-up was at a mean of 22 months and included clinical assessment using the Constant score (CS) and the Short Form-12 health questionnaire. Radiographic assessment was performed to assess implant-related complication in relation to the initial fracture pattern and the presence of adequate medial support.

The mean CS for all patients was 60.4 (range, 29–85). The mean adjusted CS was 82% (range, 30–117), active forward flexion 127 degrees and the active abduction 115 degrees. Initial fracture pattern, the presence or absence of adequate medial support and age did not significantly influence the clinical scores. Complications included one infection, two cases of avascular necrosis, two cases of varus collapse with screw penetration and one non-union. The overall reoperation rate was 26%. There was an increased rate of complications in those with inadequate medial support (P = 0.0183) and a trend to higher complication rates in four-part fractures.

Using the locking proximal humerus plate for the treatment of proximal humeral fractures is an acceptable procedure with comparable outcomes with historical controls, but with a complication rate of 30%. More important than implant selection, however, is the ability to achieve a stable reduction with calcar support.


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Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the determinants of the capital structure of listed property firms in China.Design/methodology/approach– The study is based on quantitative methods such as dynamic panel data models and a panel data set containing financial and accounting data for all listed property companies from 2006 to 2010 in China.Findings– The findings confirm that the state-own shares, the fixed asset values, the total size of assets and profitability have a positive and significant impact on the leverage ratio of listed property firms in China. The negative impact of the tax shields and the currency ratio, and significant impact of state-own shares on capital structure cannot be explained by existing capital structure theory but the unique property market regulation environment and market conditions in China.Research limitations/implications– The findings confirm the applicability of trade-off theory (except for the correlation between leverage and the tax shield) on property companies in China. They also highlight the importance of government policies and special market conditions in explaining the financing behaviour of property companies in transaction countries like China.Practical implications– Complimentary policies should be established along with property market restriction policies to offset their unequal negative effect on property companies with less state-owned shares. Furthermore, government should invest efforts to eliminate the discrimination credit treatment of banks against property companies with non-existent or few state-owned shares.Originality/value– The special financial behaviour of China's property firms and the unique financial and property market conditions highlight the necessity of researching the capital structure of listed property firms in China. However, most of the existing literature focuses on the company financial behaviour in developed countries, and very few studies have been done concerning property firms’ financing behaviour in emerging economies such as China, and this research prospects to fill this blank.


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BACKGROUND: People with disabilities have difficulties in obtaining work. However, evidence suggests that those with disabilities derive substantial mental health benefits from employment. This paper assesses how the relationship between work and mental health is influenced by psychosocial job quality for people working with a disability. METHODS: The study design was a longitudinal cohort with 13 annual waves of data collection, yielding a sample of 122,883 observations from 21,848 people. Fixed-effects within-person regression was used to control for time invariant confounding. The Mental Component Summary (MCS) of the Short Form 36 (SF-36) measure was used as the primary outcome measure. The main exposure was a six-category measure of psychosocial job quality and employment status (including 'not in the labour force' [NILF] and unemployment). Disability status ('no waves of disability reported' and 'all contributed waves with reported disability') was assessed as an effect modifier. We also conducted a secondary analysis on respondents contributing both disability and non-disability waves. RESULTS: For those with no disability, the greatest difference in mental health (compared to optimal employment) occurs when people have the poorest quality jobs (-2.12, 95% CI -2.48, -1.75, p < 0.001). The relative difference in mental health was less in relation to NILF and unemployment (-0.39 and -0.66 respectively). For those with consistent disability, the difference in mental health when employed in an optimal job was similar between the poorest quality jobs (-2.25, 95% CI -3.84, -0.65, p = 0.006), NILF (-2.84, 95% CI -4.49, -1.20, p = 0.001) or unemployment (-2.56, 95% CI -4.32, -0.80, p = 0.004). These results were confirmed by the secondary analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Efforts to improve psychosocial job quality may have significant mental health benefits for people with disabilities. This will contribute to the economic viability of disability employment insurance schemes in Australia and other high-income countries.


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We make recommendations regarding how the United States cansignificantly lower its incarceration rate, while at the same time ensuring that community safety is not diminished. Moreover, we identify and recommend a consolidation and extension of the positive aspects of the current sentencing regime.


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This dissertation evaluates macroeconomic management in Brazil from 1994 to the present, with particular focus on exchange rate policy. It points out that while Brazil's Real Plan succeeded in halting the hyperinflation that had reached more than 2000 percent in 1993, it also caused significant real appreciation of the exchange rate situation that was only made worse by the extremely high interest rates and ensuing bout of severe financial crises in the intemational arena. By the end of 1998, the accumulation of internai and externai imbalances led the authorities to drop foreign exchange controls and allow the currency to float. In spite of some initial scepticism, the flexible rate regime cum inflation target proved to work well. Inflation was kept under control; the current account position improved significantly, real interest rates fell and GDP growth resumed. Thus, while great challenges still lie ahead, the recent successes bestow some optimism on the well functioning of this exchange rate regime. The Brazilian case suggests that successful transition from one foreign exchange system to another, particularly during financial crisis, does not depend only on one variable be it fiscal or monetary. In reality, it depends on whole set of co-ordinated policies aimed at resuming price stability with as little exchange rate and output volatility as possible.


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Estimating the parameters of the instantaneous spot interest rate process is of crucial importance for pricing fixed income derivative securities. This paper presents an estimation for the parameters of the Gaussian interest rate model for pricing fixed income derivatives based on the term structure of volatility. We estimate the term structure of volatility for US treasury rates for the period 1983 - 1995, based on a history of yield curves. We estimate both conditional and first differences term structures of volatility and subsequently estimate the implied parameters of the Gaussian model with non-linear least squares estimation. Results for bond options illustrate the effects of differing parameters in pricing.


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In this paper, we propose a two-step estimator for panel data models in which a binary covariate is endogenous. In the first stage, a random-effects probit model is estimated, having the endogenous variable as the left-hand side variable. Correction terms are then constructed and included in the main regression.


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A convergência entre serviços tipicamente prestados por empresas de telecomunicações fixas e serviços tipicamente prestados por operadoras móveis é um fenômeno que acontece mundialmente há mais de dez anos. A convergência entre a indústria de telefonia fixa e móvel, como fenômeno evolutivo, pode ter três principais forças-motrizes: a simples evolução tecnológica, baseada, por exemplo, na digitalização das telecomunicações; a junção entre um viés de mercado, propiciado pelo alto nível concorrencial, e a busca por inovações tecnológicas; ou uma simples convergência entre ativos das diferentes indústrias, buscando uma aplicação mais eficiente do capital. Mundialmente, já são conhecidos inúmeros serviços convergentes de telecomunicações, embora a convergência em telecomunicações no Brasil ainda possa ser considerada incipiente. Considerando o relevante volume de faturamento agregado do mercado brasileiro de telecomunicações fixas e móveis e o elevado nível concorrencial, o estudo e aplicação de soluções convergentes podem representar a geração de diferencial competitivo. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho propõe-se a avaliar as principais empresas de telecomunicações do Brasil e seus respectivos recursos ou serviços convergentes, segundo o framework VRIO, desenvolvido por Jay Barney, fundamentada na visão estratégica baseada em recursos (RBV- Resource Based View).


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Neste trabalho, utilizamos informações do mercado de credit default swap para medir os principais componentes do spread das empresas do setor de óleo e gás. Utilizando cerca de 20 empresas da indústria de óleo e gás composta por companhias de diversos ratings e aproximadamente 80 bonds, os resultados mostraram que a maior parte do spread corporativo do setor decorre do risco de inadimplemento. Também encontramos que o componente do spread não relacionado ao default é fortemente associado a algumas medidas de liquidez do mercado de bonds, sugerindo que a liquidez tem um papel importante na avaliação de títulos de renda fixa. Por outro lado, não encontramos evidências da importância de fatores tributários na explicação do componente do spread não relacionado à inadimplência.


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Esse artigo estabelece uma base para pesquisas que tratam da relação entre pobreza, distribuição de recursos e operação do mercado de capitais no Brasil. O principal objetivo é auxiliar a implementação de políticas de reforço de capital dos pobres. A disponibilidade de novas fontes de dados abriu condições inéditas para implementar uma análise de posse de ativos e pobreza nas áreas metropolitanas brasileiras. A avaliação de distribuição de recursos foi estruturada sobre três itens: Capital físico, capital humano e capital social. A estratégia empírica seguida é de analisar três diferentes tipos de impactos que o aumento dos ativos dos pobres podem exercer no nível de bem estar social. A primeira parte do artigo avalia a posse de diferentes tipos de capitais através da distribuição de renda. Esse exercício pode ser encarado como uma ampliação de medidas de pobreza baseadas em renda pela incorporação de efeitos diretos exercidos pela posse de ativos no bem estar social. A segunda parte do artigo descreve o impacto de geração de renda que a posse de ativos pode ter sobre os pobres. Estudamos como a acumulação de diferentes tipos de capital impactam os índices de pobreza baseados na renda usando regressões logísticas. A terceira parte estuda o efeito que o aumento da posse de ativos dos pobres tem no melhoramento da habilidade dos indivíduos pobres em lidar com choques adversos da renda. Estudamos a interação entre a dinâmica da renda, imperfeições do mercado de capitais e comportamentos financeiros levando em consideração diferentes horizontes de tempo. As questões de longo prazo estão relacionadas com o estudo das flutuações de renda de baixa freqüência e ciclo da vida da posse de ativos usando análise de coorte. As questões de curto prazo estão relacionadas com o comportamento do pobre e as perdas de bem estar ao lidar com hiatos de alta freqüência entre renda e consumo desejado. A análise da dinâmica de renda e pobreza é conduzida a partir da combinação de dados de painel de renda com dados qualitativos sobre comportamento financeiro de curto prazo das famílias.


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We discuss geometric properties related to the minimisation of a portfolio kurtosis given its first two odd moments, considering a risk-less asset and allowing for short sales. The findings are generalised for the minimisation of any given even portfolio moment with fixed excess return and skewness, and then for the case in which only excess return is constrained. An example with two risky assets provides a better insight on the problems related to the solutions. The importance of the geometric properties and their use in the higher moments portfolio choice context is highlighted.