881 resultados para Fine, David J
Compte rendu critique de l'ouvrage de Gilbert « Veilleurs de nuit : saison théâtrale 1988-1989 » (Montréal : Les Herbes rouges, 1989, 78 p.).
David Hume, dans son Traité sur la nature humaine, utilise deux concepts qui semblent se rapporter à l’identité personnelle d’un individu : le moi (self) et le caractère personnel. Cependant, dans le Traité, il ne traite pas à la fois de l’un et de l’autre : dans le premier livre, « De l’entendement », il s’intéresse au moi, alors que dans les second et troisième livres, « Des passions » et « De la morale » il traite plutôt du caractère. On constate alors qu’il y a une nette différence chez Hume entre ce qui constitue le moi d’un individu et son caractère personnel. Ils ne se définissent absolument pas de la même manière et au final, ils ne se rapportent pas, tous deux, à l’identité personnelle. Le caractère qui permet d’aborder la question de la responsabilité morale d’un individu, ce que le moi ne peut pas faire, constitue la véritable identité d’un individu.
Time resolved optical emission spectroscopy is employed to study the expansion dynamics of C2 species in a graphite plasma produced during the Nd : YAG ablation. At low laser fluences a single peak distribution with low kinetic energy is observed. At higher fluences a twin peak distribution is found. It has been noted that these double peak time of flight distribution splits into a triple peak structure at distances >_ 17mm from the target surface. The reason for the occurrence of multiple peak is due to different formation mechanisms of C2 species
BaFe10.4Co0.8Ti0.8O19 magnetic fine particles exhibit most of the features attributed to glassy behavior, e.g., irreversibility in the hysteresis loops and in the zero-field-cooling and field-cooling curves extends up to very high fields, and aging and magnetic training phenomena occur. However, the multivalley energy structure of the glassy state can be strongly modified by a field-cooling process at a moderate field. Slow relaxation experiments demonstrate that the intrinsic energy barriers of the individual particles dominate the behavior of the system at high cooling fields, while the energy states corresponding to collective glassy behavior play the dominant role at low cooling fields.
The Comment affirms that no phase transition occurs in spin-glass systems with an applied magnetic field. However, only according to the droplet model is this result expected. Other models do not predict this result and, consequently, it is under current discussion. In addition, we show how the experimental results obtained in our system correspond to a cluster glass rather than to a true spin glass.
Fine particles of lithium ferrite were synthesized by the sol-gel method. By subsequent heat treatment at different temperatures, lithium ferrites of different grain sizes were prepared. A structural characterization of all the samples was conducted by the x-ray diffraction technique. A grain size of around 12 nm was observed for Li0.5Fe2.5O4 obtained through the sol-gel method. Magnetic properties of lithium ferrite nanoparticles with grain size ranging from 12 to 32 nm were studied. Magnetization measurements showed that Li0.5Fe2.5O4 fine particles exhibit a deviation from the predicted magnetic behaviour. The as-prepared sample of lithium ferrite showed a maximum saturation magnetization of 75 emu g−1. Variation of coercivity is attributed to the transition from multi-domain to single domain nature. Dielectric permittivity and ac conductivity of all the samples were evaluated as a function of frequency, temperature and grain size. Variation of permittivity and ac conductivity with frequency reveals that the dispersion is due to the Maxwell–Wagner type interfacial polarization
As a result of the drive towards waste-poor world and reserving the non-renewable materials, recycling the construction and demolition materials become very essential. Now reuse of the recycled concrete aggregate more than 4 mm in producing new concrete is allowed but with natural sand a fine aggregate while. While the sand portion that represent about 30\% to 60\% of the crushed demolition materials is disposed off. To perform this research, recycled concrete sand was produced in the laboratory while nine recycled sands produced from construction and demolitions materials and two sands from natural crushed limestone were delivered from three plants. Ten concrete mix designs representing the concrete exposition classes XC1, XC2, XF3 and XF4 according to European standard EN 206 were produced with partial and full replacement of natural sand by the different recycled sands. Bituminous mixtures achieving the requirements of base courses according to Germany standards and both base and binder courses according to Egyptian standards were produced with the recycled sands as a substitution to the natural sands. The mechanical properties and durability of concrete produced with the different recycled sands were investigated and analyzed. Also the volumetric analysis and Marshall test were performed hot bituminous mixtures produced with the recycled sands. According to the effect of replacement the natural sand by the different recycled sands on the concrete compressive strength and durability, the recycled sands were classified into three groups. The maximum allowable recycled sand that can be used in the different concrete exposition class was determined for each group. For the asphalt concrete mixes all the investigated recycled sands can be used in mixes for base and binder courses up to 21\% of the total aggregate mass.
We investigate for very general cases the multiplet and fine structure splitting of muonelectron atoms arising from the coupling of the electron and muon angular momenta, including the effect of the Breit operator plus the electron state-dependent screening. Although many conditions have to be fulfilled simultaneously to observe these effeets, it should be possible to measure them in the 6h- 5g muonic transition in the Sn region.
This bachelor’s thesis examines the crisis of hegemonic masculinities in David Lodge’s Campus Trilogy. In the course of the thesis, I demonstrate that the male characters in the novels aspire to hegemonic ideals of masculinity, but that ultimately most of them fail in their aspirations. However, I also show that this does not lead to the abandonment of this pursuit, but merely to its reformulation and a continued attempt of male characters to aspire to this reformulated ideal. In order to achieve this, I conduct a close reading of the novels and based on this, first determine the predominant types of hegemonic masculinities in each novel, and then whether certain characters aspire to these hegemonic ideals. Next I analyze whether or not they are successful. This analysis is chiefly based on the sociological concept of hegemonic masculinities developed by Connell. With the help of this concept, this thesis shows that several types of masculinities can be identified in the novels and that these exist in hierarchical relation to each other. Furthermore, it shows that these aspirations and the ideals themselves are always prone to crises that are brought on by societal changes in their environment. However, it is also demonstrated that in most cases these crises do not lead to the collapse of the ideal or the failure of its pursuit, but rather to the reformulation and continuation of both.
Fine-grained parallel machines have the potential for very high speed computation. To program massively-concurrent MIMD machines, programmers need tools for managing complexity. These tools should not restrict program concurrency. Concurrent Aggregates (CA) provides multiple-access data abstraction tools, Aggregates, which can be used to implement abstractions with virtually unlimited potential for concurrency. Such tools allow programmers to modularize programs without reducing concurrency. I describe the design, motivation, implementation and evaluation of Concurrent Aggregates. CA has been used to construct a number of application programs. Multi-access data abstractions are found to be useful in constructing highly concurrent programs.
Holes with different sizes from microscale to nanoscale were directly fabricated by focused ion beam (FIB) milling in this paper. Maximum aspect ratio of the fabricated holes can be 5:1 for the hole with large size with pure FIB milling, 10:1 for gas assistant etching, and 1:1 for the hole with size below 100 nm. A phenomenon of volume swell at the boundary of the hole was observed. The reason maybe due to the dose dependence of the effective sputter yield in low intensity Gaussian beam tail regions and redeposition. Different materials were used to investigate variation of the aspect ratio. The results show that for some special material, such as Ni-Be, the corresponding aspect ratio can reach 13.8:1 with Cl₂ assistant etching, but only 0.09:1 for Si(100) with single scan of the FIB.
La catedràtica de Geologia, Carmina Virgili, nascuda a Barcelona el 1927, és la primera dona distingida amb aquest títol a la UdG, i aquest és alhora, el primer honoris causa que rep
David Brotherton és professor i catedràtic al Departament de Sociologia del John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York. A mitjan anys noranta va començar a estudiar les bandes juvenils de la ciutat, en especial les llatines. Assegura que sobre les bandes circulen tot de rumors i notícies falses i que treballen per mostrar dades que permetin saber-ne la veritat, perquè «no diu enlloc que per entrar als Latin Kings calgui cometre un delicte». Aquest curs participa en el Seminari Permanent de Criminologia de la Universitat de Girona
Ressenya del llibre A geography of the lifeworld. A l’obra es proposa explorar la inevitable immersió del ser humà en el seu “món geogràfic” a través de l’estudi del seu comportament i experiències quotidianes en relació als llocs i als espais en els quals viu i es mou