538 resultados para Filament


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Biochemical studies with model DNA heteroduplexes have implicated RecJ exonuclease, exonuclease VII, exonuclease I, and exonuclease X in Escherichia coli methyl-directed mismatch correction. However, strains deficient in the four exonucleases display only a modest increase in mutation rate, raising questions concerning involvement of these activities in mismatch repair in vivo. The quadruple mutant deficient in the four exonucleases, as well as the triple mutant deficient in RecJ exonuclease, exonuclease VII, and exonuclease I, grow poorly in the presence of the base analogue 2-aminopurine, and exposure to the base analogue results in filament formation, indicative of induction of SOS DNA damage response. The growth defect and filamentation phenotypes associated with 2-aminopurine exposure are effectively suppressed by null mutations in mutH, mutL, mutS, or uvrD/mutU, which encode activities that act upstream of the four exonucleases in the mechanism for the methyl-directed reaction that has been proposed based on in vitro studies. The quadruple exonuclease mutant is also cold-sensitive, having a severe growth defect at 30°C. This phenotype is suppressed by a uvrD/mutU defect, and partially suppressed by mutH, mutL, or mutS mutations. These observations confirm involvement of the four exonucleases in methyl-directed mismatch repair in vivo and suggest that the low mutability of exonuclease-deficient strains is a consequence of under recovery of mutants due to a reduction in viability and/or chromosome loss associated with activation of the mismatch repair system in the absence of RecJ exonuclease, exonuclease VII, exonuclease I, and exonuclease X.


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Type IV pili are thin filaments that extend from the poles of a diverse group of bacteria, enabling them to move at speeds of a few tenths of a micrometer per second. They are required for twitching motility, e.g., in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and for social gliding motility in Myxococcus xanthus. Here we report direct observation of extension and retraction of type IV pili in P. aeruginosa. Cells without flagellar filaments were labeled with an amino-specific Cy3 fluorescent dye and were visualized on a quartz slide by total internal reflection microscopy. When pili were attached to a cell and their distal ends were free, they extended or retracted at rates of about 0.5 μm s−1 (29°C). They also flexed by Brownian motion, exhibiting a persistence length of about 5 μm. Frequently, the distal tip of a filament adsorbed to the substratum and the filament was pulled taut. From the absence of lateral deflections of such filaments, we estimate tensions of at least 10 pN. Occasionally, cell bodies came free and were pulled forward by pilus retraction. Thus, type IV pili are linear actuators that extend, attach at their distal tips, exert substantial force, and retract.


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Descriptions are given of three kinds of symmetries encountered in studies of bacterial locomotion, and of the ways in which they are circumvented or broken. A bacterium swims at very low Reynolds number: it cannot propel itself using reciprocal motion (by moving through a sequence of shapes, first forward and then in reverse); cyclic motion is required. A common solution is rotation of a helical filament, either right- or left-handed. The flagellar rotary motor that drives each filament generates the same torque whether spinning clockwise or counterclockwise. This symmetry is broken by coupling to the filament. Finally, bacterial populations, grown in a nutrient medium from an inoculum placed at a single point, usually move outward in symmetric circular rings. Under certain conditions, the cells excrete a chemoattractant, and the rings break up into discrete aggregates that can display remarkable geometric order.


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Alternative models of cell mechanics depict the living cell as a simple mechanical continuum, porous filament gel, tensed cortical membrane, or tensegrity network that maintains a stabilizing prestress through incorporation of discrete structural elements that bear compression. Real-time microscopic analysis of cells containing GFP-labeled microtubules and associated mitochondria revealed that living cells behave like discrete structures composed of an interconnected network of actin microfilaments and microtubules when mechanical stresses are applied to cell surface integrin receptors. Quantitation of cell tractional forces and cellular prestress by using traction force microscopy confirmed that microtubules bear compression and are responsible for a significant portion of the cytoskeletal prestress that determines cell shape stability under conditions in which myosin light chain phosphorylation and intracellular calcium remained unchanged. Quantitative measurements of both static and dynamic mechanical behaviors in cells also were consistent with specific a priori predictions of the tensegrity model. These findings suggest that tensegrity represents a unified model of cell mechanics that may help to explain how mechanical behaviors emerge through collective interactions among different cytoskeletal filaments and extracellular adhesions in living cells.


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ZO-1 is an actin filament (F-actin)–binding protein that localizes to tight junctions and connects claudin to the actin cytoskeleton in epithelial cells. In nonepithelial cells that have no tight junctions, ZO-1 localizes to adherens junctions (AJs) and may connect cadherin to the actin cytoskeleton indirectly through β- and α-catenins as one of many F-actin–binding proteins. Nectin is an immunoglobulin-like adhesion molecule that localizes to AJs and is associated with the actin cytoskeleton through afadin, an F-actin–binding protein. Ponsin is an afadin- and vinculin-binding protein that also localizes to AJs. The nectin-afadin complex has a potency to recruit the E-cadherin–β-catenin complex through α-catenin in a manner independent of ponsin. By the use of cadherin-deficient L cell lines stably expressing various components of the cadherin-catenin and nectin-afadin systems, and α-catenin–deficient F9 cell lines, we examined here whether nectin recruits ZO-1 to nectin-based cell-cell adhesion sites. Nectin showed a potency to recruit not only α-catenin but also ZO-1 to nectin-based cell-cell adhesion sites. This recruitment of ZO-1 was dependent on afadin but independent of α-catenin and ponsin. These results indicate that ZO-1 localizes to cadherin-based AJs through interactions not only with α-catenin but also with the nectin-afadin system.


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Studies of recombination-dependent replication (RDR) in the T4 system have revealed the critical roles played by mediator proteins in the timely and productive loading of specific enzymes onto single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) during phage RDR processes. The T4 recombination mediator protein, uvsY, is necessary for the proper assembly of the T4 presynaptic filament (uvsX recombinase cooperatively bound to ssDNA), leading to the recombination-primed initiation of leading strand DNA synthesis. In the lagging strand synthesis component of RDR, replication mediator protein gp59 is required for the assembly of gp41, the DNA helicase component of the T4 primosome, onto lagging strand ssDNA. Together, uvsY and gp59 mediate the productive coupling of homologous recombination events to the initiation of T4 RDR. UvsY promotes presynaptic filament formation on 3′ ssDNA-tailed chromosomes, the physiological primers for T4 RDR, and recent results suggest that uvsY also may serve as a coupling factor between presynapsis and the nucleolytic resection of double-stranded DNA ends. Other results indicate that uvsY stabilizes uvsX bound to the invading strand, effectively preventing primosome assembly there. Instead, gp59 directs primosome assembly to the displaced strand of the D loop/replication fork. This partitioning mechanism enforced by the T4 recombination/replication mediator proteins guards against antirecombination activity of the helicase component and ensures that recombination intermediates formed by uvsX/uvsY will efficiently be converted into semiconservative DNA replication forks. Although the major mode of T4 RDR is semiconservative, we present biochemical evidence that a conservative “bubble migration” mode of RDR could play a role in lesion bypass by the T4 replication machinery.


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Both the bacterial RecA protein and the eukaryotic Rad51 protein form helical nucleoprotein filaments on DNA that catalyze strand transfer between two homologous DNA molecules. However, only the ATP-binding cores of these proteins have been conserved, and this same core is also found within helicases and the F1-ATPase. The C-terminal domain of the RecA protein forms lobes within the helical RecA filament. However, the Rad51 proteins do not have the C-terminal domain found in RecA, but have an N-terminal extension that is absent in the RecA protein. Both the RecA C-terminal domain and the Rad51 N-terminal domain bind DNA. We have used electron microscopy to show that the lobes of the yeast and human Rad51 filaments appear to be formed by N-terminal domains. These lobes are conformationally flexible in both RecA and Rad51. Within RecA filaments, the change between the “active” and “inactive” states appears to mainly involve a large movement of the C-terminal lobe. The N-terminal domain of Rad51 and the C-terminal domain of RecA may have arisen from convergent evolution to play similar roles in the filaments.


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Human Dmc1 protein, a meiosis-specific homolog of Escherichia coli RecA protein, has previously been shown to promote DNA homologous pairing and strand-exchange reactions that are qualitatively similar to those of RecA protein and Rad51. Human and yeast Rad51 proteins each form a nucleoprotein filament that is very similar to the filament formed by RecA protein. However, recent studies failed to find a similar filament made by Dmc1 but showed instead that this protein forms octameric rings and stacks of rings. These observations stimulated further efforts to elucidate the mechanism by which Dmc1 promotes the recognition of homology. Dmc1, purified to a state in which nuclease and helicase activities were undetectable, promoted homologous pairing and strand exchange as measured by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Observations on the intermediates and products, which can be distinguished by FRET assays, provided direct evidence of a three-stranded synaptic intermediate. The effects of helix stability and mismatched base pairs on the recognition of homology revealed further that human Dmc1, like human Rad51, requires the preferential breathing of A⋅T base pairs for recognition of homology. We conclude that Dmc1, like human Rad51 and E. coli RecA protein, promotes homologous pairing and strand exchange by a “synaptic pathway” involving a three-stranded nucleoprotein intermediate, rather than by a “helicase pathway” involving the separation and reannealing of DNA strands.


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The crystal structure at 2.0-Å resolution of an 81-residue N-terminal fragment of muscle α-tropomyosin reveals a parallel two-stranded α-helical coiled-coil structure with a remarkable core. The high alanine content of the molecule is clustered into short regions where the local 2-fold symmetry is broken by a small (≈1.2-Å) axial staggering of the helices. The joining of these regions with neighboring segments, where the helices are in axial register, gives rise to specific bends in the molecular axis. We observe such bends to be widely distributed in two-stranded α-helical coiled-coil proteins. This asymmetric design in a dimer of identical (or highly similar) sequences allows the tropomyosin molecule to adopt multiple bent conformations. The seven alanine clusters in the core of the complete molecule (which spans seven monomers of the actin helix) promote the semiflexible winding of the tropomyosin filament necessary for its regulatory role in muscle contraction.


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The RecA protein-single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) filament can bind a second DNA molecule. Binding of ssDNA to this secondary site shows specificity, in that polypyrimidinic DNA binds to the RecA protein-ssDNA filament with higher affinity than polypurinic sequences. The affinity of ssDNA, which is identical in sequence to that bound in the primary site, is not always greater than that of nonhomologous DNA. Moreover, this specificity of DNA binding does not depend on the sequence of the DNA bound to the RecA protein primary site. We conclude that the specificity reflects an intrinsic property of the secondary site of RecA protein rather than an interaction between DNa molecules within nucleoprotein filament--i.e., self-recognition. The secondary DNA binding site displays a higher affinity for ssDNA than for double-stranded DNA, and the binding of ssDNA to the secondary site strongly inhibits DNA strand exchange. We suggest that the secondary binding site has a dual role in DNA strand exchange. During the homology search, it binds double-stranded DNA weakly; upon finding local homology, this site binds, with higher affinity, the ssDNA strand that is displaced during DNA strand exchange. These characteristics facilitate homologous pairing, promote stabilization of the newly formed heteroduplex DNA, and contribute to the directionality of DNA strand exchange.


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In addition to the contractile proteins actin and myosin, contractile filaments of striated muscle contain other proteins that are important for regulating the structure and the interaction of the two force-generating proteins. In the thin filaments, troponin and tropomyosin form a Ca-sensitive trigger that activates normal contraction when intracellular Ca is elevated. In the thick filament, there are several myosin-binding proteins whose functions are unclear. Among these is the myosin-binding protein C (MBP-C). The cardiac isoform contains four phosphorylation sites under the control of cAMP and calmodulin-regulated kinases, whereas the skeletal isoform contains only one such site, suggesting that phosphorylation in cardiac muscle has a specific regulatory function. We isolated natural thick filaments from cardiac muscle and, using electron microscopy and optical diffraction, determined the effect of phosphorylation of MBP-C on cross bridges. The thickness of the filaments that had been treated with protein kinase A was increased where cross bridges were present. No change occurred in the central bare zone that is devoid of cross bridges. The intensity of the reflections along the 43-nm layer line, which is primarily due to the helical array of cross bridges, was increased, and the distance of the first peak reflection from the meridian along the 43-nm layer line was decreased. The results indicate that phosphorylation of MBP-C (i) extends the cross bridges from the backbone of the filament and (ii) increases their degree of order and/or alters their orientation. These changes could alter rate constants for attachment to and detachment from the thin filament and thereby modify force production in activated cardiac muscle.


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Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS) is a group of autosomal dominant skin diseases characterized by blistering, due to mechanical stress-induced degeneration of basal epidermal cells. It is now well-established that the three major subtypes of EBS are genetic disorders of the basal epidermal keratins, keratin 5 (K5) and keratin 14 (K14). Here we show that a rare subtype, referred to as EBS with mottled pigmentation (MP), is also a disorder of these keratins. Affected members of two seemingly unrelated families with EBS-MP had a C to T point mutation in the second base position of codon 24 of one of two K5 alleles, leading to a Pro: Leu mutation. This mutation was not present in unaffected members nor in 100 alleles from normal individuals. Linkage analyses mapped the defect to this type II keratin gene (peak logarithm of odds score at phi = 0 of 3.9), which is located on chromosome 12q11-q13. This provides strong evidence that this mutation is responsible for the EBS-MP phenotype. Only conserved between K5 and K6, and not among any of the other type II keratins, Pro-24 is in the nonhelical head domain of K5, and only mildly perturbs the length of 10-nm keratin filaments assembled in vitro. However, this part of the K5 head domain is likely to protrude on the filament surface, perhaps leading to additional aberrations in intermediate filament architecture and/or in melanosome distribution that are seen ultrastructurally in patients with the mutation.


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We have determined the effects of tropomodulin (Tmod), talin, vinculin, and alpha-actinin on ligament fibroblast adhesion. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which lacks a functional healing response, and the medial collateral ligament (MCL), a functionally healing ligament, were selected for this study. The micropipette aspiration technique was used to determine the forces needed to separate ACL and MCL cells from a fibronectin-coated surface. Delivery of exogenous tropomodulin, an actin-filament capping protein, into MCL fibroblasts significantly increased adhesion, whereas its monoclonal antibody (mAb) significantly decreased cell adhesiveness. However, for ACL fibroblasts, Tmod significantly reduced adhesion, whereas its mAb had no effect. mAbs to talin, vinculin, and alpha-actinin significantly decreased the adhesion of both ACL and MCL cells with increasing concentrations of antibody, and also reduced stress fiber formation and cell spreading rate as revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy. Disruption of actin filament and microtubule assembly with cytochalasin D and colchicine, respectively, also significantly reduced adhesion in ACL and MCL cells. In conclusion, both ACL and MCL fibroblast adhesion depends on cytoskeletal assembly; however, this dependence differs between ACL and MCL fibroblasts in many ways, especially in the role of Tmod. These results add yet another possible factor in explaining the clinical differences in healing between the ACL and the MCL.


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Bacterial adhesion to other bacteria, to eukaryotic cells, and to extracellular matrix proteins is frequently mediated by cell surface-associated polymers (fimbriae) consisting of one or more subunit proteins. We have found that polymerization of curlin to fimbriae-like structures (curli) on the surface of Escherichia coli markedly differs from the prevailing model for fimbrial assembly in that it occurs extracellularly through a self-assembly process depending on a specific nucleator protein. The cell surface-bound nucleator primes the polymerization of curlin secreted by the nucleator-presenting cell or by adjacent cells. The addition of monomers to the growing filament seems to be driven by mass action and guided only by the diffusion gradient between the source of secreted monomer and the surface of monomer condensation.


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Plectin, a 500-kDa intermediate filament binding protein, has been proposed to provide mechanical strength to cells and tissues by acting as a cross-linking element of the cytoskeleton. To set the basis for future studies on gene regulation, tissue-specific expression, and pathological conditions involving this protein, we have cloned the human plectin gene, determined its coding sequence, and established its genomic organization. The coding sequence contains 32 exons that extend over 32 kb of the human genome. Most of the introns reside within a region encoding the globular N-terminal domain of the molecule, whereas the entire central rod domain and the entire C-terminal globular domain were found to be encoded by single exons of remarkable length, >3 kb and >6 kb, respectively. Overall, the organization of the human plectin gene was strikingly similar to that of human bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 (BPAG1), confirming that both proteins belong to the same gene family. Comparison of the deduced protein sequences for human and rat plectin revealed that they were 93% identical. By using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we have mapped the plectin gene to the long arm of chromosome 8 within the telomeric region. This gene locus (8q24) has previously been implicated in the human blistering skin disease epidermolysis bullosa simplex Ogna. Detailed knowledge of the structure of the plectin gene and its chromosome localization will aid in the elucidation of whether this or any other pathological conditions are linked to alterations in the plectin gene.