920 resultados para Fiber curl


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The aim of this study was to develop a model capable to capture the different contributions which characterize the nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete structures. In particular, especially for non slender structures, the contribution to the nonlinear deformation due to bending may be not sufficient to determine the structural response. Two different models characterized by a fibre beam-column element are here proposed. These models can reproduce the flexure-shear interaction in the nonlinear range, with the purpose to improve the analysis in shear-critical structures. The first element discussed is based on flexibility formulation which is associated with the Modified Compression Field Theory as material constitutive law. The other model described in this thesis is based on a three-field variational formulation which is associated with a 3D generalized plastic-damage model as constitutive relationship. The first model proposed in this thesis was developed trying to combine a fibre beamcolumn element based on the flexibility formulation with the MCFT theory as constitutive relationship. The flexibility formulation, in fact, seems to be particularly effective for analysis in the nonlinear field. Just the coupling between the fibre element to model the structure and the shear panel to model the individual fibres allows to describe the nonlinear response associated to flexure and shear, and especially their interaction in the nonlinear field. The model was implemented in an original matlab® computer code, for describing the response of generic structures. The simulations carried out allowed to verify the field of working of the model. Comparisons with available experimental results related to reinforced concrete shears wall were performed in order to validate the model. These results are characterized by the peculiarity of distinguishing the different contributions due to flexure and shear separately. The presented simulations were carried out, in particular, for monotonic loading. The model was tested also through numerical comparisons with other computer programs. Finally it was applied for performing a numerical study on the influence of the nonlinear shear response for non slender reinforced concrete (RC) members. Another approach to the problem has been studied during a period of research at the University of California Berkeley. The beam formulation follows the assumptions of the Timoshenko shear beam theory for the displacement field, and uses a three-field variational formulation in the derivation of the element response. A generalized plasticity model is implemented for structural steel and a 3D plastic-damage model is used for the simulation of concrete. The transverse normal stress is used to satisfy the transverse equilibrium equations of at each control section, this criterion is also used for the condensation of degrees of freedom from the 3D constitutive material to a beam element. In this thesis is presented the beam formulation and the constitutive relationships, different analysis and comparisons are still carrying out between the two model presented.


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This doctoral dissertation aims to establish fiber-optic technologies overcoming the limiting issues of data communications in indoor environments. Specific applications are broadband mobile distribution in different in-building scenarios and high-speed digital transmission over short-range wired optical systems. Two key enabling technologies are considered: Radio over Fiber (RoF) techniques over standard silica fibers for distributed antenna systems (DAS) and plastic optical fibers (POFs) for short-range communications. Hence, the objectives and achievements of this thesis are related to the application of RoF and POF technologies in different in-building scenarios. On one hand, a theoretical and experimental analysis combined with demonstration activities has been performed on cost-effective RoF systems. An extensive modeling on modal noise impact both on linear and non-linear characteristics of RoF link over silica multimode fiber has been performed to achieve link design rules for an optimum choice of the transmitter, receiver and launching technique. A successful transmission of Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile signals on the resulting optimized RoF system over silica multimode fiber employing a Fabry-Perot LD, central launch technique and a photodiode with a built-in ball lens was demonstrated up to 525m with performances well compliant with standard requirements. On the other hand, digital signal processing techniques to overcome the bandwidth limitation of POF have been investigated. An uncoded net bit-rate of 5.15Gbit/s was obtained on a 50m long POF link employing an eye-safe transmitter, a silicon photodiode, and DMT modulation with bit and power loading algorithm. With the insertion of 3x2N quadrature amplitude modulation constellation formats, an uncoded net-bit-rate of 5.4Gbit/s was obtained on a 50 m long POF link employing an eye-safe transmitter and a silicon avalanche photodiode. Moreover, simultaneous transmission of baseband 2Gbit/s with DMT and 200Mbit/s with an ultra-wideband radio signal has been validated over a 50m long POF link.


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matlab functions for the validation of push-off tests results


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Attraverso questo studio sono state indagate le proprietà di compositi laminati in fibra di carbonio (CFRP) nano-modificati con nanofibre in Nylon 6.6, in termini di resistenza al danneggiamento da impatti a bassa velocità (con caratterizzazione Drop Weight at Low Velocity) e di smorzamento della vibrazione (con caratterizzazione a damping). Sono stati indagate due configurazioni di nanorinforzo differenti, confrontate con le prestazioni di provini vergini laminati tradizionalmente. Sono infine state operate delle analisi grafiche delle micrografie di campioni sezionati per trarre conclusioni di carattere tecnologico.


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Recent advances in the fast growing area of therapeutic/diagnostic proteins and antibodies - novel and highly specific drugs - as well as the progress in the field of functional proteomics regarding the correlation between the aggregation of damaged proteins and (immuno) senescence or aging-related pathologies, underline the need for adequate analytical methods for the detection, separation, characterization and quantification of protein aggregates, regardless of the their origin or formation mechanism. Hollow fiber flow field-flow fractionation (HF5), the miniaturized version of FlowFFF and integral part of the Eclipse DUALTEC FFF separation system, was the focus of this research; this flow-based separation technique proved to be uniquely suited for the hydrodynamic size-based separation of proteins and protein aggregates in a very broad size and molecular weight (MW) range, often present at trace levels. HF5 has shown to be (a) highly selective in terms of protein diffusion coefficients, (b) versatile in terms of bio-compatible carrier solution choice, (c) able to preserve the biophysical properties/molecular conformation of the proteins/protein aggregates and (d) able to discriminate between different types of protein aggregates. Thanks to the miniaturization advantages and the online coupling with highly sensitive detection techniques (UV/Vis, intrinsic fluorescence and multi-angle light scattering), HF5 had very low detection/quantification limits for protein aggregates. Compared to size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), HF5 demonstrated superior selectivity and potential as orthogonal analytical method in the extended characterization assays, often required by therapeutic protein formulations. In addition, the developed HF5 methods have proven to be rapid, highly selective, sensitive and repeatable. HF5 was ideally suitable as first dimension of separation of aging-related protein aggregates from whole cell lysates (proteome pre-fractionation method) and, by HF5-(UV)-MALS online coupling, important biophysical information on the fractionated proteins and protein aggregates was gathered: size (rms radius and hydrodynamic radius), absolute MW and conformation.


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Several CFCC (Continuous Fiber Composite Ceramics) production processes were tested, concluding that PIP (Polymer Impregnation, or Infiltration, Pyrolysis) and CBC (Chemically Bonded Ceramics) based procedures have interesting potential applications in the construction and transportation fields, thanks to low costs to get potentially useful thermomechanical performances. Among the different processes considered during the Doctorate (from the synthesis of new preceramic polymers, to the PIP production of SiC / SiC composites) the more promising results came from the PIP process with poly-siloxanes on basalt fabrics preforms. Low processing time and costs, together with fairly good thermomechanical properties were demonstrated, even after only one or two PIP steps in nitrogen flow. In alternative, pyrolysis in vacuum was also tested, a procedure still not discussed in literature, but which could originate an interesting reduction of production costs, with only a moderate detrimental effect on the mechanical properties. The resulting CFCC is a basalt / SiCO composite that can be applied for continuous operation up to 600°C, also in oxidant environment, as TG and XRD demonstrated. The failure upon loading is generally pseudo-plastic, being interlaminar delamination the most probable rupture mechanism. . The strength depends on several different factors (microstructure, polymer curing and subsequent ceramic phase evolution, fiber pull-out, fiber strength, fiber percentage) and can only be optimized empirically. In order to be open minded in selecting the best technology, also CBC (Chemically Bonded Ceramics) matrixes were considered during this Doctorate, making some preliminary investigations on fire-resistant phosphate cements. Our results on a commercial product evidenced some interesting thermomechanical capabilities, even after thermal treatments. However the experiments showed also phase change and possible cracking and deformations even on slow drying (at 130°C) and easy rehydration upon exposure to environmental humidity.


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The upgrade of the Mainz Mikrotron (MAMI) electron accelerator facility in 2007 which raised the beam energy up to 1.5,GeV, gives the opportunity to study strangeness production channels through electromagnetic process. The Kaon Spectrometer (KAOS) managed by the A1 Collaboration, enables the efficient detection of the kaons associated with strangeness electroproduction. Used as a single arm spectrometer, it can be combined with the existing high-resolution spectrometers for exclusive measurements in the kinematic domain accessible to them.rnrnFor studying hypernuclear production in the ^A Z(e,e'K^+) _Lambda ^A(Z-1) reaction, the detection of electrons at very forward angles is needed. Therefore, the use of KAOS as a double-arm spectrometer for detection of kaons and the electrons at the same time is mandatory. Thus, the electron arm should be provided with a new detector package, with high counting rate capability and high granularity for a good spatial resolution. To this end, a new state-of-the-art scintillating fiber hodoscope has been developed as an electron detector.rnrnThe hodoscope is made of two planes with a total of 18432 scintillating double-clad fibers of 0.83 mm diameter. Each plane is formed by 72 modules. Each module is formed from a 60deg slanted multi-layer bundle, where 4 fibers of a tilted column are connected to a common read out. The read-out is made with 32 channels of linear array multianode photomultipliers. Signal processing makes use of newly developed double-threshold discriminators. The discriminated signal is sent in parallel to dead-time free time-to-digital modules and to logic modules for triggering purposes.rnrnTwo fiber modules were tested with a carbon beam at GSI, showing a time resolution of 220 ps (FWHM) and a position residual of 270 microm m (FWHM) with a detection efficiency epsilon>99%.rnrnThe characterization of the spectrometer arm has been achieved through simulations calculating the transfer matrix of track parameters from the fiber detector focal plane to the primary vertex. This transfer matrix has been calculated to first order using beam transport optics and has been checked by quasielastic scattering off a carbon target, where the full kinematics is determined by measuring the recoil proton momentum. The reconstruction accuracy for the emission parameters at the quasielastic vertex was found to be on the order of 0.3 % in first test realized.rnrnThe design, construction process, commissioning, testing and characterization of the fiber hodoscope are presented in this work which has been developed at the Institut für Kernphysik of the Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz.


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Efficient coupling of light to quantum emitters, such as atoms, molecules or quantum dots, is one of the great challenges in current research. The interaction can be strongly enhanced by coupling the emitter to the eva-nescent field of subwavelength dielectric waveguides that offer strong lateral confinement of the guided light. In this context subwavelength diameter optical nanofibers as part of a tapered optical fiber (TOF) have proven to be powerful tool which also provide an efficient transfer of the light from the interaction region to an optical bus, that is to say, from the nanofiber to an optical fiber. rnAnother approach towards enhancing light–matter interaction is to employ an optical resonator in which the light is circulating and thus passes the emitters many times. Here, both approaches are combined by experi-mentally realizing a microresonator with an integrated nanofiber waist. This is achieved by building a fiber-integrated Fabry-Pérot type resonator from two fiber Bragg grating mirrors with a stop-band near the cesium D2-line wavelength. The characteristics of this resonator fulfill the requirements of nonlinear optics, optical sensing, and cavity quantum electrodynamics in the strong-coupling regime. Together with its advantageous features, such as a constant high coupling strength over a large volume, tunability, high transmission outside the mirror stop band, and a monolithic design, this resonator is a promising tool for experiments with nanofiber-coupled atomic ensembles in the strong-coupling regime. rnThe resonator's high sensitivity to the optical properties of the nanofiber provides a probe for changes of phys-ical parameters that affect the guided optical mode, e.g., the temperature via the thermo-optic effect of silica. Utilizing this detection scheme, the thermalization dynamics due to far-field heat radiation of a nanofiber is studied over a large temperature range. This investigation provides, for the first time, a measurement of the total radiated power of an object with a diameter smaller than all absorption lengths in the thermal spectrum at the level of a single object of deterministic shape and material. The results show excellent agreement with an ab initio thermodynamic model that considers heat radiation as a volumetric effect and that takes the emitter shape and size relative to the emission wavelength into account. Modeling and investigating the thermalization of microscopic objects with arbitrary shape from first principles is of fundamental interest and has important applications, such as heat management in nano-devices or radiative forcing of aerosols in Earth's climate system. rnUsing a similar method, the effect of the TOF's mechanical modes on the polarization and phase of the fiber-guided light is studied. The measurement results show that in typical TOFs these quantities exhibit high-frequency thermal fluctuations. They originate from high-Q torsional oscillations that couple to the nanofiber-guided light via the strain-optic effect. An ab-initio opto-mechanical model of the TOF is developed that provides an accurate quantitative prediction for the mode spectrum and the mechanically induced polarization and phase fluctuations. These high-frequency fluctuations may limit the ultimate ideality of fiber-coupling into photonic structures. Furthermore, first estimations show that they may currently limit the storage time of nanofiber-based atom traps. The model, on the other hand, provides a method to design TOFs with tailored mechanical properties in order to meet experimental requirements. rn


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The goal of this thesis is to make static tensile test on four Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer laminates, in such a way as to obtain the ultimate tensile strength of these laminates; in particular, the laminates analyzed were produced by Hand Lay-up technology. Testing these laminates we have a reference point on which to compare other laminates and in particular CFRP laminate produced by RTM technology.


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In dentistry the restoration of decayed teeth is challenging and makes great demands on both the dentist and the materials. Hence, fiber-reinforced posts have been introduced. The effects of different variables on the ultimate load on teeth restored using fiber-reinforced posts is controversial, maybe because the results are mostly based on non-standardized in vitro tests and, therefore, give inhomogeneous results. This study combines the advantages of in vitro tests and finite element analysis (FEA) to clarify the effects of ferrule height, post length and cementation technique used for restoration. Sixty-four single rooted premolars were decoronated (ferrule height 1 or 2 mm), endodontically treated and restored using fiber posts (length 2 or 7 mm), composite fillings and metal crowns (resin bonded or cemented). After thermocycling and chewing simulation the samples were loaded until fracture, recording first damage events. Using UNIANOVA to analyze recorded fracture loads, ferrule height and cementation technique were found to be significant, i.e. increased ferrule height and resin bonding of the crown resulted in higher fracture loads. Post length had no significant effect. All conventionally cemented crowns with a 1-mm ferrule height failed during artificial ageing, in contrast to resin-bonded crowns (75% survival rate). FEA confirmed these results and provided information about stress and force distribution within the restoration. Based on the findings of in vitro tests and computations we concluded that crowns, especially those with a small ferrule height, should be resin bonded. Finally, centrally positioned fiber-reinforced posts did not contribute to load transfer as long as the bond between the tooth and composite core was intact.


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The delicate anatomy of the ear require surgeons to use great care when operating on its internal structures. One example for such an intervention is the stapedectomy, where a small crook shaped piston is placed in the oval window of the cochlea and connected to the incus through crimping thus bypassing the diseased stapes. Performing the crimp process with the correct force is necessary since loose crimps poorly transmit sound whereas tight crimps will eventually result in necrosis of the incus. Clinically, demand is high to reproducibly conduct the crimp process through a precise force measurement. For this reason, we have developed a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) integrated microforceps for use in such interventions. This device was calibrated, and tested in cadaver preparations. With this instrument we were able to measure for the first time forces involved in crimping a stapes prosthesis to the incus. We also discuss a method of attaching and actuating such forceps in conjunction with a robot currently under development in our group. Each component of this system can be used separately or combined to improve surgical accuracy, confidence and outcome.


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Microneurography is a method suitable for recording intraneural single or multiunit action potentials in conscious subjects. Microneurography has rarely been applied to animal experiments, where more invasive methods, like the teased fiber recording technique, are widely used. We have tested the feasibility of microneurographic recordings from the peripheral nerves of rats. Tungsten microelectrodes were inserted into the sciatic nerve at mid-thigh level. Single or multiunit action potentials evoked by regular electrical stimulation were recorded, digitized and displayed as a raster plot of latencies. The method allows unambiguous recording and recognition of single C-fiber action potentials from an in vivo preparation, with minimal disruption of the nerve being recorded. Multiple C-fibers can be recorded simultaneously for several hours, and if the animal is allowed to recover, repeated recording sessions can be obtained from the same nerve at the same level over a period of weeks or months. Also, single C units can be functionally identified by their changes in latency to natural stimuli, and insensitive units can be recognized as 'silent' nociceptors or sympathetic efferents by their distinctive profiles of activity-dependent slowing during repetitive electrical stimulation, or by the effect on spontaneous efferent activity of a proximal anesthetic block. Moreover, information about the biophysical properties of C axons can be obtained from their latency recovery cycles. Finally, we show that this preparation is potentially suitable for the study of C-fiber behavior in models of neuropathies and nerve lesions, both under resting conditions and in response to drug administration.


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To reduce the risk of disabling postoperative functional deficit in patients with lesions in the dominant hemisphere, information about the localization of eloquent language areas is mandatory.


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The aim of this work is to assess the repeatability of spectral-domain-OCT (SD-OCT) retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFL) thickness measurements in a non-glaucoma group and patients with glaucoma and to compare these results to conventional time-domain-OCT (TD-OCT).