992 resultados para Fetal renal regulation
Glucose intolerance in fluorosis areas and when fluoride is administered for the treatment of osteoporosis has been reported. Controlled fluoridation of drinking water is regarded as a safe and effective measure to control dental caries. However, the effect on glucose homeostasis was not studied so far. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the intake of fluoridated water supply on glucose metabolism in rats with normal and deficient renal function. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into eight groups of four rats. Renal insufficiency was induced in four groups (NX) which received drinking water containing 0, 1, 5, and 15 ppm F (NaF) for 60 days. Four groups with simulated surgery acted as controls. There were no differences in plasma glucose concentration after a glucose tolerance test between controls and NX rats and among rats with different intakes of fluoride. However, plasma insulin level increased as a function of fluoride concentration in drinking water, both in controls and in NX rats. It is concluded that the consumption of fluoridated water from water supply did not affect plasma glucose levels even in cases of animals with renal disease. However, a resistance to insulin action was demonstrated.
Background. The molecular pathogenesis of different sensitivities of the renal proximal and distal tubular cell populations to ischemic injury, including ischemia-reperfusion (IR)-induced oxidative stress, is not well-defined. An in vitro model of oxidative stress was used to compare the survival of distal [Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK)] and proximal [human kidney-2 (HK-2)] renal tubular epithelial cells, and to analyze for links between induced cell death and expression and localization of selected members of the Bcl-2 gene family (anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and Bcl-X-L, pro-apoptotic Bax and Bad), Methods. Cells were treated with 1 mmol/L hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Or were grown in control medium for 24 hours. Cell death (apoptosis) was quantitated using defined morphological criteria. DNA gel electrophoresis was used for biochemical identification. Protein expression levels and cellular localization of the selected Bcl-2 family proteins were analyzed (West ern immunoblots, densitometry, immunoelectron microscopy). Results. Apoptosis was minimal in control cultures and was greatest in treated proximal cell cultures (16.93 +/- 4.18% apoptosis) compared with treated distal cell cultures (2.28 +/- 0.85% apoptosis, P < 0.001). Endogenous expression of Bcl-X-L and Bax, but not Bcl-2 or Bad, was identified in control distal cells, Bcl-X-L and Bax had nonsignificant increases (P > 0.05) in these cells. Bcl-2, Bax, and Bcl-X-L, but not Bad, were endogenously expressed in control proximal cells. Bcl-X-L was significantly decreased in treated proximal cultures (P < 0.05), with Bas and Bcl-2 having nonsignificant increases (P > 0.05). Immunoelectron microscopy localization indicated that control and treated hut surviving proximal cells had similar cytosolic and membrane localization of the Bcl-2 proteins. In comparison, surviving cells in the treated distal cultures showed translocation of Bcl-X-L from cytosol to the mitochondria after treatment with H2O2, a result that was confirmed using cell fractionation and analysis of Bcl-XL expression levels of the membrane and cytosol proteins. Bax remained distributed evenly throughout the surviving distal cells, without particular attachment to any cellular organelle. Conclusion. The results indicate that in this in vitro model, the increased survival of distal compared with proximal tubular cells after oxidative stress is best explained by the decreased expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-X-L in proximal cells, as well as translocation of Bcl-X-L protein to mitochondria within the surviving distal cells.
There are at present disparate published results with regard to the relevance of the Bcl-2 gene family, levels of apoptosis, and cell proliferation in the development and progression of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The present study v analyses the interrelationship between the expression of representatives of the anti-apoptotic (Bcl-2, Bcl-X-L) or pro-apoptotic (Bax) Bcl-2 proteins, incidence of apoptosis, and mitosis in a selected small group of 22 graded RCCs that had paired normal renal tissue, or non-neoplastic tissue in the renal biopsy specimen. The cases were chosen to determine the feasibility of measuring these parameters as potential surrogate markers of progression or treatment failure of the cancers. The results showed that in approximately 50% of the RCCs, where Bcl-2 and/or Bcl-X-L expression was high, apoptosis it-as not detected, and when expression of these proteins was low or not found, increased levels of apoptosis were seen. In most of the remaining 50% of samples, high levels of Bcl-X-L but not Bcl-2 were negatively correlated with low levels of apoptosis (Bcl-X-L: r = -0.437, P = 0.07 and Bcl-2: r = + 0.560, P = 0.02). For the same group of samples, high Bax expression was found in association with apoptosis (r = + 0.578, P = 0,02). A novel finding was an association between low expression of Bcl-2 an/or Bcl-X-L in normal tissue and the level of expression of these proteins in the RCCs, an intrinsic variation that may be an individual patient factor. The results indicate that, in RCCs with increased expression of Bcl-2 and/or Bcl-X-L, levels of apoptosis are minimal and these combined factors may assist in progression of the cancers and resistance to treatments.
Effect of Sodium Cyclamate on the Rat Fetal Exocrine Pancreas: a Karyometric and Stereological Study
The cyclamate, a sweetner substance derived from N-cyclo-hexyl-sulfamic acid, is largely utilized as a non-caloric artificial edulcorant in foods and beverages as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. The objective of this study was to evaluate karyometric and stereological alterations in the rat fetal pancreas resulting from the intraperitoneal administration of sodium cyclamate. The exocrine pancreas of ten fetuses of rats were evaluated, five treated and five controls chosen at random, in which five rats that received from the 10th to 14th days of pregnancy an intraperitoneal daily injection of sodium cyclamate at 60 mg/Kg of body weight during 5 days. At the 20th day of gestation, the animals were removed and weighed, as were their placentas; the length of the umbilical cords also were measured. After the laboratory processing, semi-seriated 6mm cuts stained with haematoxyline and cosine were performed. In seven karyometric parameters (major, minor, and medium diameters, volume, area, perimeter, and volume-area ratio), the increase was statistically significant in the treated group when compared with control group. Stereological parameters showed in the treated group a significant increase in the cellular volume and a significant reduction in the numerical cellular density. These results showed that the sodium cyclamate in pregnant rats led to retardation of fetal development and hypertrophy in the exocrine pancreas of the rat fetuses.
In a previous study, we concluded that overproduction of nitric oxide (NO) by inducible nitric Oxide synthase (iNOS) in the late phase of sepsis prevents hypothalamic activation, blunts vasopressin secretion and contributes to hypotension, irreversible shock and death. The aim of this follow-up study was to evaluate if the same neuronal activation pattern happens in brain structures related to cardiovascular functions. Male Wistar rats received intraperitoneal injections of aminoguanidine, an iNOS inhibitor, or saline 30 min before cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) or sham surgeries. The animals were perfused 6 or 24 h after the surgeries and the brains were removed and processed for Fos immunocytochemistry We observed an increase (P < 0.001) in c-fos expression 6 h after CLP in the area postrema (AP), nucleus of he tractus solitarius (NTS), ventral lateral medulla (VLM), locus coeruleus (LC) and parabrachial nucleus (PB). At 24 h after CLP, however, c-fos expression was strongly decreased in all these nuclei (P < 0.05), except for the VLM. Aminoguanidine reduced c-fos expression in the AP and NTS at 6 h after CLR but showed an opposite effect at 24 h, with an increase in the AP, NTS, and also in the VLM. No such effect was observed in the LC and PB at 6 or 24 h. In all control animals, c-fos expression was minimal or absent. We conclude that in the early phase of sepsis iNOS-derived NO may be partially responsible for the activation of brain structures related to cardiovascular regulation. During the late phase, however, this activation is reduced or abolished. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Histone deacetylase inhibitors show promise as chemotherapeutic agents and have been demonstrated to block proliferation in a wide range of tumor cell lines. Much of this antiproliferative effect has been ascribed to the up-regulated expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21(WAF1/CIP1). In this article, we report that p21 expression was up-regulated by relatively low doses of the histone deacetylase inhibitor azelaic bishydroxamic acid (ABHA) and correlated with a proliferative arrest. Higher doses of ABHA were cytotoxic. Cells that did not up-regulate p21 expression were hypersensitive to killing by ABHA and died via apoptosis, whereas up-regulation of p21 correlated with reduced sensitivity and a block in the apoptotic mechanism, and these cells seemed to die by necrosis. Using isogenic p21(+/+) and p21(-/-) cell lines and direct inhibition of caspase activity, we demonstrate that the reduced sensitivity to killing by ABHA is a consequence of inhibition of apoptosis by up-regulated p21 expression. These data indicate the enormous potential of therapeutic strategies that bypass the cytoprotective effect of p21 and act on the same molecular targets as the histone deacetylase inhibitors.
The cDNA sequence for insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) was determined from the liver of the marsupial brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) using reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with gene-specific primers. The 359 bp of possum sequence encompassed the mature peptide, 27 bp of the signal peptide, and 125 bp of the E-peptide. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequence with those from other species indicated that the mature peptide was 71 amino acids in length, 4 amino acids longer than most other mammals. At both the nucleotide and amino acid levels there was a high degree of sequence identity with IGF-2 from other mammalian and nonmammalian species. Amino acid identity ranged from 94.4% with a variant form of human IGF-2 to 80.3% with zebrafinch IGF-2. Northern analysis revealed that radiolabeled possum IGF-2, cDNA hybridized to multiple transcripts in the liver of both adult possums and 150-day-old pouch young and that the overall level of expression was greater in pouch young. Semiquantitative RT-PCR with total RNA from liver samples of pouch young aged 12 to 150 days postpartum and adults confirmed that IGF-2 gene expression was two to three times more abundant in pouch young than in adults but there was no significant change in the level of expression during pouch life. Unlike other mammalian species, in which there is a decline in levels of liver IGF-2 gene expression around the time of birth, levels in the marsupial brushtail possum remain elevated for at least 150 days after birth. This suggests that the decline in liver IGF-2 expression in marsupials and eutherians occurs at a similar stage of development and may reflect a role for this growth factor during the postnatal growth and development of the marsupial, (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Although earlier studies on thiamine deficiency have reported increases in extracellular glutamate concentration in the thalamus, a vulnerable region of the brain in this disorder, the mechanism by which this occurs has remained unresolved. Treatment with pyrithiamine, a central thiamine antagonist, resulted in a 71 and 55% decrease in protein levels of the astrocyte glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST, respectively, by immunoblotting in the medial thalamus of day 14 symptomatic rats at loss of righting reflexes. These changes occurred prior to the onset of convulsions and pannecrosis. Loss of both GLT-1 and GLAST transporter sites was also confirmed in this region of the thalamus at the symptomatic stage using immunohistochemical methods. In contrast, no change in either transporter protein was detected in the non-vulnerable frontal parietal cortex. These effects are selective; protein levels of the astrocyte GABA transporter GAT-3 were unaffected in the medial thalamus. In addition, astrocyte-specific glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) content was unchanged in this brain region, suggesting that astrocytes are spared in this disorder. Loss of GLT-1 or GLAST protein was not observed on day 12 of treatment, indicating that down-regulation of these transporters occurs within 48 h prior to loss of righting reflexes. Finally, GLT-1 content was positively correlated with levels of the neurofilament protein alpha -internexin, suggesting that early neuronal drop-out may contribute to the down-regulation of this glutamate transporter and subsequent pannecrosis. A selective, focal loss of GLT-1 and GLAST transporter proteins provides a rational explanation for the increase in interstitial glutamate levels, and may play a major role in the selective vulnerability of thalamic structures to thiamine deficiency-induced cell death.
The K+ channel KCNQ1 (K(V)LQT1) is a voltage-gated K+ channel, coexpressed with regulatory subunits such as KCNE1 (IsK, mink) or KCNE3, depending on the tissue examined. Here, we investigate regulation and properties of human and rat KCNQ1 and the impact of regulators such as KCNE1 and KCNE3. Because the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) has also been suggested to regulate KCNQ1 channels we studied the effects of CFTR on KCNQ1 in Xenopus oocytes, Expression of both human and rat KCNQ1 induced time dependent K+ currents that were sensitive to Ba2+ and 293B. Coexpression with KCNE1 delayed voltage activation, while coexpression with KCNE3 accelerated current activation. KCNQ1 currents were activated by an increase in intracellular cAMP, independent of coexpression with KCNE1 or KCNE3. cAMP dependent activation was abolished in N-terminal truncated hKCNQ1 but was still detectable after deletion of a single PKA phosphorylation motif. In the presence but not in the absence of KCNE1 or KCNE3, K+ currents were activated by the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin. Coexpression of CFTR with either human or rat KCNQ1 had no impact on regulation of KCNQ1 K+ currents by cAMP but slightly shifted the concentration response curve for 293B. Thus, KCNQ1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes is regulated by cAMP and Ca2+ but is not affected by CFTR.
The epithelial Na+ channel ENaC is inhibited when the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) coexpressed in the same cell is activated by the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent pathway. Regulation of ENaC by CFTR has been studied in detail in epithelial tissues from intestine and trachea and is also detected in renal cells. In the kidney, regulation of other membrane conductances might be the predominant function of CFTR. A similar inhibition of ENaC takes place when luminal purinergic receptors a re activated by 5 ' -adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or uridine triphosphate (UTP). Because both stimulation of purinergic receptors and activation of CFTR induce a Cl- conductance, it is likely that Cl- ions control ENaC activity.
Objectives: Although monitoring of cyclosporin (CsA) is standard clinical practice postrenal transplantation. mycophenolic acid (MPA) concentrations are not routinely measured. There is evidence that a relationship exists between MPA area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and rejection. In this study, a retrospective analysis was undertaken of 27 adult renal transplant recipients. Methods: Patients received CsA and MPA therapy and had a four-point MPA AUC investigation. The relationship between MPA AUC performed in the first week after transplantation, as well as median trough cyclosporin concentrations, and clinical outcomes in the first month posttransplant were evaluated. Results: A total of 12 patients experienced biopsy proven rejection (44.4%) and 4 patients had gastrointestinal adverse events (14.8%). A statistically significant relationship was observed between the incidence of biopsy proven rejection and both MPA AUC (p = 0.02) and median trough CsA concentration (p = 0.008). No relationship between trough MPA concentration and rejection was observed (p = 0.21). Only 3 of 11 (27%) patients with an MPA AUC > 30 mg.h/L and a median trough CsA > 175 mug/L experienced acute rejection, compared with a 56% incidence of rejection for the remaining 16 patients. Patients who experienced adverse gastrointestinal events had significantly lower MPA AUC (p = 0.04), but median trough CsA concentrations were not significantly different (p = 0.24). Further, 3 of these 4 patients had rejection episodes. Conclusions: in addition to standard CsA monitoring, we propose further investigation of the use of a 4-point sampling strategy to predict MPA AUC in the first week posttransplant, which may facilitate optimization of mycophenolate mofetil dose at a rime when patients are most vulnerable to acute rejection. (C) 2001 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. All rights reserved.
This paper assesses the capacity of local communities and sub-national governments to influence patterns of tourism development, within the context of a globalizing economy. Through a comparison of the contrasting examples of Hawaii and Queensland, the paper indicates the consequences of different approaches to land use regulation. It points to the importance of planning and policy processes that integrate community interests, in order to achieve long-term, sustainable tourism development. Effective regulation of development can minimize the social and environmental impacts of tourism. The paper illustrates how community organizations and sub-national governments can articulate local interests, despite the global demands of investors for more deregulated markets in land.
Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is an important cause of renal artery stenosis, particularly in young females. Polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin (RA) system have been implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension and atherosclerotic vascular disease, and may play a role in the development of FMD. Examination of polymorphisms by PCR for angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) I/D, angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT(1)R) A1166C and angiotensinogen (AGT) M235T and T174M was undertaken in 43 patients with typical multifocal renal arterial FMD (MF-FMD) and in 89 controls. The age of NIF-FMD patients at the time of diagnosis of hypertension did not differ (38.6 + 11.1 years vs 35.5 +/- 10.3 years, P = 0.12) from controls and the proportion (95% vs 86%, P = 0.14) of females was similar. Allele frequencies did not differ significantly between groups, except that MF-FMD patients had a significantly higher frequency of the ACE I allele than control subjects (0.62 vs 0.47, P = 0.026). Since the ACE I allele is associated with lower circulating ACE levels and possibly lower tissue levels of angiotensin II (Ang II), and since Ang II modulates vascular smooth muscle cell growth and synthetic activity, the I allele might predispose to defective remodelling of the arterial media, and thus to the development of MF-FMD. This contrasts with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis, coronary stent restenosis and carotid intimal thickening, which are diseases affecting the arterial intima, and which are associated with increased frequency of the D allele.
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) encephalitis has been reported rarely in the context of solid-organ and bone-marrow transplantation [1]. We report a case of a renal transplant recipient who developed EBV encephalitis following OKT3 therapy for acute allograft rejection. The diagnosis was expedited by the detection of EBV DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Moreover, clinical recovery and clearance of CSF EBV DNA appeared to follow the institution of parenteral ganciclovir treatment.
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) is activated by its substrate phenylalanine and inhibited by its cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4). The crystal structure of PAH revealed that the N-terminal sequence of the enzyme (residues 19-29) partially covered the enzyme active site, and suggested its involvement in regulation. We show that the protein lacking this N-terminal sequence does not require activation by phenylalanine, shows an altered structural response to phenylalanine, and is not inhibited by BH4. Our data support the model where the N-terminal sequence of PAH acts as an intrasteric autoregulatory sequence, responsible for transmitting the effect of phenylalanine activation to the active site, (C) 2001 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.