921 resultados para Fennell, David A.: Tourism ethics
[Mazarinade. 1649]
El emotivismo arraigado en gran parte de la filosofía moral de la postguerra se confiesaheredero de aquella lúcida denuncia, luego bautizada como falacia naturalista, quehiciera Hume a la filosofía que trataba de fundar los deberes en los hechos, la prescripción moral en la descripción científica. Esto ha permitido ver en Hume un pionero del sentimentalismo moral. En este artículo revisamos críticamente esta interpretación desde dos perspectivas: por un lado, situando a Hume y al empirismo en general, en la problemática teórica impuesta por la nueva ciencia, la Reforma y la filosofía cartesiana; por otro, releyendo y reinterpretando contextualmente los pasajes tópicos a los que suelen recurrir las distintas tradiciones hermenéuticas (Is/Ought Passage, Great Divide Passage, Slave Passage). El primer enfoque nos sirve para argumentar contra el tópico de su escepticismo moral y destacar sus esfuerzos por encontrar, si no un fundamento sí al menos una legitimación, de la moral; el segundo, para poner de relieve que la razón juega un papel importante en el escocés, que contradice las habituales tesis sobre su subjetivismo, irracionalismo y emotivismo.
[Traditions. Afrique du Nord. Maroc]
[Traditions. Afrique du Nord. Maroc]
[Traditions. Afrique du Nord. Maroc]
[Traditions. Afrique du Nord. Maroc]
[Traditions. Afrique du Nord. Maroc]
[Traditions. Afrique du Nord. Maroc]
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This update reviews the concepts underlying ethical issues in various contexts and countries, highlighting the evolution in the use of the core values underpinning the field and practice of bioethics as applied to healthcare. RECENT FINDINGS: It stresses the specific position of the adolescent as being a unique individual searching for autonomy and, most of the time, being competent to make decisions regarding the adolescent's own health. It briefly outlines the principles of a 'deliberative' approach in which the practitioner, while keeping in mind the legal context of the country where the practitioner is working, assesses to what extent the adolescent can be considered as competent, and then discusses with the adolescent the medical and psychosocial aspects of the various actions to be taken in a situation, as well as the basic ethical values linked with each of the various options available. The deliberation can involve relevant stakeholders, provided the issues concerning confidentiality have been fully discussed with the adolescent. SUMMARY: This process forces the practitioner, the adolescent patient and those who care for the adolescent patient to look outside their usual frameworks and make a decision that is in the best interest of the young person, and is informed by various ethical values.
This ethical framework document, compiled by the Iowa Pandemic Influenza Ethics Committee, provides ethical guidance to the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) for a pandemic influenza situation. The ethics committee proposes the document as a foundation for decision making in preparing for and responding to pandemic influenza. The document addresses four ethical or moral focal points that public health and health care workers may need to address during a public health disaster.