717 resultados para Fenced grassland


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The objectives of this thesis are to establish a chronological framework for environmental changes during the last 15,000 years in northwest Romania, to reconstruct the vegetation development, and to evaluate the underlying processes for forest dynamics. Furthermore, an overview of earlier and ongoing pollenstratigraphic work in Romania is provided. Sediments from two former crater lakes, Preluca Tiganului and Steregoiu, situated in the Gutaiului Mountains, on the western extremity of the Eastern Carpathians at 730 m and 790 m a.s.l., respectively were obtained and analysed for high-resolution pollen, macrofossils, charcoal, mineral magnetic parameters and organic matter. The chronostratigraphic framework was provided by dense AMS 14C measurements. Cold and dry climatic conditions are indicated by the occurrence of open vegetation with shrubs and herbs, and cold lake water prior to 14,700 cal. yr BP. The climatic improvement at the beginning of the Lateglacial interstadial (around 14,700 cal. yr BP) is seen by the development of open forests. These were dominated by Pinus and Betula, but contained also new arriving tree taxa, such as Populus, Alnus and Prunus. The gradual establishment of forests may have led to a stabilization of the soils in the catchment. Between ca. 14,100 and 13,800 cal. yr BP the forest density became reduced to stands of Pinus, Betula, Alnus, Larix and Populus trees and grassland expanded, suggesting colder climatic conditions. Picea arrived as a new taxon at around 13,800 cal. yr BP, and between 13,800 and 12,900 cal. yr BP, the surroundings of the sites were predominantly covered by Picea forest. This forest included Betula, Pinus, Alnus, Larix and Populus and, from 13,200 cal. yr BP onwards also Ulmus. At ca. 12,900 cal. yr BP, the forest became significantly reduced and at 12,600 cal. yr BP, a recurrence of open vegetation with stands of Larix, Pinus, Betula, Salix and Alnus is documented, lasting until 11,500 cal. yr BP. This distinct change in vegetation may by taken as a strong decline in temperature and moisture availability. At the transition to the Holocene, at ca. 11,500 cal. yr BP, Pinus, Betula and Larix quickly expanded (from small local stands) and formed open forests, probably as a response to warmer and more humid climatic conditions. At 11,250 cal. yr BP Ulmus and Picea expanded and the landscape became completely forested. The rapid increase of Ulmus and Picea after 11,500 cal. yr BP may suggest the existence of small residual populations close to the study sites during the preceding cold interval. Ulmus was the first and most prominent deciduous taxa in the early Holocene in the Gutaiului Mountains. From ca. 10,750 cal. yr BP onwards Quercus, Tilia, Fraxinus and Acer expanded and Corylus arrived. A highly diverse, predominantly deciduous forest with Ulmus, Quercus, Tilia, Fraxinus, Acer, Corylus and Picea developed between 10,700 and 8200 cal. yr BP, which possibly signifies more continental climatic conditions. The development of a Picea-Corylus dominated forest between 8200 and 5700 cal. yr BP is likely connected to a more humid and cooler climate. The establishment of Carpinus and Fagus was dated to 5750 cal. yr BP and 5200 cal. yr BP, respectively. The dominance of Fagus during the late Holocene, from 4000 cal. yr BP onwards, may have been related to cooler and more humid climatic conditions. First signs of human activities are recorded around 2300 cal. yr BP, but only during the last 300 years did local human impact become significant. The vegetation development recorded in the Gutaiului Mountains during the Lateglacial is very similar to reconstructions based on lowland sites, whereas higher elevation sites seem not to have always experienced visible vegetation changes. The time of tree arrival and expansion during the past 11,500 cal. yr BP seems to have occurred almost synchronously across Romania. The composition of the forests during the Holocene in the Gutaiului Mountains is consistent with that reconstructed at mid-elevation sites, but differs from the forest composition at higher elevations. Important differences between the Gutaiului Mountains and other studied sites in Romania are a low representation of Carpinus and a late and weak human impact. The available data sets for Romania give evidence for the presence of coniferous and cold-tolerant deciduous trees before 14,700 cal. yr BP. Glacial refugia for Ulmus may have occurred in different parts of Romania, whereas the existence of Quercus, Tilia, Corylus and Fraxinus has not been corroborated.


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Within this doctoral thesis, biogenic emissions of several globally relevant halocarbons (methyl chloride, methyl bromide, methyl iodide, dibromomethane, chloroform and bromoform) have been investigated in different environments. An airborne study was focused on the tropical rainforest ecosystem, while shipborne measurements investigated naturally occurring oceanic plankton blooms. Laboratory experiments using dried plant material were made to elucidate abiotic production mechanisms occurring in organic matter. Airborne measurements over the tropical rainforest of Suriname and French Guyana (3 - 6 °N, 51 - 59 °W) revealed net fluxes of 9.5 (± 3.8 2σ) µg m-2 h-1 methyl chloride and 0.35 (± 0.15 2σ) µg m-2 h-1 chloroform emitted in the long dry season (October) 2005. An extrapolation of these numbers to all tropical forests helped to narrow down the range of the recently discovered and poorly quantified methyl chloride source from tropical ecosystems. The value for methyl chloride obtained (1.5 (± 0.6 2σ) Tg yr-1) affirms that the contribution of the tropical forest ecosystem is the major source in the global budget of methyl chloride. The extrapolated global net chloroform flux from tropical forests (56 (± 23 2σ) Gg yr-1) is of minor importance (5 - 10 %) compared to the global sources. A source of methyl bromide from this region could not be verified. The abiotic formation of methyl chloride and methyl bromide from dead plant material was tested in a laboratory study. The release from plant tissue representative of grassland, deciduous forest, agricultural areas and coastal salt marshes (hay, ash, tomato and saltwort) has been monitored. Incubations at different temperatures (25 - 50 °C) revealed significant emissions even at ambient temperature, and that the emissions increased exponentially with temperature. The strength of the emission was found to be additionally dependent on the availability of halide and the methoxyl group within the plant tissue. However, high water content in the plant material was found to inhibit methyl halide emissions. The abiotic nature of the reaction yielding methyl halides was confirmed by its high activation energy calculated via Arrhenius plots. Shipborne measurements of the atmospheric mixing ratios of methyl chloride, methyl bromide, methyl iodide, dibromomethane and bromoform have been conducted along a South Atlantic transect from the 27.01. - 05.02.2007 to characterize halocarbon emissions from a large-scale natural algae bloom encountered off the coast of Argentina. Mixing ratios of methyl chloride and methyl bromide were not significantly affected by the occurrence of the phytoplankton bloom. Emissions of methyl iodide, dibromomethane and bromoform showed pronounced mixing ratio variations, triggered by phytoplankton abundance. Methyl iodide was strongly correlated with dimethyl sulfide throughout the sampled region. A new technique combining satellite derived biomass marker (chlorophyll a) data with back trajectory analysis was successfully used to attribute variations in mixing ratios to air masses, which recently passed over areas of enhanced biological production.


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The biogenic production of NO in the soil accounts for between 10% and 40% of the global total. A large degree of the uncertainty in the estimation of the biogenic emissions stems from a shortage of measurements in arid regions, which comprise 40% of the earth’s land surface area. This study examined the emission of NO from three ecosystems in southern Africa which cover an aridity gradient from semi-arid savannas in South Africa to the hyper-arid Namib Desert in Namibia. A laboratory method was used to determine the release of NO as a function of the soil moisture and the soil temperature. Various methods were used to up-scale the net potential NO emissions determined in the laboratory to the vegetation patch, landscape or regional level. The importance of landscape, vegetation and climatic characteristics is emphasized. The first study occurred in a semi-arid savanna region in South Africa, where soils were sampled from 4 landscape positions in the Kruger National Park. The maximum NO emission occurred at soil moisture contents of 10%-20% water filled pore space (WFPS). The highest net potential NO emissions came from the low lying landscape positions, which have the largest nitrogen (N) stocks and the largest input of N. Net potential NO fluxes obtained in the laboratory were converted in field fluxes for the period 2003-2005, for the four landscape positions, using soil moisture and temperature data obtained in situ at the Kruger National Park Flux Tower Site. The NO emissions ranged from 1.5-8.5 kg ha-1 a-1. The field fluxes were up-scaled to a regional basis using geographic information system (GIS) based techniques, this indicated that the highest NO emissions occurred from the Midslope positions due to their large geographical extent in the research area. Total emissions ranged from 20x103 kg in 2004 to 34x103 kg in 2003 for the 56000 ha Skukuza land type. The second study occurred in an arid savanna ecosystem in the Kalahari, Botswana. In this study I collected soils from four differing vegetation patch types including: Pan, Annual Grassland, Perennial Grassland and Bush Encroached patches. The maximum net potential NO fluxes ranged from 0.27 ng m-2 s-1 in the Pan patches to 2.95 ng m-2 s-1 in the Perennial Grassland patches. The net potential NO emissions were up-scaled for the year December 2005-November 2006. This was done using 1) the net potential NO emissions determined in the laboratory, 2) the vegetation patch distribution obtained from LANDSAT NDVI measurements 3) estimated soil moisture contents obtained from ENVISAT ASAR measurements and 4) soil surface temperature measurements using MODIS 8 day land surface temperature measurements. This up-scaling procedure gave NO fluxes which ranged from 1.8 g ha-1 month-1 in the winter months (June and July) to 323 g ha-1 month-1 in the summer months (January-March). Differences occurred between the vegetation patches where the highest NO fluxes occurred in the Perennial Grassland patches and the lowest in the Pan patches. Over the course of the year the mean up-scaled NO emission for the studied region was 0.54 kg ha-1 a-1 and accounts for a loss of approximately 7.4% of the estimated N input to the region. The third study occurred in the hyper-arid Namib Desert in Namibia. Soils were sampled from three ecosystems; Dunes, Gravel Plains and the Riparian zone of the Kuiseb River. The net potential NO flux measured in the laboratory was used to estimate the NO flux for the Namib Desert for 2006 using modelled soil moisture and temperature data from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) operational model on a 36km x 35km spatial resolution. The maximum net potential NO production occurred at low soil moisture contents (<10%WFPS) and the optimal temperature was 25°C in the Dune and Riparian ecosystems and 35°C in the Gravel Plain Ecosystems. The maximum net potential NO fluxes ranged from 3.0 ng m-2 s-1 in the Riparian ecosystem to 6.2 ng m-2 s-1 in the Gravel Plains ecosystem. Up-scaling the net potential NO flux gave NO fluxes of up to 0.062 kg ha-1 a-1 in the Dune ecosystem and 0.544 kg h-1 a-1 in the Gravel Plain ecosystem. From these studies it is shown that NO is emitted ubiquitously from terrestrial ecosystems, as such the NO emission potential from deserts and scrublands should be taken into account in the global NO models. The emission of NO is influenced by various factors such as landscape, vegetation and climate. This study looks at the potential emissions from certain arid and semi-arid environments in southern Africa and other parts of the world and discusses some of the important factors controlling the emission of NO from the soil.


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Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) ist als reaktives Spurengas eine wichtige Komponente atmosphärenchemischer Prozesse und hat somit einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphäre. Eine Hauptquelle des Spurengases stellen bodenmikrobiologische Prozesse dar, deren regionaler und globaler Anteil weiterhin mit größeren Unsicherheiten geschätzt wird. Ursache für die schwere Abschätzbarkeit der NO-Freisetzung aus Böden ist die hohe räumliche Variabilität der steuernden Faktoren. Als einer der wichtigsten Faktoren, die die Freisetzung von NO aus Böden regeln, gilt der Bodenwassergehalt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den Zusammenhang zwischen NO-Freisetzung, Bodenwassergehalt, den Bodeneigenschaften und den Standortbedingungen zu untersuchen und diesen möglichst zu quantifizieren. Dazu sind Bodenproben unterschiedlicher Landnutzungen in einem kleineren Wassereinzugsgebiet im Rheingau im Labor, unter kontrollierten Bedingungen, untersucht. Der charakteristische Zusammenhang zwischen Bodenfeuchte und NO-Freisetzung, die sogenannte Bodenfeuchtekurve, kann demnach weitestgehend auf die gemessenen Bodenmerkmale der untersuchten Proben zurückgeführt werden. Anhand der Bodenmerkmale kann die Bodenfeuchtekurve zufriedenstellend vorhergesagt werden. Dabei zeigt vor allem der Humusgehalt der Böden einen dominierenden Einfluss. Er ist die Variable, die die Unterschiede der Böden beim Zusammenhang zwischen Bodenfeuchte und NO-Freisetzung am besten und hinreichend erklären kann. Zur Konstruktion der Bodenfeuchtekurve müssen die optimale Bodenfeuchte und die dabei herrschende Freisetzung, sowie die obere Bodenfeuchte, bei der keine NO-Freisetzung mehr stattfindet, bekannt sein. Diese charakteristischen Punkte lassen sich durch lineare Regressionsmodelle gut aus den Bodeneigenschaften ableiten. Auf räumlicher Ebene werden die Bodeneigenschaften durch die standörtlichen Bedingungen geprägt, die wiederum Ausdruck der landschaftlichen Ausstattung sind. In der Kulturlandschaft kann der Mensch aufgrund seiner Landnutzungsansprüche als der dominierende Faktor angesehen werden. Die Landnutzung orientiert sich an den landschaftlichen Bedingungen und bestimmt in hohem Maße wichtige Bodeneigenschaften, die zu den erklärenden Merkmalen bei der Beziehung zwischen Bodenwassergehalt und NO-Freisetzung gehören. Die in erster Linie wirtschaftlich orientierten Kartenwerke Bodenschätzung, Weinbergsbodenkartierung und forstliche Standortkartierung sind dementsprechend geeignete Grundlagen, um eine Regionalisierung der Landschaft in - bezüglich der NO-Freisetzung - weitgehend homogene Flächen durchführen zu können. Eine hierauf beruhende Regionalisierung ist dazu geeignet, die räumliche Variabilität der NO-Freisetzung in räumlich sinnvoller Auflösung besser abschätzen zu können.


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The European renewable energy directive 2009/28/EC (E.C. 2009) provides a legislative framework for reducing GHG emissions by 20%, while achieving a 20% share of energy from renewable sources by 2020. Perennial energy crops could significantly contribute to limit GHG emissions through replacing equivalent fossil fuels and by sequestering a considerable amount of carbon into the soil through the large amounts of belowground biomass produced. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of land use change that perennial energy crops have on croplands (switchgrass) and marginal grasslands (miscanthus). For that purpose above and belowground biomass, SOC variation and Net Ecosystem Exchange were evaluated after five years of growth. At aboveground level both crops produced high biomass under cropland conditions as well as under marginal soils. At belowground level they also produced large amounts of biomass, but no significant influences on SOC in the upper layer (0-30 cm) were found. This is probably because of the "priming effect" that caused fast carbon substitution. In switchgrass only it was found a significant SOC increase in deeper layers (30-60 cm), while in the whole soil profile (0-60 cm) SOC increased from 42 to 51 ha-1. However, the short experimental periods (for both switchgrass and miscanthus), in which land use change was evaluated, do not permit to determine the real capacity of perennial energy crops to accumulate SOC. In conclusion the large amounts of belowground biomass enhanced the SOC dynamic through the priming effect resulting in increased SOC in cropland but not in marginal grassland.


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Selen ist in geringen Mengen ein essentielles Nährelement, das aber in höheren Gehalten toxisch wird. Der Se-Kreislauf in der Umwelt ist eng mit Redoxreaktionen wie der Reduktion von Se-Oxyanionen zu Methylselenid verknüpft. Flüchtige Methylselenide sind weit verbreitet und stellen einen wichtigen Se-Fluss in der Umwelt dar. Das übergeordnete Ziel meiner Dissertation war, die Stabilisotopenfraktionierung von Se durch Biomethylierung verschiedener oxidierter Se-Spezies (Se[IV] und Se[VI]) im Boden aufzuklären. Zunächst wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die es erlaubte flüchte Methylselenide quantitativ zurückzuhalten. Es zeigte sich, dass alkalische Peroxid-Lösung dafür geeignet war. Mit alkalischer Peroxid-Lösung wurde eine Wiederfindung von 95,6 ± Standardabweichung 5,4% in Verflüchtigungsexperimenten mit Methylselenid-Standards erreicht. Bei Einsatz von alkalischer Peroxid-Lösung in geschlossenen Mikrokosmos-Experimenten kam es zu keinen Se-Verlusten und ausgeglichenen Se-Isotopenbilanzen. Die massengewichteten δ82/76Se-Werte lagen für Se(IV) und Se(VI) am Ende der Mikrokosmos-Inkubationen bei -0,31 ± 0,05‰ (n = 3) und -0,76 ± 0,07‰ (n = 3) verglichen mit -0,20 ± 0,05‰ und -0,69 ± 0,07‰ im jeweils zugegebenen Se. Im zweiten Teil meiner Dissertation wurde die Pilzart Alternaria alternata mit Se(VI) und Se(IV) in geschlossenen Mikrokosmen für 11-15 und Se(IV) zusätzlich für 3-5 Tage bei 30°C inkubiert. In 11-15 Tagen wurden 2,9-11% des Se(VI) und 21-29% des Se(IV) und in 3-5 Tagen, 3-5% des Se(IV) methyliert. Die anfänglichen δ82/76Se-Werte von Se(VI) und Se(IV) lagen bei -0,69 ± 0,07‰, und -0,20 ± 0,05‰. Die δ82/76Se-Werte der Methylselenide unterschieden sich nach 11-15 Tagen Inkubation signifikant zwischen Se(VI) (-3,97 bis -3,25 ‰) und Se(IV) (-1,44 bis -0,16‰) als Quellen. Die δ82/76Se-Werte der Methylselenide zeigen also die Quellen der Biomethylierung von Se an. Die kürzere Inkubation von Se(IV) für 3-5 Tage führte zu einer ausgeprägten Se-Isotopenfraktonierung von mindestens -6‰, bevor ein Fließgleichgewicht erreicht wurde. Im dritten Teil bestimmte ich die Bindungsformen von Se mit drei operativ definierten sequentiellen Extraktionen und die δ82/76S-Werte des gesamten Selens in zehn urbanen Oberböden mit 0,09-0,52 mg/kg Se, die fünf verschiedene Landnutzungstypen repräsentierten (Überschwemmungsgrünland, Garten, Park, Straßenrand und Wald). Nur ein kleiner Teil des Seleniums lag in austauschbarer und damit direkt bioverfügbarer und in residualer, wenig reaktiver Form vor. Das meiste Se war an die organische Substanz und Fe-(Hydr-)Oxide gebunden (42-77% des gesamten Selens). Der mittlere δ82/76Se-Wert des gesamten Selens in den Oberböden lag mit -0,03 ± 0,38‰ nahe beim Mittelwert der gesamten Erde. Geringfügig niedrigere Se-Isotopensignale von -0,59 bis -0,35‰ v.a. in Waldböden und geringfügig höhere von 0,26 to 0,45‰ in Überschwemmungsgrünland wurden vermutlich durch Boden-Pflanze-Recycling und Se-Kontaminationen durch das Flusswasser verursacht. Der vierte Teil umfasste ein “Natural Attenuation”-Experiment und Mikrokosmos-Inkubationen von Bodenproben mit A. alternata. Die Equilibrierung von zum Boden gegebenem Se(IV) und Se(VI) für drei Tage führte zu abnehmenden wasserlöslichen Se-Gehalten um 32-44% bzw. 8-14, die mit kleinen Isotopenfraktionierung (ε = -0,045 bis -0,12 ‰ and -0,05 to -0,07‰ verbunden waren. In zwei der inkubierten Böden mit mäßig sauren pH-Werten wurden zwischen 9,1 und 30% des zugefügten Se(IV) und 1,7% des zugefügten Se(VI) methyliert während in einem stark sauren Boden keine Methylierung auftrat. Das aus Se(IV) entstandene Methylselenid war deutlich gegenüber dem zugegebenen Se-Standard (0,20‰) an 82Se verarmt (δ82/76Se = -3,3 bis -4,5‰). Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die stabilen Isotopenverhältnisse von Se neue Einblicke in Se-Transformationsprozesse erlauben.rn


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Diese Arbeit war ein Teilprojekt des Kompetenzzentrums „Flut und Hitze“ der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Das gesamte Projekt beinhaltete bereits Untersuchungen über mögliche Folgen des lokalen Klimawandels (Überflutung/Trockenheit) auf andere Tiergruppen (z.B. Collembolen, Arachniden, etc.). Mit Hilfe der Laufkäfer als Bioindikatoren sollten mögliche Tendenzen des Klimawandels, aufgrund von Überflutungen, bzw. dem Ausbleiben von Überflutungen, aufgezeigt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang erfolgte die phänologische Erfassung der Laufkäfer in drei Untersuchungsgebieten entlang des Rheins: ein geschütztes Auwaldfragment und ein Polder in Ingelheim sowie ein Polder in Worms. Über einen Zeitraum von 2-3 Jahren wurde, mittels klassischer Fangmethoden (Bodenfallen), die Laufkäferfauna kontinuierlich erfasst. Insgesamt konnten im Auwald Ingelheim 2861 Individuen aus 59 Arten gefangen werden, im Polder Ingelheim 16029 Individuen aus 96 Arten und im Polder Worms 6946 Individuen aus 72 Arten. Seit 2003 wurde das Auwaldfragment nicht mehr vollüberflutet, was die geringe Anzahl an gefundenen auetypischen Arten erklärte. Die Laufkäferfauna des Auwaldes zeigte zwar noch einen deutlich feuchtegeprägten Charakter, jedoch war der Druck der einwandernden eurytopen Offenlandarten aus der Umgebung enorm. Der Polder Ingelheim wurde 2006 fertiggestellt und direkt im Anschluss beprobt. Der Polderinnenraum wurde durch den Bau eines ökologischen Flutungskanals an die Dynamik des Rheins angeschlossen. Der tiefergelegte Innenraum zeigte eine deutlich feuchteliebende Laufkäferfauna. Die trockenen höher gelegenen Randbereiche wiesen im Gegensatz dazu eine deutliche Ruderalfauna auf. Der Polder in Worms wurde bereits direkt nach seiner Fertigstellung 2001 von der Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Seitz (Universität Mainz) beprobt. Die erneute Datenerhebung 2008 sollte mögliche Veränderungen in der Laufkäferfauna sowie eine mögliche Sukzession aufzeigen. Es zeigten sich deutliche Veränderungen der Laufkäfergemeinschaften an den Standorten sowie die Ausbildung verschiedener Mikrohabitate.


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Conceived to combat widescale biodiversity erosion in farmland, agri-environment schemes have largely failed to deliver their promises despite massive financial support. While several common species have shown to react positively to existing measures, rare species have continued to decline in most European countries. Of particular concern is the status of insectivorous farmland birds that forage on the ground. We modelled the foraging habitat preferences of four declining insectivorous bird species (hoopoe, wryneck, woodlark, common redstart) inhabiting fruit tree plantations, orchards and vineyards. All species preferred foraging in habitat mosaics consisting of patches of grass and bare ground, with an optimal, species-specific bare ground coverage of 30–70% at the foraging patch scale. In the study areas, birds thrived in intensively cultivated farmland where such ground vegetation mosaics existed. Not promoted by conventional agri-environment schemes until now, patches of bare ground should be implemented throughout grassland in order to prevent further decline of insectivorous farmland birds.


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The major objectives of this paper are: (1) to review the pros and cons of the scenarios of past anthropogenic land cover change (ALCC) developed during the last ten years, (2) to discuss issues related to pollen-based reconstruction of the past land-cover and introduce a new method, REVEALS (Regional Estimates of VEgetation Abundance from Large Sites), to infer long-term records of past land-cover from pollen data, (3) to present a new project (LANDCLIM: LAND cover – CLIMate interactions in NW Europe during the Holocene) currently underway, and show preliminary results of REVEALS reconstructions of the regional land-cover in the Czech Republic for five selected time windows of the Holocene, and (4) to discuss the implications and future directions in climate and vegetation/land-cover modeling, and in the assessment of the effects of human-induced changes in land-cover on the regional climate through altered feedbacks. The existing ALCC scenarios show large discrepancies between them, and few cover time periods older than AD 800. When these scenarios are used to assess the impact of human land-use on climate, contrasting results are obtained. It emphasizes the need for methods such as the REVEALS model-based land-cover reconstructions. They might help to fine-tune descriptions of past land-cover and lead to a better understanding of how long-term changes in ALCC might have influenced climate. The REVEALS model is demonstrated to provide better estimates of the regional vegetation/land-cover changes than the traditional use of pollen percentages. This will achieve a robust assessment of land cover at regional- to continental-spatial scale throughout the Holocene. We present maps of REVEALS estimates for the percentage cover of 10 plant functional types (PFTs) at 200 BP and 6000 BP, and of the two open-land PFTs "grassland" and "agricultural land" at five time-windows from 6000 BP to recent time. The LANDCLIM results are expected to provide crucial data to reassess ALCC estimates for a better understanding of the land suface-atmosphere interactions.


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The diversity–stability hypothesis states that current losses of biodiversity can impair the ability of an ecosystem to dampen the effect of environmental perturbations on its functioning. Using data from a long-term and comprehensive biodiversity experiment, we quantified the temporal stability of 42 variables characterizing twelve ecological functions in managed grassland plots varying in plant species richness. We demonstrate that diversity increases stability i) across trophic levels (producer, consumer), ii) at both the system (community, ecosystem) and the component levels (population, functional group, phylogenetic clade), and iii) primarily for aboveground rather than belowground processes. Temporal synchronization across studied variables was mostly unaffected with increasing species richness. This study provides the strongest empirical support so far that diversity promotes stability across different ecological functions and levels of ecosystem organization in grasslands


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Background Meadows are regularly mown in order to provide fodder or litter for livestock and to prevent vegetation succession. However, the time of year at which meadows should be first mown in order to maximize biological diversity remains controversial and may vary with respect to context and focal taxa. We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of delaying the first mowing date upon plants and invertebrates in European meadowlands. Methods Following a CEE protocol, ISI Web of Science, Science Direct, JSTOR, Google and Google Scholar were searched. We recorded all studies that compared the species richness of plants, or the species richness or abundance of invertebrates, between grassland plots mown at a postponed date (treatment) vs plots mown earlier (control). In order to be included in the meta-analysis, compared plots had to be similar in all management respects, except the date of the first cut that was (mostly experimentally) manipulated. They were also to be located in the same meadow type. Meta-analyses applying Hedges’d statistic were performed. Results Plant species richness responded differently to the date to which mowing was postponed. Delaying mowing from spring to summer had a positive effect, while delaying either from spring to fall, or from early summer to later in the season had a negative effect. Invertebrates were expected to show a strong response to delayed mowing due to their dependence on sward structure, but only species richness showed a clearly significant positive response. Invertebrate abundance was positively influenced in only a few studies. Conclusions The present meta-analysis shows that in general delaying the first mowing date in European meadowlands has either positive or neutral effects on plant and invertebrate biodiversity (except for plant species richness when delaying from spring to fall or from early summer to later). Overall, there was also strong between-study heterogeneity, pointing to other major confounding factors, the elucidation of which requires further field experiments with both larger sample sizes and a distinction between taxon-specific and meadow-type-specific responses.


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While bryophytes greatly contribute to plant diversity of semi-natural grasslands, little is known about the relationships between land-use intensity, productivity, and bryophyte diversity in these habitats. We recorded vascular plant and bryophyte vegetation in 85 agricultural used grasslands in two regions in northern and central Germany and gathered information on land-use intensity. To assess grassland productivity, we harvested aboveground vascular plant biomass and analyzed nutrient concentrations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg. Further we calculated mean Ellenberg indicator values of vascular plant vegetation. We tested for effects of land-use intensity and productivity on total bryophyte species richness and on the species richness of acrocarpous (small & erect) and pleurocarpous (creeping, including liverworts) growth forms separately. Bryophyte species were found in almost all studied grasslands, but species richness differed considerably between study regions in northern Germany (2.8 species per 16 m2) and central Germany (6.4 species per 16 m2) due environmental differences as well as land-use history. Increased fertilizer application, coinciding with high mowing frequency, reduced bryophyte species richness significantly. Accordingly, productivity estimates such as plant biomass and nitrogen concentration were strongly negatively related to bryophyte species richness, although productivity decreased only pleurocarpous species. Ellenberg indicator values for nutrients proved to be useful indicators of species richness and productivity. In conclusion, bryophyte composition was strongly dependent on productivity, with smaller bryophytes that were likely negatively affected by greater competition for light. Intensive land-use, however, can also indirectly decrease bryophyte species richness by promoting grassland productivity. Thus, increasing productivity is likely to cause a loss of bryophyte species and a decrease in species diversity.


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Soil erosion models and soil erosion risk maps are often used as indicators to assess potential soil erosion in order to assist policy decisions. This paper shows the scientific basis of the soil erosion risk map of Switzerland and its application in policy and practice. Linking a USLE/RUSLE-based model approach (AVErosion) founded on multiple flow algorithms and the unit contributing area concept with an extremely precise and high-resolution digital terrain model (2 m × 2 m grid) using GIS allows for a realistic assessment of the potential soil erosion risk, on single plots, i.e. uniform and comprehensive for the agricultural area of Switzerland (862,579 ha in the valley area and the lower mountain regions). The national or small-scale soil erosion prognosis has thus reached a level heretofore possible only in smaller catchment areas or single plots. Validation was carried out using soil loss data from soil erosion damage mappings in the field from long-term monitoring in different test areas. 45% of the evaluated agricultural area of Switzerland was classified as low potential erosion risk, 12% as moderate potential erosion risk, and 43% as high potential erosion risk. However, many of the areas classified as high potential erosion risk are located at the transition from valley to mountain zone, where many areas are used as permanent grassland, which drastically lowers their current erosion risk. The present soil erosion risk map serves on the one hand to identify and prioritise the high-erosion risk areas, and on the other hand to promote awareness amongst farmers and authorities. It was published on the internet and will be made available to the authorities in digital form. It is intended as a tool for simplifying and standardising enforcement of the legal framework for soil erosion prevention in Switzerland. The work therefore provides a successful example of cooperation between science, policy and practice.


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Our research explored the influence of deer and gap size on nitrogen cycling, soil compaction, and vegetation trajectories in twelve canopy gaps of varying sizes in a hemlock-northern hardwood forest. Each gap contained two fenced and two unfenced plots. Gap size, soil compaction, winter deer use, and available nitrogen were measured in 2011. Vegetation was assessed in 2007 and 2011, and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling was used to determine vegetative change. Results show that winter deer use was greater in smaller gaps. Deer accessibility did not influence compaction but did significantly increase total available nitrogen in April. April ammonium, April nitrate, and May nitrate were positively related to gap size. The relationship between gap size and vegetative community change was positive for fenced plots but unrelated for unfenced plots. In conclusion, deer are positively contributing to nitrogen dynamics and altering the relationship between canopy gap size and vegetative community change.


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The climate change narrative has changed from one of mitigation to one of adaptation. Governments around the world have created climate change frameworks which address how the country can better cope with the expected and unexpected changes due to global climate change. In an effort to do so, federal governments of Canada and the United States, as well as some provinces and states within these countries, have created detailed documents which outline what steps must be taken to adapt to these changes. However, not much is mentioned about how these steps will be translated in to policy, and how that policy will eventually be implemented. To examine the ability of governments to acknowledge and incorporate the plethora of scientific information to policy, consideration must be made for policy capacity. This report focuses on three sectors: water supply and demand; drought and flood planning; and forest and grassland ecosystems, and the word ‘capacity’ as related to nine different forms of policy capacity acknowledged in these frameworks. Qualitative content analysis using NVivo was carried out on fifty four frameworks and the results obtained show that there is a greater consideration for managerial capacity compared to analytical or political capacity. The data also indicated that although there were more Canadian frameworks which referred to policy capacity, the frameworks from the United States actually considered policy capacity to a greater degree.