754 resultados para Fear of Falling
El estudio de la conducta en la organización penitenciaria, el cual es abordado desde las dimensiones fundamentales que atañen al hombre, como son la psicológica, la social y la ambiental.. La muestra general, objeto de investigación consta de 44 sujetos, de los cuales 35 cumplían condena en la prisión de Carabanchel y los 9 restantes en la prisión provincial de Salamanca. Las variables sometidas a estudio son las siguientes: la edad, el estado civil, los estudios realizados, la profesión, el salario, la actividad preferida, y barrio al que pertenecen.. El proceso seguido a lo largo del trabajo consta de las siguientes partes: una primera parte de carácter teórico en la que se estudia la variable percepción del clima social, así como el acercamiento a las dimensiones que configuran el clima social y por último una evaluación de este clima social mediante una descripción de distintas escalas de medida utilizadas en diversos ambientes, enfatizando las referentes a percepción de clima social en Instituciones Penitenciarias; una segunda parte también teórica referente al estudio de la variable asertividad o habilidades sociales; por último, se realiza un estudio de carácter práctico en el que se pretende buscar una interrelación entre ambos constructos, es decir clima social y asertividad, utilizando para ello una muestra de individuos sometidos a tratamiento penitenciario.. Los instrumentos emplados son de diversos tipos, bibliográficos, autoinformes (escalas de evaluación de habilidades sociales, Rathus assertiveness schedule, college self expression scale,assetion inventory, social perfomance survey schedule, escala multidimensional de expresión social), autoinformes de ansiedad social (social avoidace and distress scales, interaction and audience anxiosness scales), medidas cognitivas de autoinforme, destacando: fear of negative evaluacion, asserttivess self-statement trest, social interaction self-statement test.. En este trabajo junto a la técnica de carácter descriptivo se une la de carácter experimental. . Los internos destacan la ayuda y asistencia que les ofrece la administración penitenciaria, éstos necesitan distracciones y actividades que ocupen su tiempo así como retroalimentación emocional facilitada por los individuos del entorno; por otro lado, prefieren el control institucional antes que tomar decisiones sobre asuntos que les afecten. Como último punto es importante destacar que los sujetos se sienten incómodos ante los padres, los parientes, empleados y por último ante su esposa o compañera..
Na fábrica da EPAL, em Vale da Pedra, o risco de queda em altura no acesso vertical a espaços confinados, foi avaliado como sendo aceitável mediante a adoção de medidas de controlo que não existiam, ou que não eram adequadas, ou ainda que não eram utilizadas. Para responder a este problema, foi concebido, desenvolvido e ensaiado um inovador dispositivo portátil anti-queda. Este previne a queda no acesso entre o pavimento e os primeiros degraus de aberturas verticais conducentes a espaços confinados. Além da função preventiva, também pode fazer parte da proteção anti-queda, como ponto de ancoragem dos equipamentos de proteção contra quedas. Os ensaios realizados revelaram que, em comparação com as alternativas pré-fabricadas disponíveis, esta solução é mais adequada para prevenir quedas, por se adaptar a múltiplas configurações de acesso, com um dispositivo relativamente leve, fácil de transportar e de aplicar, estável e resistente. / In EPAL factory in Vale da Pedra, the risk of falling from a height in the vertical access to confined spaces, was evaluated as being acceptable by the adoption of control measures that did not exist, or were not suitable, or were not used. To respond to this problem, an innovative portable anti-falling device was designed, developed and tested. This prevents falling in access between the ground and the first steps of vertical openings leading to confined spaces. In addition to the preventive function, it can also be part of the fall-arrest protection, as anchor point of fall protection equipment. The tests revealed that, in comparison with the prefabricated alternatives available, this solution is best suited to prevent falls, due to its adaptability to multiple access settings, with a relatively light device, easy to carry and to use, stable and resistant.
El autor relee algunas propuestas culturales de los ensayos de Montalvo. Comienza por defender el rasgo de la polémica, en cuanto una herramienta estética y ética: la emplea con afán literario –en el mismo estilo de Sarmiento, González Prada, entre otros– y también como escritor vinculado a la política militante, para incentivar así a una audiencia poco letrada. En su pensamiento, señala oscilaciones entre ideas europeizantes, hispanoamericanistas y claramente latinoamericanistas. Hay coincidencias entre Montalvo y Pedro Henríquez Ureña al pensar lo latinoamericano, su noción se mueve entre aquella de lo nacional y del sujeto popular (vínculos con Martí y Bello). Considera a la nación como una totalidad cooperativa, en una propuesta anticolonial, de carácter republicano: donde prevalecieran la libertad de opinión, la fraternidad, y la democracia. Analiza las ideas de Montalvo sobre las masas populares, destacando el rasgo humanista en las acepciones de civilización y barbarie (que sería lo opuesto a la paz que se obtiene por el respeto y no por el miedo a los gobernantes o a la Iglesia). Montalvo aboga por la creación de un pueblo virtuoso a partir del trabajo y de un equilibrio entre la razón y los placeres, justifica la necesidad de la ilustración popular y de que un héroe guíe al pueblo (no que lo esclavice). Sin embargo, al momento de definir las clases sociales significativamente no considera las nociones de casta. Al referirse al pueblo afro, vuelve a sostener que es la esclavitud la que los coloca en una situación inferior, insistiendo en que no existe una inferioridad innata.
A multiple factor parametrization is described to permit the efficient calculation of collision efficiency (E) between electrically charged aerosol particles and neutral cloud droplets in numerical models of cloud and climate. The four-parameter representation summarizes the results obtained from a detailed microphysical model of E, which accounts for the different forces acting on the aerosol in the path of falling cloud droplets. The parametrization's range of validity is for aerosol particle radii of 0.4 to 10 mu m, aerosol particle densities of I to 2.0 g cm(-3), aerosol particle charges from neutral to 100 elementary charges and drop radii from 18.55 to 142 mu m. The parametrization yields values of E well within an order of magnitude of the detailed model's values, from a dataset of 3978 E values. Of these values 95% have modelled to parametrized ratios between 0.5 and 1.5 for aerosol particle sizes ranging between 0.4 and 2.0 mu m, and about 96% in the second size range. This parametrization speeds up the calculation of E by a factor of similar to 10(3) compared with the original microphysical model, permitting the inclusion of electric charge effects in numerical cloud and climate models.
The tides of globalization and the unsteady surges and distortions in the evolution of the European Union are causing identities and cultures to be in a state of flux. Education is used by politicians as a major lever for political and social change through micro-management, but it is a crude tool. There can, however, be opportunities within educational experience for individual learners to gain strong, reflexive, multiple identities and multiple citizenship through the engagement of their creative energies. It has been argued that the twenty-first century needs a new kind of creativity characterized by unselfishness, caring and compassion—still involving monetary wealth, but resulting in a healthy planet and healthy people. Creativity and its economically derived relation, innovation, have become `buzz words' of our times. They are often misconstrued, misunderstood and plainly misused within educational conversations. The small-scale pan-European research study upon which this article is founded discovered that more emphasis needs to be placed on creative leadership, empowering teachers and learners, reducing pupils' fear of school, balancing teaching approaches, and ensuring that the curriculum and assessment are responsive to the needs of individual learners. These factors are key to building strong educational provision that harnesses the creative potential of learners, teachers and other stakeholders, values what it is to be human and creates a foundation upon which to build strong, morally based, consistent, participative democracies.
Review of the posture of the declared nuclear weapon states with regard to their own commitment to nuclear disarmament as contained in the Non-Proliferation Treaty and their shared fear of nuclear proliferation
Achievement motivation represents the energization and direction of competence-based behavior. Despite the ubiquity and importance of achievement motivation across the life span, developmental research in this area is quite sparse. In this chapter, we discuss developmental considerations and provide an overview of the developmentally relevant research that has been conducted on achievement motivation. Our review focuses specifically on the two most prominent constructs that have emerged in the achievement motivation literature in the past century: Motive dispositions (the need for achievement and fear of failure) and goals (mastery-approach, performance-approach, mastery-avoidance, and performance-avoidance achievement goals). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)(chapter)
Families living with autism often feel unable to attend social and cultural events largely due to the fear of their child attracting negative or even aggressive reactions from others. The ‘joint attention’ that is part of the theatre experience however may be a powerful factor in the development of social and communication skills for such children. ‘Relaxed performances’ offer an opportunity for them to access and engage with theatre by making special arrangements designed to reduce tensions associated with visits to public places. Aspects of the production such as the use of lighting and sound effects which may trigger adverse reactions are also adjusted. This paper reports on how one local theatre drew on the findings of a national project to mount a ‘relaxed performance’ of their annual pantomime. It discusses the theatre’s preparations and presents evidence of the impact the event had on local children with autism and their families. The success of both the national and this local project marks a new beginning for improved access to the theatre for an audience that has hitherto felt largely excluded.
This short chapter explains how a growing number of theatres are beginning to offer families living with autism and other disabilities opportunities to attend without fear of alienation or rejection by other audience members. Using one small theatre as a case study, the chapter illustrates the sort of adaptations that are made to the performance and front of house arrangements.
This paper what 'relaxed performances' are and how a growing number of theatres are beginning to offer them to families living with autism and other disabilities opportunities to attend without fear of alienation or rejection by other audience members. Using one small theatre as a case study, the chapter illustrates the sort of adaptations that are made to the performance and front of house arrangements and reports on the positive effects one particular relaxed performance had on some of those who attended.
Outward investments and productivity: evidence from European regions, Regional Studies. Using a novel data set on international investment projects, this paper builds measures of outward foreign direct investments (FDIs) for 262 regions of the European Union. This allows as estimation to be made of regressions of productivity growth over the 2007–11 period as a function of the number of FDIs. The number of outward FDIs in manufacturing activities is negatively associated with productivity growth in the home region, but investments in sales, distribution and marketing are associated with a boost in local productivity. This is driven especially by investments towards non-European Union locations. This evidence qualifies the fear of hollowing-out as a consequence of outward investments
In the present research we investigate impression management (IM) as a substantive personality variable by linking it to differentiated achievement motivation constructs, namely achievement motives (workmastery, competitiveness, fear of failure) and achievement goals (mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, performance-approach, performance-avoidance). Study 1 revealed that IM was a positive predictor of workmastery and a negative predictor of competitiveness (with and without self-deceptive enhancement (SDE) controlled). Studies 2a and 2b revealed that IM was a positive predictor of mastery-approach goals and mastery-avoidance goals (without and, in Study 2b, with SDE controlled). These findings highlight the value of conceptualizing and utilizing IM as a personality variable in its own right, and shed light on the nature of the achievement motive and achievement goal constructs.