976 resultados para Faculty Sabbaticals
Dissertation presented at Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon to attain the Master degree in Electrical and Computer Science Engineering
The MN strain of HIV-1 is known to be more prevalent in Brazil, the BRU strain is more prevalent in Europe, and the NDK strain in Africa. It has been suggested in the literature to include different strains in the same vaccine against HIV-1. To contribute to the studies for the development of a universal vaccine, the occurrence of antibodies (Ab) against three HIV-1 strains (MN, BRU and NDK) was determined in serum samples from 85 HIV-1-positive patients, adult volunteers seen at the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto-USP. One-hundred tissue culture infective unit (TCIU) of the viruses reacted with serial dilutions of the sera (2x) and with MT4 cells added at a final concentration of 0.3 × 106 cells/ml, and a cytopathic effect was observed on the 7th and 11th days of incubation. Titres of less than 1/50 were considered to be negative. In 129 tests, the sera were negative for one of the three strains: 40 for MN, 29 for BRU and 60 for NDK. There was a predominance of strains MN and BRU, most of them presenting titres from 1/50 to 1/200. Titres for NDK were detected in 25 sera. We conclude that there seems to be a predominance of strains MN and BRU among the individuals from the region tested; however, the detection of sera with positive NKD titres indicates the need for further studies of this strain in other populations and regions of Brazil
2 Centre of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention In Sport, Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, Portugal Background: Regarding children aged _10 years, only a few international studies were conducted to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for back pain. Although other studies on the older Portuguese children point to prevalence between 17% and 39%, none exists for this specific age-group. Thus, the aim of this study was conducted to establish the prevalence of and risk factors for back pain in schoolchildren aged 7–10 years. Methods: A cross-sectional survey among 637 children was conducted. A self-rating questionnaire was used to verify prevalence and duration of back pain, life habits, school absence, medical treatments or limitation of activities. For posture assessment, photographic records with a bio-photogrammetric analysis were used to obtain data about head, acromion and pelvic alignment, horizontal alignment of the scapulae, vertical alignment of the trunk and vertical body alignment. Results: Postural problems were found in 25.4% of the children, especially in the 8- and 9-year-old groups. Back pain occurs in 12.7% with the highest values among the 7- and 10-year-old children. The probability of back pain increased 7 times when the children presented a history of school absences, 4.3 times when they experienced sleeping difficulties, 4.4 times when school furniture was uncomfortable, 4.7 times if the children perceived an occurrence of parental back pain and 2.5 times when children presented incorrect posture. Conclusions: The combination of school absences, parental pain, sleeping difficulties, inappropriate school furniture and postural deviations at the sagittal and frontal planes seem to prove the multifactorial aetiology of back pain.
RESUMO: A fisioterapia caminha inevitavelmente para a especialização em determinadas áreas de intervenção (WCPT, 2007), nomeadamente na da fisioterapia respiratória. Este facto ocorre, por um lado, por se tratar de uma área de intervenção da fisioterapia com um papel específico e de carácter especializado e, por outro lado, devido à enorme procura deste tipo de serviços, causada também pelo aumento da prevalência de doenças respiratórias crónicas, que se tem vindo a verificar e que se prevê que se continue a verificar (OMS, 2005), e ainda à enorme transversalidade deste tipo de intervenção. A formação pós-graduada em fisioterapia respiratória, com o objectivo de fornecer aos formandos competências teórico-práticas que os apetreche para uma prática baseada na evidência, parece ser fundamental, mas a formação de adultos acarreta um compromisso com os princípios da aprendizagem específicos desta população. Os modelos de formação nesta área específica deverão incluir metodologias e conteúdos que cumpram objectivos reais, baseados não totalmente em curricula pré-estabelecidos, mas nas necessidades e expectativas de quem vive esta realidade, para além de se sustentarem nos referenciais teóricos. Assim, este estudo pretende avaliar a eficácia de um programa de formação pósgraduada em fisioterapia respiratória, baseado nas necessidades e expectativas dos sujeitos que estão envolvidos neste processo, e sustentado nos referenciais teóricos que se conhecem sob a forma de “standards”, “guidelines” ou recomendações. Os nossos objectivos específicos foram: a) Aferir quais as características que são importantes para garantir a eficácia de metodologia de um programa de formação pós-graduada na área da fisioterapia respiratória, ou seja, a “dinâmica” do processo. b) Aferir quais os conteúdos base que deverão fazer parte dessa formação e, c) Aferir se há vantagens distintas para formandos que já detenham experiência clínica e para recém-licenciados, e que frequentem o referido curso, ou seja, aferir o público-alvo. O desenho metodológico considerado para atingir os objectivos a que se propõe este estudo teve como base uma abordagem essencialmente qualitativa, mas recorreu a preciosas ferramentas quantitativas. Trata-se assim de uma abordagem de carácter misto. A nossa amostra, de conveniência, foi constituída pelos 22 formandos que se matricularam no único curso de pós-graduação em fisioterapia respiratória, que neste momento existe no nosso país. A recolha de dados obedeceu a uma estratégia comum nas abordagens qualitativas e que incluiu a “triangulação” de várias fontes e de vários métodos de recolha, a fim de permitir articular diferentes pontos de vista sobre um mesmo objecto. Assim, após a análise de referenciais teóricos considerados relevantes, recorreu-se à opinião de diferentes sujeitos, através de painéis, e de questionários, (questionários de opinião, questionários de caracterização, questionários de avaliação de conhecimentos e atitudes, à entrada e no final) bem como à avaliação de comportamentos, competências e atitudes, observados em ambiente simulado e real. A filosofia de formação que esteve subjacente ao nosso programa foi um constante compromisso entre a teoria, a prática e a clínica, em que o fenómeno de “transfert” foi potencializado por algumas características como o “fio condutor” entre os conteúdos, a presença de utentes reais nas aulas, os workshops temáticos e os estágios profissionais, a apresentação e discussão de estudos de caso com profissionais de referência, e os períodos de pausa entre seminários, em que estão facilitadas a reflexão, aplicação e experimentação de novas competências. Estas características estiveram na base dessa estreita relação entre a teoria, a prática e a clínica. Os critérios de selecção do corpo docente, capazes de funcionar como fontes de informação credível e actual e, sobretudo, capazes de funcionar como modelos profissionais, foram cruciais. Também o conhecimento das expectativas iniciais dos formandos e a monitorização facilitaram o processo de aprendizagem e o ajuste do programa ao longo do período de formação, assim como as avaliações formativas frequentes. Acreditamos que estas características do nosso programa foram fundamentais para a eficácia do mesmo, e que através delas obtivemos resultados positivos, em que se destacam a obtenção dos melhores resultados situados, sobretudo, nos níveis de complexidade relativos à resolução de problemas, e a valorização das competências ao do domínio afectivo. Corroborámos a teoria de que pessoas com formações e /ou experiências diferentes agem de maneiras diferentes, e aprendem de maneiras diferentes, e concluímos que os resultados nos estadios de aprendizagem e nas expectativas e necessidades colmatadas são generalizadamente positivos, o que torna qualquer dos grupos estudados, um público-alvo deste tipo de formação, embora possam ser apontadas algumas vantagens distintas conforme a experiência profissional de cada um, sendo os formandos com mais experiência, aqueles que mais evoluem em todos os domínios de aprendizagem. O aumento da empregabilidade dos formandos, directa ou indirectamente relacionado com a frequência do curso, parece ter sido um resultado positivo e inesperado. A possível caducidade do programa, o acompanhamento do grupo após o término do curso, o peso que os métodos de avaliação podem ter tido nos resultados, são algumas questões que ficam por esclarecer, e que merecem estudos futuros. Apesar disto, julgamos poder afirmar que este modelo de formação foi eficaz.
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Sanitary Engineering in the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon
The RID assay is one of the in vitro methods used for in-process control in the production of rabies vaccines for veterinary use. It has been shown to be very useful for determining antigen concentration in the final bulk product. The work presented in this paper, including the production and standardization of candidate standard reagents for use in the Radial Immunodiffusion Assay (RID) was carried out at the Pan American Institute for Food Protection and Zoonoses (INPPAZ/PAHO/WHO). The study was completed with the cooperation of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata (NULP), Argentina, where the validation of the proposed standards and the quality control of samples from 28 different batches of rabies vaccines produced with Pasteur strain rabies virus (PV) in BHK cells were performed. The activity of the vaccines was determined by in vivo (NIH) and in vitro (RID)assays. The results of the candidate reagents for the reagent standardization tests showed stability, sensitivity and reproducibility. The Relative Potency the 1.2 between the problem vaccines and the reference vaccine was estimated by variance and regression analysis. The results of our validation study show that the INPPAZ (PAHO/WHO) is capable of producing and distributing the above-mentioned standard reagents, as well as of providing support for the incorporation of the RID technique (sensitive, rapid and inexpensive) to the laboratories that manufacture rabies vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean.
O presente estudo tem como principal objectivo caracterizar as práticas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos mais desenvolvidas em pequenas e médias empresas (PME’s) portuguesas. Para melhor contextualizar a realidade objecto de estudo, tomou-se como ponto de partida a abordagem teórica sobre as diferentes fases evolutivas do conceito e conteúdo da GRH e, consequentemente, a sua caracterização no nosso país. Adicionalmente, é analisado o papel que o departamento de recursos humanos assume no desenvolvimento da GRH no interior das PME’s através da disseminação que faz das suas diferentes práticas, previamente identificadas a partir da revisão de literatura analisada. Foi identificado um conjunto de 21 práticas de GRH como as mais comummente desenvolvidas em contexto organizacional. Conclui-se que as PME’s apresentam pouca intensidade no desenvolvimento de práticas de GRH, ao mesmo tempo que se apresentam como limitadoras do grau de intervenção do departamento de RH, no desenvolvimento dessas práticas.
An epizootic outbreak of rabies occurred in 1995 in Ribeirão Preto, SP, with 58 cases of animal rabies (54 dogs, 3 cats and 1 bat) confirmed by the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo, and one human death. The need to provide care to a large number of people for the application of equine rabies immune globulin (ERIG) prevented the execution of the skin sensitivity test (SST) and often also the execution of desensitization, procedures routinely used up to that time at the Emergency Unit of the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (EU-UHFMRP-USP), a reference hospital for the application of heterologous sera. In view of our positive experience of several years with the abolition of SST and of the use of premedication before the application of antivenom sera, we used a similar schedule for ERIG application. Of the 1489 victims of animal bites, 1054 (71%) received ERIG; no patient was submitted to SST and all received intravenously anti-histamines (anti-H1 + anti-H2) and corticosteroids before the procedure. The patients were kept under observation for 60 to 180 minutes and no adverse reaction was observed. On the basis of these results, since December 1995 ERIG application has been decentralized in Ribeirão Preto and has become the responsibility of the Emergency Unit of the University Hospital and the Central Basic Health Unit, where the same routine is used. Since then, 4216 patients have received ERIG (1818 at the Basic Health Unit and 2398 at the EU-UHFMRP), with no problems. The ideal would be the routine use of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) in public health programs, but this is problematic, because of their high cost. However, while this does not occur, the use of SST is no longer justified at the time of application of ERIG, in view of the clinical evidence of low predictive value and low sensitivity of SST involving the application of heterologous sera. It is very important to point out that a negative SST result may lead the health team to a feeling of false safety that no adverse reaction will occur, but this is not true for the anaphylactoid reactions. The decision to use premedication, which is based on knowledge about anaphylaxis and on the pharmacology of the medication used, is left to the judgment of health professionals, who should always be prepared for eventual untoward events.
Endemic Pemphigus Foliaceus (EPF) is a bullous autoimmune skin disease whose incidence used to be high in the State of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, during the forties, but has declined thereafter. OBJECTIVES: to report a series of EPF patients from the northeastern region of SP. METHODS: a retrospective study concerning demographic and epidemiological data of patients seen from 1973 to 1998 was conducted at the University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, SP. RESULTS: bullous disease was diagnosed in 340 patients, 245 with EPF (72.1%), 9.4 cases per year, 60.4% females, and 70.2% white, 7 to 82 year-old (29.4% in their teens); 46.9% lived in the rural zone. Concerning profession, housewives predominated among women (67.6%) and agricultural workers among men (40.2%). The time of disease was less than 1 year in 62.0% of cases, followed by 1 and 5 years (27%), and more than 5 years for the remaining patients (11%). 36.7% of patients were referred by the Direção Regional de Saúde (DIR) XVIII of Ribeirão Preto, with the largest number of cases being from Ribeirão Preto and Batatais: 33.3% and 23.3%, respectively; 22% from DIR XIII (Franca); 13.5% from DIR VII (Araraquara); 2.9% from DIR IX (Barretos); 4.1% from other DIRs of SP, and 20.8% from other States (16.7% from Minas Gerais). Thirteen (5.3%) patients reported occurrence of the disease in some relative, and 4 (1.6%) in neighbors. CONCLUSIONS: the present data characterize the northeastern region of the state of São Paulo as a remaining endemic focus of EPF.
A Thesis submitted at the Faculty Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon for a degree in Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry with specialization in Physical Biochemistry
The 2nd International Conference on "Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society" was organised by IET, the Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation, at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of "Universidade Nova de Lisboa" (FCT-UNL), and took place on January 26 and 27 of 2009 with the support of the European project WORKS-Work Organisation Re-structuring in the Knowledge Society (financed by the European Commission, and co-ordinated by HIVA Leuven)
Patients with megaesophagus (ME) have increased prevalence of cancer of the esophagus. In contrast, a higher incidence of colorectal cancer is not observed in patients with megacolon (MC). MC is very common in some regions of Brazil, where it is mainly associated with Chagas disease. We reviewed the pathology records of surgical specimens of all patients submitted for surgical resection of MC in the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (HC-FMRP), from the University of São Paulo. We found that 894 patients were operated from 1952 until 2001 for MC resection. Mucosal ulcers, hyperplasia and chronic inflammation were frequently found, while polyps were uncommon. No patients with MC presented any type of colonic neoplasm. This observation reinforces the hypothesis that MC has a negative association with cancer of the colon. This seems to contradict the traditional concept of carcinogenesis in the colon, since patients with MC presents important chronic constipation that is thought to cause an increase in risk for colon cancer. MC is also associated with other risk factors for cancer of colon, such as hyperplasia, mucosal ulcers and chronic inflammation. In ME these factors lead to a remarkable increase in cancer risk. The study of mucosal cell proliferation in MC may provide new insights and useful information about the role of constipation in colonic carcinogenesis.
Dermatophytosis are superficial mycoses caused by fungi that can invade stratum corneum and keratinized tissues. In order to study the frequency of dermatophytes species and the clinical manifestations caused by these fungi, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, the authors analyzed cultures isolated at the Mycology Laboratory from a selected population (15,300 out-patients of the Hospital das Clínicas, Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine of University of São Paulo) from January 1992 to June 2002. The most prevalent dermatophyte was Trichophyton rubrum (48.7%), followed by Microsporum canis (20.9%), Trichophyton tonsurans (13.8%), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (9.7%), Epidermophyton floccosum (4.1%), and Microsporum gypseum (2.5%). These agents determined more than one clinical manifestation, i.e., tinea corporis (31.5%), tinea capitis (27.5%), tinea unguium (14.8%), tinea cruris (13.9%), tinea pedis (9.9%), and tinea manuum (1.9%). Clinical variants of dermatophytosis and their relationship to the etiologic agents were studied and the results were compared to those obtained in previous studies in other regions of Brazil and in other countries.
Paper based in the report for the unit “Social Factors of Innovation” of the Master degree on Computer Sciences at Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, under the supervision of António Brandão Moniz
This is a case report of a "non-venomous" snake bite in a herpetologist observed at the Sciences Faculty of the Universidad de los Andes (Mérida, Venezuela). The patient was bitten on the middle finger of the left hand, and shows signs of pronounced local manifestations of envenomation such as bleeding from the tooth imprint, swelling and warmth. He was treated with local care, analgesics, and steroids. He was dismissed from the hospital and observed at home during five days with marked improvement of envenomation. The snake was brought to the medical consult and identified as a Thamnodynastes cf. pallidus specimen. This report represents the first T. pallidus accident described in a human.